Now the Montenegrin old demon is in a state of embarrassment. His armor has been blasted to shreds, the white hair on his head has become Mediterranean, and his face is covered with dark green juice, which looks very disgusting.

"Pindao admires. Old dog, you really sit still, admire and admire."

After hitting the front teeth and hitting the face, Jiang Lin would stab the old black mountain demon again.

Doesn't it mean that sitting still is not your opponent?

Give Cow B back to Cow. Cow also needs to live.


Xiao Qian couldn't help but smile when she heard Jiang Lin's remarks.

The old demon of Montenegro spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he threw out so many talismans when he came up. He hasn't finished his words yet, and he can't even run if he wants to, so why not sit?

"Old dog, can't you leave the altar? Your butt is stuck with glue?"

Jiang Lin didn't say any more nonsense. He rushed towards the altar with the bone sword. He didn't force the old black mountain demon from the altar. This old dog didn't know how many ghosts he could release to protect himself.

Just as Jiang Lin approached the altar, the skeletons built into the altar began to emit a strange light, and countless iron chain spears shot out of their eye holes, stabbing at his body.

But these sharp spears were all bounced back when they hit Jiang Lin's body. Jiang Lin turned into a corpse. The sharpness of the spears couldn't hurt him, and he broke the chain wrapped around his feet. .

The old demon of Montenegro wanted to sit, but Jiang Lin refused to let him and sat on the altar to charge, so he dared to brag?

Five minutes to charge, two hours to brag?

"Old dog, sit and fight with me? I'll let you sit!"

As soon as he jumped up, Jiang Lin held the bone sword in both hands and slashed at the head of the old black mountain demon.

"Ten Thousand Ghosts Devourer!"

The old black mountain demon unfolded his wide sleeves, and hundreds of ghost heads flew out from under his seat and rushed towards Jianglin.

But it was of no use at all. Jiang Lin's current physical strength had reached the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king, and even a ghost general might not be able to leave tooth marks on his body.

Still face-to-face.

One arm flew into the air, and Jiang Lin removed the left arm of the old black mountain demon.

Even if the old demon of Montenegro had a soul flag in his hand, Jiang Lin didn't have to work hard to split him when he couldn't move his lower body.

"I have no chance of winning if I sit still? Old dog, you can't do this well."

Jiang Lin kicked the old black mountain demon in the face, leaving a clear shoe print.

"Master Montenegro, it's too stubborn."

The little devils who were biting on Jiang Lin returned to the seat of the Montenegrin old demon with a bitter look, and they bit Jiang Lin until their teeth hurt.


Now the heart of the old demon in Montenegro is extremely broken, who is this Nima?His Soul Cable Thorn and Ghost Bite were other ghost kings, and he didn't dare to relax.

In the end, it was useless to deal with this little Taoist priest.

The most important thing is that he was also kicked in the face by this little Taoist priest, which is a shame.

"Call me wool, I'll stand and sit with you, you are so fucking majestic."

Jiang Lin cut off the head of the old black mountain demon with a sword, and kicked his body out.

As long as this Montenegrin old demon is on the altar, even if his head is dropped, he can still rely on the altar to absorb the spirit of the ghosts under the altar to recover.

"The Taoist priest eliminated the old demon of Montenegro?"

Xiaoqian looked at the ghost corpse of the old demon in Montenegro in the distance, a little unbelievable.

"The old dog isn't dead yet."

Glancing at the old demon of Montenegro, Jiang Lin raised his arms and slammed it on the altar with ten thousand jins of strength.

The altar shattered in response, and hundreds of ghost heads scattered, but almost all died under Jiang Lin's swivel sword.

After Jiang Lin killed the ghost heads that were fleeing everywhere, many ghost heads were drilled out of the severed limbs of the old black mountain demon, turning into his left arm and head.

"Haha, I said you have no chance of winning."

After the old demon of Montenegro got up, he laughed wildly at Jiang Lin, but the ghost's eyes were filled with real grievances.

Jiang Lin didn't expect to destroy the old monster of Montenegro so easily, but what he didn't expect was that the old monster got the wrong script again.

"You have no chance of winning when I sit, not because of the altar, but because of the soul flag, hahaha, you didn't think about it. Come on, be my ghost slave!"

The old demon of Montenegro shook the soul flag in his hand, and an extremely powerful suction force suddenly erupted from the flag. A strange wind appeared out of thin air where Jiang Lin was located, and Jiang Lin did not have time. What reaction is made, the body will fly to the soul flag.

This demonic wind is very strange, even if Jiang Lin turns into a zombie, his head is still a little muddled.


Xiaoqian threw out the red horse and entangled Jiang Lin's body, but the wind was too strong, and Xiaoqian also flew over together.

The old demon of Montenegro's mouth suddenly expanded, becoming the size of a window, directly swallowing Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian.

When Jiang Lin regained consciousness, he had already entered the belly of the old black mountain demon.

Surrounded by extremely rich evil spirits, there is a ghost head baring its teeth.

"Daoist, it's Xiaoqian who has troubled you."

Xiaoqian blamed herself very much. If Jiang Lin hadn't come to rescue her, she would not have been swallowed up by the old demon of Montenegro. The evil energy here is highly corrosive. I am afraid that they will be transformed into one by the old demon of Montenegro in a few moments. .

Jiang Lin released his own yin fire to wrap Xiaoqian, and at the same time felt the evil spirit around him.

These evil qi can gradually eat away the souls of people and ghosts, and even the spiritual power will be devoured.

The corner of his mouth raised, Jiang Lin smiled slightly, looked at Xiaoqian, and said, "What's there to worry about?"


Xiaoqian's brows creased slightly, she didn't understand why Jiang Lin could still laugh up to now, it was really incomprehensible, no, even ghosts couldn't understand.

"Ha ha……"

The old demon of Montenegro laughed wildly. He is now waiting for Jiang Lin to be melted away. In that case, his strength will not only be further improved, but he will also have a powerful ghost slave.

The old demon of Montenegro laughed outside, but Jiang Lin chuckled inside him.

If the old demon of Montenegro knew that he was swallowing a thousand-year-old zombie king, I don't know what kind of expression he would have.

"Daoist, stop laughing and find a way to get out."

"Go out? Why do you want to go out? I, Lao Jiang, don't go!"

Jiang Lin smiled casually, the old monster of Montenegro wanted to eat him, but unfortunately, the old monster's teeth weren't hard enough.

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Five This Time You Called Grandpa

not leaving? ? ?

Xiao Qian, who was originally dressed as a fairy, was confused by Jiang Lin's words and turned into a cute beauty.

"Hey, the evil energy here is the source of the old black mountain demon. As long as I deal with it a little, it can be used for me."

Jiang Lin bared his white teeth. In addition to being a Taoist priest, he was also a zombie. The evil spirit of the Montenegrin old demon could devour spiritual power and assimilate ghost and demon energy, but he wanted to get rid of him, relying on the ability of the old demon ghost king. , is still far from it.

If the strength of the old demon of Montenegro reaches a new level, Jiang Lin must be gloomy when swallowed by him. Unfortunately, he is not at the level of a ghost emperor.

Jiang Lin looked at the strong evil spirit around him and laughed in his heart. Since the old demon of Montenegro could not melt him, he would hollow out the old demon from the inside out.

These evil qi had become the source of the old demon of Montenegro, and it was also a great supplement to the evil spirits. As long as they were refined, Jiang Lin would be able to devour these evil qi and let his corpse grow.

The old demon of Montenegro swallowed Jiang Lin and wanted to make it a part of himself. Jiang Lin now has the same idea, making the old demon of Montenegro lose his wife and lose his army.

"Hehe, I thought I ate something good, but I didn't know that I swallowed a lump of iron. If I eat me, I won't be named Jiang if I don't kill you old monster."

Can something invulnerable be delicious?

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that he was a bit like a monkey grandson, and this time he wanted the old demon from Montenegro to call his grandfather.

Grandpa Jiang, please come out.

"Can Evil Qi be used by Celestial Masters?"

Xiaoqian felt that she had mastered six orifices, but she still didn't understand what Jiang Lin said.

"You look really cute."

Jiang Lin looked at Xiaoqian's current expression and teased her.

Xiaoqian smiled softly, and then gave Jiang Lin another look.

"Come on, I may not care about you for a while, let you increase your strength first."

The body of the old demon of Montenegro was like a Xumi space, Jiang Lin found a slightly flat place to sit down and let Xiaoqian sit opposite him.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to do, Xiao Qian sat down according to Jiang Lin's words.

"Sit closer."


When Xiaoqian sat cross-legged in front of him, Jiang Lin took hold of Xiaoqian's soft cat.

Now that he wants to remove his own yang flames, the yin flames on Xiaoqian's body and the surrounding yang flames will also disappear. If the distance is too far, he can't guarantee that Xiaoqian will not be threatened by the ghosts and evil spirits around him.

With ten fingers clasped by Jiang Lin, Xiao Qian had an illusion, as if her heart was beating again.

"I want to remove Yang Yan and Yin Fire, maybe you will suffer a little."

Jiang Lin removed Yang Yan from his body and then released his own corpse poison, causing it to travel all over his body, and the pressure of the Thousand-Year Zombie King immediately spread around.


Xiaoqian screamed, Jiang Lin's evil spirit frightened her, and now Jiang Lin felt even more terrifying than the old demon of Montenegro.

The corpse's teeth were slightly exposed, Jiang Lin's body erupted with strong suction, and the surrounding evil energy was sucked into his body.

The evil qi entered the body, and the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body was like a flood of beasts, rushing towards the evil qi.

These evil spirits were not under the deliberate control of the Montenegrin old demon, and they couldn't fight the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body at all.

Jiang Lin's body is the site of corpse poison, and evil energy has to be coiled when it comes in.

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