With a long howl of the tree demon, her entire body became a giant sprinkler machine, and the river water not far away surged towards the woods.

At the same time, the tree demon's two arms-like trunks swayed wildly, and hundreds of little ghosts and ghosts flew towards Jianglin.

The surrounding water and mist formed a huge spherical barrier, trapping Jiang Lin inside.

"The thousand-year-old tree demon, it's just like that."

This tree demon has made a lot of momentum, but Jiang Lin is now at its peak, and it is not difficult to crack the tree demon's magic.

Before the ghosts were in the enchantment, Jiang Lin did not choose violent means to prevent them from being in danger, but now there is no need to have any scruples.

With a seal in his hand, Jiang Lin summoned the three-legged Golden Crow, the Golden Crow spread its wings, and shot hundreds of Yang Finger Swords one meter in length. shatter.

The remaining thirty or so yang-fingered swords directly pierced the ghosts, and finally nailed them to the tree of the thousand-year-old tree demon. After a loud bang, only one bare tree was left. trunk.

The tree demon let out a scream that shook the eardrums, and the roots of the tree slammed into the ground. This celestial master is really too strong, stronger than Yan Chixia hundreds of years ago.

"Want to go?"

Jiang Lin sneered, disgusted, he wanted to run for so long, how stupid and naive!

With one foot on the ground, Jiang Lin's body was like a cannonball as he kicked his legs on the tree trunk.

With the lightning talisman in his left hand and the flame talisman in his right hand, Jiang Lin threw it on the ground, and a deep pit was blown out on the ground, and all the roots of the tree demon were exposed.

Afterwards, the Yang Yan whip in Jiang Lin's hand jumped out and wrapped around the Zhengbone Sword. With a swing of his arm, the Zhengbone Sword wrapped around Yang Yan's body was indestructible, cutting off all the roots of the tree demon's iron bars.

He wants to let the dryad go down to the ground without a way.

With two palms in a row, the tree without roots suddenly slanted to one side.

"Montenegro old demon! Save me!"

With no way to escape, the tree demon began to ask for help from the old demon of Montenegro.

Tonight is the day when the old demon of Montenegro gets married, and it should be time to open the door to hell.

As soon as the gate of hell opened, the old demon of Montenegro could take her into the underworld, and she still had hope of living.

"The old demon of Montenegro? Does he dare to come out?"

Jiang Lin snorted. If the wandering ghosts in the forbidden area were obediently below, they would be able to relax for a while. If they came to the realm, people like Judge Lu would make them unable to go back in minutes.

"Stinky Taoist priest, I want you to be buried with me!"

Seeing that there was no movement around, and that there was no hope of escaping, the tree demon wanted to fight back.

A tongue sticked out suddenly from the bald trunk, and then the tongue burst open, revealing a bloody crocodile mouth.

The upper and lower jaws opened, revealing the sticky ugly face of the Dryad.

It's as disgusting as the movie Alien.

Strips of fleshy leather shot out from his jaws, wrapping around Jiang Lin's body and neck.

This time, Jiang Lin went wild, and he suffered a disgusting crit from the tree demon.


After the corpse was turned into a corpse, Jiang Lin used all the strength of his entire body to break away all the flesh and leather.

With all his strength, Jiang Lin kicked the tree trunk, leaving only half of the tree body and was kicked into the air by Jiang Lin.

"Kamehameha (Turtle School Qigong)!"

The fire pillar with the thickness of a human waist was expelled from Jianglin's palms, and the fire pillar hit the tree trunk and covered the tree demon.

"I'm going to knock you out of the earth!"

This time Jiang Lin was really angry, and the Yang Yan in his body rushed to the top of his head. At first glance, his head was full of blond hair.

"The old demon of Montenegro! The old demon of Montenegro!"

At the juncture of life and death, the tree demon screamed, and at this moment, a crack opened in the space behind Jiang Lin.

The huge suction burst out, and Jiang Lin felt that his soul almost left the body.


Jiang Lin corpse locked his soul, but Xiao Qian in his sleeve was sucked in.

The four hundred and twentieth chapter first entered the forbidden place of the underworld

"Montenegro old demon!"

Jiang Lin's face was gloomy. If he hadn't been corpse in time just now, I'm afraid his soul would have suffered a lot of damage.


Half of the tree trunk fell from the air and turned into coke all over the place.

"Pop! Kill the demon king and get [*] vicious energy."

Although there was a large amount of hostility in the account, Jiang Lin was not happy.

He lost Xiaoqian, and he had promised her a chance to be reincarnated.

But now Xiaoqian has been taken into the underworld, so let alone reincarnation, she may have to suffer humiliation.


Without Xiaoqian's assistance, he wouldn't have been able to solve the ghost problem so easily. Before dealing with the tree demon, Xiaoqian also contributed.

Even if he wanted to enter the forbidden area in advance, Jiang Lin had to go down, and he could not break his promise to Xiaoqian.

Jiang Lin took out the four paper cranes from the cloth bag, patted them, and the four ghosts fell to the ground.

He will go down to find Xiaoqian in a while, these ghosts can't get in, and bringing them in won't help much, but it's easy to become a burden.

"who are you?"

A slightly stronger ghost woke up, and after seeing Jiang Lin, he questioned Jiang Lin with his spiritual sense.


Jiang Lin looked at this ghost with cold eyes, and showed the commander Yin in his hand.

These guys are estimated to be ghosts who have been doing it for a long time, and are full of official prestige.

It's a really stupid thing, the world is on top of the underworld, but the ghosts in the underworld can overwhelm the yang people, especially those with positions, all with a cold attitude.

Isn't it you who are wrestling in the sun this time?

If it wasn't for the task given by Judge Lu, Jiang Lin would be too lazy to take care of these ghosts.

From Xiaoqian's mouth, he learned that these ghosts were originally here to investigate the loss of ghosts in this forest.

As a result, after entering the woods, these guys showed off their power and used a group of female ghosts as maids, and they had no defense at all.

It ended up crashing directly.

It is said that there is no defense, but Jiang Lin looked at Xiaoqian's expression at that time, and probably guessed that there should be a few ghosts who only care about which female ghost is more beautiful, and maybe he wants to develop further.

Don't think that Guicha has no six desires because of his expressionless face. After Pan Jinlian died, he was still with the ghost.

"I am only responsible for investigating the cause of your accident. Now that you have come out, go back and let Judge Lu prepare the materials."

The ghost is cold and cold, and Jiang Lin is colder than them. After saying this, he gave the ghost a head and went to a secluded place.

The hell is imminent, he needs to adjust himself to the best state, and he also needs to refine the corpse poison to supplement some spiritual power.

Forbidden places belonged to other places in the underworld, and some places were extremely yang places. Jiang Lin didn't know if he could run Dao techniques there.

In other areas, he must be corpse.

As for the information obtained around Lanruo Temple, Jiang Lin was going to explain to Judge Lu face to face, and he could even argue with him at that time.

Now that Xiaoqian has entered the underworld, it is very likely that she is near the forbidden area. Even if Jiang Lin asked Judge Lu to prepare, it would be too late.

He went down to explore by himself. After all, he was a thousand-year-old zombie king. He wanted to see what kind of dragon pool and tiger den the forbidden area was.

If it is impossible to avoid a war, Jiang Lin has nothing to fear, at least he still has some capital to protect himself.

The token in his hand lit up, and a black hole appeared in front of him. Jiang Lin took out Xiaoqian's ashes. After leading the way, Jiang Lin stepped in.

"Grab a woman in front of me, and I'll see what kind of three-headed and six-armed you Montenegrin old demon is."

After arriving in the underworld, Jiang Lin felt a fiery warmth around him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

"In this place, as long as the physical strength is sufficient, there is no need to corpse."

Jiang Lin tried to reduce the amount of corpse poison in his body. Even if he turned it back to his body, the impact would not be too great.

After turning the spiritual power in his lower body, Jiang Lin transformed the Yang Finger Sword.

But that's already pretty good.

If he is corpse, he can only protect himself when he encounters the old monster of Montenegro, but it is different if he can use Taoism.

Pushing aside the yin qi in front of him, Jiang Lin happened to see a group of ghost soldiers and yin horses in front of him. The ghost soldiers were armed with ghost-headed swords and bone spears. They were wearing tattered armor.

At the Ghost Soldier Center, in a gauze sedan chair, Xiaoqian was wearing a red wedding dress, lying down, wiping her tears silently.

"Xiao Qian!"


After Xiaoqian saw Jiang Lin, she was stunned for a moment. It is difficult for ordinary souls to survive here. Is Jiang Lin here to save her?

"Daoist, this place is different from other places in the underworld, go away!"

After a brief period of surprise, Xiaoqian asked Jiang Lin to leave quickly. In her opinion, Jiang Lin could kill the tree demon in the realm of the sun, but when he got here, it might not take long before he could no longer support it.

With a flick of his arm, Jiang Lin held the Zhengbone Sword in his hand.

The spiritual power consumption here is relatively fast, and he does not want to consume more in vain.

The spiritual power of the body should be preserved as much as possible in case of emergencies.

"Didn't I say I would give you a chance to reincarnate? How can you leave?"

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin greeted him.

Seeing Jianglin blocking the road, the ghost soldiers shouted and charged towards Jianglin.

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