Jiang Lin slashed ghosts like slaughtering dogs with his sword. These ghost soldiers couldn't even get close to him. Even if a ghost soldier got close to him, they would be cut down.

"Pop! Kill the ghost soldiers and get [*] points of suffocation."

"Crack! Kill the ghost soldiers and get [*] points of suffocation."


Gradually, these ghost soldiers became afraid. Jiang Lin was so fierce that he was like an invincible swordsman.

Jiang Lin is like a wolf entering a flock, no ghost can stop him.After killing a bloody path, Jiang Lin rushed towards the sedan chair in the center. At the same time, a yin fire whip was shaken out of his hand, wrapping around Xiao Qian's waist, and he was about to pull her over.

But at this moment, another strong suction burst out.

"Ah! Daoist Master."

Xiaoqian's soul floated uncontrollably towards the source of the suction.

Jiang Lin snorted, his hand suddenly exerted strength, and pulled Xiaoqian into his arms.

Turning around and throwing the flame paper crane and the explosive flame talisman, Jiang Lin blew up the ghost soldiers that rushed up.

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Three I will obey you without supporting the wall!

"Master, are you here to save Xiaoqian? It's too dangerous here."

Xiaoqian looked at the numerous ghost soldiers around her and frowned.

"I promised you that I would send you to reincarnate, not to save you and save anyone else."

"Aren't you afraid, Daoist?"

"What's there to be afraid of, I didn't expect you to be quite timid."

Jiang Lin laughed and made a joke.

Xiaoqian: "..."

This is the territory of the old black mountain demon. The average ghost will gradually become weaker here, and there are a large number of ghost soldiers. The old black mountain demon is not easier to deal with than the thousand-year-old tree demon. How can she be timid.

Jiang Lin didn't have much embarrassment in his heart. This was the place where Judge Lu wanted to govern. He would have to come sooner or later. The old demon of Montenegro was just a ghost king, not a ghost emperor.

If you are blocked by the old demon of Montenegro, it is a big deal to destroy the old demon and just go back.

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin with a calm face. She really didn't know if this Taoist priest was not afraid of heaven or earth.

In order for me to be reincarnated, I came down alone to face these dark soldiers and the old demon of Montenegro. I really don't know how to repay him.

"Don't look, there are no grains of rice on my face, follow me closely."

Jiang Lin held Xiaoqian in one hand and the sword in the other. He couldn't put Xiaoqian into his sleeve in the underworld, so he could only take her with him.

With a fuel bottle, Jiang Lin felt that it was better to leave early, and there was no need to fight with the old demon of Montenegro.

Hearing Jiang Lin's joking words, Xiao Qian's face flushed, she was staring at Jiang Lin's profile just now.

He took a few light-shielding talismans and stuck them on Xiaoqian's chest. Jiang Lin released a mysterious light, killing him on the whole screen!

Just when one person and one ghost were about to rush out of the containment, the ground shook, and square stone pillars on the ground behind the ghost soldiers broke through the ground to block the road ahead.

"You can't escape!"

An old voice came from a distance.

Glancing around, Jiang Lin took a deep breath, and if he insisted on finding him, then he would see how tough this old Montenegrin demon was.

"Come on."

There was the sound of the hooves of the yin horse behind him. Jiang Lin turned around and saw three ghost generals with double axes in their hands riding horses.

These three ghost generals are only one step away from becoming ghost kings, and even some weaker ghost kings in the world may not be able to please them.

There are many ghost soldiers around, Jiang Lin asked Xiaoqian, "Can these ghost soldiers be dealt with?"

"Don't worry, Daoist, Xiaoqian still has some strength."

Xiaoqian smiled sweetly, Jiang Lin took such a risk to save her, she was very grateful, and it would be good to help Jiang Lin share a little pressure.

"take care of yourself."

"The Daoist must be careful."

Xiaoqian could also feel the power of the three ghost generals who came galloping, and there was some concern in Jiang Lin's eyes.

"Three kills, six kills, nine kills the same."

Holding the bone sword upside down, Jiang Lin shot the three ghost generals violently.

"Don't be careless!"

Xiaoqian reminded aloud, thinking that this leader is not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue.

Jiang Lin nodded, and wiped his fingers on the Zhengbone Sword, and the entire body of the sword was covered with dark red blood.

Now the old monster of Montenegro should be observing the situation here from a distance, and a battle with the old monster of Montenegro is inevitable. Jiang Lin doesn't want to waste much spiritual power and strength on the minions.

The abilities of the three ghost generals are rather strange, and they can use the not-so-rich yin qi here to change their shape.

However, under Jiang Lin's spiritual perception, coupled with his sensitivity to evil spirits, the tricks of the three ghost generals seemed to be fake in front of him.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost who took drugs, but it's more violent."

Jiang Lin took the axe of the ghost general and found that the three ghost generals were even stronger than Hei Zong in terms of strength. You must know that ghosts are not good at power.

However, even if they were much stronger, these three ghost generals were no match for Jiang Lin, even if Jiang Lin only had a bone sword in his hand.

Even without any other means, Jiang Lin could still cut the Zombie King with a bone sword in hand.

He kicked away the ghost general in front of him, and Jiang Lin threw the bone sword out. With the blessing of his own blood essence, even if the ghost general blocked it with an axe, he would be pierced by the bone sword along with the axe.

The other two ghosts jumped into the air before they fell, and were pinned into the air by Jiang Lin with both hands.

"Clap clap clap..."

Hearing the clapping, Jiang Lin turned to look at the source of the sound.

An altar composed of skeletons moved slowly behind the stone pillars and stopped not far away.

On the altar was a soul flag embroidered with skeletons, and sitting under the flag was an old black mountain demon with white hair and a face like a mummified corpse.

"Xiaoqian, this man of yours is quite capable. Unfortunately, he will become my ghost slave in a while."

The old demon of Montenegro did not look at Jiang Lin, but spoke to Xiao Qian.

Jiang Lin: ? ? ?

"If you let me let him go, you will smash your own urn and stay here with me forever."

The old demon of Montenegro spoke up again, the question mark on Jiang Lin's face had not disappeared, and now there were big question marks all over his body.

Did this Montenegrin old demon get the wrong script? ? ?

Xiaoqian is also blinking with clear phoenix eyes, her mind can't turn around.

Jiang Lin is standing there well, do you need someone else to let it go?

"Little Taoist priest, come, give your soul and become my ghost slave."

Damn, it turns out that it wasn't the wrong script, it's the brain that's out of whack.

The question marks on Jiang Lin's face all turned into black lines. He was ignored, completely ignored.

"Old dog from Montenegro, was your brain eaten by a corpse worm?"

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that. He admits that he has seen a lot of various scenes, but he has never seen this scene now.

Even before he took two moves, he asked him to sacrifice his soul, and the joker invited by the monkey was not as funny as this old dog.

"Hehe, your means is just relying on a sword, I sit still, you have no chance of winning... oh!"

Jiang Lin didn't allow the old demon from Montenegro to finish bbq, and shot him in the front teeth.

Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths, and neither can an old Montenegrin dog!

"I have no chance of winning if you sit still?"

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. He remembered that the tree demon seemed to have said that the old demon of Montenegro was transforming into a ghost body, and it was inconvenient to move.

If that's the case, it's a lot easier to do.

From the bag, I pulled out a large number of Exploding Flame Talismans and Flame Paper Cranes, and threw them on it.

Now Jiang Lin can control Yan Zhihe's range, as long as he uses the Yin Huo Whip to project it.

Once these serial bombs explode, it is estimated that a Zombie King will be dead.

"Since you don't sit still, then I'll stand still. If you brag like this, I will obey you without any support from the wall!"

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Fourth My Old River Will Not Go!

Jiang Lin really didn't know where the old demon of Montenegro got this confidence. He just wanted to keep the spiritual power in his body, but these two people thought that he would only chop with a sword.

To say that Jiang Lin is willing to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, he has no plans to do so, it's okay, he doesn't need to pretend, the old demon of Montenegro thinks he is the iron.

After a series of explosions, if the old monster of Montenegro had no means of protecting himself or replacing his life, Jiang Lin conservatively estimated that the old monster's health would drop by [*]%.

Although his mind was still moving, Jiang Lin didn't stop in his hand. The yang finger in his hand slammed at the old demon of Montenegro on the altar.

Jiang Lin listened to the sound of the system in his mind, and Jiang Lin knew that this old demon was not so easy to kill.

The skeleton altar under the old demon of Montenegro can provide him with a large number of ghost soldiers to resist the blasting sun. Even so, it is estimated that he will suffer a lot of damage.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Lin has not chosen to enlarge the move for the time being. Now that the battle has just started, the start has been stabilized.

The old demon of Montenegro was also a ghost king who escaped from the Jizo prison world. If he had only similar abilities to the one he eliminated in Happy Town, he would only be able to use his big moves indiscriminately.

Jiang Lin felt a sense of inspiration. Although the old demon of Montenegro found a lot of ghosts, fortunately, it was not a concentric ghost.

He has only one life.

After blowing on his fingertips, Jiang Lin held his arms and waited for the smoke on the altar to dissipate.

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