Finding the situation, the female ghost stepped back a little.

Unlike Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, Jiang Lin couldn't move his feet when he saw a beautiful female ghost.

Even if an angel is in front of him, what should he do? Whether the female ghost or fairy is beautiful or not has nothing to do with him.

"The water here..."

Jiang Lin walked to the pavilion and squinted his eyes and swept the water surface. There was a problem with the river water under the pavilion.

He once absorbed the magic power of the Seven Star Witch and was somewhat familiar with this similar aura.

The female ghost playing the piano stopped for a while. The man nodded to her and went to watch the water and admire the moon?

It's not pretending, is it?

Jiang Lin ignored the gaze of the female ghost behind him and continued to observe the surface of the water.

There seems to be an enchantment in the water as well, but what kind of enchantment it belongs to, Jiang Lin couldn't be sure for a while, but it felt a bit like a water prison.

But he didn't need to look any further. There happened to be a female ghost here. It would be impossible to say that she has nothing to do with the enchanting enchantment and the underwater enchantment here.

As soon as he turned around, Jiang Lin saw that the seven strings of the long qin under the female ghost were broken one by one, and the female ghost broke it on purpose.

Then there was another gust of wind in the water pavilion, which was also the means of the female ghost herself.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

Under Jiang Lin's dazed gaze, the female ghost ran over and hugged his body.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Although your acting is very good, the script is too bad!

Afraid that ghosts are still alone in this ruined temple?He also played the qin there with great interest.

This is not the point, the point is that you are a female ghost, afraid of a woolly ghost.

"Girl, there is no ghost, you don't have to be afraid."

Jiang Lin pushed the female ghost away and took two steps back. He wanted to know if he would play the role of a young man who saw money, sex and rebellion, would the female ghost still attack him.

If the female ghost really has a kind heart, Jiang Lin can consider leaving her alive and let her cooperate with him to deal with the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"But the wind is blowing, the slave's house is so cold, the son is so warm, the slave's whole body is cold, son, can you give the slave's house some warmth?"

Jiang Lin was hugged by the female ghost again, and the female ghost also tore off her collar and slipped it onto the lotus arm, revealing her white shoulders.

You are a ghost, of course you are cold all over!

And you, a female ghost, is always holding the Celestial Master, does your family know?

Jiang Lin thought that if this female ghost knew that he was a Celestial Master, would she want to chop her hands...

Being hugged tightly by the female ghost, Jiang Lin didn't quite believe that such a stunning female ghost turned out to be... right.

I'm sorry, I can't afford this to A!

Jiang Lin pulled the female ghost's collar back, pushed her away again, and said, "I already have a sweet wife, and it will be unethical for you to be like this."

The female ghost took a few steps back, looked at Jiang Lin, and then said faintly, "It's not safe here, you should leave early, you might lose your life if you're too late."

"Are you really willing to let me go?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows, this female ghost was really willing to let go.

"Today is the first time I have harmed someone, and I don't want to harm a good and righteous person..."

Halfway through speaking, the female ghost's expression changed suddenly. She was asked by Jiang Lin and replied without turning around.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and slashed his sword with Yang Finger, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically. There were no beautiful pavilions at all, and there were only skeletons and ruins that had long since fallen.

"Just now, you saved your life."

Jiang Lin looked at the flustered female ghost. He never thought that it was the first time that she had harmed someone. No wonder the script to seduce men was so bad.

However, the script is not good, and the appearance is worth it. Even if the acting skills of the female ghost are poorer, few men can control it.

"Heaven... Heavenly Master!"

The female ghost didn't expect the pale man in front of her to be an exorcist. Her first reaction was to flee, but after looking at Jiang Lin's sharp eyes, the female ghost felt that the temperature on her body had dropped a few times. point.

She is only slightly stronger than the ordinary Specter. In front of Jiang Lin, she can't make a move, even if Jiang Lin still has internal injuries, she can't do it.

"Tianshi, please forgive Xiaoqian's offense, Xiaoqian is forced to do so."

Xiaoqian never thought that she would meet a Celestial Master the night before she killed someone, and just now she wanted to seduce this Celestial Master to see if he was worth killing.

As a result, the Celestial Master saw all of them, and was considering whether to destroy her.

"Did the tree demon persecute you? What about the ghost messenger who disappeared here before? Since you said that you were persecuted, tell me everything you know and take me to the ghost messenger, and I can send you reincarnation, otherwise You'll just be the end of the dust."

"You have no other choice. Help me, there is still hope for you to be reborn."

Gods and ghosts are afraid of evil, so Jiang Lin doesn't say that he is more ruthless. It may not be smooth for the female ghost to help him at the risk of being lost.

In fact, even if the female ghost Xiaoqian has never harmed anyone, her end will not be much better. The coercion tree demon has killed so many people, and may also kill the ghost messenger, even if it is forced. Can't forgive her any more.

There are many more ghosts below than the people above. Compared with human life, ghost life is not worth much at all.

However, since Jiang Lin now has the identity of the Yin Division, if Xiaoqian is guilty and meritorious, he will tell Judge Lu, it is not impossible for him to do it conveniently.

"It was forced by grandma. The ghost messenger who came here before was trapped by grandma in her ten-square demon world, just below this river, but you can only enter through another entrance, otherwise you won't be able to find it."

Xiaoqian knew that the Celestial Master did not immediately beat her to the point that she would never be born again. It was an extra-judicial kindness, so she did not hide it and revealed what she knew.

It turned out that the old demon of Montenegro wanted to use the chaos in the world to divert Judge Lu's attention, and also supported the ghosts in the world to collect the treasures above and send them down.

"Take me to the Ten Directions Demon Realm."

From Xiaoqian's mouth, Jiang Lin already knew that two of the ghosts who were attacked had vanished into thin air, and the remaining four were sealed in the underwater enchantment to provide ghost energy for the tree demon and his subordinates.

If successful, these demon kings and wild ghosts will not need to be investigated when they enter and leave the underworld.

Jiang Lin really doesn't believe that an old Montenegrin demon can do such a thing. Is there any big man behind him, such as the ghost emperor or something.

But these are not things Jiang Lin thought about. He did things for Judge Lu, and he could take advantage of it himself. After the end, he told Judge Lu about the situation, which would give Judge Lu a headache.

Chapter four hundred and seventeenth accident

According to Jiang Lin's conjecture, Judge Lu and the others are looking for capable people who can enter the forbidden land. It is estimated that the ghost king and ghost emperor in the forbidden land also have this idea. In the hands of the demon king in the underworld, they will absorb the ghosts and ghosts of ghosts again, and it is not impossible for them to enter the underworld and even the depths of the forbidden land.

"Hey, I don't know if this news can knock Judge Lu some more treasures."

A smirk appeared at the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, the taste of pitting the judge was quite good.

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin with a weird look, this man laughed, how could he look bad.

"Cough cough."

Jiang Lin noticed Xiaoqian's gaze, his face returned to seriousness, and said, "How is your grandfather's strength?"

The Ten Fang Demon Realm is an enchantment arranged by the tree demon. If it is destroyed, it may attract its attention, and a war may break out at that time.Therefore, Jiang Lin wanted to know more about the strength of this thousand-year-old tree demon. It was the first time he had seen the demon king who would set up a barrier, so he couldn't be sloppy.

"Master, it's not grandpa, it's grandma."

This thousand-year-old tree demon is actually a mother?But regardless of the male or female, they will all be killed in the same time.

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to these details, just when he was about to put these thoughts behind him, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Millennium tree demon, Montenegro old demon, grandma, Xiaoqian, this seems to be...

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin carefully looked at Xiaoqian. Seeing Xiaoqian's appearance, his face became a little wonderful.

"Is your surname Nie?"

Jiang Lin asked tentatively.

Xiaoqian nodded. Although she didn't know which Nie Jiang Lin was talking about, it didn't matter. Her parents had the same surname as Nie and Nie.

"Fuck! Where's Yan Chixia? With him, I can do less."

Since there is Nie Xiaoqian, Yan Chixia should also have it. Isn't this the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story?

Jiang Lin really wanted to find a teammate who could be a little lazy.

"Daoist, you said Yan Chixia? I heard that he was from hundreds of years ago. He once sealed his grandma. Later, when his grandma broke the seal, Yan Chixia is no longer there."

At this time, Xiaoqian poured a basin of cold water on Jiang Lin's head.


Then Xiaoqian took Jiang Lin to the entrance of Shifang Demon Realm, which was half a mile away in Xiaoqian's newly moved wooden house.

"Master, this is the entrance to the Tenfang Demon Realm. Grandma set the entrance in a small pool like this. We can use the pool to absorb the ghosts from the ghosts."

Xiaoqian pointed to a well-shaped bath in the room, and asked again, "Does the Taoist really give Xiaoqian a chance to reincarnate? I'm afraid that a demon king of the level of my grandma, ordinary heavenly masters can't deal with her."

"I'm a ghost in the world, don't worry. As long as you help me rescue the ghosts below, it's not a problem to give you a chance to reincarnate. If it wasn't for a physical injury, I could only exert half of my strength for the time being. I would like to see the tree demon. The means. I'll go down to investigate first, and I'll deal with your grandfather when I'm sure in a few days."

"Ms. Nie, Pindao hopes that you can measure it clearly. If you live stubbornly and cause others to become lonely ghosts, or fight, I will give you a chance to be reincarnated."

Jiang Lin glanced at Xiao Qian meaningfully, don't play tricks after he goes down, or you will be at your own risk.

Jiang Lin didn't hide the injuries on her body, so she wanted Xiaoqian to help her without worries, so she had a bottom line.

Now Jiang Lin's aura is still that of a Celestial Master, even though he can only use half of his strength now.

From another perspective, if he dares to play tricks, no matter if it is half of his strength or full strength, it is not too simple for him to kill a female ghost.

"Half the strength is still so strong?"

Xiaoqian covered her mouth lightly, if what Jiang Lin said was true, it would be impossible to deal with the tree demon or even kill it.

"Xiaoqian knows the trade-offs, and the Taoist priest can rest assured."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then a fierce man plunged into the pool.

"Great, I can finally be reincarnated. If Chief Jiang deals with my grandma, I don't have to marry the old demon from Montenegro."

After entering the water in the Jianglin, Xiaoqian walked back and forth in the lotus step excitedly, with a relieved smile on her face.

You don't have to seduce men, you don't have to hurt people, and you don't have to face the terrifying Montenegrin old monster every day.

One hour, two hours, three hours passed, and there was no sign of Jiang Lin coming up, Xiaoqian was a little anxious.

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