The blood of the green ghost is turquoise.

"It's dawn, practice hard, take good care of your sisters, and I won't treat you badly, Tingting and I are not all the same."

Holding the cold Xiaoli, Jiang Lin stroked her hair and said, "I'm going to a far place, don't come out casually, I'll make you a bride when you come back."

Then Jiang Lin added: "Take good care of your baby."

Xiao Li put her face on Jiang Lin's chest, and gave a soft hum, marrying a chicken follows a chicken, marrying a dog and a dog, and Jiang Lin will miss her in the future.

"Husband, master is gone, uncle is gone, are you going too?"

Jiang Lin told a few daughters-in-law that he was going to Xiangxi, and Ren Tingting and the others were all reluctant.

Now that no one in the family is capable, they are really a little timid.

With so many beauties gathered together, it is still quite dangerous without anyone to protect them.

"It's alright, if Tom is here, even if an army is coming, there is no problem, and there is a Tianlong enchantment at home, so don't go out. If you have something to do, find Xiaoli and Xiaohong."

Jiang Lin hugged a few daughters-in-law and went to Yizhuang.

"Junior Brother (Senior Brother)."

This morning, Feibao and Xiaohai came here, Ninth Uncle left, and Jiang Lin wrote to them to come and practice with Qiu Shengwencai.

Without a comparison, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, Jiang Lin couldn't believe them.

"Are you leaving today?"

Fat Bao also wanted to ask Jiang Lin some more questions about his cultivation, but he didn't expect that Jiang Lin would be on his way to Xiangxi just after he arrived.

"Fat Bao, you are the most obedient among the disciples of Uncle Master. If you are willing to work hard, you will supervise the cultivation of the two senior brothers and junior brothers during this period of time. Tom is a demon king, and Xiaohong is now a green ghost. , you can go to them, if you want to improve your cultivation, you must grow up in abuse."


Qiusheng and Wencai were puzzled, but the Demon King and Sheqing Ghost, let them practice with this level of duel?

Really cruel, bloody cruel!

After the explanation, Jiang Lin took his luggage and set foot on the road to Xiangxi.

Zhang Han and Chen Yu have been gone for half a month, and it is estimated that they have already arrived in western Hunan. He has not returned to western Hunan since he joined the Chen Taoist school, and the matter of returning to Maoshan that Jiu Shu mentioned to him also made him have to go. Not possible.

Jiang Lin did not use the hostility he gained during this time. There were about [*]. On the way to Xiangxi, he would choose the route in the deep mountains, old forests and inaccessible routes. When he collected [*], Jiang Lin would prepare. Get the dangling ability.

Jiang Lin chose a path that ordinary people wouldn't walk. After walking for three or four days, he came to a closed and relatively backward village.

"Ah! Ah!"

There were a few crows on the branches that kept calling, making them want to get angry.

The crow cries, and the calamity comes.

However, he didn't get angry with a few beasts and went to the village in front. If there are any strange legends or monsters nearby, he can go and see.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, Jiang Lin was greeted by a group of villagers who came out carrying a pair of boys and girls.

There was another couple behind crying: "Village chief, don't give our two children to King Xue Ying."

"If you don't send the two of them, the whole village doesn't know how many people will be eaten. The village chief, the safety of the two children and the whole village, which one do you think is more important?"

In front of the villagers, a one-eyed dragon dressed as a sacrificial scolded the parents of the two children, urging the villagers to leave quickly.

The village chief stood next to the one-eyed dragon. He sighed and ignored the parents of the two children. He let the villagers continue to carry the stretcher and send the two children out.

"King Xueying?"

Although the accents of the villagers here were slightly different from those outside, Jiang Lin could still hear some key points.

"Hello, old man, what are you doing with your two children?"

Jiang Lin went up to ask, in addition to the virgins, the villagers in the back also carried three animals, and in front there was a wizard who looked like a great dancer. Judging from this situation, it was a bit like taking two children as sacrifices.

As soon as the village chief looked at the outsider, he couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin.

Their village is surrounded by mountains and stands tall, and it is difficult to get out from the inside, but it is even more difficult to get in from the outside. No outsiders have been here for many years.

"Where did you come from, where do you go, our village is unlucky, you should go quickly."

There is a monster king nearby. As long as people in this village can climb mountains and peaks, they all run out. I didn't expect outsiders to come in.

"Old man, what is the King Xue Ying you mentioned just now? Let me tell you the truth, Pindao is a Taoist priest. If there are monsters, Pindao can help you eliminate it."

Seeing that the village chief was unwilling to speak, and persuaded him to leave, Jiang Lin revealed his identity as a Taoist priest.

If this pair of teenage boys really sacrificed to a monster, it is estimated that the monster is at least at the level of a big monster, and may even be a monster king.

Jiang Lin needs to build up his anger now, so he can take a trip to destroy the monster without wasting time.

"Master, please show mercy and save our children. They will take this pair of virgins to present to King Xue Ying."

"What King Xueying is a monster who can only eat people."

Before the village chief could respond, the parents of the two children rushed in front of Jiang Lin.

After so many years, they finally looked forward to a capable person.

After listening to the parents of the two children, Jiang Lin had a general idea of ​​what was going on. It was exactly what he thought, that there were monsters who wanted sacrifices.

"Are you really a Taoist priest? Can you help us deal with King Xue Ying?"

The village chief couldn't believe it. Jiang Lin looked like he was in his early twenties. Can he deal with monsters?

Just when the village chief was surprised, the one-eyed dragon sneered on the side. Others don't know how powerful King Xue Ying is, but he does.

"Village Chief, what do you say to a young man of his, if King Xue Ying's time is delayed, the old man will be angry."

Afterwards, the one-eyed dragon took another step forward and shouted to Jiang Lin: "Where's the wild boy, you haven't even got all the hair, so you will learn how to kill demons and eliminate demons. If King Xue Ying's meal is delayed, if the old man gets angry, you Can you afford it?"


Jiang Lin looked at the one-eyed dragon with cold eyes, opened his mouth to King Xue Ying, and closed his mouth to his old man. He was afraid that he was used to being oppressed by monsters, and his bones were softened.

Kneeling for so long, I don't even know how to get up.

The village was bullied by monsters, and when ordinary villagers saw a Taoist priest who subdued and exorcised demons, even if they didn’t know the Taoist priest’s cultivation, at least they should be a little happy.

This one-eyed dragon was a good thing, but instead regarded Jiang Lin as blocking the way.

Wouldn't your conscience hurt in such a hurry to send two children to the monsters to eat?

Chapter [*] There is no shortage of scum everywhere

If the one-eyed dragon was really considering the trade-off between big and small interests, Jiang Lin wouldn't look down on him, but it wasn't.

Looking at Jiang Lin's cold eyes, the one-eyed dragon suddenly felt cold all over.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if the cultivation base of cultivators has not reached the level of Daoists, Jiang Lin's heart will be chilled by staring at him like this.

"I'm here for the sake of the village."

The one-eyed dragon could only whisper in protest.

"For the sake of the village, why don't you send your child there?"

Jiang Lin teased. Although this one-eyed dragon was blind in one eye, his face showed that he still had several children. Jiang Lin couldn't believe that such a guy would be willing to give his children to monsters as food.

In Jiang Lin's opinion, the one-eyed dragon is no different from the traitor during the Anti-Japanese War. The difference is that the traitor calls the Japanese Taijun, and the one-eyed dragon flatters the monster as an old man.

Would traitors give their children to others to spoil?

"Village Chief, haven't you been hoping that someone will be able to deal with that man-eating monster? Now we are saved!"

The child's father knelt down to the village chief. He only had two dolls when he was middle-aged. If they were eaten by monsters, how would the couple survive.

"Village chief, let this Taoist chief try to deal with the monsters."

"Yeah, you have to eat two or three children every year, how can you survive."

"Why is King Xue Ying so easy to deal with, if he gets angry with him, we will all be eaten!"

"That's right, it's fine if we can deal with it, but if we can't deal with it, won't we survive for a few days?"

The villagers' gossip is nothing more than the two views of continuing to kneel and stand up.

Whenever disaster strikes, there is no shortage of both views.

Live in cowardice, or die in resistance.

Jiang Lin glanced at the villagers who were unwilling to offend the monsters, feeling pity for these people.

The village is located in such a geographical location that even young and strong people may not be able to climb the mountain and go out, and the news of monsters here will not spread, otherwise even the monster king would not dare to blatantly treat humans as blood sacrifices. No. to worship.

To put it bluntly, the so-called King Xue Ying did not dare to make a fortune in other places, so he just stared here.

Under such circumstances, can you really survive?

What the monster wants is not exploitation and oppression, but food rations. Just staring at a village unknown to outsiders, how many children are there in this village?

After the child is delivered, maybe the woman will be delivered, and finally he will be delivered.

Still not dead?

They are kept in captivity like pigs. When the monsters want to eat, they will pick one and slaughter them. After a few more years, will they live well?

If it weren't for Jiang Lin's special selection of deep mountains and old forests and routes that are difficult for ordinary people to travel, he would not have found such a village.

The village chief weighed it for a while, raised his hand to suppress the voices of the crowd, and said to Jiang Lin, "Master, please go back to the village."

Jiang Lin nodded and followed the village chief and the villagers back to the village.

On the way, Jiang Lin also learned a little about this closed village. His ancestors fled to such a place and later settled here for generations. This village has little contact with the outside world. Now they don’t know that the Qing Dynasty has perished.

Seven years ago, there was a monster entrenched in the gentle slope mountain where the villagers went out. Since then, even a man with strong skills has been unable to get out.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the only exit for climbing is occupied by monsters, and it has completely become a "pig pen".

"Master, do you really have the means to deal with monsters? Our village is almost isolated from the world, and the only way to go out was taken by this King Xue Ying seven or eight years ago. If the master can't deal with monsters, our village can't bear it. The anger of King Xue Ying."

The village chief invited Jiang Lin to the ancestral hall and served tea to Jiang Lin.

Knowing the identity of Jiang Lin Taoist priest, although the village chief was pleasantly surprised, considering that Jiang Lin was young, he did not dare to gamble.

In case of death at that time, not only the young Taoist priest will suffer, but their village will also face the rage of monsters.

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