Jiang Lin's move was exactly the same as when Shi Shaojian was in charge, but it couldn't be done again.

But to outsiders, this scene is like a supernatural event.

Brother (Master, Master), an alchemist, vomited blood after being yelled at by this young Taoist priest? ? ?

Damn it!

Even Xiao Qian, who was beside Jiang Lin, was also shocked. Her Jiang Lang was so powerful?

Really married to a good family.

Xiaoqian wanted to lean on Jiang Lin's arms now.

Whenever a beauty loves a hero, it exists.

"you you……"

As a party, the black-faced god was even more horrified. In this era of the end of the law, even a celestial master could not hurt him with a single word, but how did Jiang Lin do it?

The black-faced god was so shocking that he didn't even think about the details of his attack. In this case, basically no one thought about these things.

The shocking thriller is over.

Jiang Lin ignored everyone who had their tongues tied, and took Xiaoqian's hand out of the door.

After the incident, he took his wife and brushed his clothes away, hiding his merits and fame.

"Fellow Daoist, goodbye."

When Jiang Lin's voice fell, Daochang Bai came back to his senses and quickly responded: "See you again."

They turned out to be a group.

The black-faced god covered his chest, looked at Daochang Bai with cold eyes, and slapped a harsh sentence: "Old bald donkey, cough, listen, no matter what I do, you better not interfere, otherwise I will not be polite. "

When he came to Chenjiacun, the black-faced god was looking for materials that could strengthen the two divine weapons of Tianji and Dijue in his hands. If Daochang Bai knew about it, he would definitely stop him.And the young Taoist priest just now might not just sit idly by, so the black-faced god can only warn the white Taoist priest.

In his opinion, Jiang Lin and Daochang Bai's group, as long as Daochang Bai didn't do bad things to him, Jiang Lin shouldn't be meddling.

"You are very strong, but it's better not to cut my way, otherwise the two swords in the world are not vegetarians."

After the collision just now, of course, it was the collision that the black-faced god thought he had, and he was very jealous of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian walked to the location of Chenjia Village. When they passed by Xiaolou Town, a small town, Jiang Lin frowned again.

According to Xiaoqian's account, her hometown, Chenjiacun, is relatively wealthy, but why is the surrounding area like this.

There are ghost corpses everywhere in Xiaolou Town, but there is no spiritual world.

Jiang Lin and Xiaoqian did not take the usual path, but a shortcut to Chenjia Village. Xiaoqian didn't know the situation here before.

However, Jiang Lin speculated that even if the time was pushed back to Xiaoqian's death, Xiaolou Town would be in the same situation.

Could it be because of Feng Shui?

Jiang Lin had never seen such a situation before. A village was quite prosperous, but the surrounding area was like a mass grave.

He also asked about the ghost he received, but the ghost didn't know why he wanted to revive the ghost, he just thought he had to do it that way.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't really care about what happened to Chenjia Village, mainly because the weirdness here aroused his curiosity, and he had to figure it out.

"Jiang Lang, Xiao Qian is a little tired."

Now Xiaoqian is like a person even in the daytime. She travels through mountains and rivers and consumes a lot of herself.


Jiang Lin picked Xiaoqian up and found a clean mountain. Jiang Lin opened a small cave with corpse claws, preparing to spend a wonderful night in it.

After Jiang Lin left Xiaolou Town, Daoist Bai and his two disciples led the corpse to settle in Yizhuang in the town.

A dwarf ghost corpse who claimed to be an old man followed Bai Daochang and the others. When Bai Daochang and the others gave the ghosts the escape, the old man appeared at the corpse, crying to the corpse that he envied them being in the ground for peace, and reincarnated. As a result, a group of corpses were deceived.

Bai Daochang has a good heart and did not destroy the old man. Later, the black-faced spirit also came to Xiaolou Town. In order to save Bai Daochang's face, he wanted to refine the old man.

The two brothers had a fight, and Daochang Bai was more than a little better. He collected the soul of the old man and prepared to help him escape.

But in the middle of the night, the unconvinced black-faced god stole into the Yizhuang and refined the old man into a corpse demon.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Xiaoqian to the surrounding mountains, overlooking the Chenjia Village below.

"This is the Evil Lin Bureau, no wonder there are so many strange things."

Jiang Lin did not expect that the feng shui pattern around Chenjia Village was similar to that of Tengteng Town in Guangxi.

If you weren't for Feng Shui, you wouldn't be able to see this pattern at all. Only in the age of monks, this pattern would appear, but it would definitely not be many.

Feng shui cannot be unchanged for thousands of years. As the world becomes the era of the end of the law, many of the previous feng shui patterns have disappeared in the torrent of history.

This pattern of Chenjiacun is similar to that of the fierce dragon returning to the first game that Jiang Lin broke.

"Jiang Lang, what is the Evil Lin Bureau?"

Although she didn't understand, Xiaoqian just wanted Jiang Lin, who was well-informed, to explain to her.

"Lin refers to the unicorn. The unicorn is originally a mythical beast, and it has a gentle temperament and represents peace. Therefore, there is a saying of 'the linzhi spring is deep in the jade hall'. Look at the pattern of houses and roads below. If the gap is wider, it will be a unicorn. The shape of the unicorn, that is the Jade Lin Bureau, the unicorn's power will meet the lake and the village and the surrounding area. But once the gap is narrow, it will become the unicorn bone embryo, that is, the evil lin embryo. The surrounding villages and towns become the placenta. If Xie Lin wants to grow, he must absorb spiritual energy and nourishment."

Looking at Xiaoqian, Jiang Lin continued: "I know why there is a supernatural world and why Xiaolou Town became a mass grave."

Xiaoqian felt that she had goosebumps. The villages and towns around his hometown were absorbed as nutrients?

I don’t know how the ancestors of Chenjia Village found such a place to be laid out. Later, people and animals around the village would be slowly deprived of the opportunity to reincarnate and become a tool to capture new nutrients.

Even if one of ten people can be reincarnated into a good family, after the chance of reincarnation is taken away, the villagers of Chenjia Village will have a good life for generations.

However, this is only limited to the Chen family, and people with foreign surnames will also become "nourishment", just like the blind bear gnawed on his own bear paws to supplement himself during hibernation.

Xiaoqian is like this. If he hadn't met him, I'm afraid he would have missed the chance to reincarnate forever and become a lonely ghost.

"I didn't expect my hometown to be such a dirty place."

Xiaoqian really finds it hard to believe that the wealth of Chenjia Village is built on the decline of the surrounding villages and towns, and they will eat people without spitting bones.

Chapter [*]: The ecliptic vision, the disaster star will appear

The sky above Chenjia Village is already full of evil spirits. It is estimated that the trend of evil spirits has been completely formed. The formation of mass burial mounds and places of death in surrounding villages and towns will in turn affect Chenjia Village.

It won't be long before there will be a big disaster here. The Evil Lin Bureau is generally used to raise treasures, and there must be very evil things in it.

At that time, once Baocheng is completed, none of the villagers in Chenjia Village will be able to escape.

These thick evil spirits are still in the sky above the village. If they were thicker, the plague of the six animals would be mild.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but admire the ancestors of Chenjia Village, who let his descendants enjoy the happiness for so many years, and finally let them die.

Just for the treasure.

This is equivalent to raising a son, eating and drinking for half a lifetime, and then slashing it with a knife.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin couldn't remember what treasures Chenjiacun had in the movie. He remembered that there was a zombie who was also a general before his death. He was wearing a golden armor and two swords on his back, fighting with Bai Dao. .

"Is it possible that it is another immortality and Yangyang Dan?"

Jiang Lin didn't think about the plot, so he didn't bother to think about it. The big deal was to set up a star array tonight to measure it. If there is something that is not suitable for staying in the world, it will be destroyed.

As for the zombie in Chen's village, it's fine if it doesn't come out. Jiang Lin doesn't mind killing it after it comes out.

Xiaoqian in a purple dress accompanies Jiang Lin on the streets of Chenjiacun, and she turns her head around a lot.

"Although there is no overall change here, it is no longer the same as it used to be."

Xiaoqian looked at the street that had changed, and her face became a little melancholy. She had been dead for many years, and even her former home was gone.

"You will have a home in the future."

Jiang Lin patted Xiaoqian on the shoulder to comfort him, and took her around again.

Xiaoqian can take another look at his hometown, and he will not come back in the future. He can also check what evil things are hidden in Chenjia Village.

After walking around, Jiang Lin did not find any artifacts or spirit medicines.

On the way, Jiang Lin met Bai Daochang’s two apprentices. The apprentice had a big belly, and the apprentice put the glutinous rice dumplings into his mouth.

It seemed that the boy had swallowed the ghost's egg.

It is estimated that it will take a long time to give birth to a little devil.

Being chased by a little ghost and calling for mother, the picture is also simple.

If you have a problem, you don't go to the master, but you have to do it yourself. These two are equally valuable, and they are really talents.

"Jiang Lang, it seems that someone is following us."

As they were walking, Xiaoqian noticed that someone had been following the two of them, Jiang Lin nodded, he had already discovered it.

Followed by the long-haired beauty I met last night, the female disciple of the black-faced god.

Jiang Lin's yin fire whip jumped out, wrapped around Hei Yue's waist behind him, and pulled her directly in front of him.

"Following this way, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yue indifferently, unable to say why, don't blame him for bullying the small.

"Don't get me wrong, the junior is not malicious, the junior is Heiyue, the disciple of the black-faced Shinto priest. Last night, my master offended the Taoist a lot. I hope the Taoist will not take offense. My master is surly, but he has no malice towards the Taoist. of."

Although Jiang Lin was young, he could make his master vomit blood with a single sentence, so Heiyue also looked at Jiang Lin's current senior, and his tone was quite respectful.

"It's interesting that your master offended me, and you apologize."

If it wasn't for the sincere apology on Hei Yue's face, Jiang Lin would have given her the back of her head.

"God's sins are still forgiven, self-inflicted sins are not allowed to live. Your master's demons are like your heart, be careful to get into the devil."

Jiang Lin left this sentence for Heiyue with his hands behind his back.

He didn't teach the black-faced supernatural powers a hard lesson last night, just to see that he was only serious about killing, not like Shi Jian.

"Daoist, my master became like this because he was infected with the evil poison of horse thieves when he was in his mother's womb. As long as the evil poison is forced out, he will not be like this. The junior asks the Taoist to help out for my master. Poisoning."

Heiyue chased after him. Jiang Lin's cultivation was likely to reach the level of a Celestial Master or even higher. She followed along with the master who wanted Jiang Lin to rescue her, in addition to apologizing.

If her master keeps doing this, he will definitely suffer the consequences in the end.

"This is a mass of zombie king's coffin fungus. This fairy-like sister must be the Taoist priest's companion. The coffin fungus is very beneficial to her."

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