The professor chased the corpse?

"It just so happens that Pindao is also going to Chenzhou, why don't we go together?"

Professor Mao was worried that he had many clients and wanted to find a helper, but God sent him a working boy halfway through.

Seeing Jiang Lin's young age, Professor Mao wanted to fool Jiang Lin and help him walk.

As for the friends of the Chen Dao sect, he was just talking nonsense. Their Tianzun sect and the Chen Dao sect couldn't even compete with each other.

After Professor Mao said this sentence, there was no further text. If he showed Jiang Lin the way, would Jiang Lin still help?

"Oh, let me tell you, our Tianzun faction and your Chendao faction are world friends..."

Professor Mao had talked a lot with Jiang Lin blah blah blah, and he was almost married to the Chen Dao sect when he talked about his sect.

He just asked Jiang Lin to help him drive away the corpse, and he didn't mention the reward at all.

Let me, a Celestial Master, help you drive away the corpse?

Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, and it was no wonder that Professor Mao's cultivation was at the Daoist level, and it was still the weakest, so it was normal to not see his depth.

However, the Tianzun faction and the Chendao faction are really so good that they are about to wear a pair of pants?I believe in you asshole!

Although he despised Professor Mao in his heart, Jiang Lin did not reject Professor Mao. With someone as company, Jiang Lin could also pass the boring time.

But asking him to help out is impossible.

Just pretend to be a little idiot who doesn't know anything.

It's fine if he doesn't send him to work, otherwise he'll make this Professor Mao exhausted.

Looking at the eight or nine corpses behind Professor Mao, Jiang Lin was convinced of Professor Mao.

Do you need help with just these corpses?The Tianzun faction is afraid that it only has a loud name.

Hearing that Jiang Lin was willing to go all the way with him, Professor Mao was instantly happy and blew his horn there.

In western Hunan, not all corpses were driven with bells, some with gongs of joy, and some with suonas like Professor Mao.

Overwhelmed with pride, joy begets sorrow.

In fact, Professor Mao was like blowing twice to express his happiness. As a result, he blew together and made a "tick-tock" sound.

This is exactly the note for the Uncontrollable Corpse Charm.

Then Professor Mao was tragic, and all the corpses fled in all directions.

"Hey! Don't run!"

Professor Mao grimaced and wanted to slap himself twice.

"Fellow Daoist, just help me chase one or two corpses, and I'll take care of the rest."

After saying this, Professor Mao took the magic weapon to chase the corpses.

Jiang Lin shook his head and followed the two corpses unhurriedly. Quan Dang took a walk. It would take Professor Mao to find all the six or seven corpses.


When Jiang Lin was walking on his back to absorb the moonlight, he suddenly heard a woman's voice. Looking forward, a middle-aged woman dressed like a Miao woman was hiding behind a pile of straw. Two corpses were jumping towards her. go.

Jiang Lin sandwiched two stasis talismans and threw them on the foreheads of the two corpses. Then Jiang Lin turned around and explained, "I'm sorry, I walked past this place."

"It turned out to be a companion. Keep your guests away from here. There is a female corpse that we chased nearby."

Middle-aged women saw that Jiang Lin was a young descendant, and did not care about him.

"Which sect are you from?"

"Chen Dao faction."

With the Soul Destroyer Bell in his hand, Jiang Lin was about to take the two corpses away, but the shrill voice of the middle-aged woman behind made him cover his ears.

"Tian Ji! Someone from the Chen Dao faction is here, don't you hate the Chen Dao faction the most?"


The big question mark on Jiang Lin's face, who did the Chen Dao faction provoke?

He turned around and saw a [*]-year-old Miao girl with a dagger glaring at him.

"Are you from the Chen Dao faction?"

Tian Ji didn't know why, but when she was caught by Jiang Lin's eyes, she felt inexplicably empty, so she didn't act directly.


There is no need for Jiang Lin to deny his identity. If the old and the young come to seek revenge, then don't blame him for being rude.

"Then who is your master? Is it Zhang Han? If you are his disciple, I will kill you!"

At the mention of Zhang Han's name, Tian Ji's eyes were full of redness.

"I'm Zhang Han's disciple, but what kind of grudge does he have with you?"

Something is wrong with this...

A bad thought suddenly appeared in Jiang Lin's heart. The beautiful girl in front of him was about the same age as Chen Yu, and when he mentioned his master's name, his face was aggrieved.

Moreover, the more Jiang Lin looked at this girl, the more he felt that she looked like his master.

Damn it, isn't this my sister-in-law?

"I'm sorry. Zhang Han's disciples are going to die!"

Tian Ji said nothing, pulled the dagger and stabbed Jiang Lin in the heart.

If this girl named Tian Ji came to seek revenge, Jiang Lin would not be very polite, but now, he feels that he should let it go first.

"Then I said, if it's a grievance between the elders, we, as the juniors, shouldn't get involved. Let the older generation solve it themselves."

Jiang Lin stepped back while trying to stabilize Tian Ji's emotions.

Master, what did your old man do?

Eighty percent is a romantic debt!

Jiang Lin wanted to ask Zhang Han what was going on. Before he returned to his teacher's door, he was called by someone to collect his debts.

The romantic debts of the older generation made him take the blame.

Chapter [*]: The Three Evils in Western Hunan, the Girl in the Fallen Flower Cave

Tian Ji didn't listen to Jiang Lin's words at all and insisted on killing him.

Seeing that Tian Ji was very excited, Jiang Lin was going to subdue her first. He is now confused about the affairs of the older generation, the two-zhang monk, at least he needs to understand the situation.

Just as he was about to start, Jiang Lin felt that his feet were empty. He hurriedly took advantage of his strength and jumped back. A square pit was exposed where he had stepped on it, with an iron spear and a sharp blade standing at the bottom of the pit.

This is a trap set by hunters to catch large beasts.


Tian Ji rushed too hastily, refusing to hold her feet, and fell into the square pit.

Jiang Lin didn't hesitate, jumped down, kicked his feet on the wall of the pit, he pulled Tian Ji before he was stabbed by the iron spear, and stopped in mid-air.

However, the iron spear and sharp blade below were sprayed upwards, and there were some bird feathers on the ground mountain between the sharp blades. This trap could actually kill birds.

Jiang Lin didn't have time to think about it, so he directly hugged Tian Ji in his arms, turned over in the air, and blocked the iron spear and sharp blade from below with his back.

These spear blades were nothing to Jiang Lin, but Tian Ji in his arms thought that his calf was not completely blocked and was injured.

Jiang Lin pushed Tian Ji in his arms up and made her return to the ground.

"Tianji, how are you?"

The middle-aged woman almost freaked out when she saw her nephew fall into the square pit.

"Aunt Ling, I... I want to kill him, and he still saves me."

Tian Ji froze in place. She originally thought that Jiang Lin was also a ruthless person, but she didn't expect to die like this in order to save her.

"It seems that the wrong person was killed. You want to kill his master, and it's not right. Killing his master is not killing his father. This kid is quite young, and it's a pity to die."

Jiang Lin heard Aunt Ling's words at the bottom of the pit, and finally determined that this girl named Tian Ji was really his sister-in-law.

After knowing the relationship between Tian Ji and himself, Jiang Lin made a vertical leap, and then the pit wall landed on the ground.

"Oh! The soul came up so quickly, and the grievances are a bit heavy."

Aunt Ling was so frightened that she jumped back and took out all the magic tools on her body.

"I'm sorry, I'll go over it for you and burn you more paper money."

After Tian Ji saw Jiang Lin, she also subconsciously thought that he was a soul.

There are so many spear blades at the bottom of the pit, plus it is ten meters above the ground, any normal person would think that Jiang Lin is dead.

Jiang Lin turned his head and let out the corpse gas, and his face turned turquoise.

"I died so miserably in order to save someone who was going to kill me. I died so wrongly."

Jiang Lin deliberately lengthened his voice. He was originally a zombie, but when he pretended to be a ghost, no one looked like him.

Now Jiang Lin's feet are three inches off the ground, any slings, Weiya is garbage.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be indiscriminate, targeting Zhang Han's disciples."

Tian Ji wiped away her tears and apologized to Jiang Lin's "soul".

Tian Ji won't cry when killing someone who should be killed, but the person she killed died to save her, which made her conscience very uneasy.

"Why do you resent my master so much?"

Jiang Lin took the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick, since Tian Ji thought he was a ghost, he probably wouldn't hide anything.

There were more tears on Tian Ji's face, and she hated: "Zhang Han is not a man, he is sorry for my mother..."

With his superb acting skills, Jiang Lin took Tian Ji's words out in full.

It turned out that Tian Ji was chosen by the Miao people as the girl of Luohuadong, but she escaped by herself, and her mother asked her to find Zhang Han.If Zhang Han doesn't have a woman yet, tell him the situation, and if Zhang Han already has other women, they have nothing to do with him anymore.

Live or die depends on the sky.

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