"Oops, I'm so injured, I'm dying."

Ninth Uncle: "..."

You're a bad boy, but I like it.

If you don't make a move, it's not a good idea to stand. You've vomited blood, and you definitely don't need to make a move.

At the door, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai felt their scalps go numb as soon as they saw hundreds of walking corpses approaching Xiang Yizhuang in a confused manner.

"Master, Master, there are so many walking corpses."

"It's over."

With green faces, the two rolled in from the door.

"Isn't it a walking corpse?"

Ninth Uncle looked at the two apprentices angrily. Can a walking corpse scare you like this?

Walking outside, Uncle Ninth also saw walking corpses in all directions.

Why so many?

Ninth Uncle was also shocked for a while, but he still walked into the yard with a calm expression.

"You two stand up for a while. Jiang Lin suffered serious internal injuries when he broke into the crypt before."

He walked into the hall calmly, Ninth Uncle quickly closed the door, took a table and chairs to block the door, and even Jiang Lin was blocked outside.


Shi Jian laughed heartily at the image in the golden basin on the altar. No wonder only the ninth uncle and the two incompetent apprentices appeared today. It turned out that Jiang Lin was injured in the crypt.

You laughed at me again and again that night, just wanting me to leave early before I found out about your injury.

Boy, didn't expect it, I found out about your injury!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Shi Jian was simply too happy. In such a dangerous place as the Xiayin Mountain cave, Jiu Shu and his apprentice were safe and sound.

Jiang Lin, whom he feared the most, was actually injured.

"Kill me!"

Holding the seal in hand, the walking corpses around Yizhuang were under the control of Shi Jian, madly attacking the walls and gates.

A walking corpse climbed up the wall, and Jiang Lin staggered into the courtyard, dripping tomato juice under his feet.

As soon as he pointed out, the walking corpse was penetrated by Jiang Lin's Dongdongbo.

Pulling out a jelly bean, Jiang Lin swallowed it and sat cross-legged in the yard to "heal".

It's time for his acting skills, he's going to win the Oscar tonight!

"My son, your great revenge can be avenged!"

Seeing Jiang Lin vomiting blood and taking medicine, Shi Jian smiled up to the sky, and this time Tian was helping him.

Chapter [-]: Father Sent Son To Send

Jiang Lin was seriously injured, and Ninth Uncle was frightened by the number of walking corpses and blocked the door of the hall. In Shi Jian's opinion, it seemed that they didn't have to take action when they won Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin tonight.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Jiang Lin was acting in a movie, and Uncle Jiu was also pretending to be frightened. When Shi Jian arrived without any scruples, he would give him another big surprise.

"Bang! Boom!"

The strength of hundreds of walking corpses is not enough. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai used their milk strength to block the gate of Yizhuang, but they could only hold it for a few seconds.

"Master, I can't stand it anymore!"

Qiusheng and Wencai screamed, now that Jiang Lin has been "severely injured", they can only count on their master.

"Just a little longer."

Ninth Uncle did not expect that there would be so many walking corpses coming. In this way, it is estimated that the walls and gates of Yizhuang would be destroyed. Without the resistance of the walls and gates, if Shi Jian used the wooden stake Dafa, he would fall into the trap. Passive, now he has to arrange the formation to deal with the Dafa of the stake, and cannot be disturbed.

And there was Jiang Lin outside, so he wasn't worried at all.

A walking corpse's arm penetrated the wall and grabbed Qiusheng inside the wall.

"Come and help!"

Qiu Sheng pulled the walking corpse's arm inward, and asked the confused Wen Cai for help.

The two of them worked together to pull down the walking corpse's arm, and the corpse worm in the section of the broken arm fell off their faces.

With a loud bang, the gate of Yizhuang was pushed open by the group of corpses. Jiang Lin looked at the number of walking corpses. Nima Shijian was really generous.

Hundreds of walking corpses crowded into a mass. Don't bite people and grab people. Even hard squeezing can squeeze people out of breath and suffocate them to death.

Jiang Lin clutched at his chest, pulled out a stack of Sun-Inducing Talismans in his hand, and threw them out. He didn't even use the flaming paper cranes. To deal with these walking corpses, he could just pack the Sun-Inducing Talismans in bulk to blast the sun.


As soon as it was blown up by the blast, a group of walking corpses collapsed in a large area.

"Pop, kill zombies and get [-] points of hostility."


Hearing the sound from the system, Jiang Lin couldn't help pouting, this is a veritable mosquito leg.

It seems that he has never encountered a corpse that contributed so little violence.

The combat effectiveness of these walking corpses is actually very weak, but the number is very large. Even if there are three or five hundred people, Ninth Uncle can't kill them alone, not to mention that these walking corpses are still incompetent.

They were also frightened by such a large number. After Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai entered the hospital, their first reaction was not to respond but to run.

Run away.

Jiang Lin was really convinced by Qiusheng and Wencai. This kind of walking corpse is easier to kill than Zi Zong, so you run away!

"What are you running, stick the talisman, take out the peach wood sword!"

After shouting at Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiang Lin covered his chest again and spat out a mouthful of tomato juice.

Seeing Jiang Lin vomited blood and did not retreat, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai could only bite the bullet and wave the peach wood sword to deal with the walking corpses.

"Junior Brother, hurry up and heal your wounds."

Although Jiang Lin asked them to pay the rent and teaching fees, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai still regarded Jiang Lin as a fellow disciple.

When they went down to the crypt, it was Jiang Lin who carried the formation attack for them. Although he was holding their girlfriends, it was for their sake in the future.

At this juncture, the two still did not want Jiang Lin to be in any danger.

But Jiang Lin didn't move, what a joke, no matter how small the mosquito's legs are, they are still meat.

These are all experiences, don't stop him from taking experience.

Before Jiang Lin came out of the hall, he took out all the low-level Yang Yin Talismans in Uncle Ninth's hand, so he still had enough materials.

Basically, there is no need to take action. Chongyang bombing, Sanyang bombing, and Siyang bombing are enough for these walking corpses.

As for Qiusheng and Wencai, they didn't have many sun-inducing talismans on their bodies, so they could only pierce the hearts of the walking corpse with peach wood swords.

"Can't you hold the peach wood sword?"

Shi Jian was very proud, he confronted Jiang Lin in the Xiantian gossip array, Jiang Lin's three-legged golden crow had cast a great shadow on his heart, he had prepared himself to use all means to destroy Jiang Lin. The consumption is almost the same, and now it seems that it is not needed at all.

"I'll see how many charms you have!"

With a sneer on his face, Shi Jian was about to watch the show. He really wanted to see the expression on Jianglin's bag after the magic talisman was used up.

Isn't it pulling?Can't pull it up now, three-legged golden crow, I think it's not bad if you can make a pheasant.

As long as Jiang Lin's life-saving amulet is used up, he can easily kill this kid, be ashamed of himself, and avenge his son.


After the kid Wen Cai was besieged by the walking corpses, the peach wood sword in his hand did not know where it went, and he would only call for help there.

"Where are your Yang Yin Talisman and Yan Zhihe?"

Jiang Lin's face was speechless, apart from calling for help, could he call for anything else?

Why wasn't the bat that dealt with Western zombies so cowardly?

With the Yang Yin Talisman in his hand, Jiang Lin blasted out a path and pulled Wen Cai out.

The tomato juice poured onto Jiang Lin's chest as if he didn't want money.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin fell to the ground pretending to be exhausted.

The yard was filled with corpses and stumps, and the disgusting stench permeated everywhere, forcing Jiang Lin to choose to hold his breath.

Fortunately, although each of these walking corpses only contributed [-] anger, but Jiang Lin killed [-] or [-], which is considered to have nearly [-] points of anger.

The Chongyang bombing can kill three or four people, and the four-yang bombing can kill ten or so people, so the cost-effectiveness of this corpse extermination is relatively high.

Although Shi Jian was damned, he gave Jiang Lin a lot of things. The zombie king and a dozen zombies in the crypt, as well as the Lei Fa Xuanji array, came to give experience again this time.

Jiang Lin likes this kind of thing, even if you die, you can also send a baby to send experience.

"My child, bite this kid who insulted you to death!"


Shi Shaojian, who was turned into a zombie, walked into Yizhuang with his arms open.

It's really the father who sent the son.

Jiang Lin was overjoyed, and sure enough, Shi Shaojian was turned into a zombie by his father.

Although the ninth uncle told him that he was not allowed to shoot, it was because the ninth uncle did not want him to carry the blood debt of Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian.

Jiu Shu still wants him to return to Maoshan.

If Shi Shaojian hadn't become a zombie, Jiang Lin wouldn't have done it, but now it's different, Shi Shaojian is dead.

He Jianglin is killing zombies now, and Shi Shaojian died at the hands of his father.

Can killing zombies be the same as killing people?

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