"Brother Jiang, since my younger brother and sister were forced, they were only coerced, and they helped you later. I will not pursue her affairs. Should we talk about business now?"

Since Jiang Lin slapped him, Judge Lu wanted to give Jiang Lin some more tasks. The efficiency was so high that even the old black mountain demon with a thousand soul flags was wiped out, and there were still a few ghost kings at the same level. Woolen cloth.

"Alas, my internal injury has flared up again. I can't do it anymore, I have to slow down."

Having slaughtered Judge Lu so many things, if Jiang Lin wanted to strike, he would have to find a reason to prevaricate it.

In fact, he still has something to do in the world, so he doesn't have time to delay in the underworld for the time being, but just saying that he has something to do, Judge Lu must still be like a grudge.

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Lin pretending to be hurt, and also covered her mouth and smiled.

Jiang Lin promised her that he would accompany her to her hometown. If he stayed in the underworld, he probably wouldn't be able to return to the world in a while.

I believe you a ghost, you are very unkind!

Judge Lu had a look of contempt on his face, and he looked like he was injured.

"Let's go, hurry up, come to me when the things in the world are done."

Giving Jiang Lin a middle finger again, Judge Lu asked the kid to send Jiang Lin away.

Jiang Lin said that there was something to do in the second half of the year, and he had to improve his strength before officially starting work, so Judge Lu did not force him.

After returning to Yangjian, Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian went straight to the road, heading towards Qinghua County, where Chenjia Village was Xiaoqian's hometown.

"Jiang Lang, Xiaoqian really didn't expect you to be such a big official below."

Xiaoqian held Jiang Lin's hand and laughed and teased that her husband could make the judge polite.

"If it weren't for your sisters, I wouldn't want to be a big official. Now you have a beautiful girl."

Jiang Lin embraced Xiaoqian's waist, and gently squeezed her face that could be broken by bullets.

If it weren't for his wife, master, and those who were kind to him, Jiang Lin would not be willing to go to the forbidden place in the underworld.

Although the more ghosts he kills, the faster his strength improves, but once an accident occurs, he may not be able to get out of the forbidden area.

Instead of this, it is better to find some powerful evil spirits in the world to eliminate, at least the risk factor is much lower.

But now it's useless to think about these things, you have to do practical things when you get the benefits.

Qinghua County is not far from Guobei County, but the road is bumpy and rugged, separated by mountains, and it takes ten days and a half months for ordinary people to walk.

Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian were not ordinary people, and they arrived near Chenjia Village on the second night.

"A lot of evil energy has formed a spiritual world."

Standing in front of a restaurant, Jiang Lin frowned. There was nothing strange about the restaurant, but in fact it was already in ruins.

"There is a restaurant here, Jiang Lang, let's go in and have a rest."

Xiaoqian was cast by Jiang Lin's light-avoidance spell. She was exposed to the sunlight for a long time, and now she was a little tired.

Jiang Lin nodded, he was going to go in and see what was weird here.

Although the evil energy here is very heavy, it is well disguised, even an alchemist like Jiu Shu may not be able to see the clue at a glance.

"Xiaoqian, don't touch the things here, it's not clean, eat these medicinal fruits."

After entering the restaurant and taking a seat, Jiang Lin took the medicinal fruit from the cloth bag and handed it to Xiao Qian, observing the surroundings by himself.

Sitting on one side and walking upstairs are all ghost corpses who have revived their souls.

"Yin people borrow the way, yang people avoid it, you must avoid it, you will take care of yourself."

At this time, there was the sound of the corpse driving away from the restaurant, and the sound of the voice seemed to be a middle-aged man.

"Master, there is a restaurant."

"We can finally eat, Master."

A young man and a little boy rushed into the restaurant and waved to the man for a few bowls of noodles.

Behind the youth and the boy came a bald priest in white.

"Girl ghost?"

Bai Daochang's eyes swept across the restaurant and fell on Xiao Qian, and then he moved his gaze to Jiang Lin again.

I can't see through this young man?

Daochang Bai surrendered to Jianglin and said, "Maoshan Taipingshan branch travels around, and he is called Daochang Bai."

In the middle of the night, sitting with a female ghost holding hands, and making him unable to see through, must be the same.

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard Bai Daochang's introduction. Taiping Mountain, Bai Daochang, and the supernatural world, isn't this the plot of the movie Shaolin Zombie?

And it's just beginning.

Then Jiang Lin returned a salute and said, "Chen Dao sent Jiang Lin."

Chapter [*] Kindness overflows, almost stupid

Because the zombies in the movie are wearing generals' armor, which is so cool, Jiang Lin has a deep impression on this movie.

"It turned out to be from the Chen Dao faction, and it has a lot of origins with Mao Shan."

Daoist Bai didn't take the liberty to ask about the female ghost. As long as the Taoist priest and the ghost didn't harm people, he generally didn't ask.

After Jiang Lin nodded as a greeting, he continued to check the surrounding environment.

Ghosts generally don't use dead corpses to act. If it takes a long time, their souls will be locked by the dead corpses. At that time, there is no chance of reincarnation.

One or two is not surprising, but there are at least [*] or [*] ghost corpses in this restaurant, which is a bit of a fantasy.

Jiang Lin suspected that there might be external forces or objects that prompted these ghosts to stay here, but unfortunately he did not see anything like evil stones.

Did this fellow Taoist also find something wrong here?

Seeing Jiang Lin glancing around, Daoist Bai opened his eyes again. There was a mark between his eyebrows, which was the seal of the head of Xuanxu Guan, and his ability to observe was quite good even when his eyes were closed.

In addition, his own strength has reached the level of an alchemist, and ordinary ghosts are invisible in his eyes.

But he had just observed the place roughly and found nothing particularly strange.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, delicious!"

Just when Jiang Lin and Bai Daochang were looking around, the latter's two apprentices, Bai Tian and Bai Ri, had already started eating.

The efficiency of the restaurant's second meal is very high.

Jiang Lin heard the voices of the two and glanced at it, feeling that he would have to be ined for a few more days.

Damn, that's not noodles at all, it's all corpse worms and maggots mixed together in a bowl.

But the strength of the two unlucky bastards is too bad, and they have no idea that they are eating something more disgusting than shit.

Seeing that Daochang Bai greeted himself first, Jiang Lin reminded Daochang Bai: "Tell your two disciples not to eat."

Stop eating?

They eat noodles.

Although Daochang Bai was puzzled, since Jiang Lin opened his mouth to remind him, he took two talismans and shoved them between his fingers.

"Spirit in the sky, bright in the ground, help me see life in the sky."

The magic talisman between his fingers ignited, and Bai Dao drew a Tai Chi diagram with his long fingers. Finally, the four fingers of the food mother with both hands formed a rectangle and placed it in front of him.


After opening his eyes, Daochang Bai saw that his disciple was eating corpse worms, and almost spit out the water he drank.

Originally, people who learned the Tao had quite a strong immunity to these things, and they frowned slightly when they saw it, but seeing a corpse worm and seeing someone eating a corpse worm are not of the same order of magnitude.

"Day, day, don't eat!"

Enduring the feeling of vomiting, Daoist Bai looked around again, there was no one here at all, some were all rotting corpses, and they were ghosts borrowed from ghosts.

This is breaking into the supernatural world?

After knowing the weirdness in the restaurant, Daoist Bai couldn't help but admire Jiang Lin. He didn't expect this fellow Daoist to be young and his eyesight was so strong.

"Jiang Lang, what did you see?"

Although Xiaoqian is a serious ghost, she can't find the abnormality here.

"I won't tell you, or you won't be able to eat when you see it."

Jiang Lin didn't want Xiaoqian to see the disgusting scene of someone eating a corpse worm.

After hearing what Jiang Lin said, Xiao Qian stopped asking.

"Master, what's wrong?"

The two of them were eating "noodles", Bai Ri and Tian, ​​and they didn't understand why the noodles were so delicious, why their master wouldn't let them eat them.

At this moment, the ghost corpses in the restaurant heard Bai Daochang's cry, and all rushed towards them.

As for Jiang Lin, he released his corpse aura, and none of these ghost corpses dared to approach him.

What left Jiang Lin speechless was that these ghost corpses were all scumbags. Daochang Bai's two apprentices were surrounded by ghost corpses that had not yet appeared, and they shouted for help one by one.

Shout out wool!

Jiang Lin really couldn't figure it out, why each of the masters was so powerful, and the disciples he accepted were not even as good as dogs.

The dog will bark twice to frighten people.

The four-eyed Taoist priest is an alchemist, and he has a family. The ninth uncle is a alchemist, and he has Qiusheng and Wencai. Now the Bai Taoist here is also an alchemist, and these two disciples are more scumbags than Qiusheng and Wencai.

Bai Daochang kicked a ghost corpse and smashed the group of corpses that surrounded the two apprentices. Then he rushed up and pulled the two apprentices over.

"Piss now!"

There are far more ghosts and corpses in the restaurant than the naked eye can see. Without the need for a boy to pee, Daoist Bai can't make them appear.

He couldn't deal with ghosts while opening his eyes.

"no need."

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers, and he bounced a flame to the ground.

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