"Village Chief, then do you plan to continue like this? How long will the children in the village be able to eat monsters? At that time, they won't eat you. There are also a lot of poor people who kill ghosts and monsters. There is still a lot of confidence.”

The village head looked at Jiang Lin again. As the head of the village, he still had a little vision. He felt that Jiang Lin's bearing was indeed extraordinary, and he might really be able to help them eliminate the monsters.

"The village chief only needs to tell where the Pindao monster is and what methods you have seen."

Just when Jiang Lin learned more information from the village chief, the one-eyed dragon gathered a few villagers and quietly left the village.

"It's really self-defeating, thinking that I can destroy King Xue Ying, and I don't know how to write the word "dead"."

The one-eyed dragon snorted coldly. The village chief did not send the child away. If the monster was angry, he would be the first to be unlucky. He would be better off dead than others.

"Sacrifice adults are right. Now who doesn't know that the village is guaranteed by us, and we only send two children every year."

"That is, if King Xue Ying hadn't appeared, how could we have such a position in the village. If someone wants to cut off his old man's rations, we will inform the king."

The two villagers behind the one-eyed dragon didn't see Jiang Lin as a savior at all.

It is impossible to be a savior, impossible for a lifetime. In their opinion, Jiang Lin is a bum star.

As long as that one is happy, there will be no problems in the next year, they can continue to live happily for another year, in the name of worshipping the king, see who's wife is beautiful, just go up.

If Jiang Lin knew what these people were doing, he would kill these scumbags without saying a word.

"King Xue Ying! Today is the day of the annual sacrifice. We already prepared the sacrifice, but a Taoist priest came outside and threatened to deal with your old man. The village chief will not allow the sacrifice."

The one-eyed dragon came to the entrance of a cave and bowed to the cave.Behind him, the eyes of several young villagers were even more frenzied.

It doesn't matter to them whether they eat or not, they just need to be more relaxed now than they used to be.

They do things for the king, and nothing will happen.

"Is there such a thing? It's really outrageous! It's been a long time since I ate the flesh of Taoists and drank their blood."

As a sharp voice came out, a monster with a bird's head and a human body walked out of the cave.

"Double offerings this year and beyond!"

Glancing at the one-eyed dragon coldly, King Xue Ying's human-shaped arm turned into black wings, which formed a sharp contrast with its white bird head.


The one-eyed dragon kowtowed to King Xue Ying like pounding garlic.

"Where did the wild Taoist come from, courting death!"

Shaking his wings, King Xue Ying flew to the location of the village.

Chapter [-] What Xue Ying is actually a big sand sculpture!

Jiang Lin was listening to the village chief in the ancestral hall, when suddenly his brows twitched, a demonic aura was approaching here.

"King Xueying is here!"


"I just said send the child out, it's going to die this time!"

When the villagers at the entrance of the village saw the birdmen flying in the air, they were all terrified.

The village chief's teacup was terrified. He didn't expect King Xue Ying to come so quickly.

I was going to find you, but I came to the door by myself.

"Village Chief, find a few strong tendon ropes and twist them together, and I will deal with the monster."

After leaving these words, Jiang Lin put down the teacup and strode out of the ancestral hall.

"Is this the King Xue Ying?"

Seeing the bird man standing on the big tree, Jiang Lin almost laughed. He originally thought that the monster calling himself King Xue Ying might be a white eagle like Spear Falcon.

This one is a bald eagle, also known as the Bald Sea Eagle. Except for the white head, the hair on the body is all black.

This is also called Snow Eagle?

"Where's the Taoist priest, where is the Taoist priest? Let this king beat his teeth!"

The bald eagle looked down from the treetops, making a sharp, unpleasant sound.

"You are King Xue Ying? The hair is as black as a crow, why don't you call it Wu Ying?"

Holding his arms, Jiang Lin looked at the big eagle with contempt.

Although this bald eagle is also at the level of a demon king, it is the weakest one compared to the demon kings he has ever encountered.

No wonder he only dared to make a fortune in this isolated small village. If he was outside, as long as he had a good location, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han might work together to make this demon king lose a layer of skin.

However, Jiang Lin did not take this bald eagle too lightly.

Although it is not very strong, the two large wings are not used for decoration, and this bald eagle is completely able to stay out of his attack range.

Flying in the sky, swimming in the water, these monsters are all characters that are difficult to kill.

It's not that they are strong, but that they have the capital to protect themselves in their respective fields.

Taking Jiang Lin's current physique as an example, no animals on land can outrun him, but if he were to fly into the sky or go into the sea, Jiang Lin's speed would be mediocre.

If it misses a single hit, it will not be easy for the bald eagle to know Jiang Lin's strength and to catch it again.

This bald eagle knows how to grow in a vulgar manner. It doesn't make waves outside, and its IQ is estimated to be not low. If it really wants to run, Jiang Lin will also have a headache.

And even if it is now in the shape of a birdman, the bald eagle's wingspan is three meters long, and it will be more flexible when it is extremely light.

"you wanna die!"

What Bald Eagle hated most in his life was his pure black hair, which was as black as a crow. Now that he was stimulated by Jiang Lin, the feathers on his neck suddenly stood up.

Oh, it's so easy to fry?

Jiang Lin thought how high the IQ of this big eagle would be, so it looked like a sand sculpture.

"Come and eat me, big eagle, come on! Eat my big eagle."

Jiang Lin hooked his finger on the bald eagle and wanted to lure it down, but now he didn't want to expose the Yang Finger Sword and Yang Finger Qi. Although the Yang Zhi Qi was very powerful, Jiang Lin's effective range was only about [-] years old. Just rice.

And if he uses a big move, although the three-legged Golden Crow is very powerful, it really can't compare to this bald eagle in terms of speed.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lin felt that what he said was a little wrong.

The bald eagle even stood up on top of the hair this time. Damn it, a human kid made it stick with a stick and scolded it, he couldn't bear it!

"I'm going to eat you alive!"

The bald eagle spread its wings, and the open space at the entrance of the village was like a hurricane, and even a hundred kilograms of stones were blown by the strong wind.

"King Xueying is mighty!"

"Your Majesty!"

The one-eyed dragon and several villagers who came from the demon cave saw the bald eagle's bewitching hair, and one by one shouted and cheered.

"It turned out to be these bastards with the back of their heads!"

Jiang Lin finally knew why he didn't look for the big eagle, and it went to the village first.

"It's you! It's the scum of our clan!"

When the village chief saw the one-eyed dragon, they rushed back from the outside and almost vomited blood.

Because of sending errands to the monsters, the village has already tried their best to meet their requirements. I didn't expect that these guys would not care about the life or death of the villagers.

"Folks, go find beef tendon rope for the Taoist priest!"

Now the only hope for dealing with monsters lies in Jiang Lin's body, and the village chief can only do his best to meet Jiang Lin's needs.

"I didn't expect that this big eagle really has some means."

With a murmur, Jiang Lin stepped a little and flew back with the help of the wind, he wanted the eagle to hit his muzzle and blade by himself.

Sure enough, as soon as the bald eagle saw Jiang Lin being fanned, it immediately flew down from the top of the tree, and its eagle beak took Jiang Lin's heart.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters!

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth was slightly raised, and his hands and ten fingers were aimed at the base of the bald eagle's wings during the flight back.

This big sand sculpture never imagined that since he dared to stand here and speak madly, he would have the confidence and capital other than courting death.

Who would look for death for nothing?

I can't get around this point, and I still call myself King Xue Ying, but he's actually a big sand sculpture (stupid hanging)!

Seeing that Jiang Lin was about to die, he could still laugh, and the big sand sculpture shuddered in his heart, but it was already too late.

It rushed so fast, even if it realized that it was not good, it would be difficult for it to change its inertia for a while.

More than [-] beams hit its wing roots in an instant.

"I still hate other things flying in front of me!"

Jiang Lin had a deep obsession with flying. He couldn't fly, so he was extremely disgusted by demons and the like flying around in front of him.

With a bang, Jiang Lin's palm drilled out two light swords that directly pierced the bald eagle's wing base.

The Yang Yan on the Yang Finger Sword instantly burned the feathers around the bald eagle's wing root wound to ashes, revealing its bare fleshy wings.

"Fuck you, thief!"

Smelling the smell of barbecue, Jiang Lin swallowed, he wanted to eat this big eagle.

With a twist, Jiang Lin threw the bald eagle out, and let it pounce on the one-eyed dragon and the others.

"Xue... King Xue Ying!"

The one-eyed dragon let out a mad cry and gasped, his chest was pierced by the eagle's beak, and the few anti-bone boys around him were also cut in half by the bald eagle's sharp wings.

Because of the excessive momentum, the huge beak of the bald eagle directly cut through the ground, and the eagle head was buried in it, just like an ostrich.

Jiang Lin didn't delay for a single breath. Holding the bone sword, he turned over and jumped up to cut off the head of the bald eagle.


What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that this big eagle manifested its main body at a critical moment, and a bubble of bird droppings was ejected by it and shot into the air.

I fuck nima!

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