After instructing Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai in their cultivation, Jiang Lin took them to the scene of the crime.

The place where the dead were located was near Yihong Courtyard, and there were more than one place, so Jiang Lin went to see one of them first.

When he saw the appearance of the deceased, Jiang Lin judged it, and he was desperate.

The man who was killed was a man with bulging eyeballs, a terrified expression on his face, and the yang energy on his body was sucked dry.

"Brother-in-law, we have investigated. This man's name is Qin You. He is a veteran of casinos and has a lot of debts. Although he is good at gambling, he rarely goes to places like Yihong Courtyard."

When Ah Wei saw Jiang Lin coming, he went up to report the situation to him.

Jiang Lin nodded and looked around. The female ghost's resentment was not ordinary, and there was a lot of resentment just from the remaining breath.

But only he could feel this resentment.

"Isn't it because I owed money outside and tied a woman and sold it to Yihong Courtyard?"

If the gambler owes money and is forced into debt, he may do anything.

According to Awei's account, the ghost in Yihong Courtyard is the murderer.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, how can there be a forced prostitute in the place I govern."

Awei waved his hands again and again, and at the same time did not forget to brag to himself.

Qiusheng and Wencai looked at each other and pouted, what kind of thing you are, no one else knows.

Jiang Lin took the two senior brothers to several other places, all of which were the same, drained of yang energy.

Among the seven or eight people, some were prostitutes, some were gamblers, and one was an alcoholic. He couldn't see any clues now. Jiang Lin felt that he could only wait for the female ghost to show up at night.

If the female ghost doesn't show up, they can only find it at night.

This situation is a bit like a female ghost killing indiscriminately, but Jiang Lin really couldn't understand the chaos in the Yihong Courtyard.

Is this a feminist ghost?

Don't let women be humiliated, and kill men?

After nightfall, Jiang Lin gave Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai two spiritual talismans to protect themselves, and as they wished, let them walk around the Yihong Courtyard.

Jiang Lin himself was waiting around. After all, the place where the dead was not the cellar, there was no need for him to go.

Then Jiang Lin sat quietly waiting for news from Qiusheng and Wencai.

"Senior brother, we can come in openly this time."

Wen Cai bared his teeth and entered the gentle township in the town. When the ninth uncle was there, they were not allowed to enter or leave such a place.

"This time we're here to catch ghosts. Even if Master knows about it later, he won't say anything."

Qiu Sheng also widened his eyes and looked around.

However, because it was haunted, only a few people came out to pick up guests. The other women didn't come out, and even the prostitute hid.

The two living treasures had no idea that Jiang Lin was using them as bait.In addition to protecting the body, the magic talismans on them also have the effect of evoking evil thoughts.

So as long as the female ghost appears, the two of them will probably be targeted.

Now that the Yihong Courtyard is haunted, basically no one dares to go in and play, Qiusheng and Wencai still think they are stubborn.

"Wow, brother, so beautiful."

Wen Cai saw a few hooves upstairs, and immediately laughed like an old man and a tortoise immortal.

"It's beautiful, but they seem to be afraid of us."

Qiusheng also held his arms and looked up, thinking that this woman looks good in less clothes.

The brothers and sisters didn't pay attention to the unnatural expressions on the faces of these women, and they were charged.

Looking at it, Qiu Sheng felt that something was wrong. Although they were not here to play with women, these women should also treat them as guests.

How about waving, dancing sleeves, scratching your head?

"Men don't have a good thing!"

A icy voice came from behind the two, and Wen Cai, who had a long reflex arc, immediately refuted: "Whoever said that men don't have a good thing, my senior brother and I are extinct good men."

As soon as he finished saying this, Wen Cai's heart thumped suddenly, would there be a woman in Yihong Courtyard who would say such a thing in front of the guests?

Qiu Sheng also swallowed his saliva at this time, and the two gradually turned their heads away.

So beautiful, is this the top card?

Seeing a woman behind them, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai first came up with such a thought.

However, due to the shadow caused by Xiaoli, the two quickly calmed down. This is not a woman, but a female ghost!

The female ghost had a ferocious look on her face, and pinched her hands against the necks of the two of them.

However, the magic talismans on Qiusheng and Wencai played a role, shaking the female ghost away.

"Run, this is a ghost!"

The two brothers and sisters no longer cared to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, and ran out.

"Men don't have a good thing!"

The female ghost screamed and chased out of the Yihong Courtyard.

"Junior Brother, help!"

The two live treasures were running and howling, didn't they mean that the female ghost was just making trouble in the Yihong Courtyard and didn't harm anyone?

Why does this female ghost just want to eat them both.

Chapter [*] What do you want to express?

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai have not yet entered the Taoist level, even if it is an ordinary ghost, it is enough for them to play, not to mention the resentment of this one in the Yihong Courtyard.

If it wasn't for the amulet that Jiang Lin gave them, I'm afraid they would have been pulled down by the female ghost long ago.

For the two people's calls for help, Jiang Lin chose to observe secretly.

These two living treasures don't give them any special memories, and they can't leave the woman in their minds all day.

Now I just want to take a look at Yihong Courtyard, maybe I will go in and play in the future.

Jiang Lin will not appease the ninth uncle.

Since Uncle Ninth taught him two senior brothers before leaving, he can't let Uncle Ninth down.

When Jiang Lin saw the female ghost behind Qiusheng and Wencai, his eyes lit up. To tell the truth, this female ghost is not bad, and if she is in Yihong Courtyard, she can be the top card.

A tight dress showed her figure even more. Jiang Lin felt that this female ghost could compete with Xiaohong in his family.

But such a beautiful woman, no, the female ghost's mouth always repeats "men don't have a good thing", which seems to be a bit of a story.

Could it be that there are seven or eight men who are sorry for her?

Jiang Lin has nothing to do with gossip about female ghosts. Since he has seen this female ghost, he will directly let her recruit all.

If it was indiscriminate killing, Jiang Lin wouldn't care what kind of skin she had.

"Two senior brothers, is Yihong Court fun?"

After Jiang Lin appeared, he still gave Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai a hammer.

Going to the chicken coop and being kicked into a rooster crow is an experience that most people can't enjoy.

Not fun, not fun at all!

Qiusheng and Wencai originally thought they were just haunted. They looked at beautiful women and watched dramas. It was a good thing that they could feast their eyes and pass the boring time.

But who knows what the nerves of this female ghost have, she must kill them both.

After Jiang Lin appeared, the female ghost originally wanted to continue chasing down Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, the two bitch men, but just after taking two steps, she felt a strong crisis.

How did I get here?

After the female ghost was awakened by her intuition, she came back to her senses.

The amulets on Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai can trigger the evil thoughts of the female ghost, just like dangling in a red cloth in front of a bull.

After realizing that there was something wrong with her chasing two cheap men, the female ghost was even more jealous of Jiang Lin.

This Taoist priest is definitely not simple, he deliberately led her here.

"Are you a Taoist priest? Are you here to collect me?"

The female ghost was a little guilty. She had killed so many people, so a Taoist priest would definitely come, but she didn't expect such a powerful Taoist priest to come.

Although the female ghost's reaction was only fleeting, it was enough for Jiang Lin.

When the ghost saw him, she felt very guilty.

If it's just revenge for wrongful death, why do you need to feel guilty?

Although the female ghost is very resentful, she is not the kind of savage ghost who loses her senses and only kills. After finding that Jiang Lin is not easy to provoke, she has the intention of escaping.

But what gave her a headache was that she seemed to be being watched now, and she was covered in hair.

"Daoist, I was deceived by a man during my lifetime. He said that he would treat me well. If I didn't pay attention to giving me medicine, I would just give it to him. He is my cousin and has feelings. But after he played with me. , In order to repay the debt, he actually used me to give meat to others) (paying off the debt, watching me being spoiled by his creditors in turn..."

The female ghost spoke with tears in her eyes. She looked so pitiful that she couldn't help but want to love her. Before she could finish her words, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai exploded.

"It's just scumbag, scumbag!"

"Poultry) (Beast!"

The two yelled at each other, completely forgetting what the female ghost had driven them to croak just now.Mainly because the female ghost looks like this now, basically a man will love him out of pity.

Qiusheng and Wencai were so angry that their noses were spitting out anger.

Is this still a man?

Is that human being!

After putting on his cousin, he invited the creditor to play with him, and he was watching from the sidelines.

These are not the point, the point is that this cousin is emotional and so beautiful.

No wonder this female ghost hates men so much, the men she met are so scumbag that no one can match them!

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