Even if Jiang Lin does return to Maoshan in the future, he will not be hindered in any way.

Shi Shaojian's life was not taken by him.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing Shi Shaojian's long fangs spitting out black air, Qiu Sheng gave a strange cry, and he and Wen Cai set up Jiang Lin and went to kick the door of the hall.

Don't pull me, I want to collect experience!

Jiang Lin was speechless, he was acting, but Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were too involved.

Chapter Four Hundred and One Stakes Dafa

Seeing Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai fleeing, Shi Jian's heart was greatly satisfied. Now Jiang Lin has no fighting ability at all. As long as he kills the most dreaded Jiang Lin, dealing with Ninth Uncle is in his opinion. A matter of hand.

In Shi Jian's heart, he always thought that compared with him, Uncle Jiu would be able to suppress Uncle Jiu steadily in terms of Taoism.

What's more, he still has magic to use.

After Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai broke through the door, Jiu Shu was standing in the hall and looked at Shi Shaojian.

"Qiusheng Wencai, I led him into a trap. You can see the moment and hang him up. Jiang Lin, take care of your injuries and don't shoot."

Ninth Uncle pointed to the noose on the ground behind him, and glanced at Jiang Lin again. Now that he was going to deal with Shi Jian and his son, he could no longer let Jiang Lin take action.

Uncle Shi, this is my experience, you can't rob it!

Jiang Lin wanted to explain to Ninth Uncle, but Wen Cai wiped the tomato juice from his mouth with his sleeve.


You wiped your snot from your sleeve.

"Hurry up and help Shishu."

Jiang Lin pushed Wen Cai away.

"Come on, come on."

At this moment, Ninth Uncle hooked his fingers at Shi Shaojian.

Shi Shaojian roared violently, and flew towards Uncle Jiu, who did a backflip to escape.

However, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were extremely unreliable, didn't even look at them. They directly pulled up the rope in their hands. The rope in the middle of the hall tied Uncle Ninth's ankle and hung him up.

Jiang Lin: "..."

"You two beasts, what are you doing?"

Ninth Uncle was so angry that he cursed. He had never cursed so badly before.

I asked you to hang Shi Shaojian, but I was hanged. Besides making dung, can you order anything else?

"Hahaha... Kill that bastard for me!"

Shi Jian laughed, this time not only Tian was helping him, but even the two apprentices of Uncle Ninth were helping him.

Lin Jiu was hanged, Jiang Lin, I see who else can save you!

Shi Shaojian was ordered by Shi Jian, and he did not look at Jiu Shu who was hanging in the air at all, but faced Jiang Lin.

He opened his fangs and mouth, dripping with blood, and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

In fact, the person Shi Shaojian hated the most was not Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng who had literary talents, but Jiang Lin.

He has never suffered any setbacks in his life, but in Jiang Lin's hands, he has been humiliated again and again and beaten in public. Such hatred is no less than Jiu Shu and the others.

Bite to death!All killed!Even Jianglin's woman was bitten to death!

Jiang Lin thought in his heart, Ninth Uncle would not let him take action, but this Shi Shaojian came to trouble him specifically.

Thousands of miles to send experience.

"Uncle Shi, I'm good, what should I do? Shi Shaojian has already died once, and he was turned into a corpse."

Jiang Lin shouted, and Ninth Uncle only reacted at this time. Yes, Shi Shaojian is already dead. Even if Jiang Lin kills him now, he will only kill a zombie.

Before Shi Shaojian became a corpse demon, he was not dead, but now it is different.

Ninth Uncle never thought of this episode after seeing Shi Shaojian who had turned into a zombie. Now Jiang Lin reminded him, he understood.

"Destroy him."

Since Shi Shaojian went to Jiang Lin, and he can't get down now, then this task will be handed over to Jiang Lin.


"Go to hell, basher!"

Jiang Lin got up and kicked him. Of course, he didn't use much force at all. He was just going to kick Shi Shaojian into the air, and then another blast in the air would solve it.

But what he didn't expect was that Shi Shaojian didn't move at all.Even if he didn't exert much effort, the ordinary black zombies would be kicked away by him.


It is impossible for Mao Shan's corpse refining method to refine a dead person to this level at once. Jiang Lin was vigilant in his heart. He might have underestimated Shi Jian's methods.

Shi Shaojian slammed hard) (Waist, flying Jiang Linzhen out.

Damn, if it wasn't for pretending to be sick, I would slap your head off with a slap.

Seeing the smug look in Shi Shaojian's eyes, Jiang Lin really wanted to destroy this thing with one shot.

But since he was racing his acting skills, he could only endure it.

Staggering back on the ground, Jiang Lin pulled out a flaming paper crane in his hand and threw it out.

With a bang, Shi Shaojian was hit by the blasting sun, his body flew out, and a horrible scream came out of his mouth.Although he was refined by Shi Jian to be stronger than the ordinary Hei Zong, but in front of Yan Zhihe, this bastard is really even a scum.

He bleeds as soon as it explodes.

Taking out the peach wood talisman from the cloth bag, Jiang Lin rushed to it, pretending to use the strength of sucking milk, and plunged it into Shi Shaojian's heart.

Worry!Shi Shaojian rolled on the ground, screaming, and his whole body twitched in a few seconds) (twitching, no movement.

Experience in hand.

"Pop, kill the zombies and get [-] points of malice."

Although the amount of arrogance contributed is not yet [-], Jiang Lin can barely watch it considering that Shi Shaojian was only refined today.

"Master, my vitality is seriously injured, I can't hold it anymore, I need to heal as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin sprayed tomato juice frantically again, and held the handrail to the second floor. Now he just has to wait for Shi Jian to come.

I believe that if Shi Jian sees him like this, he will definitely come here, and no one can stop him.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Seeing Jiang Lin using Yan Zhihe, Shi Jian was so angry that he cursed.

"Lin Jiu, you really love this disciple. Even Yan Zhihe of the Chen Dao faction helped him to protect him."

On the altar, the puppet used to control Shi Shaojian burst with a bang, and his son died completely, making Shi Jian go mad.

If it wasn't for Yan Zhihe, his son would have torn Jiang Lin to pieces long ago.

Jiang Lin, who has been vomiting blood, is still alive, making Shi Jian so angry.His hair was loose, and his whole body was full of electricity, and the lightning arc of Leisi rushed outwards, blowing up the altar.

"Wooden Pile Dafa!"

Shi Jian decided not to hold back any more, and resorted to his own finale method, he wanted to completely crush the master and apprentice of the nine uncles, crush them!


The doors and windows of the Yizhuang Hall exploded, and the talisman formation above was shattered, and a piece of wood the thickness of a bucket was smashed in from the outside.

The walls, doors and windows, and even the roof of Yizhuang were smashed by the flying wooden stakes.

"Wu Ri Nima! Is this Shi Jian a graduate of Lan Xiang? Which company has the best demolition technology, China Shandong will find Lan Xiang!"

Jiang Lin didn't expect Shi Jian's Stake Dafa to have such power. If Shi Jian had used this move without hesitation in the Yinshan cave a few days ago to cooperate with the lightning rune in his hand, he might be able to do it without explosives. Collapsed the crypt.

Explosives and excavators are not as convenient.

"Lin Jiu, Jiang Lin, I will let you die without a burial!"


"Oh my goodness!"

Qiusheng was pushed into his back by a stake, and he almost broke his lumbar spine.

Wen Cai is not good enough, if it wasn't for the ninth uncle hugging the stake, Wen Cai would have been pounded on the wall into a meat pie.

Jiu Shu reminded Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, "Be careful, this is your uncle's wooden stake Dafa. Although it is powerful, it doesn't last very long."

Such a powerful spell, even if Shi Jian is also an alchemist, he can't maintain it for a long time, so he is a real man for thirty seconds.

But these thirty seconds are not easy.

Ninth Uncle stepped on the bucket cloth, and the ground in the hall began to glow, showing formation patterns.

Chapter [-] Master I'm Sorry!

In order to deal with Shi Jian's Stake Dafa, Uncle Jiu had made preparations for a long time. Although the Stake Dafa did not last long, it would not be a joke if he was hit by a stake.

After the formation was activated, a circle of golden light curtain walls was erected around the hall, even under the roof. The wooden stakes that were packed with a thousand jins of force rushed into these curtain walls as if they were stuck.

Even if it broke through the curtain wall, it fell directly to the ground because there was no rear force to continue.

"Jincheng Dafa? Master actually handed over to Lin Jiu the formation that specializes in defeating wooden stakes!"

Shi Jian was so angry that his whole body exploded. Even a Taoist monk who was also an alchemist could not break his wooden stakes, so he could only passively avoid them, but this Jincheng Dafa could just target him, making his wooden stakes a pile of useless objects. Rotten wood.


Shi Jian couldn't accept it. His enemy was Ninth Uncle. As a result, Ninth Uncle had a method against him, which was taught by Master to Ninth Uncle.

Shi Jian was so angry that his mind was almost blank.

Since the wooden stake Dafa was useless, Shi Jian did not waste his spiritual power, and rushed to Yizhuang directly to confront Jiu Shu.

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