Red-eyed zombies, could it be like the generals of Zongyue?

Or is it a zombie that can do so, with red eyes?

Or is the eye color of this unicorn corpse purely caused by absorbing the Qi of the unicorn?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed in Jiang Lin's mind, that is, the moment he lost his mind, the unicorn corpse was like a cannonball, bullying Jiang Lin's body with lightning speed, and a punch hit him. on his chest.

On the premise that there is no corpse, Jiang Lin's physical strength has not been able to resist the full blow of the unicorn corpse.

"Brother (daoist)!"

The three master and apprentice Bai Daochang screamed, Jiang Lin was blasted by the unicorn corpse, and the wall of the inn collapsed directly.

The unicorn corpse let out a long roar, and the body shot towards Jiang Lin, who was half-covered by the rubble.

Daoist Bai took the lead and stood in the way, but after the unicorn corpse was put out, Daoist Bai flew out, and another crack appeared on the wall of the inn.

Jiang Lin coughed twice, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up with all his might.

This unicorn corpse is really accurate in grasping the opportunity.

As soon as he looked up, the unicorn corpse was like a black lightning bolt, and in the blink of an eye, it was a foot in front of him.

Even if the body is completely turned into a corpse, the unicorn corpse is much more flexible than the general zombie king.

Damn, I can't hold this guy down if he doesn't corpse.

Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly changed color, this time they were really green and faint.

"Jiang Lang!"

At this time, Xiao Qian suddenly appeared, blocking Jiang Lin's face.


With a scream, Xiaoqian's body flew backwards and slammed into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Xiao Qian!"

Jiang Lin really didn't expect Xiaoqian to appear in front of him to help him resist the attack of the unicorn corpse.

"Give me death!"

With one kick, Jiang Lin kicked the unicorn corpse's chest, kicking it hard.


Under Jiang Lin's furious blow, the unicorn corpse was completely turned into a human-shaped cannonball. The door wall of the inn, along with the stone pillars inside, were smashed into rubble by the unicorn corpse.

"Xiaoqian, why are you so stupid, you forgot that I am a zombie king."

"Jiang Lang, I... see that you are... in danger, so I forgot."

Jiang Linqiang held back his anger and distress, took out a piece of silver lotus petals from the cloth bag, and put it into Xiaoqian's mouth. If he hadn't given Xiaoqian a lot of nourishing herbs before, he had left a lot in her body. Essence, I'm afraid this blow from the unicorn corpse made Xiaoqian's soul fly away.

Now Xiaoqian's entire body is illusory, and he lost most of his ghost life directly.

Jiang Lin poured the corpse qi from his body into Xiaoqian like a flood, and then punched the unicorn stone into her body.


The unicorn corpse jumped out from the top floor of the inn, and after seeing the unicorn stone in Jiang Lin's hand, it roared and swooped down.

After putting Xiaoqian in the carton, the Yang Yan in Jiang Lin's body spread from the crown of his dantian all over his body, and finally rushed directly to the top of his head.

His eyes were no longer distinguishable from the whites and pupils, and they all turned green.

This was the first time Jiang Lin had corpse poison and yang flame be used at the same time. Even with the harmony of yin fire, the two were fighting each other in his body.

Yang Yan smelted the corpse poison, and strands of emerald green corpse aura shot out from the pores of Jianglin.

This time, the flame on Jiang Lin's body was no longer golden, but green-gold.

Unable to hold back the super game, he changed to a super state, and Broly Jianglin appeared!

Jiang Lin didn't know that the corpse poison in his body could be rapidly refined by Yang Yan and used as fuel.

Super race full power!

Jiang Lin's muscles were knotted all over, and he stamped his feet on the ground, leaving a deep footprint on the ground.

One fell from the sky, the other rose from the ground, Jiang Lin swung his strengthened arms and directly smashed a pit out of the unicorn corpse's chest.

After landing on the roof of the inn, Jiang Lin stepped on a hole in the roof and jumped [*] meters high. Jiang Lin caught up with the corpse of the unicorn that was beaten, and smashed his arms, the corpse of the unicorn looked like a A small meteorite hit the ground.

Turning over, Jiang Lin knelt down directly on the chest and throat of the unicorn corpse.

Jiang Lin is now in a state of incomparable excitement, and the unicorn corpse has successfully inspired the fierceness of his thousand-year-old zombie king.

One word is war!

If there were other zombies here now, they would definitely be shivering under the pressure from Jiang Lin's body.

The aura that belonged to the emperor in the corpse was completely exuded from his body.

However, the unicorn corpse below him is not an ordinary character. After the body of the black-faced god is completely occupied by the soul of the unicorn corpse, this body is no different from its own corpse.

Whether it is strength or defense, even the Qi of Qilin in one.

But compared to Jiang Lin who was in a state of rage, this time, no matter how strong the unicorn corpse was, it couldn't be turned over.

It is equivalent to Jiang Lin who has become a super competition, even if he is a Mao Zong, he can also fight.

Jiang Lin's eyes were like two emeralds, forcing out a light that made the soul tremble.


With a loud roar, Jiang Lin kicked the unicorn corpse into the air, pierced through three houses, and hit a high wall.

The unicorn corpse was cowardly this time, and the damage Jiang Lin caused it was too serious.

"Master, did I read it right?"

"Master, Daoist Li Yang is really a human being, is he a Taoist priest?"

The two disciples of Daochang Bai saw Jiang Lin rubbing the unicorn corpse against the wall, and felt that their cognition had been completely subverted.

In the end of the law, there are still Taoist priests who can beat the thousand-year-old zombie king like this, and how can they beat zombies like this?

Not to mention the two short-sighted apprentices, even Daochang Bai felt that he had lived for so many years and was still like everyone in the country.

It is said that long hair has short knowledge, but Bai Daochang is already bald, and he still feels that he has short knowledge.


The unicorn corpse was kicked away by Jiang Lin again, and now it was even slightly deformed from top to bottom, which is not an exaggeration to describe it as miserable.

Jiang Lin was very angry, and the consequences were really serious.

Don't do it, it's just a coward!

The unicorn corpse rushed into the inn hunched over like a defeated rooster.

Wait until I put on the golden armor!

Wait for me to get the double sword!

The unicorn corpse's intelligence has been civilized a lot, and it knows how to retreat strategically.

Want to go?

The green light in Jiang Lin's eyes has disappeared now, and if he wants to subdue this unicorn corpse, he still needs to use Taoism.

He followed the inn with his back foot, and Jiang Lin saw the unicorn corpse already wearing the equipment, the golden armor that made the wind blow out, and the two swords that were crossed on his back.

Chapter [*] Crisis!

The battle armor of the unicorn corpse was filled with colorful halos, which healed the wounds of the unicorn corpse.

Jiang Lin saw the equipment of the unicorn corpse, and finally knew that the black-faced god only had the strength of an alchemist, why could he destroy the corpse of this thousand-year-old zombie king.

No matter how powerful the black-faced god's celestial seal is, if the unicorn corpse hadn't removed its own defenses, the black-faced god couldn't kill it.

This unicorn corpse is very cunning.

Specially seize the body of the cultivator to form the body of the corpse soul. As a zombie, if it can use Taoism, even a celestial master like Chunhua may not be able to use it.

After regaining his composure, Jiang Lin felt that dealing with this cunning unicorn corpse was not so difficult.

Even if the corpse is destroyed, there is still a corpse soul, but at present, it is the best policy to give priority to the soul of the unicorn corpse.

Unexpectedly, the five-element tower that Bai Daochang and the others put up was really right.

Originally, Daoist Bai set up the Five Elements Pagoda to help the black-faced gods get rid of the poison, but the Five Elements Pagoda in Xuanxu Temple also has an effect, that is, to restrain the soul. in the realm of magic.

At that time, the soul of this unicorn corpse will be unable to escape.If possible, the black-faced god might be saved.

The power of this unicorn corpse comes from its corpse soul. If the corpse soul dies, it is possible that the body of the black-faced god will gradually return to human form.

Of course, this is also Jiang Lin's guess, and it belongs to the best possibility.

After all, this unicorn corpse was also the first time Jiang Lin encountered in his life, so he couldn't predict everything.

If it is not trapped, even if Jiang Lin releases the three-legged golden crow, he can drag the soul out, but this unicorn corpse is not easy to be caught by the three-legged golden crow. Unknown.

Without full certainty, Jiang Lin didn't want to consume it in vain.

"Bai Daochang, this is the Netherworld chessboard. You all go back and bless it on the Five Elements Pagoda. This unicorn corpse is not easy to deal with. It's enough to have me here."

Now that Daoist Bai is here, apart from watching the fun, he doesn't have much effect. Jiang Lin needs to corpse to deal with the unicorn corpse. It is better without outsiders present.

It's the same with and without them.

"Okay, Daoist brother, you must be careful. The two swords behind the unicorn corpse are the Tianji sword and the earth's absolute sword, which are the treasures of our Xuanxuguan. Both swords are engraved with the formation, the teacher of Xuanxuguan. Ancestor once formed a small Heavenly Killing Sword Formation, the power is no small matter, it is no ordinary spirit sword, it must not be underestimated."

After reminding Jiang Lin, Daoist Bai took the Netherworld chessboard thrown by Jiang Lin and rushed to the square to bless the Five Elements Pagoda with his two apprentices.

"The Heavenly Sword, the Earthly Sword."

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed, the quality of these two swords seemed to be a level higher than the Taishang Jiulong Sword in Jiu Shu's hand.

When he was in the square, Jiang Lin also heard from Bai Daochang about the two swords in the hands of the black-faced god. The combination of the two swords is very powerful, so they were coveted by other sects. The master of Xuanxuguan put the Tianji sword In a sword formation called Wanjian Grave, he was completely coveted by others, but was taken by the black-faced god.

As for the formation of the sword array that Bai Daochang said, Jiang Lin also took precautions in his heart, but he thought that with the cultivation of the black-faced god alchemist, it should not be able to complete it.

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