The three-legged Golden Crow's wings converged, and then suddenly opened, nearly [-] Yang-fingered swords shot up and down from its wings, directly piercing the body of the Montenegrin old demon with a hundred swords.

It's nothing to be pricked in the heart, this time the old demon of Montenegro was pricked with the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

"Shenzhen, spare your life! Grandpa, grandpa!"

The old demon of Montenegro was completely scared this time. Hundreds of lightsabers pierced through him, and there was still a golden light on it, and flames lingered on it. For him, it was more painful than hell flames.

"I know it's too late to call me grandpa, so go spit it out!"

Chapter [-] I need comfort

Jiang Lin embraced Xiaoqian's waist and jumped with strength, stepping on the old black mountain demon's abdominal wall and ribcage, leaping up into the sky.

The corpse's claws were torn apart violently, and Jiang Lin directly tore a crack in the back of the neck of the old black mountain demon. After leaving the body, Jiang Lin returned to its original shape, and he kicked the old black mountain demon into the air.


Because the three-legged Golden Crow was condensed to the limit, the power of the explosion was far greater than before. The old black mountain demon's body was almost hollowed out, and this explosion directly killed him.

It's a pity that a thousand-year-old demon would not die so quickly if he didn't want to eat Jiang Lin.

"Pop! Kill the ghost king and get [-] points of anger."

This action is really a big profit, Jiang Lin is a little excited, just the amount of anger contributed by the tree demon and the old black mountain demon is almost [-], plus the treasures given to him by the old black mountain demon. There are rewards for delivering tasks to Judge Lu afterward.


No, kill all and eat all, but also search all.

Jiang Lin found that he happened to be in the old monster's lair in Montenegro. In that case, you're welcome to take it away!

After searching for half an hour, Jiang Lin obtained a lot of treasures, and he also brought over the soul flag that the old demon of Montenegro used to swallow his soul.

"Go, go back."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to stay here any longer, so he went back to the realm to deal with Xiaoqian's reincarnation, and then slashed Judge Lu.

There should also be a backer behind the old monster of Montenegro. Now that the old monster has been killed, Jiang Lin doesn't want to move those little scoundrels, so it is better to run away first.

More importantly, because he completely absorbed the medicinal effects of the poisonous wine, his eyes were a little flowery when he saw the ground, and he didn't want to use his own Yang Yan to hangover. The poisonous wine was poison to others, but medicine to him.

Jiang Lin cut off the stone stele blocking the road, opened a road, opened the ghost gate with Commander Yin, dragged Xiaoqian and flew out.

When he returned to Lanruo Temple, Jiang Lin wanted to sleep quickly, and the old demon of Montenegro's poisonous drink had completely recovered.

"Xiaoqian, I'll sleep for a while, you can do it yourself. I'll find the ghost sentence for you tomorrow about the reincarnation."

Jiang Lin went to the corner of the main hall of the temple and lay down on the ground, sleeping with him in the sun to dry his buttocks. If he fell asleep, the corpse poison in his body could be kept safe.

Xiaoqian nodded, and with a wave of her sleeves, she covered all the broken doors and windows.

Seeing Jiang Lin's drunken appearance, she also smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

"Daoist, I'm laughing at your calling you an old monster, an old dog, and you are his grandfather, so aren't you older than an old dog?"

After this time of life and death, Xiao Qian felt that her understanding of Jiang Lin had deepened a lot, and she was a heavenly teacher who was very easy to get along with.


The lotus step moved slightly, Xiaoqian sat down beside Jiang Lin and fell on his chest.

"Huh? Xiaoqian?"

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. He was dizzy now, and Xiaoqian came to tease him. What was he trying to do?

Are you really not afraid of me having sex after drinking?

"Daoist, Xiaoqian has thought about it, not to reincarnate, Xiaoqian is willing to be with the Taoist. Now that the tree demon has been destroyed, Xiaoqian doesn't need to be tortured, and she doesn't have to do things against her will."

"Are you sure you don't want to be reincarnated? It's not difficult for me to have you reincarnated into a good family."

Knocking on his aching forehead, Jiang Lin continued: "I'm almost immortal. If you follow me, it won't be a one-hundred-year-old thing. I don't have any kindness to you, and even if there is, the kindness can't be regarded as something. love."

Jiang Lin shook his bewildered head and asked Xiaoqian to measure whether it was worth it or not. It is a good thing to repay kindness, but there are many ways.

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin's face and murmured, "Xiaoqian has never experienced the love between men and women. Now Xiaoqian has feelings for the Taoist priest, and it's not all to repay her kindness."

"Daoist, in fact, today is also the day I live. It's just that the person who married is not the old demon from Montenegro."

Whispering softly, Xiao Qian pulled the tie around her waist and wrapped her snow-white arms around Jiang Lin's neck.

"So, you are emotional, what is the pretense of repaying your kindness?"

Jiang Lin squeezed Xiaoqian's chin and kissed her cherry lips.

Jiang Lin couldn't remember what happened next. He just remembered that there were endless groans and groans in the dilapidated hall, and that Xiaoqian bit him very painfully.

Jiang Lin's promiscuity after drinking is quite terrifying.

Holding the cold Xiao Qian, Jiang Lin slept until the next evening.

"Judge Lu."

After taking Xiaoqian to the underworld, Jiang Lin went directly to Judge Lu.

"Oh, brother Jiang."

Judge Lu greeted him with a smile. Jiang Lin's efficiency in handling affairs was not generally high, and he saved his subordinates in just a few days.

When he saw Xiao Qian behind Jiang Lin, Judge Lu was stunned for a moment. Why did he bring a female ghost down? Such a beautiful female ghost is really rare.

"This is my wife Xiaoqian."

"Xiaoqian has seen Lord Judge."

Xiaoqian bowed to Judge Lu Lianzhen.

"It turned out to be my brother and sister."

Glancing at Xiaoqian, Judge Lu gave Jiang Lin another look at you.

It is simply a fragrance of the country, holding such a beautiful female ghost as a wife, can envy other Taoist priests to death.

"Judge Lu, would you like to hear why the tree demon and the old demon from Montenegro attack the ghost?"

Jiang Lin was straight to the point, he came here to talk about this.

"You... have you checked it out?"

Judge Lu's beard shivered twice. Jiang Lin not only saved his subordinates, but also found clues?

"You see what this is?"

Jiang Lin took out the soul flag wrapped in cloth. While on it, he studied the soul flag and found that it was of no use to him, so he took it down and exchanged something with Judge Lu.

"Qianhunfan! Why are you here? Isn't this something of the old demon of Montenegro?"

Judge Lu was about to pick up the soul flag when he went up, but Jiang Lin shook his hand and stood behind him.

"Judge Lu, let me tell you, this time you made me miserable. In order to save your subordinates, I was seriously injured by the tree demon, and was dragged to the forbidden area by the old demon of Montenegro. If you die, you can't come back."

Jiang Lin talked nonsense to Judge Lu seriously, and finally added: "I need comfort."

Judge Lu had blue veins on his forehead, and stood here well, seriously hurting his wool!If you are lucky, you can kill the old demon of Montenegro?What a liar!

So much nonsense, nothing useful at all, isn't it just to fool me a little more?

Judge Lu gave Jiang Lin a big middle finger.

"The first time we met, this is a box of ambergris. I wish my younger brother and younger brother and brother Jiang a good relationship for thousands of years, forever."

Ambergris?Good stuff!

Such a nice gift when we first met?Let Xiaoli and Xiaohong come down next time.

Seeing Jiang Lin grinning, Judge Lu felt that Jiang Lin was like a butcher, the kind who likes to kill people.

Chapter [-]: Taiping Mountain Bai Daochang

"I can say it now."

Judge Lu gave Jiang Lin a blank look. If he hadn't seen how efficient Jiang Lin's work was and his sincerity in cooperation, he would have expelled Jiang Lin long ago.

There are people who have slaughtered him, but there are really no people who want to slaughter him after slaughtering him.

Jiang Lin smiled and told Judge Lu the information and speculation he had obtained. He also talked about the killing of the old black mountain demon.

Xiaoqian followed the tree demon to know a lot of things, which was the main reason why Jiang Lin asked her to follow.

His speculation was always his own. With Xiaoqian's testimony, Judge Lu would make his own judgment.

Moreover, it is not a trivial matter for the tree demon and the old demon of Montenegro to attack the ghost. Even if Xiaoqian is forced to participate, he still needs to explain the situation to Judge Lu.

"Using the demon king in the realm to absorb the ghost energy from the ghosts, and give them body training, and want to introduce them into the underworld in large numbers?"

Judge Lu listened to Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian's remarks, and his forehead suddenly twisted into a word "Chuan", which was far more serious than he imagined.

Once there are demon kings and wild ghosts in the underworld entering the underworld, it will increase the trouble.

Taking the tree demon as an example, because of its physical body, if it reaches the forbidden area, it can go farther and deeper than ordinary ghost kings or even ghost emperors. At that time, all kinds of wandering ghosts can advance collectively.

"Judge Lu, let me tell you, planning this kind of thing is definitely not something that the level of the Montenegrin old demon can do, it may be a ghost emperor, or even some terrifying existence in the forbidden area who wants to be reborn. So, I'm in big trouble now, you made me miserable, and I need comfort."

Since his speculation was approved by Judge Lu to a certain extent, Jiang Lin took the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick, causing Judge Lu to bleed heavily.

If Judge Lu reported this kind of thing, he would be promoted and raised for sure. How could Jiang Lin be worthy of the title of "pit god" given to him by Judge Lu if he didn't pick up some wool.

Seeing Judge Lu's face that was uglier than eating shit, Jiang Lin didn't dump him at all, and continued: "I've overcompleted my mission, if you're not interested in Judge Lu, I'll take it elsewhere. sold."


"Take it and take it!"

Judge Lu waved his sleeves, and a lot of rare things appeared on the coffee table, all of which were treasures that could not be found everywhere in the world.

"Go back and burn paper money for you, don't act like a grudge."

Jiang Lin gave Judge Lu a blank look. There is no need to worry about his subordinates. New progress has been made in the forbidden area under his management, and confidential clues have been obtained. This is not an ordinary credit. Vice wants to eat him expression?

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