A ghost in the world?

The black-faced god's pupils shrank, and this time the trouble was big.

Chapter [*] This evil treasure must not be simple

This time, the old man was refined into a corpse demon, and the black-faced god didn't think too much about it. Daochang Bai wanted to send it to reincarnation, but he refused to let it.

But what the black-faced god never expected was that there would be ghosts intervening in this matter, and this time he really shot himself in the foot.

With the strength Jiang Lin showed, even if he was a ghost in the world, the black-faced god would not find it strange.

When Bai Daochang heard Jiang Lin's words, he was also stunned. The ghosts in the world are not something ordinary cultivators can do. If they are not extremely powerful and moral, there is no way to do it.

Even though he always takes compassion in his arms, and his cultivation has reached the level of an alchemist, he can't even be a ghost in the world.

"Brother Dao, can you move to handle it?"

Bai Daochang stepped forward and whispered to Jiang Lin.

No matter what happened to his senior brother, he was still a disciple of the Xuanxu Temple of Taiping Mountain.This matter can be big or small in Jiang Lin's hands. If he is really sanctioned against his senior brother and is seen by the people of Chenjia Village, Xuanxuguan's reputation will be ruined from now on.

This is more serious than the Taoist temple being found by others. People may make a mistake, but how can the ghosts be wrong.

As for his teacher's sect, Bai Daochang did not want to shame him.

Jiang Lin sold the white road to save face and walked out of the woods.

"It's not bad that you are a ghost, but you are not holding this ghost."

The black-faced god followed behind Jiang Lin, went outside the woods, and spoke in a deep voice.

He knew that he was wrong, and now he can only find one such reason.

A large number of Taoist priests kill ghosts, and there are also many who kill ghosts.

"Are you reasoning with me now?"

Jiang Lin felt amused, disturbing the ghost's reincarnation, and even wanted to reason with the ghost.

Yes, yes, it's all yours.

Black Faced God: "..."

Hit and hit, but it doesn't matter at all.

The ghost he trained was indeed on the road to reincarnation, and was already waiting for the bus. It was still a regular ticket given by a Taoist priest.

If the ghosts in the underworld knew, they wouldn't talk nonsense at all, they would just settle accounts with him directly.

"what on earth do you want?"

The black-faced god's face sank. The last time he wanted to kill the ghost beside Jiang Lin, he had already committed a taboo, although he didn't know the identity of Jiang Lin's ghost at that time.

But this time he was caught by Jiang Lin again.


"Fellow Daoist, please raise your hand. After all, this is the work of our Xuanxuguan disciple. As the head of Xuanxuguan, Pindao must give you an explanation."

Since Daochang Bai said this, and the old man's reincarnation is the path of Daochang Bai, Jiang Lin nodded and went to the side to observe the feng shui pattern.

"Senior brother, you hate me, and junior brother didn't say much. But this time you interfered with yin and yang. If you continue like this, you will only go to hell. Master and his old man will be heartbroken under Jiuquan."

"Don't pretend to care, you don't have to worry about whether I'll go crazy. If I go crazy, I can't spare you!"

Seeing that it was useless to talk too much, Daoist Bai directly enforced the rules. In the past, he could let the black face, but this time he wanted to give Jiang Lin an explanation.

The black-faced god had two ribs broken directly by Daoist White because of the internal injury he had suffered a few days ago.

"Brother Dao, I really made you laugh."

Bai Dao came to Jiang Lin's side and let out a long sigh. He broke the rib of the black-faced god, and it was estimated that there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two.

"You senior brother, the devil is in the heart, and sooner or later it will cause a catastrophe."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, having such a senior brother was exhausting enough.

Although the black-faced god is not as sinister and sinister as Shi Jian, but he will only go his own way without considering the consequences, and will only leave a mess.

Bai Daochang also sighed again and again, and told Jiang Lin that the evil spirit in the black-faced god was because his parents went to suppress bandits, and his mother was injured by poisonous arrows, which led to his character.

His parents were both righteous and kind people, but the only blood and blood ended up like this, Jiang Lin could only express his sympathy.

If the black-faced god didn't do anything excessive, Jiang Lin wouldn't take the initiative. Anyway, Daochang Bai was here and would know how to do it.

Saying goodbye to Daoist Bai, Jiang Lin continued to walk around Chenjia Village for a few laps, but still found nothing.

"You are the old man?"

At night, Jiang Lin flicked the old man out of the paper crane. The search for the evil treasure had not progressed. Jiang Lin wanted to ask the old man who had been dead for a long time.

"Master Guicha, spare your life, the little old monster has never harmed anyone."

The old man bowed to Jiang Linna's head.

"Since Daoist Bai has sent you on your way, I won't embarrass you here. Have you ever heard of something related to unicorns in Chenjia Village in Xiaolou Town? Think about it, the answer is satisfactory to me, you Reincarnation soon."

"Okay, the little old monster must rack his brains to think about it."

After a while, the old man looked like he recalled something, and said: "Master Guicha, there seems to be a legend that a fire unicorn appeared near Chenjia Village hundreds of years ago, and it seems that someone got a baby from the fire unicorn. However, everyone thought it was a false rumor for a long time. If it wasn't for the question from the ghost messenger today, the little old monster would not have remembered this legend. However, sir, the little old monster knows about this.

Fire unicorn?

Jiang Lin was quite shocked by the words of the old man. If he hadn't recognized that this was an Evil Lin Bureau, Jiang Lin would have thought it was a false rumor.

But now it seems likely that this is the case.

"Okay, I'll take you on your way."

Jiang Lin made a small formation, drew Tai Chi on the ground, and sent the old man down.

"What is the treasure on Qilin's body that is raised by the Evil Lin Bureau?"

Jiang Lin searched for two days and didn't find it, so he was ready to wait for the evil treasure to appear automatically, and it was only a matter of two or three days.

This evil treasure must not be simple.

Three days later, Jiang Lin wandered around the village and saw many boys doing acrobatics in the village square, and a group of villagers were watching.

It turned out to be child exorcism magic.

Jiang Lin looked at these children and thought it was Daochang Bai who was teaching them how to exorcise evil spirits, but when he glanced at them, what he saw was a black-faced god.

"Oh, the black-faced Shinto priest is really a master."

"Yeah, in just one day, the children's kung fu is so good."

At this moment, the villagers' comments reached Jiang Lin's ears.

a day?

Jiang Lin frowned, feeling that this black-faced god really owes it, and it's just that he wants to kill, and now he is still doing such a harmful thing.

"The Taoist priest is really a living fairy."

"Yeah, not only saved our village, but also helped us cultivate talents."

"The village chief is also true. The Taoist priest just wants to do it in the ancestral hall. Why are you guarding against the Taoist priest?"

Seeing that their children were hard to hurt with swords and guns like bronze figures, these villagers admired the black-faced god so much.

Some people also resented that the village chief did not allow the black-faced god to enter the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral hall.

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile, these guys were really sold and they helped people with money.

This black-faced god likes to direct and act by himself. I am afraid that he has done so many things to enter the inner hall of the ancestral hall, but these villagers are like fools.

Chapter [*]: You are even worse than playing chess

The black-faced god had a smile on his face as he listened to the words of the villagers.

Although Jiang Lin had interrupted the corpse monster he directed before, the village chief and the others had no doubts at all after his explanation.

He was much better today, so he was invited by the village chief to exorcise evil spirits and successfully entered the Chen Family Ancestral Hall, but the village chief of Neitang refused to let him in.

In desperation, the black-faced god can only come up with this method to quickly improve his status in the hearts of the villagers, and then he can enter the ancestral hall openly.

Hei Mian Shen learned elsewhere that there were treasures in the Chenjia Village ancestral hall, but there were Daochang Bai and Jiang Lin here. If he knew that he was stealing a lot of treasures, he would definitely interfere in his affairs, so he wanted to get the treasure as soon as possible and leave.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the villagers, the black-faced god took a machete, made a boy bow his head, and slashed his neck, and the machete suddenly broke in two.

"Good! Good!"

None of the villagers did not applaud.

Jiang Lin shook his head. If the method of exorcism of a boy does not follow the principle of step-by-step, it can still achieve the desired effect, but the principle is similar to the blood-inducing and moving-element technique used by horse thieves who know magic. The true essence of the child, and the black-faced god is now letting the child forcibly squeeze his own true essence to achieve the effect of copper skin and iron bones.

If this continues, these children will die prematurely.

Originally, if the black-faced god was engaged in other matters, Jiang Lin planned to have Bai Daochang come forward, but now it seems that there is no need for this.

Jiang Lin felt that the lesson that the black-faced god had received was not enough.

"Senior brother, if you do this, it will damage the child's true essence."

Jiang Lin turned his head and saw that Daoist Bai was also here. After nodding to Jiang Lin, he immediately stopped the black-faced god.

"You can't control it!"

Two days ago, the rib was broken by Bai Daochang, and the black-faced god was immediately furious when he saw his junior brother in charge.

"Hehe, don't you care? You look down on yourself too much."

Jiang Lin took a step forward and looked at the black-faced god with cold eyes. He did harm to others by his own actions, and said that others could not control him. How selfish this character is.

"It's you again, it's you again."

The black face is so angry that his teeth are itching, these two always come to bad him.

"Senior brother, we are not targeting you. If you do this, no one will sit idly by."

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