"Master, you are really amazing."

"Mighty and domineering."

Qiusheng and Wencai also came downstairs. Although they praised Ninth Uncle, they didn't even help.

One went to pick up Taiyi whisk, and the other went to hold Taishang Nine Dragon Sword.

I rely on, it turns out that this whisk is such a powerful instrument.

Qiusheng was in love with Fuchen. He often cleaned up the statue of his predecessor, but he didn't know that the whisk in the statue's hand could actually dispel the lightning.

Wen Cai was also playing the Taishang Nine Dragons Sword with his fingers. After following Uncle Nine for so long, he also didn't know that there was such a powerful sword under the table of the statue of the master.

Ninth Uncle's forehead was covered with black lines. He was seriously injured. As a result, none of the two bastards came up to help him.

"Want it?"

Jiu Shu rubbed his arms and chest and came to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

"I do! Of course I do!"

The two living treasures thought that the ninth uncle was going to give them two artifacts, and then the ninth uncle gave them something, five-finger biscuits.

"One by one is not good at learning, and still want a baby?"

Jiang Lin came in from the outside, just saw the back of the head of Jiu Shufan's two living treasures, and took the opportunity to make a knife.

"Master, are you alright?"

After helping Uncle Jiu to sit down, Jiang Lin asked Wen Cai to get the gauze and wound medicine.

"No problem."

Jiu Shu looked at Shi Jian's body and the messed up Yizhuang in the yard, not in a good mood.

Although it is to clear the door, but after all, it is the same door cannibalism.

"Uncle Shi, take a good rest these days, we will take care of the repair of Yizhuang."

Jiang Lin can also understand Jiu Shu's mood. Jiu Shu had planned to go outside the Great Wall to pay homage to his master, but before leaving, he killed his fellow senior brother.

Jiu Shu also had no opinion on this, but he insisted on handling Shi Jian's body by himself.

The next day, Jiang Lin asked Wen Cai to call in the security team, dragged and burned the walking corpses in the Yizhuang and surrounding areas, and sprinkled a lot of odorless things in the Yizhuang.

After that, he took the lead in becoming a construction worker. The layout of Yizhuang was a gossip, and the repair work could not be done by ordinary craftsmen.

Taking advantage of Shi Jian's case, Jiang Lin couldn't leave for the time being, so he asked Panlan Tiger King to go to Shu with the herbs and Leifa's experience, and Microwave sent a daughter-in-law to take the medicine. What's going to happen.

Ten days later, Yizhuang returned to its original state, Jiu Shu explained some things about Jiang Lin and Qiu Sheng Wencai, and left Renjia Town with a Taishang Jiulong Sword and Panchuan.

What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that Uncle Jiu's trip outside the Great Wall would last three or four years.

In the past few years, Jiu Shu was like an ordinary person, traveling around the mountains and rivers, and when he was bored, he used the thunder method of the Shenxiao School to relieve his boredom. It was purely to relieve his boredom.

Uncle Ninth did not know that the path he took was a method chosen by the ancient monks when their realm was not advanced: transforming the ordinary, cultivating the mind and changing the mind.

When Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle met again, there was another Celestial Master in the Dharma-Ending Era.

After so many days of work, Jiang Lin was also a little tired, so he patted the bamboo umbrella and let Xiao Li come out, ready to take her to go shopping.

Xiao Li put on the plain white flowing fairy dress that Jiang Lin burned for her today, full of fairy spirit.

After being shoved fiercely by Jiang Lin, Xiaoli bit her lip and glared at Jiang Lin.

"Go, my husband will take you to the street."

Jiang Lin was going to eat a beautiful ghost at night, go shopping, watch a play, and then hehehe at night.

However, Jiang Lin's plan was good, but the two blind light bulbs had to destroy the atmosphere.

"Junior Brother, let's learn!"

Qiusheng and Wencai were shouting outside. Ever since they saw the treasure in Uncle Jiu's hand, they became passionate again and wanted to get Taiyi Fuchen and Taishang Jiulong Sword.

As for whether it is three minutes hot, no one knows.

"Go back to the umbrella to practice first."

Jiang Lin gave an order and went over to open the door.

What, when the master is not here, and the uncle is gone, and no one is allowed to show up.

Xiaoli pouted, Qiusheng and Wencai were here last time, she still wanted to meet these two living treasures, but considering that Ninth Uncle was next door, she didn't show up.

Although her heart was broken, Xiaoli obediently entered the bamboo umbrella.

"Practice, as I taught you yesterday."

Jiang Lin lay down on the rattan chair and gave the two brothers a look.

"Junior brother, the Yihong Courtyard in the town is haunted. Someone came to ask for help. Master was not there. We wanted to go and see what was going on, but we didn't go because we were afraid that someone would gossip."

"So, we're going to let the junior brother take us to visit Jiaozi after we finish studying with the junior brother."

Qiusheng and Wencai were punching and baring their teeth. During this time, they didn't dare to see their girlfriends, so it would be better if they went to Yihong Courtyard to feast their eyes on.

Jiang Lin has blue veins all over his forehead, hey, you all know that when someone went to Yihong Courtyard to gossip, he was pulling me on purpose?

Let me take you as adults?

My nest of daughters-in-law is making a fuss, so can't the sky fall?

Jiang Lin was speechless. He brought Ren Tingting and the others home with a clean sister, and they all had no objection, but if he dipped some unclean things outside and ate women indiscriminately, he could go on a hunger strike one by one.

"You are so bold, dare to let my master go to that kind of unclean place."

Before Jiang Lin could speak, Xiao Li floated out from the bamboo umbrella.Inside the umbrella was a light-proof formation arranged by Jiang Lin. Even during the day, she could come out for a while.

Now these two live treasures are going to take their men to Yihong Courtyard, can they bear it?

"Little Li!"

When Qiusheng and Wencai met Xiaoli this time, they were no longer as lost as they used to be. Because of this female ghost, they were beaten a lot, and their girlfriend's swipe could be erased at any time. In this case , both of them had a psychological shadow on Xiao Li.

Wait, what did Xiaoli call Junior Brother just now?


After the two reacted, they could put down the egg with their mouths open.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, the child's mother, if you don't cultivate well and raise your baby with peace of mind, what are you doing out at this time?

Seeing Xiao Li squatting beside the rattan chair and beating Jiang Lin's knees, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both dropped their jaws.

Junior brother, this is to make Xiaoli a maid?

Thinking of such a beautiful woman being used as a slave, and maybe even undressing Jiang Lin, maybe even warming the bed, the two treasures were completely restless.

Thinking of Xiao Li's figure with a bulging front and a back, their eyes completely burst into flames.

Not a single beautiful woman is left to them, even the female ghost is the same, this junior brother is too unkind!

Jiang Lin ignored Qiu Sheng's and Wen Cai's resentful eyes, patted Xiao Li's shoulder, and asked her to return to the umbrella.


Xiao Li whined at Jiang Lin, hearing Jiang Lin's eardrums tingling.

If you're naughty, I'll do it for you.

Jiang Lin glared at Xiao Li, who stuck out her tongue and flew back into the bamboo umbrella.

"What are you looking at? Even if Xiaoli is in front of me, I won't forget Master and Uncle. What's the specific situation?"

Giving Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai a roll of eyes, Jiang Lin stood up, wanting to understand what happened.

In places like Yihongyuan, Jiang Lin and Ninth Shu generally don't go there. If it's haunted, it's also to look for the prostitute and the brothel's buddies. They don't want to care about the injustice and the debt, and they think it's dirty.

Qiusheng and Wencai also knew about this episode, so unless it was a special circumstance, they would directly push this kind of thing up.

When Jiang Lin mentioned the word "forgetting", the two brothers suddenly lost their temper, and quickly left Xiaoli behind.

"Junior brother, this time it's not because of the grievances and debts. Although the Yihong Courtyard is haunted, the ghosts are not killing the people of the Yihong Courtyard."

Chapter [-] Men don't have a good thing!

Qiusheng told Jiang Lin about the matter.

The Yihong Courtyard is haunted, she is still a female ghost, and the ghosts killed the people from the Yihong Courtyard?

Could it be that he killed a prostitute?

"Who's here for help? Is it someone who died in his family who often visits the Yihong Courtyard?"

To tell the truth, if it is the kind of plot that forces the good into a prostitute, the girl is forced to be sold into the Yihong Courtyard, and Jiang Lin will ask Qiusheng to find the security team.

After dealing with the first evil, if the ghost is still resentful, he will take another shot.

There are still yamen now, and there will be police officers in the future) (Cha, Jiang Lin, they are only Taoist priests, they can collect ghosts and kill ghosts to deal with evil cultivators, but they don’t want to do it much to maintain the laws of the world.

Not in his place and not in his own affairs.

After hearing what Qiusheng said, Jiang Lin realized that Te Mo was from the security team.

The Yihong Courtyard was haunted and they couldn't go shopping, and killing people was not done by humans, so they came to find the ninth uncle, but the ninth uncle left.

Ha ha.Jiang Lin really wanted to ask the security team if it was because they were dead or because they couldn't go to the cellar.

The haunting of Yihong Courtyard is a trivial matter. If a ghost kills someone outside, he needs to see it. Not many people died, seven or eight died in two nights.

So Jiang Lin decided to wait a while and he went over to take a look.

"Senior Brother Wencai, do you really want to go to Yihong Courtyard? And Senior Brother Qiusheng?"

Seeing Wen Cai grinning from time to time, with a lewd look, Jiang Lin looked at him angrily, and Qiu Sheng was also absent-minded.

Although these two guys don't want to touch the women in the cellar, they always want to feast their eyes.

The girl in Yihong Courtyard is really bold in what she wears.

"How is that possible? We just thought that we could take away the evil spirits as soon as possible. How could we be sorry for our girlfriends?"

The two had a shudder, and no longer dared to think about it.

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