"Chopsticks, so you were on it."

When the person he hated the most saw the joke, Shi Jian felt that his lungs were going to explode.

"Old man, does your face hurt? If I can make a move, I will trample you to death, just like a son."

Jiang Lin sneered mercilessly, Ninth Uncle didn't let him take action, but he didn't say that he wouldn't let him talk.

Now taunt Shi Jian and let him unleash the Thunder Snake. Although Jiu Shu's attack is insufficient, he has more than enough to protect himself. As long as Shi Jian's spiritual energy is almost consumed, it is time for Jiu Shu to counterattack.

Sure enough, Shi Jian's hair fluttered when he was hit by Jiang Lin's full-level taunting skill, which was a prelude to becoming a Super Saiyan.

His lungs hurt, his heart hurts, his brain hurts, as long as there is anger, it hurts, and his whole body seems to explode with anger.

It's okay to be slapped in the face by the palms of Ninth Uncle and Liangyi. You, a little hairy baby who vomited blood and vomited blood, stomped me to death with one foot?

Who gave you confidence?Still stepping on your son?

Thinking that Jiang Lin did step on his son, Shi Jian spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

Ninth Uncle gave Jiang Lin a blank look. Jiang Lin didn't make a move, but the exit was more ruthless than the shot, which made Shi Jian vomit blood.

Jiang Lin spread his hands, Uncle Shi, I was very obedient and didn't make a move.

"Soul lock, where did you learn sorcery?"

Shi Jian's recovery so quickly made Ninth Uncle feel astonished. If Jiang Lin's bombardment hadn't been guarded in advance, even a Taoist would not have recovered so quickly.

"Master gave you the magic tools and spells to restrain me, can't I think of something else?"

A ferocious look appeared on his face, and a black energy appeared on Shi Jian's body, and his palms slapped abruptly at Ninth Uncle.

"Lightning Lightning Fist, Senluo Ghost Handprint!"

One blue and one black, thunderbolts and smoke quickly shot towards Jiu Shu's chest.


Jiang Lin shouted from upstairs.

Ninth Uncle subconsciously touched the palms of the two instruments, but as soon as his palms touched the smoke and thunder, he felt something was wrong.

The two palms quickly joined together, and the ninth uncle made the smoke and the thunderbolt collide. With a bang, the ninth uncle was affected by the explosion, and his body flew back seven or eight meters, hitting the statue of the ancestor.

Chapter [*] I will show you

Ninth Uncle's hands were trembling a little, and his palms turned black. He could indeed use the Liangyi Palm to dissolve the lightning, but the smoke shot by Shi Jian just now was obviously sinister, and he could only neutralize it with the same thunderbolt.

It was because of this that the lightning exploded in his hand, causing him to be injured.

If it wasn't for the protection of spiritual power on Uncle Ninth's palm, I'm afraid his two hands would be disabled this time.

"Hahaha...Lin Fengjiao, the master gave you all the treasures to restrain my Taoism. Now you can overcome it, come on!"

After saving a little face, Shi Jian laughed wildly.

He learned the Dafa of the Stake and the Lightning Bolt Fist to be beaten, so Lin Jiu thought he had beaten him?

How ridiculous!

After a while, he was going to peel off all the cramps of Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin.

Ninth Uncle's face was very ugly. Shi Jian's misdeeds have already brought shame and reputation to his teacher. Now he has practiced such a sorcery and has become an evil cultivator.

He is a total disgrace to the teacher!

Shi Jian laughed wildly and strode towards Uncle Jiu, ready to quickly resolve the battle.

He was careless just now, and was blown away by Zhan Yang. Now that he has taken precautions, he doesn't believe what Uncle Jiu can do to him.

Jiang Lin was about to come down when he saw this, but Ninth Uncle glared at him.

This is between me and Shi Jian, you are not allowed to shoot.

"I didn't want to use this method, Shi Jian, you should die!"

He went under the table of the statue with one hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

As soon as the long sword came out, there was a slight dragon roar on the sword, and the thunder that came rushing was suddenly scattered.

"The Supreme Nine Dragon Sword!"

Seeing the long sword in Uncle Jiu's hand, Shi Jian screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

The Taishang Jiulong Sword was specially used to restrain Lei Fa. Even if Shi Jian's Lightning Lightning Fist went up a level, it wouldn't have much effect on Uncle Jiu.

"He also said that Master didn't want you to overcome me, but also said that he would not let you overcome me!"

Shi Jian seemed to have been seriously stimulated, the spiritual energy in his body was agitated, and thunder snakes jumped out again. In addition, Shi Jian also held two blue and black whips in his hands.

Thunder Whip and Ghost Thorn Chain.

Jiu Shu no longer argued with Shi Jian, and rushed towards Shi Jian with the Nine Dragon Sword.

Jiu Shu, who was holding the Nine Dragon Sword, entered Shi Jian's body ten feet directly, and those Leisi arcs were sucked into the sword body when they encountered the Nine Dragon Sword.

Shi Jian originally thought that after the ninth uncle was injured, it would be a sure thing for him to take down this enemy, but he didn't expect that such twists and turns have occurred now.

What can he do with the Nine Dragons Sword, he didn't believe that he would be crushed by the Nine Dragons Sword and couldn't lift his head.

"Lightning Lightning Fist!"

The thunder snake with the thickness of five or six roads and two fingers ran towards the ninth uncle. The ninth uncle only used the tip of the sword to lead, and then the horizontal sword was pushed forward in his hand.

The Taiji map on the sword body emitted a red beam, which directly bombarded Shi Jian's head.

The forehead was bleeding.

Facts have proved that Shi Jian is really pressed by the Taishang Nine Dragons Sword and it is difficult to lift his head.

"Old man, why do you do this to me!"

Shi Jian's eyes were split and he was completely mad. He looked at the statue not far away, and he didn't care if it was his master's statue. The endless anger made him want to destroy that statue.

It's just that he was biased before he was alive, and he even let Lin Jiu come to restrain him when he died, he doesn't have such a master!

With his palm facing the statue of his predecessor, Shi Jian let out a thunderbolt.

"not good!"

Shi Jian's old man is ruthless and unjust, and dares to risk the world to destroy the statue of their master, but Ninth Uncle can't watch the statue of his master being smashed into pieces.

He threw his arm out, and Uncle Jiu threw the Nine Dragon Sword to stop the thunderbolt that was attacking the statue of the predecessor.

Jiang Lin was speechless when he saw this scene upstairs. If the statue of the master was broken, it would be enough to reshape it. Now that there is no weapon in his hand, didn't he expose himself to Shi Jian's thunder field?

Shi Jian was also stunned by Jiu Shu's behavior of throwing the Nine Dragon Sword, but then he figured out Zi Chou Yin Mao among them.

"Lin Fengjiao, it's not that you miss your old love so much, so I don't blame the master for loving you so much. Now go and accompany him!"

Shi Jian burst out laughing wildly, and then instantly bullied himself to Ninth Uncle's side, and slapped his palms against Ninth Uncle's chest.

Although Ninth Uncle guarded it with the palms of Liangyi, the current was still conducted to him.

With a "bang", Jiu Shu's back hit the wall behind the statue, and even the eight gossip mirrors hanging on the wall were shaken off.

"Tian Lingling, Earth Lingling. Lin Fengjiao, don't you beat me? I'll let you beat me again!"

Shi Jian concentrated all the spiritual power in his body, gathered it into his palms, and discharged a huge thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

This time, he wants to make Ninth Uncle completely smashed to pieces.

The Nine Dragons Sword is not in hand, see what you do against me!

"Shi Jian, you deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors, I will destroy you on behalf of the master!"

Ninth Uncle picked up the eight gossip mirrors scattered on the ground and quickly threw them up one by one.

The Bagua Mirror can defend or rebound some attacks. When Jiang Lin and the others passed the Qixing Xuanji Formation in Yinshan Cave, they used the beam of light blocked by the Bagua Mirror to attack.

Ninth Uncle's eight gossip mirrors are extraordinary, otherwise they would not have been hung on the wall behind the statue of the master.

The statue is holding Taiyi whisk, and below it is Taishang Jiulong Sword. If the goods hanging behind it are big goods, it will not be commensurate at all.

Eight pieces of gossip mirrors form a complete gossip mirror in mid-air, and Jiu Shu is behind the back of the gossip mirror.

Don't you want to be kidnapped?Just show you!

The thunder and lightning struck the gossip mirror, and the powerful bombardment force made Jiu Shu groan and hit the back wall. Even the wall was smashed out by Jiu Shu's forearm two holes.

However, Shi Jian's attack was also bounced back at the same moment, and the thickness of the current at the mouth of the bowl was transformed into an electro-optical Taiji map, which shot straight at Shi Jian, who was stunned.

"not good!"

Shi Jian had never noticed that the gossip mirror hanging on the wall was also a magic weapon that could restrain his thunder, but now even if he discovered it, it was too late.

"Why, why can you beat me!"

After shouting, Shi Jian was hit by the electro-optical taiji map, and the whole person flew [*] meters away before falling into the yard.

In the process of pushing Shi Jian, the electric light Taiji map sparked on the ground. It is conceivable how powerful Shi Jian's last blow will be.

Even if Shi Jian had practiced Lightning Bolt Fist, such a powerful attack could directly kill him.

Just like Jiang Lin, if his Yang Zhi Qi was rebounded, he would be seriously injured.

In the courtyard of Yizhuang, Shi Jian's body seemed to have been hit by high-voltage electricity, black smoke was coming from his body, and after a few seconds of convulsions, he stopped moving.

Killing ghosts, demons and zombies with lightning bolt punches, and finally killed by his own famous stunt.

It is estimated that there is no such death among a thousand ways to die.

Jiang Lin looked at Shi Jian's corpse in the yard, shook his head, and bullied his master to destroy his ancestors. It is estimated that the ancestors of Maoshan below will not spare this old man.

When it's time to go down, I will know what a real gram is.

The skills are taught by the master, and the master is taught by the ancestors. You have no discussion about it.

I was beaten by Jiu Shu when I was alive, and I was beaten by my first teacher when I died.

Chapter [*] Want me to take you as adults?

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