Even if an ordinary person has practiced the Turtle Breath Method, it is difficult for them to sustain in the water for such a long time.

If it wasn't for the bubbles emerging from the pool, Xiaoqian even suspected that Jiang Lin had drowned below.

In fact, Jiang Lin is almost at his limit below. He can't perform corpse transformation now. He is completely using the benign properties of his own corpse incarnation to hold his breath underwater.

The tree demon's enchantment, the Ten Directions Demon Realm, is very ingenious. Jiang Lin has traveled through other entrances in the past few hours to find a way to break the enchantment.


There was a strange sound in the distance outside the room, and then Xiaoqian heard the voice of the tree demon.

"Find it for me! The ghost must be in the barrier."

Hearing this neither yin nor yang voice, Xiaoqian suddenly remembered that although Jiang Lin was a masculine man, he was also a ghost.

As long as there are ghosts entering this area, the tree demon will know.

"It's broken, the barrier has been sealed, and grandma is here."

Xiaoqian's face paled for a while, but now Jiang Lin is still below, she can only sprinkle the petals used for bathing on the pool surface to cover the underwater Jiang Lin.

Now her hope of reincarnation lies with Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin was injured again. She is not the opponent of the tree demon for the time being. She can only try her best to protect Jiang Lin from being discovered by the tree demon.

With a "squeak", the door opened, and several female ghosts walked in from outside.

"Sister Xiaoqian, you haven't hooked up with a man yet."

Among the several female ghosts who came in, a purple-skirted female ghost with phoenix eyes in the center teased.

Grandma has always praised you for your beauty and beauty, how come you can't even touch a man.

Xiaoqian was manicuring her nails by the bath and said lightly, "Xiaoqing, I know that grandma is getting impatient, so I'll go out after putting on my makeup."

As soon as the words were finished, an extremely ugly old mama flew in from outside and slapped Xiaoqian in the face.

"I haven't hooked a man yet, so what's the use of you!"

The tree demon that turned into a human is really not ugly, the hairstyle is exaggerated, and the voice is still thick and thin.

Just looking at it can make a child cry.

Carrying Xiaoqian's hair to the ground, the tree demon took out the whip and lashed at Xiaoqian.

"You can't even hook a man, have you forgotten how I tortured you? If you don't work hard, I will destroy your ashes and make you disappear!"

Xiaoqian was pumped and screamed again and again, tears came out, and she sobbed softly on the pillar by the pool.

"Tonight, you must find a living outlet for me, so that I can absorb yang energy and increase my yang life!"

Just as the tree demon reprimanded Xiaoqian, Jiang Lin emerged from the pool to take a breath.

As soon as his face surfaced, he felt a powerful demonic energy, plus the entrance under the pool was closed, Jiang Lin suddenly wanted to get angry.

This is the female ghost outside who wants to trap him in the ten-square demon world and find a tree demon to deal with him?

As soon as this idea came into existence, Jiang Lin saw Xiao Qian's pretty face full of tears appear by the pool.

Su's hand pressed against Jiang Lin's forehead, and Xiaoqian pushed him back into the water.

Chapter [*]: Being oppressed by ghosts

Jiang Lin wanted to explode under the water, he was so unlucky, how could it be so coincidental that the tree demon appeared in Xiaoqian's room when he got into the water.

I just held my breath below for three hours, and the mileage of swimming is nearly a hundred miles. Such a large exercise load, coupled with no ventilation, consumes a lot of physical strength.

Now Jiang Lin's injury has started to worsen again. He is overloaded with exercise, and there are demonic and ghost energy in the water, as well as a lot of cold substances, which have caused some damage to his body.

In this case, he is reluctant to have a conflict with the tree demon. In that case, he will suffer a lot, and it will affect Xiaoqian.

When Xiaoqian pushed him back into the water just now, Jiang Lin knew that all this was not what Xiaoqian did, and he almost misunderstood him.

"Madan, it affects the internal injury, wants to cough, and the time to hold one's breath is greatly shortened."

The black line on Jiang Lin's face, this time it was really bad for him to be a teacher. If he wanted to go down and leave through other exits, he couldn't do it. The bottom of the pool had been closed by the barrier, and it was no longer hollow.

Now he seems to be hiding in a bathtub, and he cannot get up or down.

But the good news is that he has found a way to break the barrier. As long as he goes out and heals his wounds, he can save the ghost and kill the tree demon in one battle.

Although Xiaoqian didn't let Jiang Lin fall into the trap, her opponent, Xiaoqing, noticed something was wrong. She seemed to be alive just now.

Just as she was about to approach the bath to check for something strange, Xiaoqing was stopped by the tree demon: "Xiaoqing, take the medicine sent by Master Montenegro to treat your sister's injuries."

"Useless thing, this time I read you for the first time to hook a man. I will give you another chance. Before dawn, I must find Yang Qi for me."

Holding the plate on which the medicine bottles were placed, Xiaoqing wanted to see what was in the bath, but was pulled over by Xiaoqian, who asked her to turn her back to the bath to apply medicine to herself.

Before leaving, Xiaoqian waved her hand, and a gauze covered the pool surface.

Looking at Xiaoqian who had undressed, the tree demon said: "Xiaoqian, I have already betrothed you to Master Montenegro. He must like your appearance very much. You will pass the door in three days. Transforming a ghost body is inconvenient to move, but if it gets angry, we are not easy to deal with, if you follow him, we can get more benefits."


At this moment, Jiang Lin coughed under the water, and a bubble appeared on the surface of the pool. Fortunately, the edge of the bath was more than half a meter above the ground, so he was not noticed.

Xiaoqian couldn't hold her breath when she saw Jiang Lin, and there was a hint of anxiety on her face.

There must be ghosts!

Xiaoqing smiled and turned to look at the bathtub, but there was a layer of gauze covering it, and nothing could be seen.

The tree demon asked a few ghost maids to unfold a red wedding dress, and said to Xiaoqian: "Xiaoqian, come and try on the dress, it was worn when you got married."

As soon as Xiaoqian got up, her opponent was about to reach out to lift the gauze on the pool surface.

"Come here and look at the clothes for me."

Xiaoqian pulled her opponent away from the bath.

"By the way, we have another ghost messenger here. Xiaoqian, have you found anything weird? Are the entrances and exits of the Tenfang Demon Realm normal? They can't let them save the ghost messenger below."

The tree demon walked over to the bathtub, Xiaoqian's face turned pale, and she said, "Grandma, everything is normal here for Xiaoqian."

Seeing that the tree demon didn't want to stop, Xiaoqian had no choice but to tear open the skirt.

"Oh, my clothes are torn."

"Why are you so careless?"

The tree demon finally stopped approaching the bath and glared at Xiaoqian.

Seeing that Xiaoqian was so afraid of the tree demon approaching the bath, Xiaoqing stroked her sleeves and said, "My hands are dirty, I need to wash them."

"That's where I take a bath. You can't wash your hands, you have to wash me to help you."

Xiaoqian took a quick step to the edge of the bathtub, took the wooden scoop and poured it on her opponent.

"Xiaoqing, that's where your sister takes a bath, don't keep getting along with your sister!"

"Yes, grandma."

After Xiaoqing retired, the tree demon said again: "Xiaoqian, don't take off your clothes, let them make up."

At this moment, Jiang Lin, who had been holding back for another [*] minutes, couldn't help it.

He could breathe out in the water before, but now he can't even breathe out. No matter how good his lung capacity is, after strenuous exercise, the internal injury is affected again, and he can't stand it anymore.

Ordinary people would gasp for breath after strenuous exercise, but Jiang Lin only took a breath.

If he can be corpse, let alone [*] minutes, it will not be a problem to hold him for [*] years, but now he can't be corpse.

After showing his face, Jiang Lin saw a pair of Ace of Hearts in Bai Huahua.

At this time, Xiaoqian took off her shirt and stood by the bath, facing Jiang Lin.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin suspects that his peach blossom luck is bursting today. He was first embraced by Xiaoqian, and now he sees Xiaoqian completely.

Xiaoqian didn't care about the embarrassment, she pressed a pair of plain hands on the edge of the bathtub, leaned down, took a breath and crossed it to Jiang Lin, pressing him down again.

It has always been a pear tree pressing a begonia, and Jiang Lin experienced a begonia pressing a pear flower this time.

It still feels cold and sweet.

A ghostly kiss, a sweet kiss.

"Xiaoqian, what are you doing?"

The tree demon is confused, isn't this a bath?Does Xiaoqian like to drink bath water? ?

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll go out after I get dressed, it's almost dawn, and I'm going to find a living person for my grandma."

Xiaoqian put on her clothes, stuffed the torn wedding dress in Xiaoqing's arms, stepped forward and pulled the tree demon's hand, and nudged her out the door.

"Look at how good Xiaoqian is and learn more."

The tree demon, whose IQ is not as high as that of a female ghost, grinned widely and advertised Xiaoqian to a group of female ghosts.

"Grandma, don't worry, I won't let you down tonight."

Xiaoqian bowed to the tree demon with a smile, and gave her another glance.

"Okay, let's go."

After the tree demon and Xiaoqing left, Xiaoqian closed the door and hurried to the bath.

If Jiang Lin was drowned, her chance of reincarnation would be lost.


Jiang Lin popped his head out of the bath. He was holding back for a while, and he couldn't come out to breathe. He was not joking because the internal injury was aggravated by holding back.

Guinness in the world of human suffocation does not exceed half an hour. This time, he held his breath in person, and the fraction is longer than this record.

What Guinness, are all weak chickens, weak chickens!

Before he could open his eyes, Xiaoqian pressed him down again.

"Daoist, Xiaoqingzhe is back, please wait a little longer."

Don't worry about it, I will kill her, I don't want to face the tree demon for the time being, but what is a little ghost.

Thinking like this in his heart, Jiang Lin wanted to force his way out, but the idea was beautiful, and the reality seemed...beautiful too.

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