Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hugged and cheered.

But when the people around saw Shi Shaojian's appearance, they were all scared away, and only Qiusheng and Wencai were left on the street.


Why did they all run away!

Qiusheng and Wencai looked around, and suddenly felt bad. When they saw Shi Shaojian's current appearance again, they were scared to scream.

Blood-faced fangs, in terms of visual effects, the zombie king under the crypt is not as good as the current Shi Shaojian.

Shi Shaojian covered his face, he knew how ugly he looked like, but it happened so suddenly, when he reacted, his true appearance was already revealed.

He drank the blood of so many people whose birthdays were yin before he recovered his appearance, but now he has been destroyed by these two offal.

There are not many people born in the yin year, the yin moon, the yin day and the yin day. He has become like this, and he doesn't know how much human blood he needs to drink to recover, and the cycle will not be short.

Thinking of this, Shi Shaojian's eyes were all filled with hatred, and with a roar, he rushed towards Qiusheng and Wencai.

Perhaps because Shi Shaojian's appearance was too scary, neither Qiu Sheng nor Wen Cai reacted to using the magic talisman to deal with him, screamed and ran away.

A demon and two people ran wildly on the street, and finally turned into a corpse demon chasing a large group of people.

In fact, Shi Shaojian's strength is not that strong now, but it's fucking scary.

Jiang Lin followed behind, Ninth Uncle was in front, and he didn't show up.


Ninth Uncle saw Shi Shaojian in his original form, jumped up and took the gossip mirror and shot a golden light bombarding Shi Shaojian's chest.

With a "bang", Shi Shaojian was blasted seven or eight meters away. After he got up, fear appeared in his eyes, and his anger also dropped a lot.

Did not die?

Ninth Uncle's face was gloomy, this corpse monster's vitality is so tenacious, I don't know how many people's blood it has sucked.

Shi Shaojian stepped back, no longer dared to be aggressive, and ran back directly, faster than chasing Qiusheng and Wencai just now.

Feeling that his life was threatened, he could not run fast.

"Where to run!"

Ninth Uncle threw an Exploding Flame Talisman, but because Shi Shaojian ran away, the power of Exploding Yang only affected him.

But even if it was affected, Shi Shaojian's back seemed to have been burned by fire, causing him to scream in pain.

Without stopping, Shi Shaojian frantically ran to Wuliu Village, and now only his father can save him.

"Hurry up and chase!"

This scum, I thought he had a lot of backbone. He usually looked at people through his nostrils like his father, but he didn't expect that he was a soft-footed shrimp.

Jiang Lin, who saw this scene in the dark, chuckled lightly, and ran away when he encountered danger. No wonder he still lived to this day after doing a lot of angry things.

Jiang Lin seriously doubted whether Shi Jian moved Daotang to Wuliu Village because he had gotten into trouble at the original site.

"Dad, Daddy! Help me, Daddy!"

When Shi Shaojian ran home, he was already exhausted. He knelt down in front of Shi Jian and shouted loudly.

The disciples of the nine uncles, who were chasing after him, were stunned for a moment when they heard Shi Shaojian's shouting.

Shi Shaojian called Dad Shi Jian?

This bastard is not Shi Jian's apprentice, but his son?

Ninth Uncle was shocked. He and Shi Jian's more than [*]-year-old brothers and sisters didn't even know that Shi Jian had a son.

Don't say it's him, even all the fellow students don't know that Shi Shaojian is Shi Jian's own son.

It's not that they can't marry and have children. Why should Shi Jian have a son to hide?

Could it be that she was forced to give birth to a woman from a good family?

"Dad, I'm so sad."

Shi Shaojian hugged his father, a hideous look appeared on his skinless face.

"Dad, they made the child become like this, Daddy help me take revenge!"

Ninth Uncle stared at Shi Jian. Now that the evidence is conclusive, can you still deny it?

"Big Brother!"

With the spiritual energy in his body, Ninth Uncle gathered momentum and decided to fight Shi Zhizhi to the death.

Shi Jian looked at Ninth Uncle, and then at his son who had no face, his face seemed to have been painted with charcoal.

Before Uncle Jiu could take any further action, Shi Jian started.

Under Ninth Uncle's shocked gaze, Shi Jian patted Shi Shaojian's Tianling cover with one hand, and the violent electric current was transmitted from his palm to Shi Shaojian's body.

With the strength of his hand, Shi Shaojian's neck was twisted and broken by his father.

Tiger poison does not eat children, Jiu Shu couldn't believe what he saw.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were even more stunned and slapped their son to death. No matter how ugly he was, he was still a son!

Ninth Uncle stepped forward to probe Shi Shaojian's breath, who was lying on the ground, and he was indeed dead.

"Big Brother..."

"You don't need to say, he committed a crime, practiced sorcery, and maimed innocent people, and now he is dead."

Shi Jian waved his arm and directly blocked Jiu Shu's words.

You came to trouble me. Now I have killed the criminal. Whether it is my apprentice or my son, since he committed a crime, I will kill him. What else do you have to say?

With a righteous look on his face, Shi Jian didn't seem to feel sad at all because of his son's death.

This is not shameless anymore, this is sinister cruelty.

Ninth Uncle really didn't expect Shi Jian to shirk his crimes in this way.

Killing his own son to get rid of sin is very rocky!

"We are also doing things for the sky."

"Exterminate violence and peace."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai said a word to each other, making Shi Jian's anger almost uncontrollable.

"I never blame you."

Turning his back to Ninth Uncle's master and apprentice, Shi Jian put down these words.

"Senior brother kills his relatives righteously, let the junior brother admire and leave."

Uncle Jiu didn't want to see Shi Jian, an inhuman person, for a moment, so he dragged Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and left Shi Jian's Taoist temple.

"Master, we are not justified, why do we have to leave? The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. The son's virtuousness, Master Uncle will definitely not be able to escape."

"That's not right, Senior Brother, Grand Master killed his relatives righteously. I think we should comfort him."

It would be great if my motherfucker brought Jiang Lin here!

Ninth Uncle was so angry with Qiusheng and Wencai that blue veins appeared on his forehead, and he almost broke out.

The brain, the brain!

"To shut up!"

With a roar, Ninth Uncle made his ears quiet a lot.He was trying to find a way to deal with Shi Jian's revenge. Shi Jian did this because he must have been unprepared, and he didn't want to turn his face when he came prepared.

Now that they have come out, they will have to face Shi Jian's counterattack like a flood.

Chapter [*]: Refining the corpses, gathering the corpses

Jiang Lin could really feel the annoyance of being overwhelmed by two idiots, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

I don't know anything, I'm still blind bb there.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, Jiang Lin could still hear what happened in Shijian Daotang.

Since Shi Jian killed all his sons in order to get rid of the crime, even if Jiu Shu wanted to continue to be held accountable, it would be useless.

What kind of guilt, Shi Jian pushed his son, no one could do anything.

The literary talent is even more excellent, and he even went to comfort the master.

Since Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin did not completely break up, Jiang Lin wanted to go back and prepare first. He and Ninth Uncle thought the same, Shi Jian, an old man, would definitely not give up.

According to the virtues of Shi Jian's father and son, they will definitely not suffer immediate losses. Now that Shi Jian has been given time to prepare, the ninth uncle is not facing ordinary troubles.

Jiang Lin was waiting for the ninth uncle and the three at the door of Yizhuang. As soon as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw Jiang Lin, they kept talking.

"Junior brother, don't you know that Shi Shaojian was not the apprentice of the master, but his own son."

"Junior brother, you didn't go to see, Grandmaster killed all his own sons."

The mouths of the two were like eating Xuanmai chewing gum, and they couldn't stop.

Ninth Uncle shook his head and entered Yizhuang.

"Jiang Lin, if you are here, restrain your breath."

Although Ninth Uncle did not let Jiang Lin take action, he also knew that it was impossible not to let Jiang Lin be present.

Shi Jian is so cunning and cunning, if he finds out Jiang Lin's true strength, he will probably run away, and even if this kind of person who will retaliate is someone he can't afford to offend, he won't make him feel better.

At that time, Shi Jian is like a poisonous snake in the dark, causing them endless trouble.

The snake must be completely killed at one time, and it cannot be allowed to run away.

Whether it is to eliminate harm for the people, or to clear the door for the division, Shi Jian must die.

"Understood, uncle."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took out his ears, glanced at the two live treasures, and said, "Have you finished arguing? Go help Shishu with errands after the quarrel is over."

"What are you doing?"

"Shi Shaojian is already dead, and we didn't kill him, but the master himself."

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