Be honest with me.

Jiang Lintan pointed at several large acupoints in Heiyue's chest and abdomen, causing Heiyue to lie down again in pain.

"Brother Li Yang, my junior niece will be handed over to you. I will go to rescue the senior brother first."

After speaking, Daoist White asked the two apprentices to go to the inn with him.

"Let you dress like this. As long as you have clothing protection on your belly, you girl won't be hurt like this."

Jiang Lin laughed. Anyway, he didn't understand why men would wear more and more clothes in the future, both suits and ties, while women would wear whichever one.

"Girls love beauty."

Heiyue murmured softly, knowing that Jiang Lin's age was "not too old", and hearing Jiang Lin call her a girl again, Heiyue felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Was tapped and touched on the belly by a peer.

After removing Jiang Lin's senior status, Hei Yue felt more and more embarrassed.

"You sprayed blood on my face, and you keep staring at me?"

Jiang Lin glared at Hei Yue, his hands violently condensed Yang Yan, forcing out most of the corpse poison in Hei Yue's body and storing it in a small medicine bottle.

"It hurts~"

Hearing Heiyue's moans, Jiang Lin blocked his ears with spiritual power. He was not used to hearing other women's voices like this.

After taking the medicine, Jiang Lin posted a few antidote talismans on it.

"Daoist, Heiyue beg you to save my master."

"You can save him, but the unicorn stone belongs to me."

If the black-faced god didn't go to the Chen family ancestral hall to provoke the zombie, Jiang Lin would still assist Bai Daochang to eliminate the poison as promised before.

But now, the black-faced god has been taken over by a zombie, so it shouldn't be too difficult to save him.

This zombie is a species that Jiang Lin has never seen or heard of before. It might not be a big problem for him to kill it, but if he wants to rescue the black-faced god, I'm sorry, but I'll ask for the reward first.

The pay is not so great.


Heiyue handed the unicorn stone to Jiang Lin without hesitation.

"Your master has a good junior brother and a good apprentice. I will try my best to save it. Even if I fail, I will not return the unicorn stone."

Leaving these words, Jiang Lin left the square to join Daoist Bai and the others.

Chapter [*] Corpse Body VS Corpse Soul Body

Has scaly skin...

Jiang Lin kept walking, recalling the characteristics of the zombies in the village that Heiyue told him at the end.

This General Zombie is estimated to have absorbed a lot of Qilin Qi, and there has been a slight mutation on its body, and it has become a Qilin corpse.

Generally, the body of the zombie king will become scaly during the advanced hair stiffness period, and the feathering phenomenon will appear when the hair stiffness is further advanced. In addition, the zombies have received some rare treasures or other powers to nourish, and may also appear scaly. Phenomenon.

Hope it's not getting too stiff.

Jiang Lin is not very willing to deal with a thousand-year-old zombie king at the peak level, and it is still the kind that can win.

After all, he took the unicorn stone, and he needed to solve the matter of the black-faced god. If the unicorn corpse was too strong, it would be difficult for him to take care of the entrustment of the black moon.

While speeding up the road, Jiang Lin took out the unicorn stone. The unicorn pattern on it was lifelike, and it was natural. Even the most skilled craftsman could not carve it.

In folklore, the unicorn is an auspicious beast, and it is even said that the unicorn can send sons and souls.

Jiang Lin felt that if the legend was true, then this unicorn stone with the Qilin energy was definitely a treasure for him.

After concentratingly feeling the effect of the unicorn stone, Jiang Lin was overjoyed, this unicorn stone can really nourish the soul.

The gemstone has such an effect that he can use it with the soul pendant to strengthen Li Yingqi's primordial spirit.

Although there has always been Jiang Lin's heart and soul, Li Yingqi's primordial spirit has not deteriorated, but the speed of recovery is very slow. In this case, the most afraid of accidents.

In addition to nourishing the soul, the unicorn stone has many great benefits, and it is also beneficial to him.

"This is... unicorn flame?"

After carefully measuring the unicorn stone, Jiang Lin realized that this gem glowed because there was a strange fire inside.

The whole body of the gem is shiny and smooth, and it is almost impossible to find it if it is not checked in detail.

"Maybe if I go to Shu in the future, I can rely on this unicorn stone to find unicorn flames."

After muttering, Jiang Lin took out the collected corpse poison for research.

The domineering level of this corpse poison is no less than his, and this unicorn corpse is also the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king.

This is really troublesome.

Jiang Lin didn't take any time to treat Heiyue's wound at all, and the speed of walking was quite fast. He arrived at the inn where Heiyue and the others were staying at almost the same time as Daochang Bai and the others.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Lin found that the walls and corners of the inn were almost full of corpses, and the black-faced god was sitting at a table in the middle with his back to the door.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Bai Daochang frowned, and was about to go up to check the situation of the black-faced god.

Jiang Lin stopped him and said, "He's completely overwhelmed now."

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's extraordinary eyesight, he wouldn't be able to see that there was something wrong with the black-faced god.

Jiang Lin had seen a lot of ghosts, but it was the first time he had seen a corpse.

This is the real longevity.

The black-faced god trembled all over, then turned around and asked Jiang Lin and the others in a deep voice, "Where did you take my things?"

As he said that, the black-faced god moved in front of Jiang Lin and Daochang Bai almost instantly.

Bai Daochang took a step forward and was about to fight the black-faced god, but unfortunately, just as his palm was stretched halfway, he was punched in the chest by the black-faced god.

With a snort, Bai Daochang looked horrified, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was forced to retreat, Jiang Lin held his back.

"This is a thousand-year-old zombie king. It's not easy to deal with. You should take precautions."

Jiang Lin wasn't going to let Daochang Bai and his disciples take action. Facing a thousand-year-old zombie king, they didn't even have the qualifications to play soy sauce.

Bai Daochang shook his head. He thought that he had cultivated to the level of an alchemist, at least a group of people standing at the top of the Taoist Pyramid, but only now did he realize that his cultivation was really nothing.

As he rushed forward, Jiang Lin threw his fist and punched him, and the black-faced god also punched, but he underestimated Jiang Lin's strength and was shocked to retreat a few steps.

The energy of the two fists colliding erupted, and the surrounding tables and chairs were shaken.

He took out a corpse-suppressing amulet with a rhyme in his hand, Jiang Lin took advantage of the situation to catch up, and stuck it on the forehead of the black-faced god.

But unfortunately, the corpse-suppressing talisman was ineffective against the black-faced god, and the spirit talisman was torn off by him and torn to pieces.

Now that the black-faced god has not been transformed into a corpse, the traditional Taoism has little effect on him, or even no effect at all.

"Damn, Ren Tiantang is nothing compared to this guy."

Jiang Lin complained in his heart that after so long, he saw another zombie that was immune to traditional Taoism, and he was so powerful.

The current black-faced god is simply a great master of martial arts.

With a low roar, the black-faced god rushed up and attacked Jiang Lin with his fists and feet.

No matter in Taoism or kung fu, Jiang Lin can now be called the number one in the world. Although the black-faced god was topped by a unicorn corpse, he was suppressed by Jiang Lin in the hand-to-hand combat.

What about the Grand Master of Martial Arts, in front of Jiang Lin, he has to stand up!

Being pressed and beaten by Jiang Lin, the face of the black-faced god gradually began to change.

After trying other magic talismans, Jiang Lin's face gradually became ugly. Except for attacking magic talismans, the rest of the talismans basically had no effect on the black-faced god.

Moreover, when Jiang Lin used the Flame Paper Crane and the Exploding Flame Talisman, the Black-faced God was able to use the Maoshan Taoism technique to resist the power of the Exploding Sun.

Even if the body has begun to corpse, the black-faced god can still operate the Taoist method.

There is a corpse soul inside, and an alchemist's body outside. The current black-faced god is the body of the corpse soul.

The two were fighting, and Bai Daochang and the three were speechless, almost speechless.

It didn't take long before dozens of spider web-like cracks appeared on the wall of the inn.

It was caused by the black-faced god, and it was also caused by Jiang Lin. this still human?

Bai Daochang felt that his mouth could not be closed. He had never seen someone fighting a zombie to cause such a destructive scene.

This Daoist Li Yang is a human-shaped beast!

Jiang Lin had no time to pay attention to the dumbfounded Daoist White. After the black-faced god gradually turned into a zombie, his advantage was gradually equalized.

And what made Jiang Lin feel a headache was that his Yang Finger Sword didn't have much effect on the black-faced god.

After the golden beams were shot out, the black-faced god seemed to be shooting the Matrix.

The speed of Yang Zhiqi is not much slower than that of bullets, but he can dodge bullets.

Even if the Yang Zhiqi hits, the damage to the black-faced god is nothing.

This guy is too strong.

Corpse body VS corpse soul body, five to five.

Chapter [*] Jiang Lin is very angry, the consequences are very serious


The black-faced god made a sound similar to a dragon's yin, his body was completely transformed, his face turned blue and black, and his pupils turned red.

Kirin roar?Red-Eyed Zombie? ? ?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he saw the black-faced god who had completely turned into a corpse.

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