Xiaoqian waved her hand, Jin Jianglin's sleeves are no longer like pets.

She also didn't believe how fast Jiang Lin could run, could he run faster than he could fly?

Daoism is strong does not mean that everything is strong.

Jiang Lin rolled her eyes at Xiaoqian, and Sanqing pointed at her smooth forehead and put it into her sleeve.

With a "whoosh", Jiang Lin's figure disappeared in place, faster than a cheetah.

Xiaoqian opened her mouth slightly in Jiang Lin's sleeve, she finally understood why Jiang Lin let her in.

She really can't keep up with this speed.

When he arrived at the place where the thousand-year-old tree demon took root, Jiang Lin took the urn belonging to Xiaoqian. After thinking about it, he hid several of the urns. In this case, even if the tree demon was investigated, he would not be able to find Xiaoqian directly. on the head.

As for whether the other female ghosts would be beaten to pieces by the tree demon, Jiang Lin didn't think about it. It would be fine if they were only forced to kill a few people, but they had a lot of lives in their hands.

Even if the tree demon doesn't do anything, Jiang Lin will handle it on his own.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin buried some formation stones and materials around the tree demon's lair. When the tree demon came back, the sun flames in her body would burst out as soon as the formation was activated.

Although this old goddess Jiang Lin is not afraid of her, it is still a little difficult to kill her.

It is relatively difficult to kill a plant into a demon, and the tree demon can escape, without causing some damage to her in advance, it is quite troublesome to deal with.

After finishing the arrangement, Jiang Lin turned back at the same speed as a flying man.

As long as there are ghosts blocking him along the way, they will be ruthlessly killed by him.

Back in Xiaoqian's room, Jiang Lin plunged into the mouth of the pool again.

Drawing a complicated spell on the palm of his hand, Jiang Lin raised his hand and pressed the barrier at the bottom of the pool. After breaking the barrier, he quickly dived. Getting in and out of the pool was not too troublesome. The core of the barrier that trapped the ghost.

About half an hour after the Jianglin was launched, a shockingly sharp roar was heard from the depths of the dense forest, causing the Lanruo Temple to tremble, and a few pieces of the wall collapsed.

The trees in the whole jungle seemed to be moving, like snakes in the shape of wooden branches, covering the ground of the dense forest.

"Which bitch is plotting against me! Damn bitch!"

The tree demon opened her mouth wide, and spewed out round after round of flames, her mouth was about to be cooked.

The big gift Jiang Lin gave her had already been unpacked, and several groups of yang flames erupted in the tree demon's body, directly burning the tree demon to nothing.

Plants are generally most afraid of flames when they become monsters, and Jianglin's Yang Yan is extraordinary, it is still burning inside the tree monster, and it is conceivable how much damage it can to the tree monster.

If it wasn't for the tree demon who temporarily swallowed the little ghost beside him to resist Yang Yan, he would probably lose half of his blood in an instant.

With a bomb buried in her body, no matter how stupid the tree demon is, she can still think that there is a problem with the yang energy sent by her subordinates.

Thinking of the ghost messenger and the explosion just now, the tree demon knew that there was a female ghost and the ghost messenger.

"To hook up with the ghosts, I will let you all go to pieces!"

The tree demon's hands turned into huge branches, and the branches rolled up the urn on the ground and smashed it all around.

"Grandma, don't, you're wrong!"

"Grandma, we have always been by your side."

"Our columbarium is in the hands of grandma, how dare we have two hearts?"


The female ghosts under her knelt down and begged for mercy one by one. Although the tree demon was angry, she also knew that she could not kill all these puppets for no reason.

"Huh? Xiaoqian, where is Xiaoqian's urn? Where is Xiaoqian!"

The tree demon found out that Xiaoqian's share was missing from the urn, and immediately became angry.

No, except for Xiaoqian's, the others are gone.

"You bastards!"

The Dryad opened its mouth and stuck out its python-like tongue to find the ghosts whose urns had been lost.

The thousand-year-old tree demon absorbs a large number of hanged ghosts every year to cultivate her own magic skills. Her tongue is comparable to a giant python.

Looking at the furious tree demon, many girls knelt on the ground and shivered.

"Only Xiaoqian is left!"

The long tongue turned again and stretched out to Xiaoqian's residence. The smell left by Xiaoqing's disappearance was sensed by the long tongue. In addition, there was a change in the ten directions of the devil, and the direction was Xiaoqian's place. The tree demon was completely angry. runaway.

She only praised Xiaoqian a few days ago, but she didn't expect the inner ghost to be this dead bitch!

When Jiang Lin jumped up from Chikou, he found that the whole house was surrounded by disgusting giant meat)(strips.

"What is this?"

Jiang Lin felt like throwing up. There were sticky things all around, which was even more disgusting than a giant python crawling with its skin peeled off.

"Master, be careful, this is grandma's tongue, don't let it stick into your mouth."

Xiaoqian reminded Jiang Lin in Jiang Lin's cuff.


Jiang Lin knew that the tree demon's tongue can stretch. He heard Xiaoqian say it, but Xiaoqian didn't say that it could become so big or so long.

So disgusting to the point of scum!

Jiang Lin didn't want to be touched by the tree demon's tongue, so he opened it up!

After the three-legged Golden Crow blew up the house, Jiang Lin rose into the sky and saw the scene outside. He felt that he really needed to be ined for a few days.

The dense forest and the low mountain are all the tongues of the Dryad, which together are estimated to be several kilometers long.

It's just a tongue full of mountains!

"You succeeded in disgusting me, you are losing."

Jiang Lin's forehead turned blue, and as soon as a wound appeared on the long tongue, he sprayed out pus like industrial glue.

From the beginning of learning Taoism to the present, Jiang Lin had never encountered such a disgusting situation.

He didn't know how to deal with it for a while, not because the opponent was too strong, but because his mother was too disgusting.

Chapter [*] Disgusting me, the consequences are serious!

Jiang Lin held the Zhengbone Sword in his hand and jumped to a big tree in a few strokes. Two giant python-like tongues rushed towards him, and the tip of the tongue was dripping with the tree demon's saliva.

"Second Master's, Yaqi's big tongue!"

Jiang Lin had blown up one of the Dryad's long tongues just now, and now he has two more.

"Master Taoist, grandma's tongue has only become like this in recent years because of taking the treasures sent by the old demon of Montenegro. Only one main tongue has strong attacking power, and the others can be cut off even by my training. ."

Xiaoqian reminded Jiang Lin aloud at this time that as long as she attacked the main tongue, she could directly damage the root of the tree demon.

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin really didn't realize this, mainly because he felt nauseated when he saw these long tongues, and he didn't pay attention to the primary and secondary.

"It's a big deal to kill you, and it's a big deal for seven or eight days of bigu."

No matter how disgusting these tongues were, Jiang Lin had to attack. He didn't get close to the Dryad's body. No matter how powerful his attack was, it would only hurt the Dryad's tongue.

As soon as the Yang Finger Sword came out, Jiang Lin cut off two pieces of meat directly eight meters away.

After the body was turned into a corpse, Jiang Lin jumped up and down on the treetops like a vigorous ape, and with the help of his ability to glide, he galloped away in the direction of the root of the tree demon's tongue.

The explosive flame talisman and the thunder and lightning talisman were thrown around like he didn't want money, and the sky was full of broken flesh.

The broken tongue twisted and jumped on the ground like the body of a snake.

Jiang Lin saw the trajectory of the tongue swinging, and threw out a few explosive flame talismans, and then sprayed Yang Zhiqi with his ten fingers in the distance.

Aside from being disgusting, this tongue really doesn't pose much of a threat, it's just on the surface.It's okay to deal with ordinary Taoist priests, but it doesn't have much effect on Jiang Lin other than disgusting him.

The main tongue was injured, and the dryad could not retrieve his tongue.

She originally wanted to use her huge tongue to surround Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin's means were too strong, and she didn't need to use any sharp blade to break her trust.

"I wanted to take it back after I was disgusted, no way!

Jiang Lin followed closely, the Yang Finger Sword in his hand swaying, cutting the long tongue into sections.

He wants to let the tree demon know that disgusting his fate is very serious!

"Stinky boy, you bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

The tongue was broken three or four times, and there was a burning pain on it. The tree demon roared, and its limbs turned into vines and protruded into the ground.

Countless vines emerged from the ground and surrounded Jianglin.


Either the tongue or the tentacles, disgusting fucking crying in the middle of the night!

Being disgusted by the tree demon again and again, Jiang Lin went mad. He drank and released his own yang flames, turning it into a huge fireball and rushing towards the tree demon.

It didn't take long for the tree demon's vines to stick to the inextinguishable yang flames, making a beeping and peeling sound, like frying beans.

Originally, whether it is the tongue of the tree demon or the vines, it is not generally difficult to deal with, but Jiang Lin has the Yang body, and many methods are not inferior to the fire spirit body.

"Old Goddess, if you only have these means, suffer to death!"

Jiang Lin swiped his finger on the bone sword and projected it out, directly cutting off one of the Dryad's arms.

"Stinky Taoist priest, I want to drain your yang energy and give you to the old demon of Montenegro as a wife!"

"Being a concubine? Eat shit! Lei!"

Blue veins appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. He is a big man, and he is going to be sent to be the little wife of the old demon?

"Grandma (mother) of Thunderbolt!"

With five or six explosive flame talismans and three or four thunder and lightning talismans found in his hand, Jiang Lin smashed wildly at the tree demon.

The tree demon was struck by thunder and fire, unable to maintain its human form, and turned into a big tree of thirty or forty meters.

The roots of the tree are rooted in the ground, madly absorbing the water containing the magic energy below.

"The Ten Directions Demon Realm!"

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