Jiang Lin was also speechless. After all, he saved a villager without a dime.

Wait, nothing is ready, what does that mean?

"Daoist, according to our ancestors' manuscripts, there should be a gold mine in the mountain in front, but it is not very convenient to mine. Of course, the Taoist saved our entire village, and we will mine for you. But it may not be something that can be resolved in a day or two.”

Hearing the village chief's words, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. I went to see that this isolated village actually guarded a gold mine.

developed, developed.

Since the village didn't need any coins, Jiang Lin planned to completely hollow out the gold mine after returning from Xiangxi.

Be a gold miner!

"There is no need to open a mine. When the poor road passes through this place in the future, it will be solved by itself."

If the mine was a normal mine, Jiang Lin would have let the village chief start the construction, but the surrounding mountains are all dangerous, so there is a high chance of mining accidents.

He just wanted the reward, and there was no need to let the villagers die because of it.

"Bring me some oil, salt, pepper, and cumin next."

Jiang Lin looked at the big eagle on the ground and felt that he was very hungry.

This master is really a ruthless man.

The village chief was a little ashamed, killing such a monster was already a shocking thing, but the young Taoist had to eat the monster.

Jiang Lin ignored the gazes of many villagers and dragged the bald eagle's body to the stream in front of him.

After a while, Jiang Lin enjoyed a delicious barbecue meal.

"The inner alchemy of the Poultry Demon King, this is a good one."

Putting away the inner alchemy of the bald eagle, Jiang Lin lay down on the ground, full of food and drink.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to get a good night's sleep, Commander Yin lit up on his body.

Judge Lu looking for me?

Jiang Lin was a little reluctant. It would be nice to have a good sleep now. Although he really wanted to leave Judge Lu aside, considering that he could not lose his trust, he went up to the top of the mountain to find a secluded place.

If he slept, Judge Lu would have to wait ten days or so.

Jiang Lin didn't want to be too unkind. He really didn't have anything important right now, and Judge Lu had already provided him with herbs from the underworld before.

After taking out Commander Yin, Jiang Lin opened the gate of hell and walked in directly.

Guided by the little ghost, Jiang Lin entered Judge Lu's judge's hall, and Judge Lu greeted him with a happy face.

"Oh, brother Jiang, you came so fast."

"Judgment Lu, tell me, what's the matter? Do you want me to go to the forbidden area? Didn't you say it before, and let me take on these tasks when my strength improves?"

Seeing Judge Lu's attitude, Jiang Lin knew that he must have encountered some difficulty and needed his help urgently.

"Don't get me wrong, this time, I'm not asking you to go to the forbidden area. It's only been half a year, and I haven't even passed a month in the world. This time I invited my brother to come because there are some things that I need to deal with."

Judge Lu let out a haha, and then told Jiang Lin about the difficulties he was encountering now.

It is estimated that the Yin Division of his subordinates has been engaged, and it is estimated that the evil is more fortunate, and the Yin Division who has an accident is still engaged in the mortal world.

Damn it, what kind of ghost in the world is so bold, dare to engage in the yin division?

"Ordinary ghosts and monsters will definitely not dare to attack Yinsi. The group of blind guys above are in tune with the old black mountain demon in the forbidden area, and they are behind them."

Judge Lu was so angry that his beard was blowing, and these things that should never be born again broke ground on his head.

His subordinates were killed by monsters, and Judge Lu lost a lot of face in front of his colleagues.

But he can't go up and destroy those things that don't open his eyes. One day in the world, ten days in the underworld, and now, even if he stays in the world for a day or two, there is no judge in his jurisdiction, maybe there will be a big mess.

He couldn't bear it, so he could only ask Jiang Lin to help him take care of this trouble.

Montenegro old demon?

Isn't he a Montenegrin old demon?How can you run into the forbidden area?

Jiang Lin felt that he might have heard it wrong. He entered the ghost world with his fleshly body because he had the corpse of the thousand-year-old zombie king, and he was not considered a living thing after being corpse.

Even a demon king like Millennium Xie Ji, whose physical body is much stronger than him, can't enter the ghost world.

After raising his own question, Jiang Lin got the answer from Judge Lu.

The old demon of Montenegro was a demon before he died, and he became a ghost king when he got down there.

What a hero, he was born as a demon king and died as a ghost.

"It's exactly where I'm going to pass, Judge Lu, I also got benefits from you, and I'll handle this matter, but you also know the thousand-year-old tree demon, the trouble is big, Judge Lu, look Let's see if it's time to show it after it's done."

Although Jiang Lin now has silver lotus, there is only one silver lotus. When he runs out sooner or later, he will use it himself. If it is not enough, he can extort money from Judge Lu, ahem, ask for some as a reward, which is also very good. of.

Are you in trouble?

Why don't you go to eat incense!

Judge Lu looked at Jiang Lin with contempt, she is a thousand-year-old zombie king, and she is also a celestial master. How much trouble can it be to eliminate a demon king?

"Judgment Lu, I'll help you with things, but all my head is on the belt of my pants. You don't give me this benefit?"

Jiang Lin's face was covered with the words "You really suck", and Judgment Lu's forehead was seen with blue veins.

"After it's gone, I'll give it to you!"

Judge Lu kicked Jiang Lin out, scolding Jiang Laokeng one by one.

Chapter [*] The rhythm of the corpse?

After returning to the world, Jiang Lin took a nap first. In his sleep, he seemed to feel that he was traveling back and forth between the realms of yin and yang, and his body was repeatedly switching between yin and yang.

The demon meat of the bald eagle in Jiang Lin's belly was gradually absorbed, and his bones began to have a tendency to be compatible with the Taoist body.

It's just that these changes are very slow, and Jiang Lin himself can't notice it at all.

The essence of Xuanyue projected by the dark moon at night was absorbed by the coffin bacteria in the throat of Jianglin, and the sunlight of Haoyang during the day was collected by him in his dantian.

This time, Jiang Lin didn't know how long he had slept, but he only felt that he had never slept so comfortably before.

At the moment of sunset, half of Jiang Lin's body was unconsciously corpse, and the other half was flooded with spiritual power. The whole body was divided into two irregular but equal halves.

The extremely yin coffin fungus in his throat that was about to turn into a corpse pill, and the extremely yang spiritual power sphere whose dantian was about to form a golden pill, was like the eye of the two yin of the Tai Chi yin and yang fish.

After waking up, Jiang Lin stretched his waist and made a rumbling sound in his stomach.

"Isn't it, so hungry after eating so much eagle meat?"

Jiang Lin didn't know when his digestive system became so strong.

It happened that the bald eagle still had more than half of its body under the stream to keep it fresh, and then he went on the road after eating.

After arriving at the village, Jiang Lin realized that he had slept for three days and three nights in one night.

"Could it be that the bald eagle ate the flesh of so many boys and girls, and after being eaten by me, it was equivalent to indirectly absorbing the essence of those children?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. He didn't upgrade his exercises and body training techniques, so he shouldn't have been sleeping for so many days.

The only possibility is that he ate the demon meat of the bald eagle.

Unexpectedly, this big sand sculpture is actually a tonic, and I will eat it again.

Jiang Lin found that he was completely like a hungry wolf, his stomach seemed to have become a bottomless pit, and he ate most of the remaining bald eagles.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't return to the village. It was time for him to go looking for the Millennium Tree Demon.

But before that, Jiang Lin went to the place where the demon cave was mentioned by the village chief.

Since he killed a thousand-year-old zombie king and obtained the corpse of mercurial in his coffin, he felt that it was very necessary to raid the homes of zombies and monsters.

If you miss any baby, you will lose a lot of money.

As soon as he entered the demon cave, Jiang Lin felt a breath of extreme yang and extreme yin blowing towards his face.

Is there really a baby?

Rubbing his hands, Jiang Lin strode into the depths of the cave.


At the end of the demon cave, Jiang Lin heard a harsh sound, and his body involuntarily turned into a corpse.

"Nima, corpse-eating horned turtle!"

When Jiang Lin saw the scarab-like beetle in a small steel cage on the ground, he quickly took two steps back.

This thing is definitely the natural enemy of zombies.

If Jiang Lin hadn't stayed in Emei a thousand years ago, he wouldn't have been able to recognize such a terrifying thing.

The corpse-eating horned tortoise was born from a mass grave. It was purely out of resentment, and the conditions were extremely harsh. If you push it forward for three thousand years, there might not be a second corpse-eating horned tortoise.

There are no records of ghoul-horned turtles in the world, there is only one kind of misinformation: ghouls (jiao) ghosts or ghouls.

Even in the Secret Records of Yan Zhi that Jiang Lin had read, there was such a fallacy. They classified ghouls as injustices. They were born to grow up, and they were the nemesis of corpses. Waiting for the brain and body of the corpse evil.

In fact, I searched the sky and the ground, but I couldn't find a ghoul, because its prototype is a ghoul horned turtle.

In the old books that no one cares about in Emei, there is also a description of a beetle similar to the corpse-eating horned turtle, which is an insect specializing in mummification - scarab.

After a brief shock, Jiang Lin looked at the corpse-eating horned turtle with green eyes. This thing is very lethal to zombies, and the carapace is so hard that it is difficult to hurt even a magic weapon, even Mao Zong may take it. It has no choice but to run away.

But this kind of beetle is basically harmless to other evil spirits and living creatures. Except for the corpse evil, it has almost no abnormal destructive power itself. Steel or alloy can trap it.


Jiang Lin's little heart is about to jump out. As long as he takes this corpse-eating horned turtle, if Feizong comes to the door in the future, he will definitely give it a great gift.

The seven-star formation and the barrier were spread, throwing this corpse-eating horned turtle in, I was excited to think about it!

In addition, the corpse-eating horned turtle is from yin to cold, and if it is cultivated around it, the effect is better than that of the extremely yin land.

"Could it be that the fortune of the corpse emperor that was passed on to him worked?"

Jiang Lin felt that it was as if treasures and treasures were so close to him that he could almost touch them with two steps.

The thousand-year-old zombie king who killed the zombie forest, got the corpse mercury lotus, entered the Yinshan cave and obtained the seven-star formation and thunder method, came here to kill a large sand sculpture, and even exploded such a fetish.

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