"Lin Fengjiao!"

Shi Jian took one step at a time and walked to the courtyard of Yizhuang, with resentment in his face, and called Jiu Shu's real name directly.

Ninth Uncle took a step forward and said solemnly: "Senior Brother, I didn't expect you to go down the wrong path. How do you face the master under Jiuquan?"

"Am I still your senior brother? Master is sorry for me, why should I face him, Lin Fengjiao, you forced me, I want you to pay with blood!"

Shi Jian pointed at Jiu Shu's nose and shouted loudly.He stubbornly thought that everything was because the ninth uncle wanted to get along with him, and even the deceased master was not on his side.

No one can get along with him, it's all someone else looking for him!

"Then let the horse come over, Shi Jian!"

Seeing the face of the fellow and the deceased master, Uncle Ninth initially wanted to persuade him, but since Shi Jian had such an attitude and said that Master was sorry for him, Uncle Ninth called Shi Jian by his first name. , he had already expelled Shi Jian from the teacher's door for the master.

The rest is to clear the door for the division door.

"Lin Fengjiao, I want your life!"

Shi Jian didn't expect that the ninth uncle really called him by his name. From childhood to the forbearance of the ninth uncle, Shi Jian thought that the ninth uncle was afraid of him.

But now, does his junior brother think that with Jincheng Dafa breaking his wooden stake Dafa, he has confidence?

Shi Jian's body was pulsing with spiritual energy, and he once again incarnated into the Thunder King. This time, he was no longer surrounded by lightning arcs, but by lightning snakes.

The surrounding buckets and rattan chairs were all turned into coke under the ravages of Razer, and electric sparks flickered on the ground, as if there were countless wires leaking electricity.

Shi Jian's Lightning Strike Thunder Fist is really unusual.

Jiang Lin had also seen Shi Jian's Lightning Bolt Fist before, but his power was obviously not comparable to this time. The last time was really a small fight, and this time, Shi Jian was facing his mortal enemy. To show one's own strength.

Jiang Lin was upstairs watching the movement below, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried about Uncle Jiu. Now Uncle Jiu's overall strength is basically the first person under the Heavenly Master, but in terms of attack power, he is still slightly inferior to Stone. Half way through.

At least Jiang Lin had never seen Uncle Jiu make any big moves. Now it would be a bit troublesome to pick up Shi Jian's Lightning Strike.

Jiang Lin really wanted to replace the ninth uncle, no matter how strong Shi Jian thunder and lightning was, he released his big bird, no, the big golden crow, and he could burp him with two pecks.

But Uncle Jiu couldn't let him take action, which was embarrassing.

"Master, what should I do?"

"Master, Shi Jian is too scary."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw that the ground in the yard was charred black, and they were so frightened that they had been fighting. If they go up, they must become African black brothers.

"You two hide, you can't help me in the battle with him. Today, I will clear the door for Master, and no one is allowed to shoot!"

Ninth Uncle's last sentence was obviously addressed to Jiang Lin upstairs, but in the ears of Qiusheng and Wencai, they thought that Ninth Uncle really wanted to deal with Shi Jian alone. Jian's aura was frightened. Since Master said so, why don't you quickly apply oil to the soles of your feet?

This level of fighting skills is not something they can intervene. Jiang Lin can help a lot, but unfortunately he has been "severely injured".

"Lin Fengjiao, I want your life!"

Shi Jian shouted violently, and thunder snakes with the thickness of fingers jumped out from the inside and outside, and bombarded toward the ninth uncle.

Ninth Uncle stepped back and danced with both palms, took the Thunder Snake, pushed with both palms, and the thunderbolt turned into the appearance of Taijitu, which was resolved.

"Ah!!! Master actually taught you to use the two palms to defuse my Lightning Lightning Fist."

Shi Jian's eyes were cracked, and it was not a problem for Ninth Uncle to know Jincheng Dafa.But he didn't expect that the ninth uncle would be able to use the sect's Liangyi Palm to resolve his Razer.

"Master, he's sorry for me!"

The means are always restrained, Shi Jian was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

In fact, the Liangyi Palm practiced by Uncle Ninth is the body training formula passed on by his master. Originally, he could not deal with Lightning Lightning Fist, and his master did not teach him how to deal with Lightning Lightning Fist.

But Ninth Uncle's current cultivation level has surpassed that of his former master, and the palm of two ceremonies is no longer ordinary in his hands. This method was developed by him himself.

Ninth Uncle ignored Shi Jian. Although his Liangyi Palm could receive Lightning Running Thunder Fist, it did not mean that he could deal with it. He only had two hands, and Lightning Running Thunder Boxing was not so overbearing. The spells are comparable.

As long as it is not picked up in time, it will be charred when rubbed on the body.

After retreating to the position where the statue of the ancestor was worshipped, Uncle Jiu bowed to the statue and took the Taiyi whisk that was in the arms of the statue in his hand.

A few thunder snakes were on their backs, Ninth Uncle shook Taiyi's whisk, and when the dust tail turned, the violent thunder snakes were pushed aside and scattered to the side.

"Shi Jian, you are on the wrong path. Today, I will deal with you, an unworthy disciple, for the master, and eradicate the scum for the master!"

Jiu Shu held the whisk in his hand and stared at Shi Jian.

Taiyi Fuchen was left to the ninth uncle by the master of the ninth uncle, not to mention the brothers and sisters of the same sect, the uncles and uncles, as long as they did not follow the right path, the ninth uncle could also use this magic weapon to fight.

"Taiyi Fuchen! Master just asked you to kill me. The old man is sorry for me, what's wrong with me?"

Shi Jian seems to be stunned. In fact, Taiyi Fuchen is not restraining Shi Jian's lightning bolt punch. It can overcome the five elements to control wind and thunder, but in Shi Jian's view, this whisking completely restrains him.

Originally, Shi Jian also knew about Ninth Uncle's Taiyi Fuchen, so even if there were contradictions in the past, he had some fears for Ninth Uncle, and he was not too presumptuous.

But now Ninth Uncle showed Jincheng Dafa, and Liangyi Palm restrained his Lei Quan, coupled with Taiyi's whisk, which made him drill to the end.

Fortunately, Uncle Jiu hasn't used the Taishang Jiulong Sword with the Maoshan Jiulong God function, otherwise Shi Jian could go into trouble.

Those two things are Ninth Uncle's trump card, if it is revealed, Ninth Uncle will let Shi Jian know what is the real ace.

It's just that Taishang Jiulong Sword will remind Jiu Shu of a bad memory, so he has always been dusted by him, and even Jiang Lin has never seen it.

Chapter [-] Exit is more ruthless than shot

In fact, Ninth Uncle's master discovered that Shi Jian's mental skills were a little wrong before he died, and Shi Jian's cultivation base was only comparable to Jiu Shu's, so just in case, he put the upper part of the Nine Dragons and the Taishang Nine Dragon Sword. Give it to Uncle Nine.

He didn't want Uncle Jiu to kill Shi Jianke, just wanted someone to stop Shi Jian in case Shi Jian really went down the wrong road.

The one that had obvious restraint on Shi Jian was Jincheng Dafa.

However, after so many years of comprehension, and in addition to getting along with Zhang Han Jianglin and Master Hong Jinbao in recent years, he gradually continued the Kowloon magic, especially when Jiang Lin discussed the golden dragon Buddha seal with him, Jiu Shu Inspired a lot.

Even if there is no lower part in the hands of Junior Sister Outside the Great Wall, Jiu Shu can fully exert the power of the Taishang Jiulong Sword.

"Master never wanted me to punish you. It's because of your own unrighteousness that Master left a way out. You are not strong enough, and I have never embarrassed you with these methods. Don't you have any idea in your heart? ?"

Ninth Uncle frowned slightly, if you were on the right path, and you didn't destroy your fellow sect, or let your sect be ashamed, would these means of restraining you come to you on your own initiative?

But where can Shi Jian hear these words now, his eyes are full of resentment, and he can't wait to eat Jiu Shu's flesh and sleep.

He kept saying that he had no intention of defeating him, but in his hands, Jincheng Dafa, Taiyi Fuchen, and even Jiang Lin's Lihuo Jue, which one wasn't against him?

"Do I need you to teach me? Die!"

Shi Jian released his palms, and a thunderbolt slammed into Jiu Shu's chest. Even if there was a whisk, it could only sway away the thunder snake. In terms of attack power, the power of the whisk was not that great.

And when his Lightning Lightning Fist is a magic weapon, can he be immune?

Shi Jian was so powerful that Ninth Uncle's two hands might not be able to take all of his Razers, not to mention that there is still one hand holding the whisk.

Ninth Uncle also found that even if he had Taiyi Fuchen, he couldn't help Shi Jian for a while. Shi Jian's Lightning Lightning Fist was too perverted. Except for the Yang Finger Sword in Jiang Lin's hand, Jiu Shu felt that other spells were difficult to match. Rock hard against.

He has always watched his disciples use long-range attacks to deal with others, but now others use long-range attacks to make him suffer.

The attack distance of Razer is almost the same as Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword.

Ninth uncle put Taiyi whisk behind his back, danced his hands, used his two palms, took Razer to dissolve it, and at the same time stepped on his feet and began to approach Shi Jian.

If he didn't fight close, he would never have the advantage.

"Wow! It turns out that the kind of punch that Master Tiantian hits can catch thunder and lightning?"

"Is it that great?"

On the second floor, Qiu Sheng was completely stunned when Uncle Jiu used his unremarkable Liang Yi palm to turn thunder with his bare hands, and Wen Cai was also stunned.

"What kind of Taoism depends on the skill of using people. The two masters and uncles didn't teach me, but they taught you, so I haven't practiced them well."

Jiang Lin gave two living treasures a blank look. Qiusheng and Wencai were both formal disciples of Uncle Jiu, and Uncle Jiu, the Liangyi Palm that matched Gu Yi's mind, had been taught to them, but these two brothers didn't study hard, but now they are not. Started to be envious.

Uncle Nine taught Jiang Lin some of the core spells of Maoshan, but Uncle Gu Yi Xin Fa and Body Refinement Techniques were not taught by Uncle Nine.

Jiang Lin doesn't actually need these, he has them himself.

However, compared to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, Jiang Lin's disciple status was not complete.

Of course, this is not because Ninth Uncle is unwilling to teach it. Ninth Uncle went outside the Great Wall just to discuss it with his master's only daughter.

"Master is going to fight back."

When there were still four or five meters away from Shi Jian, Uncle Ninth took out three flaming talismans and four flaming paper cranes in his hand, injected them with yang energy and spiritual power, and threw them over.

He doesn't have many long-range means, but he has an apprentice Jiang Lin.

"Hahaha...Lin Fengjiao, do you think ordinary blasting energy will have any effect on me?"

Shi Jian laughed, he wanted to fight back with a few flaming paper cranes and pineapples?

Jiang Lin held a moment of silence for Shi Jian. It is true that the ordinary Zhuangyang can't do anything to this old man, but the Zhuangyang formed by Jianglin's flaming paper crane and the Exploding Flame Talisman, can it be the ordinary Zhuangyang?

Just as the Thunder Snake was aimed at the flying paper crane and the pineapple, the two things exploded with a bang.

Affected by the series of explosions, Shi Jian's old man suddenly rolled his eyes and stood upright.

Ninth Uncle took out the Taiyi whisk and swiped on Shi Jian a few times, and finally pressed his palms on Shi Jian's face and chest.

For this shameless old thing, Jiu Shu really really wanted to slap his face.

Originally, when Shi Jian was running Lightning Lightning Fist, his whole body was covered with electricity, and Jiu Shu couldn't get close to him, but it was different when he had Jiang Lin's bombing Yang.

Blast Shi Jian until he rolls his eyes before he can attack.

Shi Jian's body flew upside down, blood spurting wildly from his mouth.

"Lin Jiu, how is this possible?"

Shi Jian lost his soul in the blink of an eye, and when he woke up, he found that he was injured.

He was also beaten in the face and lost a few teeth.

Originally, he was still saying that Bianyang was useless to him, but in reality he slapped his big ear, which was still the ear of the ninth uncle. Shi Jian's face was flushed with anger, and his seven orifices were puffing smoke.

"Hahaha... Slap the face and the palm of the two hands."

Qiusheng and Wencai laughed unkindly upstairs.

Seeing the five fingerprints on Shi Jian's face, Jiang Lin also couldn't help laughing.

Asking you to pretend, whether in front of him or in front of Ninth Uncle, Shi Jian has never succeeded in pretending to be a force.

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