The extremely yin energy is emitted by the corpse-eating horned turtle. What about the extremely yang energy?

As soon as Jiang Lin arrived here, he was attracted by the corpse-eating horned turtle, and he also paid attention to other places.

Phoenix Stone!

Seeing a stone with golden light embedded in the cave wall, Jiang Lin's heart thumped again. This Phoenix Stone is a stone that is associated with the Phoenix Gallbladder. It contains the power of extreme yang, and the pure yang body fire spirit. If a cultivator of the same physique uses this phoenix stone to cultivate, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

So very happy.

The smile on Jiang Lin's face couldn't be stopped. Li Yingqi used his Sun God Orb. Now that he has this Phoenix Stone, he can definitely increase the speed of his cultivation.

"No wonder the bald eagle eats boys and girls every year. It turned out to be used to reconcile the yin and yang."

The virgins are pure yang and the virgins are pure yin. After being swallowed up as blood food, they will echo with the extreme negative yang of the outside world, which can make cultivation several grades faster.

I didn't expect a humble bald eagle to be so rich. Although there are only these two things, it is definitely comparable to a lot of heaven and earth treasures.

Copy the house, copy the house!

Jiang Lin decided to set up a powerful magic circle outside the demon cave before leaving, and then he would raid his home when he came back.

He is going to clear the tree demon on this trip. If he has these two treasures on his body, it will be difficult to suppress the aura of the extremely negative yang, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

But before that, you can experience the benefits of practicing here.

Jiang Lin sat on the futon between the corpse-eating horned turtle and the phoenix stone, and drew the qi of extreme yin and yang into his body.

As time passed, Jiang Lin entered a state of wandering, and his body naturally turned into a state of half corpse and half human.

This time Jiang Lin finally discovered his own changes, and his corpse incarnation and cultivator began to show signs of mutual penetration.

"I'm going to become a corpse in advance???"

Jiang Lin was so excited that he almost jumped up when he noticed the change in himself. The yin qi of the corpse-eating horned turtle and the corpse evil basically belonged to the same source, and the extreme yang qi of the phoenix stone seemed to be able to be effectively absorbed by his violent yang spiritual power. Under the impact and reconciliation of this extreme cathode and anode, his corpse and Daoji may not be as opposed to each other as before.

Is this the rhythm of becoming a corpse?

What is a zombie's ability to know? I want to be a zombie that can run Taoism! ! !

Chapter [-]: Female Ghosts Test the Celestial Master

When Jiang Lin was in high spirits, the yin and yang in his body became disordered because of his mood swings.

The two collided sharply, and the powerful force produced made Jiang Lin's complexion suddenly turn red.


The extreme cathode and extreme yang collide in the body, and the power generated is no less than that of the red and white collision.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Jiang Lin's entire breath wilted.

He tried his best to control the situation in the body, so that the corpse poison returned to the bones, and the spiritual power returned to the dantian.

If there is a conflict between the corpse poison and his inner yang again, Jiang Lin feels that he will be paralyzed for more than half a month.

The second uncle's, it seems that it is not something that can be achieved overnight, so that the corpse and Daoji are completely compatible, I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Jiang Lin wanted to swear, but he didn't have enough time and a stable state of mind. He wanted to use the extreme yin and extreme yang to cultivate, but it was really easy to go wrong.

"It's so happy and sad."

Jiang Lin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, regretting that he was too complacent. Now that he has suffered internal injuries, it will take a few days for him to recover completely.

During this period, he couldn't use the Dao technique and the corpse transformation ability, and the yin and yang qi in the body needed to be smoothed out before it would have any effect on him.

What a shit!

After laying out a magic circle outside the demon cave to ensure that the treasures inside would not be taken away, Jiang Lin set out on the road again.

Even without the spells and corpse incarnations, Jiang Lin can now fight the zombies head-to-head without delaying his journey. After a day or two, he can use a little yang energy to infuse the yang and the spirit, and the flame paper crane and the explosive flame talisman in his hand They are all killing moves. When encountering a relatively powerful evil thing, just avoid it first.

And taking advantage of this time, he could inquire about the exact location of the Millennium Tree Demon on the road.

It's not that Jiang Lin didn't understand what Judge Lu was thinking. In fact, the ghost errand had an accident, so the ghost errand should be done. Judge Lu asked him to take on this errand just to see his sincerity and ability to cooperate.

Now that he has already taken the responsibility and knocked on Judge Lu, Jiang Lin also wants to end this matter as soon as possible.

The more efficient he is, the more he knocks.

After walking two hundred miles, Jiang Lin did not find out any information about the Millennium Tree Demon.

"Go find it yourself."

Jiang Lin's internal injuries have now recovered seventy-eighty-eight, and he can exert about half of his strength, but he can't be turned into a corpse for the time being.

In this case, even if you encounter a demon king, self-protection is not a problem.

Climbing up a high mountain, Jianglin overlooked the bottom, this area is rainy all year round, surrounded by mountains, forming a rainforest, few people, even with his eyesight, he can't see far.

However, according to Jianglin's estimation, if it is a thousand-year-old tree demon, it should be in the center of the rainforest. Because the plant becomes a demon, its scope of activity is limited. It was removed by the Taoist priest.

After walking for more than half a day, Jiang Lin came to a small county town, Guobei County. Although it was a county town, it was not as big as Renjia Town, and there was only one inn in the entire county town.

After asking several people one after another, Jiang Lin not only did not ask about the tree demon, but also got a lot of scorn.

Jiang Lin also gave up the idea of ​​questioning, and he couldn't find any clues.

"Illusory enchantment?"

Not long after entering the dense forest, Jiang Lin looked at an ancient temple in front of him, his brows furrowed. There was a very secret enchantment around the ancient temple.

The rich ghost energy and demon energy will overflow from the enchantment.

Forgetting the geographical location, Jiang Lin felt that the places where a few ghosts had accidents might be within a radius of dozens of miles. Since there was something strange here, he simply went in and took a look.

A demonic enchantment, Jiang Lin, was not in his sight.

As soon as he stepped into the barrier, Commander Yin flashed on Jiang Lin's body.

"Finally found."

Jiang Lin looked at Commander Yin in his hand and confirmed that this was where the ghosts were attacked.

Why did the Dryad want to die?

Jiang Lin didn't understand it very well. It was a common thing for monsters to eat people's spirits, but Yin Si was a regular staff member below.

After Jiang Lin went deeper, the enchantment behind him began to change.

In addition to the ability to identify ghosts, the enchantment here also has the ability to trap them.

Otherwise, the few ghosts under Judge Lu would not have suffered so easily.

"Lanruo Temple? Why is the name of this temple so familiar?"

Jiang Lin always felt as if he had heard of it somewhere, but he didn't put too much attention on it. First, he looked for the traces of the ghost, and when the injury was healed, he opened up and killed the tree demon.

Jiang Lin took two steps and found a child's corpse scattered on the ground.

It's really a mass grave, and I don't know how many people have died here.

"Let's cast in a good family in the next life."

Putting the child's bones in one place, Jiang Lin dug a hole and buried it.

On a tree not far away, a female ghost in a plain white dress with a fluttering robe looked at Jianglin below.

"It seems that you are very kind, but unfortunately, you have come to the wrong place, or you don't have to die so unworthy."

The female ghost shook her head slightly, feeling sad in her heart. The first time she came out to harm someone, she actually wanted to harm a good person.

Because Jiang Lin was injured, his inner yang converged, his spiritual power was dormant, and the corpse poison was tightly locked in his bones, so now he is no different from an ordinary person in the eyes of outsiders or some evil spirits.

"Forget it, let me give you a chance."

The female ghost took out an ingot of gold and threw it in front of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. He had already discovered the existence of the female ghost. He wanted to arrest the female ghost for questioning, but the female ghost actually wanted to test his character.

Is it possible that the finished product line will let him go after passing the border?

The female ghost tested the Tianshi and wanted to let the Tianshi go. The development of this plot caught Jiang Lin a little off guard.

What makes Jiang Lin want to complain even more is that the test is the test, why wouldn't he use a piece of real gold to test it, throwing a Rakshasa ghost bone over, thinking he has a problem with his eyes?

Jiang Lin didn't even look at the ingot of gold, nor did he go to catch the female ghost. He needed to go to the monastery to check the specific situation.

Since the female ghost is reassuring, it means that her nature is not bad, and the resentment on her body is not heavy, Jiang Lin will not kill the ghost when he interrogates her for a while.

Jiang Lin walked around the dilapidated temple a few times, but found nothing. At this time, there was a melodious sound of the violin behind the temple.

"Test me? Then I'll test you too. It depends on your performance."

Jiang Lin looked at the long gown on his body. Because of the reason of climbing mountains and mountains, it was torn a lot. He didn't need makeup, so he could pretend to be a poor boy on the road.

Pretending to be attracted by the sound of the piano, Jiang Lin left the temple and went to the water pavilion at the back.

The beautiful female ghost is playing the piano and singing in the pavilion, her voice is gentle and beautiful.

Jiang Lin had to admit that this female ghost was really beautiful, even though Xiao Li was worse than this one in terms of appearance and temperament.

Chapter [-] Help me, you still have hope

The last time was the temptation of money, this time the female ghost should have set up a beauty gate.

It's the kind that nine out of ten men can't get through.

With long black hair, with a butterfly-shaped bun on the top, blue silk fluttering, gauze fluttering, coupled with the ghostly face of the female ghost, few men can resist.

The beautiful water pavilion is covered with gauze curtains hanging from its eaves, and the female ghost is like a fairy in a painting.

Jiang Lin couldn't figure out what this female ghost meant. Let's test people. He has already lost a piece of gold to test, but Shangmeirenguan is designed to make people pass the test.

The exam questions are seriously out of line!Make it clear that you want people to hang up.

Is this really trying to let people go?

When Jiang Lin walked along the wooden bridge over the river to the pavilion, the female ghost looked up at Jiang Lin and smiled gently.

Jiang Lin nodded to him as a greeting, and then he took the female ghost pigeon away.

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