I thought I was lucky, but it turned out to be unlucky!

Taking a step forward, Jin Tian said to Jiang Lin, "Don't say you know me, or I'll tell you about my bath."

Although Jin Tianyi knew that Jiang Lin had no good intentions towards her, he would not kill her if he disagreed.

Serve softly now, wait until there is a chance, it's not too late to escape, maybe you don't have to escape.

Because Jin Tianyi was wearing night clothes, his head and face were covered. Hearing Jin Tianyi's voice, Jiang Lin knew that the man in black was the Japanese woman.

It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just cast yourself.

Chapter [*]: The Treasure of Cixi

After a while, Jin Tianyi's hands were tied behind his back, and he sat cross-legged on the table in the deserted house.

Jiang Lin sat on the side and took a sip of tea, ready to ask Jin Tianyi the purpose of stealing the corpse.

Because the Japanese demons have a record of stealing Master Kuhua from Leiyin Temple, Jiang Lin doesn't think that Jin Tianyi is purely for the purpose of stealing corpses.

It's a coincidence that the Japanese demons are going to do something wrong.

"Are you male or female?"

"Whether he is a man or a woman, kill him."

"If you kill it, you won't know if it's a male or a female."


Before Jiang Lin spoke, Aunt Ling and Professor Mao were torn apart again, leaving Jiang Lin speechless.

Now Jin Tian's face is exposed, with a beautiful face, tied in a ponytail, and a pair of long legs, and the female characteristics on her body can't be more obvious. Kill the corpse without asking?

You tease your family know that?

"Who are you, and what are you doing to steal the corpse?"

Tian Ji couldn't stand it any longer, and asked Jin Tianyi's identity. If this woman was just stealing the corpse alone, they would just take some precautions.

But if they don't have a purpose, they may need to change their course.

Jin Tian glanced at Jiang Lin, then rolled his eyes and said, "My name is Nanako Matsushima."

God special Matsushima Nanako, why don't you call Aoi Nanako!

"I don't care what your name is, what are you doing to steal the corpse?"

What kind of pseudonym Jin Tianyi used, Jiang Lin didn't want to pay attention to it. He couldn't tell the purpose of Xiangdi. He didn't mind letting Jin Tianyi have a taste of flogging.

"That's a good question. Professor Mao and Ma Xiaoling are among the corpses you chased away, a man and a woman. The man's name is Wang Zheng, a guard of the Qing Dynasty's remnant, and the woman's name is Jinlian, a singing prostitute in Yichun Courtyard. The two of them They are all prisoners to be arrested in Manchuria. This Wang Zheng has information on the treasures hidden by Cixi. No one knows where the treasures are. You must know that the old witch of Guang Cixi has gold in her private house. Three hundred and sixty thousand taels, four million taels of silver, not to mention the treasure she hid."

After a pause, Jin Tianyi glared at Jiang Lin and continued: "As for why I know, because I am a spy of Manchuria Four Baylor."

Jin Tianyi took a token in his hand and flashed it in front of Jiang Lin.

"In addition, I also know that they have a treasure map in their hands. I know some inside information, but I don't know other inside information, so I came here to investigate. Find out the whereabouts of the treasure, and I will give you half of it."

It turned out to be a treasure map, a treasure hidden by Cixi.

Jiang Lin nodded, the information Jin Tianyi said was a little more credible.

But that's all, in front of Chongbao, Jiang Lin's heart did not fluctuate too much.

In this turbulent era, if there is really a treasure, not a few people can swallow it.

That's much hotter than the treasure you get from visiting a tomb.

Seeing Jiang Lin's indifferent expression, Jin Tianyi snorted, she didn't believe that Jiang Lin would not be moved in front of the treasure.

At that time, if you want to find her to cooperate, she will not pay attention to it without a [*]-degree apology first.

Jin Tianyi couldn't imagine how Jiang Lin didn't take what she said seriously at all, saying that he was a member of the Qing Dynasty, and how to explain his Oriental Taoism.

Jiang Lin wouldn't let Jin Tianyi leave easily if he didn't mention what he had to do with the Japanese, as well as the Japanese's plans for the treasure or other conspiracies.

Jin Tianyi jumped off the table and walked leisurely. Jiang Lin didn't move, but Professor Mao and Ma Xiaoling's eyes became golden.

"Master, don't believe her, kill her!"

Just a bodyguard, with a treasure map on him?

Tian Ji felt that Jin Tianyi was obviously lying, and Jin Tianyi always winked at Jiang Lin, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute and ask her if she has anything else to say."

Jiang Lin put the teacup aside and looked at Jin Tianyi with his arms crossed.

"I knew you were reluctant to kill me."

Jin Tian always stuck out his tongue to Jiang Lin, causing a black line to appear on Jiang Lin's forehead.

This woman still doesn't know what her current situation is.

"She's full of nonsense, what else can she say."

Tianji pursed her lips and chased away corpses to steal corpses. It was not uncommon for them to be killed.

Some corpse carpenters can take their own lives in order to protect the corpse, but they don't even need to take their own lives, and will they save the lives of those who stole the corpse?

"I can't dig out those treasures by myself. Since you are not interested, then forget it."

Jin Tian moved a finger, and she untied the rope that tied her back. Now that Jiang Lin wanted to ask her why, she also said it. Since she didn't believe her, there was nothing to say to them.

"It's easier said than done if you want to catch me, farewell."

After saying this, Jin Tianyi threw the rope in his hand and turned to leave.

"It's not easy to catch you? I asked you what else to say. That's all you said?"

As soon as Jiang Lin's voice fell, Jin Tianyi felt her body tighten, and then she flew up and fell onto the table where she was sitting cross-legged.

"Gather... gather spirits into a body?"

Professor Mao originally wanted Jin Tianyi to stay, but when he saw the fire whip jumping out of Jiang Lin's palm, he suddenly screamed.

Tian Ji and Aunt Ling's eyes also fell on Jiang Lin. There are also some exercises in the world that can be condensed into entities with spiritual power, but it is absolutely impossible to bind people with whips like Jiang Lin. For very advanced.

Only at this time did Professor Mao realize that he seemed to be bouncing around in front of an expert for a long time.

I still want this expert to help him work, but it's still the kind that doesn't pay wages.

Originally, he wanted to tell Jiang Lin to let Jiang Lin do more work. In the past two days, Jiang Lin didn't want to help at all, and he didn't want to do anything, so he just took a corpse and didn't touch the corpse.

But now he is very glad that he didn't open his mouth. Jiang Lin didn't do those things because he didn't like it at all!

With such a cultivation base, it is almost at the level of a sect master, and there is really no need to do that kind of skill.

Jiang Lin had long been accustomed to Professor Mao's gaze, he stepped forward and said, "What's your relationship with the Japanese? What do you have to do with Abe Yewang of Yin-Yang Dao and the blind Yamada of Jiuju's faction? relation?"

"I told you that I have no relationship with the Japanese... Was King Abe Ye killed by you?"

As soon as Jin Tian heard Jiang Lin's words, he turned his head and guessed that King Abe Ye died in Jiang Lin's hands.

But as soon as the words came out, she covered her mouth.


Misfortune comes out of the mouth, and it is useless to explain it any more.

Chapter [*]: The Devil-like Man

Jiang Lin looked at Jin Tianyi deeply, didn't he say that it had nothing to do with the Japanese?How can you know who King Abe Ye is, and also know that King Abe Ye was killed.

Also said it has nothing to do with Japanese demons?

"I've been thinking for a long time about how credible what you said is. It seems that I don't need to think about it now."

Jiang Lin walked to the table, took out the rune pen and drew a rune on the table.

This woman's mouth is quite hard, and Jiang Lin doesn't want to kill her for the time being without prying out the purpose of Japanese demons appearing in Hunan.

He didn't care much about the life of a Japanese woman, but if he could get some unexpected clues from this Japanese woman, it would be okay to leave her a small life temporarily.

It would be great to get another piece of information similar to Yuan Jing's memorial.

Because Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle notified their colleagues, I don't know how many bastards who were assassinated could not be counter-killed.

Of course, Jiang Lin's patience is not very good. If he can't pry it out, he just wipes his neck.

"This is a spell? What are you going to do to me?"

Seeing the incantation that Jiang Lin copied on the table, Jin Tianyi's voice suddenly trembled, this man is going to curse her!

"What I said is true! I'm not Japanese, and it has nothing to do with Japanese. If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself. The treasure map is also true, and the treasure map is most likely written in Manchu. If you Curse me, and I won't be your translator if I die."

What Jin Tianyi said was also half-truth, her true identity could not be revealed at will, otherwise by that time, she would be almost certain to die.

Shouting, Jin Tianyi "squirms" on the table like a caterpillar. She doesn't want to be cursed by Jiang Lin. With such a cultivation base, how could the curse in her hand be some gadget.

"I didn't check your identity. Now I don't need to prove that you have nothing to do with Japanese demons, but to prove it yourself. Let me tell you the truth, I don't know how many Japanese demons died in my hands."

Jiang Lin didn't particularly care about treasures or anything, as long as it didn't fall into the hands of the Japanese, he was still more interested in the evil way of planning conspiracies in China.

"You are very dishonest."

Jiang Lin pointed his finger to Jin Tian's waist, Jin Tian felt paralyzed and could not exert any strength.

"You stinky man, I know. It must be because you have seen me take a bath and bathed in the same pool with me, so you want to kill me now, for fear that others will know that you have done such a thing."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't want to stop, Jin Tian threw a depth bomb directly.

Jiang Lin's hand froze suddenly, how could he say such a thing?

The bomb thrown by Jin Tianyi still had some effect. Professor Mao and Aunt Ling's eyes fell on Jiang Lin.

Even Tian Ji looked at Jiang Lin with strange eyes. This woman had been winking at Jiang Lin before. Could it be that there was something wrong with the two of them.

Jiang Lin is trying to kill people?

"Well, I said bro, you don't need to do this. Don't you believe what she said? You ask her to find the treasure map. If the treasure map is there, it means that what she said is true."

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