Heiyue took out a jade box, and strands of cold air emanated from it.

Let me force your master to be poisoned?

Girl, you are making a big joke.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "Your master's problem is the inner demon, and it cannot be solved by force. Even if you take out a few more coffin bacteria, I will not do these laborious things."

Not to mention whether Jiang Lin can do it or not, with the surly character of the black-faced god, how could he obediently let others force him to be poisoned.

"For the sake of your filial piety, I advise you to tell your master not to do anything in Chenjia Village, otherwise the consequences will not be borne by him."

After saying this, Jiang Lin ignored Heiyue and went to the inn in the village with Xiaoqian.

Jiang Lin felt that the black-faced god and Bai Daochang were really interesting.

On the side of the black-faced god, the apprentice worries about the master, and on the white master, the master worries about the disciple.

In the evening, Jiang Lin placed a seven-star lotus lantern in an open space outside the village. He wanted to figure out what was being kept under Chenjia Village.

After doing this, the seven-star lotus lantern emits seven blue light rays, forming a sky map in mid-air, which shows the trajectory of the stars in the sky.

In the end, the sky map changed, and the stars on it formed a pattern.


"It has something to do with the unicorn?"

Just as Jiang Lin frowned and analyzed the astrological phenomenon, a comet suddenly appeared in the sky map, and the sky map composed of starlight also shattered with a bang.

"The ecliptic vision, the disaster star will appear?"

Jiang Lin's brows furrowed, and the treasure raised by the Chenjia Village Xielin Bureau was not allowed to appear in the world.

At the same time, Daoist Bai also opened an altar with his two apprentices to watch the Star Dao in Taiji rectification.

Bai Daochang walked in Chenjia Village for a while, and found that the evil spirit was soaring to the sky, so he wanted to test the good and bad luck here, but the altar was blown up.

He calculated the same result as Jiang Lin.

The ecliptic vision, the calamity star appears.Chenjia Village is going to have a big event.

"It stinks, who threw dead chickens here."

"How did the chicken die? Could it be the dog killed it?"

"Impossible, how can a dog bite like this, dry. If it is a dog, why not eat the meat."

"It's incredible, my sheep died. My sheep died so terrifyingly. I don't know what killed it. There are several blood holes in the neck."

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin heard someone chattering on the street outside.

Chapter [*] I'm a ghost in the world, can't I handle this?

Jiang Lin opened the window and saw that the villagers on the street downstairs were gathering together, and Hei Mian Shen and Hei Yue happened to appear on the side of the street.

"As expected, there is evil here."

The black-faced god put his hands behind his back and looked like an expert. In fact, he made things happen.

Heiyue shook her head slightly on the side, with a bit of bitterness on her face.

Her master insisted on going his own way, and she couldn't persuade her at all.

Without the evil poison in her body, her master wouldn't be like this, but Jiang Lin was unwilling to help, even by offering a reward.

Hei Yue also understands that the evil poison is only an inducement factor, and now her master's character is almost fixed, unless the inner demon is removed first.

"Jiang Lang, it's so noisy outside."

Xiaoqian put her hands on the bed, looking sleepy, Jiang Lin closed the window, Xiaoqian, like Ayan at home, doesn't like to wear underwear) (clothing, what if someone outside sees this.

"Xiaoqian, you can't see the sun every day, go back to Zhihe and rest."

Although Jiang Lin's light-avoiding charms and light-avoiding spells are very effective, there is no guarantee that Xiaoqian will always appear during the day.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about there? Do you need a beating?"

"who are you?"

On the street below, when the villagers heard the black-faced god say that there was evil in their village, they rolled up their sleeves and looked like they were going to hit people.

"Black Moon."

The black-faced gods ignored the words of these people and just let their apprentices speak up. Didn't these villagers ask him for a while?

Heiyue nodded and said, "My master is the famous Maoshan Taoist priest, the black-faced Shen Taoist priest. My master travels around the world, and this time in your village is your good fortune."

Jiang Lin looked at the black-faced god below from upstairs and laughed. He was famous and could really brag. Even if he was a Celestial Master, he would not dare to claim to be famous.

"If I'm not mistaken, there must be six animals and dogs here recently. If you want to survive, it's not too late to come with me."

The black-faced god had a cold look on his face, and after saying this, he and Heiyue went to the place where the corpse monster lurked.

"How did he know there was a problem in our village?"

"Looks like there are really two."

"Go and call the village chief."

Hearing the black-faced god say that the six animals are uneasy here, the villagers who had rolled up their sleeves and beat people a minute ago changed their faces instantly.

Something weird happened in Chenjia Village. Jiang Lin didn't have time to pay attention to it. Anyway, there is this black-faced god and Bai Daochang. He needs to go outside the village to see if there is an entrance to the underground palace. The evil treasures raised by the Xielin Bureau are not ordinary. It is better to destroy it as soon as possible, and he also wants to find a way to destroy this pattern.

"Master Bai, what a coincidence?"

After Jiang Lin left the inn, he went outside the village and happened to meet the three masters and apprentices of Daochang Bai.

"It turned out to be a Daoist friend."

After seeing Jiang Lin, Daochang Bai was very polite.

No matter when, his own ability determines his own status. The strength that Jiang Lin showed before made Bai Daochang feel inferior, and his attitude naturally changed a little.

In the woods not far from the four of them, the village chief of Chenjia Village and many villagers stood respectfully around the black-faced god and Heiyue. There was something strange in their village, and they were told by the black-faced god. Mian God solved the strange thing.

After the black-faced god made his move, a big hole suddenly appeared in the ground not far away, and a rotten corpse monster jumped out.

This corpse demon was made by the black-faced god himself. After disturbing the six animals in Chenjia Village, he came forward and surrendered, in order to narrow the relationship between him and Chenjia Village, and it would be much more convenient to enter the Chenjia ancestral hall at that time.

To deal with the corpse demon that he had forged, the Black Faced God didn't have to spend much effort at all, and he knocked it down in three or two strokes.

"The Daoist is very powerful."

"Master, kill this monster."

"Yes, kill it!"

The voices of the villagers' shouts reached the ears of Jiang Lin and Bai Daochang, and Bai Daochang said, "There seems to be a monster, why don't you come and have a look with me."

Jiang Lin nodded and went to the woods with Daochang Bai.

"This is a corpse monster."

Jiang Lin frowned as soon as he saw the corpse demon being stepped on by the black-faced god. Corpse demons are generally difficult to form naturally, and are basically made by humans.

They are slightly different from zombies, zombies cannot appear during the day, while ghouls can.

Seeing Jiang Lin and Daochang Bai, Heiyue's face was a little unnatural.

"Looking at Heiyue's appearance, this matter doesn't seem to be simple. Could it be that the incident in Chenjia Village was directed and acted by the black-faced god?"

He once warned Heiyue not to let the black-faced god get into trouble, and now that Heiyue has such an expression again, Jiang Lin guessed that there must be something strange about the uneasy things of the six animals in Chenjia Village.

It seemed that Hei Yue had persuaded her master, but Hei Mian Shen did not listen at all.

Jiang Lin shook his head, the black-faced god insisted on doing things here, so Chenjia Village could only be this guy's burial place.

He remembered that the plot was that the black-faced god tried his best to die, and as a result, the zombies in Chenjia Village were resurrected, and he was also killed by the zombies.

After the black-faced god found Bai Daochang and Jiang Lin, he snorted and kicked the corpse out. The corpse slammed into the red line, and his body crackled and changed back to the appearance of a ghost.

Under the sun, the ghost corpse was tanned and covered in smoke.

"No, don't kill me, Bai Daochang save your life."

The ghost corpse rolled on the ground and wailed, calling for help from Daoist Bai.

"Master, it's an old man."

"Isn't he taken into the soul egg by us and placed in Yizhuang? It only takes seven days to be reincarnated."

Seeing the old man on the ground during the day and day, he called out.

Bai Daochang knew what happened without their reminder. He stepped forward to stop the black-faced god, and shouted: "Enough! Let it go!"

Jiang Lin asked Bai Ri and Bai Tian around him, "What happened to the old man?"

"We passed by Xiaolou Town the night before. This old man came to us and asked Master to help him reincarnate, but Master came to practice it."

"Master saw that the old man was pitiful, so he fought with his uncle, and put the soul of the old man into the egg of the soul. After doing this, he put it in the Yizhuang."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin sneered, Daochang Bai had already sent this old man on the road, but he was still trained by the black-faced god, what a sin.

At this time, the black-faced god had already wrapped the ghost corpse with the red thread of the faucet, but because of Bai Daochang, he could not destroy the ghost corpse.

"Old bald donkey, it's not your turn to take care of me!"

"Senior brother, you are too sinful!"

With a snort, the black-faced god kicked Bai Daochang away with one foot, and was about to pull the handle of the faucet in his hand to blow the ghost corpse.


A slender golden lightsaber suddenly appeared in the sight of the black-faced god, and then the lightsaber moved, and the red rope wrapped around the ghost corpse was cut off by him.

It was Jiang Lin who shot.

The black-faced god's gaze fell on Jiang Lin, and he roared, "I must get rid of this evildoer today, you have the right to control me?"

Jiang Lin didn't answer. He took two steps forward and put the ghost's corpse's soul in the paper crane. Then, looking at the black-faced god, he said lightly, "I'm a ghost in the world, so I can't take care of this?"

"It's none of my business for you to kill ghosts and demons, but if you want to kill ghosts who are already on the road to reincarnation, I have the right to take you!"

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