Qiu Sheng's eyeballs were about to fall out, and he quickly pulled out the silver needle. It was as if it had been soaked in poison.There was also a strong stench on the silver needle, which almost made Qiu Sheng vomit up his breakfast.

"Master, look."

Qiusheng ran to Jiu Shu and showed the silver needle in his hand.

Ninth Uncle took the silver needle, rubbed it with the burning flaming talisman, and then said, "He is no longer a human being, but a demon. Humans were killed by him, but it must have been instructed by your uncle, or simply your master. The people Bo looked for let him bite. The thing that your master was most worried about happened, and your master, Bo, took a wrong path."

His face was ashen, his ninth uncle's teeth were grinding, Shi Jian was so sinister and wanted to harm him, this was all a grudge between them, but now he actually used such cruel magic to harm innocent townspeople.

"Master, is he a monster now? But how can a monster suck blood like a zombie?"

"It's not a human monster, it's a corpse monster. If he wants to stay like this, he will continue to kill and suck blood. Let's go back, prepare, let Shi Shaojian show his true form, and then go to your master. If he persists and does not regret it, I will Destroyed with him, clean up the door for the division!"

Qiusheng and Wencai had never seen Jiu Shu be so angry before. They wanted to fight Master Uncle to the death.

"Senior brother, this time is troublesome. Master is going to destroy the same family as Master Uncle. Master Uncle is so fierce, Master will not be his opponent."

Wen Cai, who came to Jiang Lin's house, looked at Qiu Sheng next to him.

"What are you afraid of, the master can't fight, isn't there still a junior brother? Hurry up and call the door, we still need the blood of the junior brother."

Chapter [*] No matter how good the camouflage is, it's a show

"Two brothers, what's the matter?"

Jiang Lin was basking in the sun in the yard, looking at Qiusheng and Wencai who had no good intentions, he also raised his brows.

"Junior Brother, we are here to let you bleed."

Qiusheng and Wencai were both grinning. Uncle Ninth asked them to collect materials to make Baibao soup, and one of the materials was Jiang Lin's blood.

What does this mean?Let my blood go?

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled, his blood was quite precious.

"Junior Brother, Master wants to destroy with Master Uncle."

"Master is going to clear the door for the teacher's door this time."

Qiusheng and Wencai told Jiang Lin what happened in the town.

Jiang Lin nodded, still the same as in the movie, Shi Shaojian was turned into a corpse demon by his father.

This Shi Jian is still a thief, even if he made his son into a corpse demon, he can't kill people in Wuliu Village?Although it's a bit of a bastard to think so, but the fact is that killing people must kill people on Uncle Ninth's territory.

Kill it for Ninth Uncle?Or kill him?

Now that Shi Jian has done such a cruel thing, not only will Ninth Uncle not spare him, but Jiang Lin also feels that it is time to settle the account with him.

"What did the uncle ask you to do?"

"Hee hee, Master said that the blood of the younger brother is a good material to deal with the corpse monster, and I want to use your blood to make Baibao soup."

Qiusheng looked at Jiang Lin with a smile, and took out an extra-large bamboo tube from his arms.

Holding their girlfriends in their hands, this time they can justifiably cause this junior to bleed once.


Jiang Lin swiped his fingernail to the belly, and a drop of blood popped out.

"Junior Brother, too few."

"Yeah, not enough, not enough."

Jiang Lin held his arms and stretched out his fingers to point behind Qiusheng and Wencai.

A huge colorful tiger stuck out its tongue and licked Qiusheng and Wencai's faces, saying, "Is it enough?"



Enough is enough!

The two live treasures are about to urinate. If it's not enough, the tiger will let them bleed together.

Jiang Lin glared at the two of them angrily, and then followed them to the next door. He didn't understand why Ninth Uncle wanted to make Baibao Soup. After catching Shi Shaojian, it was not right for him to appear in front of Shi Jian, so why bother.

"Junior brother, what is Baibao Tang? Master actually asked us to find shit."

"It's just to find a hundred kinds of treasures and put them in water and boil them into soup. You can't eat anything without dog dung, so it's also a treasure. The hundred treasure soup can destroy this kind of refined corpse monster and make it appear. It can also cause serious damage to it.”

Jiang Lin was speechless to the two senior brothers. After following the ninth uncle for so many years, he did not know what Baibaotang was.

Qiusheng snorted, he thought it was for Shi Shaojian, so that he could not make up for the deficiency.

In the courtyard of Yizhuang, Uncle Ninth set up a cooking stove with a large pot on it. There were all kinds of treasures on the side of the pot, including dog feces. In addition, there were grains and miscellaneous grains. There is a child's fart curtain.

Miscellaneous things, one pot can't fit, if this is boiled, it is simply a big stew in the Northeast.

As soon as I entered the door, Jianglin covered my nose, this smell is absolutely amazing!

Baibao soup has not been boiled yet, and it stinks like this. If it boils, let alone the corpse demon, even if it is poured on people, people can't stand it.

Possibly comparable to sulfuric acid.

"Uncle, do you need to boil this thing? You didn't inform me about the corpse demon."

Jiang Lin felt that as long as he released a photo of Ruoyang Xuanguang, the effect should be better than this Baibaotang.

"This is a matter of Shishu and Shimen. You are still a disciple of the Chen Dao School, and you are not allowed to take action."

Ninth Uncle shook his head at Jiang Lin, and he had to do the cleaning of the door. If Jiang Lin had completely bowed to his door, Ninth Uncle would not be so troublesome.

But Jiang Lin has not returned to their line, and has always been an outer disciple.

It is impossible for the outer disciple to kill the disciple of the main sect and still want to worship in the sect.


Seeing that Uncle Jiu was so determined, Jiang Lin didn't insist, but he was still a little worried. Although Uncle Jiu was no weaker than Shi Jian now, it was not easy to get rid of this old man.

"Uncle Shi, I don't want to do anything, you can always help me a little bit."

"Then help me count how many materials I put in."

Ninth Uncle put all the treasures on the side of the pot into the pot one by one, and finally put a drop of Jiang Lin's blood.

"How much?"

"With my blood, there are ninety-eight."

Ninth Uncle nodded, greeted Qiusheng, then picked up the scissors on the stool and clicked, and cut a bunch of Qiusheng's hair.

"Master, parents who are affected by their bodies, don't dare to hurt them."

Qiu Sheng is a hypocritical one. He has changed his hairstyle many times in order to attract his girlfriend's liking. Now that Uncle Ninth has cut his hair a bit, he is yelling.

Ninth Uncle put his hands on his hips, looked at Qiusheng, and said, "I've raised you for so long, so I'm considered a father. Since I ruined the first time, I don't mind having a second time."

With that said, Uncle Ninth grabbed Qiu Sheng's hand, cut his nails and fell into the pot.

He pointed to the knot, and Jiu Shu pointed at the stove, and the raging flames burned.

The Baibao soup was cooked in the yard, and the taste was simply amazing. Uncle Ninth and the others did not cook in Yizhuang, but went to Jiang Lin's house for a few meals.

In the early morning of the second day, Uncle Ninth and the others had breakfast at the Taoist Church and went to town with a few pots of Baibao soup.

Now Shi Shaojian has been trained as a corpse demon, not a zombie, so he is not afraid of sunlight, but after all, he is a corpse demon, and the yin qi in his body is very heavy, and he must rely on sunlight to eliminate part of it, otherwise, as long as he is a little deeper, he can see it. out of his strangeness.

After Uncle Jiu left, Jiang Lin shook his head and sighed. Uncle Jiu was worried that if he had a life-and-death debt with Shi Jian and his apprentice, he would be hindered in returning to Maoshan in the future, so even if he offered to help again, Uncle Jiu rejected him. .

"Don't let me interfere, I'll watch the head office secretly."

Jiang Lin shrugged, it's okay if he doesn't return to Maoshan, but if Jiu Shu is injured, it won't work.

When the three masters and apprentices arrived in the town, Uncle Ninth ordered: "That kid is a corpse demon, and his body is strong, so he will definitely come out and walk around. The town is very popular, and if he walks, he will definitely come here. You see him. Just keep up, splash him with Baibao Tang, and the Master will block him in front."

Since Shi Jian did such a thing in order to restore his apprentice, Ninth Uncle let Shi Shaojian show his true form in front of the public, otherwise Shi Jian's shameless old things might be able to be pushed clean.

After explaining Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiu Shu left first.

Jiang Lin watched in the dark. He didn't follow Uncle Jiu. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were extremely unreliable. If he didn't watch, maybe Shi Shaojian wouldn't be able to show up after the Baibao Tang was poured.

It didn't take long for Shi Shaonut to appear, still strolling leisurely on the street, except for regularly sucking blood for a living, he looked no different from a normal person.

Qiusheng and Wencai carefully followed behind Shi Shaojian, and after making sure that they were not found, Qiusheng took a hook and let Shi Shaojian fall down.

"Splash him!"

"Still swaggering, let you show your true shape!"

The two took out the soup pot and splashed Shi Shaojian violently.

The two brothers and sisters finally got it right this time, and they were hit in one shot.


As soon as Shi Shaojian turned over from the ground, a venom-like Baibao soup poured onto his face.

The Baibao soup mixed with Jiang Lin's blood did more damage to Shi Shaojian than the sulfuric acid.

Chapter [*] Killing the child to get rid of the crime, this is very rocky!

What the hell!

How is this more terrifying than in the movie, this Nima is simply the Gao Qichao of a horror movie.

Jiang Lin never thought that Shi Shaojian would become like this. When he taught Shi Shaojian before, even if he used the black dog's blood and the woman's Wei Sheng towel, it was far from hurting him to such a degree.

Seeing Shi Shaojian like this, Jiang Lin had to admire Shi Jian, an old man, for making his son look like this cruelly.

The tragic cry attracted everyone's attention. When they saw Shi Shaojian's appearance, they were timid and scared.

Pedestrians scattered, and even seeing such an alien in broad daylight would scare away the soul.

"It's been splashed, come and see."

"Everyone, come and see, he is a corpse demon, and he killed the dead these days!"

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