Fallen Flower Cave Girl?

Jiang Lin is no stranger to the Luohua Cave Girl, one of the three evils in western Hunan. According to the legend, if an unmarried woman of the Miao ethnicity passes through a cave or a cave by chance, if she is beautiful and clean, she may be favored by the cave god. Take off its soul.

After being hooked, the Miao women are like hurting lovesickness. Sometimes they can't eat or drink for several days, and usually they will die after a long time.

The other two evils are releasing Gu and driving corpses.

When Jiang Lin came to Xiangxi this time, he also planned to go to the Miao people to see what kind of evil the so-called cave god was.

Killing countless young girls is also worthy of being called a god?

And since Tian Ji was his master's daughter, Jiang Lin couldn't have made her the daughter of Luohuadong.

"Since you are looking for my master, go to Chenzhou with me. By the way, my name is Jiang Lin, and your wound needs to be treated."

Jiang Lin fell back to the ground, and under Tian Ji's confused gaze, he walked in front of her and handed her the wound medicine in the cloth bag.

"You...you're not dead?"

Tian Ji rubbed her eyes, staring at Jiang Lin with a pair of beautiful round eyes.

"When did I say I was dead?"

Jiang Lin shrugged and took the two corpses to meet Professor Mao.

Originally, he thought that this girl and Chen Yu belonged to the same mother, and he was going to recognize his sister-in-law.

Tian Ji's mother is a daughter, which means that Chen Yu has a half-sister.

"You didn't die?"

Aunt Ling's expression was even more exaggerated than Tian Ji's, her big mouth could hold eggs.

At this time, Professor Mao, who was chasing the corpse, was panting and shouting, and he still has a corpse that he has yet to get.

The corpse jumped towards a group of female corpses chased by Aunt Ling, and with a flick of his hands, he undid the buttons of the female corpse's clothes, revealing the belly pockets inside.

"Where did the corpse come from!"

Aunt Ling took the peach wood sword and stabbed the back of the corpse.

"Ma Xiaoling, that's my guest!"

Professor Mao kicked Aunt Ling's peach wood sword away with one kick, and sprinkled a handful of tea leaves and glutinous rice on the corpse's head.

"Professor Mao, you murdered Bei Ma Nan Mao's face with your corpse."

"What is the North Horse and the South Horse, it's the South Horse and the North Horse."

Jiang Lin ignored Professor Mao and Aunt Ling pinching each other, and now he felt that his cognition was overturned.

Ma Xiaoling? ?

After learning Aunt Ling's real name, Jiang Lin's expression on his face was more wonderful and wonderful.

One of these Nima Nanmao Beima is Professor Mao, and the other is Ma Xiaoling, the aunt's version?

What the hell.

"Girl, is Aunt Ling an exorcism dragon?"

Jiang Lin couldn't believe it, and asked Tian Ji on the side.

"No, Aunt Ling is from the Ma family of the Northern School of Expelling Corpses. I don't know what you mean by the exorcism dragon clan."

Tian Ji shook her head, and told Jiang Lin about the southern and northern factions of chasing corpses.

Jiang Lin saved her life, and now Tian Ji doesn't want to attack Jiang Lin anymore, but because of what happened just now, she feels a little guilty towards Jiang Lin.

Chasing the southern and northern horses of the corpse world?

Jiang Lin frowned as he recalled, and some fragments of memory appeared in his mind.

He seems to have seen a movie about chasing corpses. It should be called Mr. Corpse. It seems that there are Nanmao and Beima in it. The movie seems to be about two zombies getting together, and finally the female zombie has a big belly.

Jiang Lin couldn't recall more information. He didn't have a deep impression of the movie, so he only remembered it now.

Chapter [*] When unlucky, drink cold water and jam your teeth!


Tian Ji felt her whole body numb and numb, her feet crooked, and she fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

"You...you gave me medicine."

Tian Ji's eyebrows turned upside down, her eyes were a little angry, and she also took out a handful of ladybugs in her hand. As long as Jiang Lin had bad thoughts about her, she would defend herself with the Gu technique.


Jiang Lin has an ellipsis on his face. If he wants to do something bad, he still needs to take medicine?

"You are the anesthetic for the gunblade in the trap. Now that you have a seizure, just sleep."

With Tian Ji lying down, Jiang Lin shook the Soul Destroyer Bell in his hand and took the two corpses to the place where the corpses gathered.

Here he also disliked Professor Mao and Aunt Ling for being so noisy.

"Tianji, what's wrong with you?"

"I was injured in my calf by the sharp blade in the trap, and the anesthetic started to work. I misunderstood Jiang Lin just now, thinking it was him who drugged me."

"That kid doesn't look like a bad person. Eh? He even gave you medicine? It seems that he takes good care of you. He sacrifices himself to save and invites you to go with him. Could it be love at first sight for you?"

Aunt Ling made a joke on Tian Ji while bandaging her wound.

Tian Ji's expression suddenly became coy, remembering the scene where Jiang Lin sacrificed himself to save her, and the fact that Jiang Lin never blamed her, Tian Ji glanced in the direction where Jiang Lin left.

Jiang Lin and Professor Mao didn't go far when they saw a deserted house. It was almost dawn, and they were going to rest in the deserted house until it got dark.

From Professor Mao, Jiang Lin learned that there is basically no town in this area, and there is a sunrise in the sky, which is not suitable for chasing corpses, so Jiang Lin is not in a hurry.

In the evening of the second day, Aunt Ling and Tian Ji brought a group of female corpses into the deserted house.

"Hey, hey, old horse, are there any rules? I don't know if I go into the temple to worship God and ask people in the house?"

"Old Mao, do you think I want to live with you? There isn't a temple within a hundred miles of this place. The owner of this room might be Ma."

Really foe.

Not only Jiang Lin frowned, even Tian Ji couldn't stand her aunt.

Seeing Jiang Lin digging out his ears, Tian Ji smiled sweetly and nodded to greet him.

"Tianji, we have settled in this place, and I will go out with me to move the goods."

After Tian Ji and Aunt Ling went out, Professor Mao patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You're cool, you were flirting with others just now, but Miao women tend to raise gu, so I have no interest in Miao women at all. "

Jiang Lin glanced at Professor Mao, thinking that even if you are interested, people are not interested in you.Miao girls are generally smart, and their eyes are more selective, otherwise there would be no such thing as Luohuadongnu.

"Fellow Daoist, you are not interested in Miao women, but you are interested in Aunt Ling."

Jiang Lin had to admire this Professor Mao for his unique vision.

"You can see that too?"

Professor Mao was an old man. At this time, his face was shy and wretched, and Jiang Lin couldn't stand his smile.

Anyway, he won't chase the corpse tonight, he plans to go to a place with better moonlight to absorb the essence of the dark moon.

At midnight, Jiang Lin grew his corpse poison on the top of a tall tree [*] meters away from the barren house, and two black figures suddenly appeared in the barren house below.

Is it the robbery?

Jiang Lin jumped down from the tree and returned to the deserted house. The two of them were wearing night clothes, so there must be nothing good.

What Jiang Lin did not expect was that one of the two figures was Jin Tianyi, who had bathed in the same pool with him.

In the morgue, Jin Tianyi rummaged through the corpse, and her mission was to find a treasure map from the corpse of a guard named Wang Zheng.

And if this treasure map is not on Wang Zheng's body, it must be on Wang Zheng's lover Jin Lian.

Both of them have died because of the treasure map. It happened that Wang Zheng's body was in Professor Mao's place, while Jin Lian's body was driven to Chenzhou by Aunt Ling.

Now that it's all together, Jin Tianyi feels that luck is not bad, except that he met the unreasonable man before.

Seeing that she still touched her after taking a bath.

There is no pity for Xiangxiyu at all.

Just as Jin Tianyi was stroking Wang Zheng's body, a dark shadow flashed past, and a cold light appeared, piercing her back.

Jin Tian turned to one side and sprinkled the smoky powder in his hand. When he saw a horn-shaped hat on the head of the man in black, Jin Tian recognized his identity: The Eighth Prince's subordinate, the wizard Harazhuo, was just like her. The Qing Dynasty left nobility to serve.

Harazhuo didn't expect that Jin Tianyi was holding a sword in his hand, and he used poison powder. He suffered a dark loss and knocked off several corpses in the morgue.

After the corpse-suppressing jade in the mouth of the corpse fell, it began to transform into a corpse.

Harazhuo was defeated by Jin Tianyi, and he was kicked by a long leg under the condition of unclear vision.

Taking two steps back, Harazhuo just bumped into the corpse of the corpse.

As soon as the corpse is transformed, someone delivers food, then bite it before opening its mouth.

Harazhuo screamed, which alarmed Professor Mao, Aunt Ling and Tian Ji.

After Harazhuo broke through the window and escaped, the corpse of the cheating corpse was mad for a while because of sucking blood, forcing Jintian to retreat.

Just at this moment, Professor Mao and Aunt Ling entered the morgue, their attention was on the corpse, and Jin Tianyi took a chance to get out.

After the sword struck Tian Ji away, Jin Tian bumped into Jiang Lin as soon as he took two steps.

How could it be him? ? ?

Jin Tianyi didn't even have the courage to run away. The flames that Jiang Lin shot on her ankle made her lie down for [*] hours, even though she was on special medicine.

It's really unfortunate when you drink cold water and get stuck in your teeth!

I just plugged it once, now I have to plug it again!

Jin Tianyi knew about Jiang Lin's methods, and she was planted here today.

If he escaped in front of Jiang Lin again, he might be hit by more than one flame.

Severe burns all over the body is not a joke.

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