This time Xiaoqian really pinned him down. Xiaoqian was worried that her opponent would come to investigate the bath, so she took off her clothes and soaked in the bath.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Pressed again.

Chapter [*] The dormancy is over, attack!

In the pool, Jiang Lin and Xiao Qian shared one place, and Xiao Qian didn't touch anything. This time, Jiang Lin saw everything completely.

His eyesight is excellent, even underwater.

In addition to being a little peaceful, Xiaoqian's figure is really impeccable, like an ingenious piece of art carved from suet white jade.

With trimmed legs, raised hips, and a small waist, coupled with a tall and long body, Jiang Lin felt a little thumping in his heart.

At such a close distance, hiding in the pool with a beautiful female ghost, the female ghost still does not touch her clothes. If there is no response, it is estimated that it is only the old holy monk.

The fly in the ointment is that Xiaoqian has whip marks on her body. Jiang Lin also heard some voices outside in the water, and knew that the whip marks on Xiao Qian's body were because they did not hook the man.

Jiang Lin felt that Xiaoqian was whipped because of him.So as long as the tree demon is destroyed, he will definitely find an opportunity for Xiaoqian to be reincarnated and send her to a good family.

This kind of unexpected situation occurred today, and it was Xiaoqian who helped him save a lot of trouble. Xiaoqian has already shown his determination to assist him, so he will not break his promise.

Xiaoqian squatted in the bathtub, twisting a petal in her hand, humming a little song, she didn't look any different, as if she was taking a bath.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Seeing Xiaoqing walking in, Xiaoqian spoke leisurely without raising her eyes.

I want to go against her again and again, bitch!

"After three days, I went through the door. This house is yours. If you want to use this bath, you can use it."

Xiaoqian glanced at the troublemaker, but didn't give her any good looks.


After pouting, Xiaoqing took the medicine tray and walked out of the room angrily.

After the movement outside disappeared, Jiang Lin got out from under the pool.


Xiaoqian was caught by Jiang Lin's gaze, and quickly took the gauze from the water in her hand, covering the spring on her body) (Light.

" get dressed."

After Jiang Lin jumped out of the pool, he turned his back to Xiao Qian.

"Daoist, I'm fine, are you alright? Because my grandma's nose is very sensitive, I was rude to the Taoist before."

After wrapping her body with the gauze, Xiaoqian's snow-white face became a little flushed. She hugged the Tianshi, kissed the Tianshi, and bathed in the same pool with the Tianshi. It was spread out that it could become a legend.

"It's not rude, it's because I didn't think carefully and took advantage of the girl."

People lost their kisses, let out their spring, and even took the initiative to apologize. Jiang Lin felt that he couldn't accept Xiaoqian's apology.

There was a silent embarrassment between one person and one ghost.

Especially Xiaoqian, although she was thinking about her own reincarnation, after all, she was rather embarrassed about matters between men and women.

"By the way, Daoist Master, what's going on next?"

"I have found a way to crack the ten-square demon world. In a few days, I will be able to deal with the tree demon after recovering from the injury."

Jiang Lin now needs to meditate and recuperate. Before, he was on the road while recovering from his injuries. Now that his internal injuries have been affected, he needs to find a secluded place to meditate for a few days.

Seeing Jiang Lin was about to leave, Xiao Qian frowned and said, "Master, what should I do if you leave?"


What does this mean?Is it possible for me to be held responsible?

Jiang Lin looked at Xiao Qian, not knowing how to respond for a while.

"Master, what I mean is how do I communicate with grandma?"

Looking at Jiang Lin's expression, Xiao Qian knew that he had misunderstood her meaning, and her face turned a little red again.

Where do you want to go!

She is still counting on reincarnation now, is it really possible for her to seduce men to absorb their yang energy?

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, and he forgot about it.

"How does the tree demon use you to absorb yang energy?"

"Usually we absorb all the man's yang energy, and then transfer it to the grandma, or set off the bell here, and the grandma sticks out her long tongue and absorbs the man's yang energy by herself."

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin eagerly, she didn't want to take this trouble and let Jiang Lin have a headache.

It is impossible to seduce a man, and it is impossible to seduce in a lifetime, except for Jiang Lin, who has already seduced.

Jiang Lin nodded, if Xiaoqian only wanted to be yang, this would be easy to deal with, there was no need to find another man, just find him.

Compared to Yang Qi, he has never lost to a second person.

"Open your mouth."


Xiaoqian's face was dazed, and Jiang Lin blew out a ray of pure yang energy while her mouth was slightly open.

In this ray of yang energy, Jiang Lin wrapped his own yang flame with yin fire and hid it in it.

As long as Xiaoqian transfers this yang energy to the tree monster, the old monster can receive a big gift.

She was caught off guard by Jiang Lin's yang energy, Xiaoqian felt warm all over her body, and involuntarily snorted twice.

Hearing Xiaoqian's humming voice, Jiang Lin just wanted to leave quickly. If there was no previous matter between the two, he would not feel any discomfort after hearing this voice.

But now, it is easy to react.

"Master, you can't go!"

Xiaoqian hurriedly stopped Jiang Lin who turned to leave.

Jiang Lin is a little confused now, does Xiaoqian still want to spend a good night with him?

But then Jiang Lin knew what was going on. The barrier outside had been activated, and the ghost could not get out.

What troubled him even more was that the tree demon knew about his appearance in this area and was looking for him outside.

Xiaoqian suggested to Jiang Lin that it is better to meditate at her place. As long as she can complete the task on time, the tree demon will generally not come here.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin felt that Xiaoqian's place was more suitable for him to recover from his injury. The tree demon had just come here before. Since no abnormality was found here, he should not return in a short time.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. After taking the herbs Xiaoqian gave, Jiang Lin's injuries were completely healed.

During these three days, Xiaoqian transferred Jiang Lindu's yang energy to the tree demon every day. The old monster was very satisfied and praised Xiaoqian for her ability, but she didn't notice anything strange in the yang energy she inhaled.

Not only that, Xiaoqian also followed Jiang Lin's instructions and buried the formation materials in a specific location in the woods. Now Jiang Lin can easily decipher the underwater barrier.

"Xiaoqian, you've done so much, and it's time for me to honor my promise. Is your urn under the roots of the tree demon?"

Xiaoqian is subject to the tree demon. One aspect is that the tree demon is very powerful. On the other hand, her urn is taken away by the tree demon. As long as the urn is destroyed, Xiaoqian will disappear.


Xiaoqian's pretty face was full of excitement. If Jiang Lin could get her urn, she wouldn't have to be controlled by that damn demon king in the future.

"After so many years, I feel aggrieved, right? Let's go, I'll let you decide today."

Jiang Lin smiled at Xiaoqian, because Xiaoqian took the initiative to provide him with medicine, so now Xiaoqian's image in his heart is quite good.

He also needs Xiaoqian's company on this trip. Without Xiaoqian's identification, it will take a lot of time to find Xiaoqian's in so many urns.

"Thank you sir."

Just as the sun just set, Jiang Lin let Xiaoqian buried in the other direction to absorb enough sunlight, and the explosion occurred automatically.

The four hundred and twentieth chapter is to lose!

In fact, the Sanyang Formation does not have much lethality, and the layout is extremely simple. It can be activated after absorbing enough sunlight. Because the movement caused is relatively large, it can be used to attract the attention of the enemy.

After retrieving Xiaoqian's ashes, Jiang Lin has to come back to break the world to save the ghosts, so it is not suitable to fight the tree demon before, it is best to lead the tree demon away.

Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian were not far away, and Xiaoqing and a group of female ghosts brought a sedan chair to welcome Xiaoqian.

Today is also the day when Xiaoqian married the old demon of Montenegro, but with Jiang Lin here, let the old demon of Montenegro marry the old lady of the tree demon.

"Who is he?"

Seeing Xiaoqian and Jiang Lin walking side by side, Xiaoqing pointed at Jiang Lin and asked sharply.

"I remember this woman, the one who often bullies you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Xiaoqian, then stretched out his five fingers, and the golden light lasing, all the female ghosts turned into clouds of smoke and dissipated.

very scary.

Seeing that Jiang Lin raised his hand and killed all the female ghosts, Xiaoqian was also stunned. If Jiang Lin wanted to kill her, it would probably be a matter of one finger, and he didn't even need to raise his hand.

Now Xiaoqian believes in Jiang Lin's strength [*]%, a young and strong Celestial Master.

"Actually, some don't need to be killed."

Xiaoqian sighed, she didn't have any malicious intentions, except for the troublemaker, the other sisters got along with her for a long time, and they were killed like this.

"Their hands are not like yours, they have never been stained with human blood, and since they met, if they let one or two go and report to the tree demon, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Jiang Lin smiled. It is a good thing to have good intentions, but it does not mean that good intentions will bring good results.

Showing his sleeves, Jiang Lin said, "Come in, you're not as fast as me."

Now the tree demon and her subordinates should be checking the situation in the direction of the Three Suns Formation. If they don't catch his ghost, the tree demon will definitely take action, otherwise the green ghost or the ghost general will not be easy to deal with. Bad ghost.

Jiang Lin needs to hurry up. Only after solving the problems between Xiaoqian and Guicha can he fight.

"I can fly."

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