Xiaoqian is still here, Jiang Lin will not let other men pour water in front of her.

As soon as the flames touched the ground, the whole restaurant suddenly changed its appearance, becoming a strange and gloomy attic. Half a hundred ghosts and corpses were showing their teeth and claws, approaching Bai Daochang and the three of them little by little.

Seeing that the noodles on the table had turned into a bowl of corpse worms during the day and day, he immediately vomited.

My God, I will never eat noodles again in this life!

Because Daochang Bai only used his fists and kicks to kick the surrounding ghosts flying, he led his two apprentices to keep retreating.

For a time, the four of them became quite embarrassed, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as running around.

Especially the two apprentices of Bai Daochang were almost scared to scream.

Jiang Lin looked a little dazed. After all, Daoist Bai is an alchemist. Is it so difficult to deal with these ghosts?

Afraid of a fake alchemist?

Daochang Bai saw that there was an open space five meters around Jianglin, and no corpse dared to approach, so he pulled two apprentices and retreated to him.

"Fellow Daoist, these ghost corpses... can't you deal with them?"

Although he had seen the movie, Jiang Lin didn't remember the whole plot, and he couldn't understand Bai Daochang's operation now.

"Cough, my one, I don't really want to hurt them."

Being suspected of his strength, Daochang Bai quickly explained that his strength was actually quite good.

Jiang Lin was amused by Daochang Bai's words, and said, "Daoist friend, it's good to have compassion, if these ghost corpses don't have the intention of harming others, it goes without saying, but this place is disguised as a restaurant, and even the cultivators come in. Being attacked, let alone ordinary people."

Jiang Lin didn't quite understand what kind of benevolence Bai Dao's long hair was. He was similar to Uncle Jiu in exorcism. He was more principled. It's not to kill others indiscriminately, and he doesn't want to accept it either.

But now even he can't understand what Bai Daochang is doing.

It's good to have kindness, but if kindness is rampant, it's like being stupid.

Keep these ghost corpses and let them trick others later?

"This one……"

Bai Daochang touched his bald head and felt that what Jiang Lin said was quite reasonable.

These ghosts even attacked them. If they were ordinary people, they would have been torn apart long ago.

Although they broke into this place, it was also because this place was covered with a layer of camouflage.

Chapter [*] Go!

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Daochang's bald head and remembered that this Bai Daochang seemed to be a monk before, no wonder he was so kind.

It’s not impossible to have a good heart. If you don’t kill, you have to accept it.

But I don't want to hurt these ghosts at all, I really want to sweep the floor and kill the ants.

Jiang Lin basically couldn't understand the concept of Buddhism at all, and he was not a peaceful person in his bones.

Bai Daochang took out the ghost eggs from the cloth bag. Although Jiang Lin said that these ghost corpses would harm people, he didn't want to kill them directly, and planned to take them back and save them.

Jiang Lin didn't express his position on Bai Daochang's actions. It was also a way to save ghosts, but he generally didn't choose it.

He will save those that are worth saving, and kill those that are not worth it.

No matter how small the mosquito's legs are, Jiang Lin won't miss out on these viciousness. He plans to get together again, so that there will be no delay in leveling up and acquiring the corpse attribute.

Maybe he can even take down the most difficult absolute self-healing.

The Yang Finger sword was unsheathed and slashed one piece at a time.

Seeing Jiang Lin's methods, Daochang Bai was completely stunned, how could he kill ghosts and corpses like this?

"Master, that Taoist priest is good... so strong."

"That's right, Master, it's just too good."

Bai Tian and Bai Ri were stunned. They had been with their master for so long, and they had never seen such a strong comrade, who was much stronger than their master.

Daochang Bai gave two apprentices a five-finger sesame seed cake, and said in front of the master how powerful others were, even if they were really powerful, couldn't they say it in their hearts?

You master don't want to be ashamed?

After Jiang Lin killed the corpse on his side, he stopped, and he didn't go to grab the corpse on Bai Daochang's side. The ideas were different, and the way of dealing with them was different, and it was easy to cause conflicts.

Just as Daoist Bai and his two apprentices were slowly collecting the souls from the ghost corpse, a figure flew in from outside the door.

Jiang Lin looked in the direction of the figure. The person who came was a sexy long-haired beauty wearing a navel-baring wallet and a cheongsam skirt.

She should be the female disciple of Bai Daochang's opponent.

Jiang Lin still remembers the main characters in the movie.

Heiyue's two long legs swayed around without any scruples, even more fierce than Chun Li in the arcade.

Aren't you afraid of getting out?

Jiang Lin pouted, wearing really bold clothes.

Looking at Xiaoqian, Jiang Lin suddenly had a bad taste. When he got home, would Xiaoqian look better in this way.

"Jiang Lang, what are you thinking?"

Xiao Qianyu pinched Jiang Lin's arm with her finger, so she didn't want to dress like that.

Now her relationship with Jiang Lin is progressing by leaps and bounds, and she can understand what Jiang Lin's eyes mean.

After the black moon appeared, her master, the black-faced Shinto priest, a man like the wind appeared.

After a few whizzes, the black-faced god shuttled between the ghosts and corpses, only seeing the afterimages, and finally he jumped up and flew up the stairs on the second floor.

This black-faced god's punching skills are estimated to be more than half that of Bai Daochang. Of course, the black-faced god is still a young man and has the advantage of age.

As for the cultivation base, it is slightly inferior to Bai Dao.

Jiang Lin saw the performance of the black-faced god and made a position for him in his heart.

At the entrance of the stairs, the black-faced god let out a low voice, the body of the ghost he touched exploded, the ghost hidden inside the corpse let out a sharp scream, and he forcibly detained the black soul egg in his hand. inside.

Flying down from the sky, the black-faced god stopped in front of Daochang Bai and looked at him coldly.



As soon as Bai Daochang opened his mouth, he was punched by the black-faced god and shook his palm. The black-faced god pointed at his junior brother's nose and scolded: "I am not your senior brother! I am no longer from Taiping Mountain, please don't. Call me brother!"

"You use such vicious means to deal with these unjust souls in the mountains. Master said that collecting souls and catching monsters is for accumulation of virtue, not for evil."

Bai Daochang covered his stomach, and he even despised the ruthless means of the black-faced gods. Those black souls were not used to collect ghosts, but to refine ghosts.

"Bah! I don't have a master, and we have nothing to do with it. It's not your turn to preach to me. You also learn the Tao, and you can't deal with a few ghosts. How can you be the head of the Xuanxu Temple of Taiping Mountain? , you have the ability to save these ghosts?"

He raised the soul-headed egg in his hand, and the black-faced god injected spiritual power, and the heart-piercing scream of the ghost suddenly came from inside.


Jiang Lin was really convinced by these two brothers.

The younger brother is full of kindness and is unwilling to harm these ghosts, but the senior brother seems to have a lot of hatred and hatred with these ghosts, and burns them to death.

Jiang Lin felt that this pair of apprentices and brothers was a bit extreme, especially that apprentice brother, the black-faced god, kills ghosts, but it's no more than a ghost.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin was about to take Xiaoqian away. He was not interested in watching the conflicts within the Taiping Mountain sect.

However, Jiang Lin's shaking his head was a form of disdain for him in the eyes of the black-faced god.

How dare you disdain a young man who has not even grown his teeth?

When he saw Xiaoqian next to Jiang Lin, the black-faced god shouted: "The female ghost, you dare to appear in front of the poor Daoist, today will make you ashes!"

Xiaoqian: ? ? ?

Jiang Lin was also stunned. He didn't even want to watch the fun, but he didn't say a word, and he was targeted by others?

Daoist Bai didn't realize that his senior brother was going to deal with the female ghost beside Jiang Lin.

Is this the uncle?

But why does he want to beg himself?Brain sick?

Bai Ri and Bai Tian were stunned by each other. Although they had never seen the black-faced god, they had heard of it from their master.

The strength is similar to that of their master.

With such strength, he still finds trouble with Jiang Lin, isn't that the itchiness of the skin?

Jiang Lin quietly looked at the black-faced god who strode from the meteor. He couldn't understand Bai Daochang, and he couldn't understand this black-faced god even more.

I don't ask you to kill ghosts and corpses, and I don't ask you to kill other ghosts.

But if you want to accept my Xiaoqian, are you afraid that there is a hole in her head?

"Heavenly soldiers slay evil, gods will subdue demons..."


When the Black-faced God was chanting the spell, Jiang Lin spoke abruptly, as if a spring thunder blasted in the Hei-faced God's ear.

After the corpse and spiritual power began to be compatible, Jiang Lin could use a very small amount of spiritual power after he was slightly corpse.

At this moment, he is using his own thoughts to cooperate with the Shenxiao sent Leifa, who has been studying during this period of time.

It feels like a cat getting its tail stomped on unsuspectingly.

During the black-faced god's casting process, the nerves were suddenly stimulated, and the spiritual power in the body suddenly lost the guidance and control.

With a grunt, blood spilled from the corner of the black-faced god's mouth.

Opening his mouth, Jiang Lin made the black-faced god vomit blood.

Chapter [*] Evil Lin Bureau

If the black-faced god wasn't too self-sufficient and didn't prevent Jiang Lin in the slightest, plus his unscrupulous spellcasting, he wouldn't have vomited blood just by Jiang Lin's word "roll".

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