With the bone sword thrown out of his hand, Jiang Lin was ready for another battle. He needed to force the unicorn corpse to the square, and he would be able to deal with it after entering the battle.

Although Jiang Lin's corpse incarnation can cause a lot of damage to the unicorn corpse, it is not enough to kill it.

His corpse level is the same as that of a unicorn corpse. At the same level, Jiang Lin can suppress or even beat the Thousand Year Zombie King with his corpse, but it is impossible to kill him with his corpse alone.

The unicorn corpse screamed with a long neck, and overlapped the two swords together. The Qi of the Qilin on its body covered the Sword of Earth Jue, and the Qi of its own evil corpse filled the Sword of Heavenly Pole.

The two auras, one positive and one evil, suddenly collided, and the two swords suddenly burst into blazing light. The sword light flashed, Jiang Lin instinctively protected his eyes, and his heart suddenly burst.

Heavenly Sword Array!

Above the head of the unicorn corpse, hundreds of illusory lightsabers formed the shape of a unicorn head. The lightsabers were vertical and horizontal, just like the flying swords of ancient monks. Swords rained and attacked Jianglin.

"Fuck you, second uncle, no wonder he didn't leave you for the sky."

Jiang Lin scolded, the corpse soul Taoist body, together with the Tianji sword and the Dijue sword can form a small sword array, if you want to find someone who can deal with this unicorn corpse in this world, I am afraid there will be no one else except him.


The unicorn corpse slashed the two swords forward, and the two crossed swords reached Jiang Lin's chest in an instant.

Jiang Lin, who was resisting the sword rain, was caught off guard, and a terrifying X-shaped sword wound appeared on his chest.

Before Jiang Lin could breathe a sigh of relief, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of him. He instinctively blocked with the bone sword, but the unicorn corpse had two swords, and Jiang Lin only blocked one.

This is lore.

At the critical moment, Jiang Lin quickly turned into a corpse, and clamped the blade in the Qilin corpse's hand with his corpse claws.

A chill came from his neck, and Jiang Lin broke out in cold sweat.

This is a crisis he has never encountered before, and he was almost killed.

"Death to me!"

Jiang Lin gave a loud drink and kicked the unicorn corpse into the air with one kick. The poison returned to the bones, and his spiritual power surged. A [*]-meter huge three-legged golden crow directly burst the inn. After chirping, the three-legged golden crow spread its wings and flew flutter.


A cloud of mushrooms appeared out of thin air in the night sky, blasting a big hole in the open space behind the inn.

The aftermath of the explosion caused a slight tremor in a row of buildings where the inn was located.

"Want to kill me? Don't you know that my Lord Ma has three eyes?"


The unicorn corpse was lying in the center of the pothole, and the explosive power of the three-legged golden crow directly made its face blackened, and the armor on its head disappeared.

Fry again!

Anyway, the location where the unicorn corpse is located is an open space, and Jiang Lin is not worried about accidental injury.

Before the unicorn corpse got up, a three-legged golden crow of the same size as before stared at it with big eyes and small eyes.

After confirming the eyes, it is the person who wants to blow up again.

Jiang Lin was not idle either, and the explosive flame talismans in the cloth bag were thrown away like money.

Blast you old wood!

Hemp sale batch!

The unicorn corpse wanted to scold the mother all the time, so it caused a little trauma to the Taoist priest, and was bombarded indiscriminately.

Where's your sword, let's compare swords! ! !

This time, the unicorn corpse was directly bombed into the sky, and the armor of the whole body was gone, and he completely became an African boy.

Through the top of a big tree, the unicorn corpse stomped his feet and disappeared into the night.

Life force is really powerful.

The thousand-year-old zombie king in Zombie Forest is incomparable with this unicorn corpse.

Jiang Lin wanted to chase, but when he thought of Xiaoqian's problem and his own injury, he went to the square first.

Chapter [*] This scene, I have never seen it before

"This time, I will get the corpse attribute of absolute self-healing."

Jiang Lin tore off the cloth and bandaged the wound on his neck. If he hadn't pulled out his claws in time, the carotid artery would have been broken, and even his head would have been cut off.

Originally, he thought that apart from flying stiff, there should be no evil spirits that could cause him the danger of cutting his head, but now Jiang Lin knew that he was still thinking too much about things.

From what it looks like now, not only the flying zombies can pose a fatal threat to him, but also zombies with more abnormal levels can also hurt him.

Having experienced this confrontation with the unicorn corpse, Jiang Lin felt that he also needed to spend time and energy to make his corpse compatible with the Taoist body.

After Jiang Lin was petrified, his self-protection ability was very strong, but his attack power was insufficient. Even if he turned into a zombie, the powerful damage caused by Taoism could not be done.

If he can run the Taoist method at the same time as the corpse, he will not have to worry about it, and then dealing with this unicorn corpse will not have to be so troublesome.

"Brother Dao, how did you get hurt like this?"

After Jiang Lin came to the square, Bai Daochang was shocked when he saw the injuries on his body.He already knew Jiang Lin's strength, even stronger than the average Celestial Master, but now the vital points have been hit hard.

"The unicorn corpse is not easy to deal with."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. Except for the flying zombie, this unicorn corpse was the most difficult to deal with.

"Daoist, Heiyue has good medicine here."

Heiyue took out all the medicinal materials she had brought on her body and let Jiang Lin heal her wounds.

After Bai Daochang and the others came back, they explained the situation of the black-faced god to her. Heiyue was the master who wanted to save her again, and now he couldn't speak.

Jiang Lin was not polite, and took out the treasures in his cloth bag, plus what Heiyue provided, it was enough for him and Xiaoqian.

Pointing her finger at Zhihe, Xiaoqian came out and was held in Jiang Lin's arms.

A piece of silver lotus and unicorn stone only temporarily hangs Xiaoqian's ghost life, only with the help of other materials to dissolve the petals of the lotus, let the unicorn stone and the corpse energy together nourish, Xiaoqian can gradually improve.

"Daoist, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect your sister and you to suffer such serious injuries."

Heiyue blamed herself. Although she gave the unicorn stone to Jiang Lin, no matter how precious a gem was, it couldn't compare to human life and ghost life.

The Taoist priest's partner has only half a ghost left.

Even if he really can't save his master, Heiyue doesn't plan to take back the unicorn stone.

After feeding Xiaoqian with the medicinal materials, Jiang Lin sent her back to Zhihe, and then dealt with his own injuries.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin's physique was far superior to ordinary people, otherwise the two sword qi would directly cut him into four sections.

"Master Bai, the unicorn corpse was seriously injured by me. You guys are guarding the formation here. I will find a place where the sun gathers to heal."

Jiang Lin calculated with his fingers. This time the catastrophe was not easy to survive. If a small comet hits here, as in the movie, it is estimated that they would all have to explain it here.

There should be more than [*] anger points stored in the system now, and Jiang Lin is ready to exchange the vacant attributes.

Prepare for the worst.

The unicorn corpse may be the only zombie whose soul can leave the corpse that has appeared in thousands or even [*] years. Even if there is a natural disaster, Jiang Lin does not want to give up.

He must get this guy's coffin fungus.

Outside the village, Jiang Lin found a place to gather yin. After the corpse was transformed, he absorbed yin energy and the light of Xuanyue to heal the wounds on his body.

After the injury eased a little, Jiang Lin entered a beast cave and began to distribute the harvest of this time.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (seventh level)

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [*])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - Sixth Layer)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [*]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [*]), Flaming Talisman (Level [*]), Sound Transmission (Level [*]), Light Avoidance Talisman (Level [*]), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Level [*]) +

Violence: [*]

After finally killing so many evil spirits, I went to the crypt, the old forest in the deep mountains, and the underworld, but I ran out of it all at once.

What a pain in the ass.

After clicking on the corpse attribute interface, Jiang Lin clicked after the two attributes that he needed to obtain.

"Pop! Get the corpse attribute to hang in the air, and consume [*] savage energy."

"Crack! Obtaining the corpse attribute will definitely heal itself, and consume [*] anger points."

Jiang Lin saw that the word "fifty" was missing in the column of suffocation value, and wanted to complain that it was too expensive!

If the remaining suffocating energy was not enough to improve the practice, Jiang Lin directly ordered the body training art to upgrade. He had injuries on his body, which made Jiang Lin thoroughly experience that it was not the best, only more refreshing.

But what he didn't expect was that in the process of improving the body refining technique, his flesh and blood were regenerated by the corpse poison essence, and under the combined effect of the medicinal effect, it accelerated the healing of the wound.

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