The two senior brothers naively thought that this was the end of the matter, and they were so stupid.

Lightly kicking the two of them, Jiang Lin kicked them into the hall.

"Shi Jian even killed his own son, how could such a ruthless person be so willing to give up? Help Shishu, or you can see the sun tomorrow and don't know. Shi Jian can kill his son while he is alive. After refining into a corpse demon, why can't it be refined into a zombie after death? Do you think that when the scum dies, nothing will happen?"

Holding his arms, Jiang Lin jokingly looked at the two brothers and sisters, and added: "Shi Shaojian is showing off, but the two of you have done a good job. If you turn into zombies, it is estimated that you will be familiar with each other."

I rely on!

Yes, you can become a corpse when you are alive, and you can become a real zombie when you die.

At the thought of Shi Shaojian's bloody face and long teeth, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai even blew up the hair on their heads.

In order to deal with Shi Jian, the ninth uncle really turned out his old bottom. His son died because of him. Shi Jian will definitely take revenge at all costs. Really mysterious.

Jiang Lin couldn't make a move, so Uncle Jiu could only do everything. If he really competed in Taoism, Uncle Jiu was not afraid of Shi Jian.

But they were afraid that Shi Jian didn't play cards according to common sense. Their master had never taught the method of refining a corpse demon, nor did Shi Jian learn it in the master's school, but he was able to refine Shi Shaojian into a corpse demon.

In addition to authentic Taoism, Shi Jian can also perform sorcery!

This is more troublesome.

Qiusheng and Wencai are also very diligent helpers. It seems that there will be big trouble tonight.

Pieces of talisman paper and talisman cloth were almost attached to the doors, walls and windows of Yizhuang, and they were arranged inside and out.

"Husband, Uncle Shi and they won't let you take action, will it be dangerous?"

After Jiang Lin returned to the Taoist church, the daughters-in-law asked about it, and Jiang Lin told them about the situation. When Jiang Lin said that Uncle Jiu would not let him take action, Jingjing was more concerned about Uncle Jiu and their safety.

Apart from Caiyi and Ayan, she is the one who knows cultivation best. Shi Jian is very strong, maybe even stronger than Ninth Uncle.

Although she hadn't seen Shi Jian, Caiyi and Ayan had, and heard that only her husband could suppress him.

"Although I won't shoot, I definitely see Uncle Shi and the others getting hurt."

"If the husband releases a big bird, he will definitely kill this irrelevant father and son in two strokes."

Caiyi snorted, when Shi Shaojian wanted to pick up her hair, she was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit just thinking of their faces.

"It's the Golden Crow."

Jiang Lin scratched Caiyi's crystal-clear nose and rolled her eyes at her.

Thinking of Big Bird's ambiguity, Caiyi immediately blushed.

At night, Jiang Lin calculated the time and went to Yizhuang.

"Senior uncle, I won't do anything, but protecting the two senior brothers is finally done."


Ninth Uncle nodded. He wanted to take action against Shi Jian himself, but he might not be able to protect his two apprentices. With Jiang Lin around, he could concentrate on dealing with Shi Jian alone.

"Vengeance for revenge, revenge for injustice! Shaojian, my son, now is the time for you to revenge!"

In Shi Jian's Taoist hall, the old man was running Lightning Strike with all his strength, and Lei scurried around. He wanted to make his dead son a zombie, and let Jiu Shu and the others pay their debts with blood.

Leis rushed into Shi Shaojian's body, and it didn't take long for his fingers to move.

Shi Shaojian directly lifted the corpse from the ground, his body was splashed with black cat blood, his hair was scattered, and it was attached to his bloody face, which looked even more terrifying.

It was like a Shura who came out of a blood pool.

Baring his fangs, Shi Shaojian roared wildly, and under Shi Jian's resentful eyes, he walked towards Yizhuang step by step.

"I obey the order of the ancestors of Yinshan Mountain, and the corpses obey the order, get up!"

When he stayed in Yinshan in the early years, although Shi Jian did not wait in the crypt to receive the thunder method of the Shenxiao faction, he obtained part of the inheritance of the Yinshan faction in other places, and his sorcery basically came from this.

After a loud shout, the underground corpses around Renjia Town began to drill out from below, and there were hundreds of them.

These controlled corpses are transformed by the guidance of spells. The extraordinary corpse transformation is not even a purple zombie. It is similar to the corpse transformation in the process of expelling the corpse. It first becomes a walking corpse.

Hundreds of walking corpses, some rotting and worms all over, some with incomplete limbs, they swarmed in groups, crawling or walking, and under the control of Shi Jian, they walked in the direction of Yizhuang.

Refining corpses and walking corpses, groups of corpses gathered, like a tide, flocking to Yizhuang.

Chapter [-] It's time for acting

There are walking corpses in all directions in Renjia Town. When these walking corpses arrived in the town, people who were wandering in the town and those who set up stalls saw these walking corpses, and they were so frightened that they cried and called their mothers and fathers.


"A lot of zombies, help!"

The dead came back to life and could move around, in the eyes of these townspeople they were zombies.

They don't care why these zombies are not jumping, jumping or walking, they will definitely be bitten if they don't run.

Even people who have seen Mrs. Ren before are quite frightened now, and some are even scared to pee.

Although the old man is terrifying, there is only one, but now there are hundreds of thousands of Nima!

Mourning all over the place, some people have never seen this kind of battle, and they are directly scared out of their souls.

Even the investigation team leader was frightened. Zombies are not afraid of guns, even if he has a long gun.

"Go find Uncle Jiu!"

Awei, the security captain, kicked the investigation captain. It's useless to run. Find an expert!

But now his subordinates don't obey orders at all. There are so many zombies in the town that they might die if they run out. Who would dare to go out.

In fact, the walking corpses didn't hurt anyone at all when they passed through the town. They were controlled by Shi Jian, and the only target was Jiu Shu's Yizhuang.

For these townspeople in Renjia Town, the army of walking corpses didn't take a second look.

Controlling so many walking corpses at once, Shi Jian is also very tired. If he delays time in the town, I am afraid that he will not be able to let the walking corpses reach their destination.

These are all great gifts prepared for Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin, and the townspeople of Renjia Town have not had the fortune to enjoy them.

"Lin Jiu, let's see how you deal with it!"

Shi Jian's madness was maddening, and this method was regarded as his lore at the bottom of the box. Even if he couldn't deal with Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin, he could still make them half-dead, and then he would come forward to harvest their lives.

Even the other two disciples of Ninth Uncle would not be spared.

"Jiang Lin, try not to take action later, and don't reveal your strength. Shi Shaojian runs so fast when he meets a strong man, and his father is a master who doesn't suffer immediate losses. If you make Shi Jian jealous, it is estimated that he will not come. ."

Ninth Uncle heard the movement outside and ordered Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded. It turned out that the uncle had this plan, and he was afraid that Shi Jian would run away.

Sensing that there was a large amount of corpse aura coming from around Yizhuang, Jiang Lin felt that these should be the walking corpses controlled by Shi Jian. Shi Jian didn't come to the door in person for the time being, maybe he was afraid of him.

It turned out that the old man was so afraid of him.

In this case……

Aren't you Shi Jian an old actor?Then I will show you how to act.

I am a newcomer who is expected to become a new generation of young students.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin felt that he still needed to make some preparations. If the others were in Yizhuang, if they didn't make a move, the old man Shi Jian would think that he was preserving his strength.

He just wanted Shi Jian to know that he didn't need to preserve his strength.

After conceiving the script, Jiang Lin went up to the second floor to find the little zombie.

Now the little zombie is living a very good life, and there are fresh tomatoes supplied every day, which are still freshly squeezed.

"Little zombie, where's your food?"

Jiang Lin opened the little zombie's coffin board and snapped his fingers at him.

The little zombie pointed to the cabinet next to him. Jiang Lin opened the cabinet and took out a can of tomato juice and poured it into his stomach. He also put away a few jelly beans in the cabinet.

"beep beep~"

The little zombie saw that Jiang Lin drank all his food and took away the snacks, so he pinched his nose in anger.

"Go to sleep, I'll pay you back tomorrow with the interest."

After patting the head of the little zombie, Jiang Lin went down to the second floor.

He is now playing a sick number, or the kind that vomits blood at every turn.

Since Shi Jian has the ability to control so many walking corpses, it is not impossible to observe everything in the Yizhuang with the eyes of the walking corpses instead of his eyes.

"Cough cough."

Jiang Lin covered his chest and coughed twice, tomato juice overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

Qiusheng and Wencai hurried up to support Jiang Lin, why did he vomit blood so well?

"Two senior brothers, it's nothing, it's just that they were hit by a beam of light when they entered the Xuanji formation some time ago, and something went wrong when they practiced the thunder method, which affected internal injuries."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, as if leave me alone, I can still do it.

"It's broken. Junior and brother helped us carry the attack when we rushed into the formation."

"What should I do, Master Uncle is coming tonight."

Jiang Lin's acting skills directly blinded Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, otherwise these two treasures would definitely not be a good match.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, you two, go outside and see what's going on."

After Ninth Uncle arranged the magic circle in the corridor outside, he entered the hall and asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to go out to check the situation.

"Master, the younger brother is injured, you quickly look at him."

Qiu Sheng said to Jiu Shu and went to the gate with Wen Cai.

"Jiang Lin, when did you get hurt?"

Ninth Uncle looked concerned, and he was about to check Jiang Lin's pulse.

"Uncle Shi, aren't we afraid that Shi Jian would not dare to come?"

Jiang Lin blinked at Ninth Uncle, and then sprayed tomato juice wildly.

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