Half an hour later, Jiang Lin refined a lot of evil energy. After passing it through his body, he said, "Open your mouth."

Xiaoqian nodded slightly, opened her small cherry mouth, revealing jade teeth like glutinous rice, and a pure ghost gas was sent into her mouth.


Xiaoqian's eyes were wide open, and she could clearly feel that her strength was growing, which was much faster than absorbing Yin Qi.

Jiang Lin once gave Xiaohong the yin and evil spirits of the three evil positions, and he is quite skilled at this kind of operation.

Moreover, the evil qi here is much milder than the yin evil qi, and the nourishing effect on the ghost body is very good.

"With the cooperation of these treasures, we can fully absorb that kid's legal body. Haha..."

The old demon of Montenegro, who returned to his old nest, was in a very good mood. What he valued most was Jiang Lin's dharma body. If he could absorb it completely, he would be one step closer to the level of ghost emperor, and he might even become a new ghost emperor directly.

A black lotus, a piece of fiery red ginseng, and various miscellaneous things were all sucked by him and swallowed into his stomach.

These are treasures collected by the old demon of Montenegro. In order to fully absorb Jiang Lin, he also invested money.

"Heaven's baby."

Jiang Lin simply wanted to give a thumbs up to the old demon of Montenegro. He praised him greatly. With these materials, he was able to absorb the evil energy more thoroughly.

He sucked on his back, and all the treasures that entered the belly of the old demon of Montenegro were sucked into his belly by Jiang Lin.


It's really too much.

"And this poisonous wine can make the medicinal materials fully function in the body."

After swallowing the rare treasures on the table, the old demon of Montenegro opened his mouth and sucked at the wine jar next to him.

Opposite!This poisonous wine allows the medicinal materials to fully exert their effects in the body.

Jiang Lin opened his mouth again and drank the medicinal wine like a waterfall.

This wine is very strong!

Good wine!

Jiang Lin felt a bit overwhelmed, grandson, grandson, give grandpa something good.

With the good things in his stomach, Jiang Lin glanced coldly at the ghosts around him, who were afraid of Jiang Lin's corpse power and did not dare to go forward for a while.

Just take you for a drink!

With a low roar, Jiang Lin took a breath, and the dozens of ghost heads around him were ingested into his body.

"Haha, there is no sound anymore. It is estimated that the kid has already exhausted his spiritual power and turned into pus."

The old demon of Montenegro shook his stomach, imagining that he would be able to make great progress in a day or two.

It's a pity that he didn't know that there was indeed a great advancement in strength, but it wasn't him.

"Such a good place, why are we in such a hurry to get out?"

Jiang Lin felt a little drunk, and Chong Xiaoqian blinked, then closed his eyes and concentrated, and continued to use corpse poison to devour the evil energy and assimilate it, part of it entered his own bones, and the other part was passed to Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian quietly looked at Jiang Lin who opened her mouth and closed her eyes, and felt that she really had inherited Jianglin's kindness too much.

When I first met her, I didn't care about her offense, I was willing to give her a chance to atone for her sins, promised to help her reincarnate, and later took her urn for her.

After being caught in the underworld, Jiang Lin saved her despite the danger of going down to the underworld, and now he is helping her improve her cultivation.

How should the little girl repay the kindness of the Taoist priest?

Leaning slightly, Xiao Qian leaned forward, her cherry lips covering Jiang Lin's mouth.

Chapter [*] Is Grandpa's taste delicious?


Jiang Lin opened his eyes and saw Xiao Qian's eyes as clear as a pool.

Withdrew her body, Xiaoqian said softly: "Xiaoqian does not know how to repay the kindness of the Taoist priest, so she is proud of this appearance, if the Taoist priest does not dislike it... Xiaoqian has served the old demon of Montenegro to send it away. The medicine can control itself not to absorb the yang qi of men."

With a low face, Xiaoqian pulled back and loosened the bow on her belt, giving Jiang Lin a secret signal.

If she wants, she can do it herself.

As for Yang Qi, Xiaoqian felt that she couldn't breathe even if she wanted to. The Celestial Master in front of her seemed to be a zombie.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I made an agreement with you, you have fulfilled your agreement, and what I am doing now is to keep my promises and promises. As far as you are concerned, there is no kindness."

After a pause, Jiang Lin asked again, "You don't want to be reincarnated?"

After drinking alcohol, Jiang Lin felt that Xiao Qian in front of him was really beautiful. If he didn't want to be reborn, he could consider raising her in the future.

"Yes I do."

"Then if you promise me your body, you won't be able to reincarnate."

Jiang Lin shrugged, Xiaoqian still wanted to reincarnate, so he wouldn't be confused with Xiaoqian.

After taking a bite, he won't let Xiaoqian run away again.

"What's the point here?"

Xiaoqian doesn't understand a bit, will the female ghost lose the qualification to be reincarnated after being touched by the Celestial Master and become a lonely ghost?

"Because by then, I won't be able to let you reincarnate."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to absorb the evil energy around him.

He also needs to make the poisonous wine go away as soon as possible. What the old demon of Montenegro dares to drink, of course he can drink it as a thousand-year-old zombie king. The poison did not cause him any harm, but the wine is too strong, and it is not very comfortable in the stomach after all. .

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin in front of her and felt a little melancholy in her heart. She was a female ghost and was in love with Tianshi, but her long-term wish was to be reincarnated.


Now Xiaoqian thinks about it carefully, but finds that she actually has no concept of reincarnation.

When tortured by the tree demon, it seemed that the only way to escape from that life was reincarnation. Now that the tree demon has been wiped out, Xiao Qian is at a loss.

Is it really good to be reborn as a human being?

The world thinks ghosts are scary, but Xiaoqian knows that people are more scary than ghosts, and that people are many times more cruel than ghosts.

She was harmed by the coveted beauty, and her family was forced to death one by one. In the end, she jumped off a cliff to avoid being humiliated.

But if she doesn't reincarnate, she will always be a ghost who sees no light.

If after reincarnation, when you grow up, you can meet the Taoist priest and marry him, even if you become a concubine, it will be considered as repayment of his kindness.

Such an idea suddenly popped into Xiao Qian's heart.

Just now, she gave Jiang Lin a hint that she would give up this perfect body as long as she was willing.

But under this circumstance, Jiang Lin still refused such a request, which shows that this man is really not the kind of man who only cares about flesh) (Ti Huanyu.

If we meet again in the next life, we will definitely promise each other.

At this moment, Xiaoqian saw the light-avoiding talisman on her chest, and she was stunned for a moment.

Yes, if she follows Jiang Lin in the future, even if she is a ghost, she will not be afraid of the sun.

"Just now, the Taoist meant that if I didn't reincarnate..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Qian made up her mind.

After Jiang Lin resolved the discomfort in his abdomen, he would no longer be so tepid. This is the forbidden area of ​​the underworld. If the old demon of Montenegro goes to other places, it will add to the trouble.

"Wait to call you Grandpa Jiang!"

Jiang Lin roared, and the whole body erupted with the power of a whale sucking a cow, absorbing all the evil energy around him.

With so many treasures from Heishan's grandson, Jiang Lin's speed of assimilating evil spirits has been accelerated several times.

"what happened?"

The movement caused by Jiang Lin in the body of the Montenegrin old monster alarmed the sleeping old monster, and he found that the power in his body was rapidly diminishing.

The corpse received a major repair, and Jiang Lin couldn't help screaming, and let out a corpse roar.

"The Daoist is really scary."

Seeing Jiang Lin's completely corpse appearance, Xiao Qian was a little afraid to approach Jiang Lin. Even with Jiang Lin's help, she was almost at the level of a green ghost, and she couldn't stand the power that Jiang Lin radiated.

Although there had been speculation before, Xiaoqian was shocked when she saw Jiang Lin completely turned into a zombie.

He is both a celestial master and a powerful zombie. No wonder Jiang Lin is not afraid of the sky when he comes to the underworld.

Hearing this sound, the old demon of Montenegro was awakened and shivered involuntarily.How can there be such a horrible atmosphere?

And the source of the sound seems to be in his body.


Before allowing the old demon of Montenegro to think about what was going on, he clutched his stomach and let out a scream. Jiang Lin was making a havoc inside his body.

Jiang Lin was so arrogant that his fingernails nearly two inches long scratched the abdominal wall of the old black mountain demon, ploughing terrifying scars on it.

"Grandson Montenegro, how does your grandfather taste? Is it delicious?"

Jiang Lin smiled and kicked him. He wanted to let the old demon of Montenegro know the fate of eating the zombie king.

A look of shock could be seen on the withered face of the old black mountain demon, and he shouted: "Impossible, how is it possible! You are not dead yet?"

Whether it is a human being, a ghost or a demon, as long as his strength does not exceed his level, he is swallowed into his body, and he cannot survive.

But the old demon of Montenegro did not expect that what he swallowed into his body was a celestial master and a thousand-year-old zombie king.

There is no problem for him to swallow it, but the Thousand Year Zombie King has no ability to digest it at all.

After venting, Jiang Lin recovered his corpse poison and turned back into a human body.

The corpse is his strong backing, but it is not as strong as his Taoism in terms of attack power. Now he wants to burst the belly of the old black mountain demon.

The spiritual power in his body did not consume much at all. After the corpse was corpse, it could lock his soul and his own spiritual power.

After hollowing out the old monster of Montenegro, Jiang Lin now let this old monster conceive a three-legged golden crow.

With a knot in his hand, Jiang Lin mobilized all the spiritual power in his body and launched his own super kill.

The old demon of Montenegro couldn't stop screaming, his belly was gradually getting bigger, his belly became transparent, and there was actually a chicken inside.

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