"Yes, yes, let's ask her any questions after she finds the treasure map."

Professor Mao and Aunt Ling were really worried that Jin Tianyi was unwilling to reveal the information about the treasure map, so they went up to stop Jiang Lin with smiles on their faces.

Do you really care about what she says?

Are you concerned about treasures?

This pair of southern and northern horses left Jiang Lin extremely speechless.

Seeing money, I don't even think about whether I can spend my life to spend the treasure.

Jiang Lin swung his arms and pushed Professor Mao and Aunt Ling aside. He grabbed Jin Tianyi's plain hand and took her blood.

"Six Suns Soul Curse!"

He patted the table with his palm, and the incantations on it, like golden tadpoles, climbed up Jin Tianyi's body and got into it.

Jiang Lin was not planning to take Jin Tianyi's life for the time being, but it was up to him to decide whether to live or die.

"Don't play tricks in front of me, or the consequences will be very serious, and I will directly treat you as a Japanese demon. Now I have one less beautiful head in my hand. Isn't it looking for a treasure map? Look for it."

Jiang Lin doesn't need to worry about anything now, either Jintian will give out all the information about the Japanese demon and all the information she knows, or she will go to prove how upright she is, and prove that you are Chinese ).

demon! ! !

This man is definitely a devil!

Jin Tianyi felt that Jiang Lin was simply a man-eating demon.

If you want to kill the Japanese demon, what are you doing with me!

The baby is aggrieved.

"What spell did you cast on me?"

"The curse that makes you die will kill you. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. If you are clean, the curse will naturally be solved for you. Otherwise, it depends on what information or materials you can provide to keep you alive, um, Let's start with the treasure map."

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Lin was ready to go to the moonlight.

After Jin Tianyi was released, he burst into tears.

She came on a mission, only to meet a demon-like man.

But now, Jin Tianyi can only admit the cowardice. Now she has a feeling that she can't escape Jiang Lin's palm at all. If she can have a treasure map in her hand and get the treasure, she will be shaking when she knows things. If it is exposed, it can also fly away.

"Jiang Lin, I want to ask you, what level is your cultivation base?"

Tian Ji followed Jiang Lin out with an urgent expression on her face.

Seeing the eagerness on Tian Ji's face, Jiang Lin responded, "Tian Shi, why are you asking this?"

"I beg you to help save my mother. Mother and I have a mother-daughter relationship and it was known to the clansmen. Because she was unmarried and lost her virginity, she will be executed on August [*]. When she sent me out, she said that if Zhang Han With other women, it would be meaningless for her to live, but even if I told Zhang Han about the matter, he would not be able to pass the Gu group and break into the Miao Village. My mother would die anyway, so I hated him so much and went to find him. He also let him die."

Looking at Jiang Lin, Tian Ji explained again: "I thought that someone like him, who is so heartless and heartless, is not worthy of being a teacher, and his disciples must be like him. That's why I..."

Execution on August [*]th? ? ?

Less than ten days left!

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

Chapter [*] Preliminary estimate, can play ten

Tian Ji also had a look of grievance. She kept this matter in her heart. As long as she said it, if someone saved her mother, she would break into Miao Village.

The level of difficulty is that it is not easy for alchemists to form a team.

Even if Aunt Ling found out, she just went to die in vain.

"Tomorrow we will set off, not going to Chenzhou."

Knowing this situation now, Jiang Lin ignored the fact that it was August [*]th, and it was important to save people first.

Although Jiang Lin didn't quite know why Zhang Han, Chen Yu and Tian Ji and their mothers had misunderstandings, but from what he heard, it might be because Zhang Han went to Yinshan cave to save Jiu Shu at that time. , which resulted in not being able to make an appointment.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked Tianji some things, including the specific location of the Miao people in western Hunan.

"There is a river not far away. Tomorrow I will make a bamboo raft and we will go down the river."

There is a long river not far from the barren house. If it flows downstream, it is the direction of the Miao people.

"Jiang Lin, I'm really sorry that I did something to you before I didn't know your character. Tianji really doesn't know how to thank you for your willingness to save my mother this time."

"What's there to thank, that's my sister, you are my sister, I'm strong enough to protect myself, can I be worthy of my master if I don't save others? In fact, my master has not had a partner for so many years. He was with your mother back then. There is a misunderstanding, I guess it is because he went to save people."

Jiang Lin explained to Tian Ji first that this girl had an unusually large resentment towards her biological father.

Then Jiang Lin asked Tian Ji to rest early, and he had to help him tomorrow.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, have you really seen that woman take a bath?"

Tian Ji suddenly asked this sentence, making Jiang Lin speechless, he couldn't answer this question.

"You sure didn't mean to."

After laughing, Tian Ji went to check the female corpse.

Back in the house, Jiang Lin saw Jin Tianyi with a bitter look on his face, and he was very pitiful when he was wronged.

After Jiang Lin left the house, Jin Tianyi went to find the treasure map on Wang Zheng and Jin Lian, but what made her want to cry was that no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find it, and there was not even a piece of parchment on their bodies.

"Didn't you say what you said was true? Where's the treasure map?"

"Since it's a treasure map, how can it be so easy to find. You can release the curse for me! I'm not Japanese at first, but I have lived in Japan since I was a child and learned Taoism and Ninjutsu there. My real name is Jin Tian. Yi, the surname was changed from 'Aixin' to 'Jin' in Manchuria, and works under Manchu Sibeile."

Jin Tian and Jiang Lin hated their teeth so much that they let her lie down for a day and a night when they first met, and then she was cursed when they met again. It was really unreasonable to the extreme, bad guy!

"I don't care where you are from, anyway, it's impossible for you to have nothing to do with the Japanese demons. Come and tell me if the Japanese demons have appeared in Hunan, are they also coveting these treasures, or have any plans. I am patient. It’s not enough, tell everything you know, and I might save your life for the time being.”

What Jin Tianyi said, as long as he couldn't attract Jiang Lin's attention, he regarded it as a play.

He felt that since Kindaichi could know the news of the death of King Abe Ye, he must have passed the news with the Japanese demon.

Killing a King Abe, Jiang Lin felt that it was not enough, and it would be cool to kill the Yamada of the Nine Ju clique.

But he didn't have any way to find out about Yamada. Now, he caught a Jin Tianyi.

"How do I know."

Jin Tian turned his face away,

"Well, I'm tired too. I'll ask you this question twice. The answer is the same three times. Don't blame me for throwing you to feed the wolves."

In the middle of the night now, Jiang Lin has no intention to use any means to Jin Tianyi, so as not to disturb the people.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Tian Ji went around the barren house to find some green bamboos that were relatively hard and suitable for bamboo rafts.

The bone sword in his hand swayed, and rows of bamboo poles were placed in front of Jiang Lin.

After nightfall, the screams of Professor Mao and Aunt Ling suddenly broke out in the barren house.

"The body is lost!"

"The treasure map is gone!"

Hearing the shouting, Jiang Lin had blue veins all over his forehead. The three of them couldn't even look at the corpses. Did they eat for nothing?

When Jiang Lin came back, Professor Mao, Aunt Ling and Jin Tianyi were teaming up to deal with a middle-aged man with weird clothes.

"It's better not to stop me, or I'll let you die without a burial."

Harazhuo looked at Jin Tianyi and the others coldly. Now that he was blocked, the bodies of Wang Zheng and Jin Lian had already been deceived. If they were later, they would not know where to find them.

"Jiang Lin, he is the dark wizard Harazhuo who works for the Eighth Prince. He is very skilled in witchcraft and magic. When I was investigating last night, he was the one who attacked me and was bitten by a zombie. It's like no one else."

Jin Tianyi reminded Jiang Lin that this black wizard can use the air to release Gu, which is hard to guard against. If Jiang Lin was recruited, they would not be much better.

Professor Mao and Aunt Ling also leaned over to Jiang Lin. They were not opponents at all and could only try to hold back the dark wizard.

"Haha, but just a little bit of corpse poison can beat me Harazhuo?"

Laughing wildly, Harazhuo looked at Jiang Lin, this young man seemed to be the backbone of this group of people.

"You seem to have a little cultivation, but it's best not to get in my way, or I'll let you taste what it's like to be punished."

Although Jiang Lin felt that he was not easy to deal with, Harazhuo was especially confident in his witchcraft and gushu.

Even the alchemist, there are some people who are tortured by him.

"It's just a little bit of Gu, you see you're crazy."

"Jiang Lin, don't be careless, Gu techniques are no better than ordinary spells, and even if a little powder gets on your body, your whole body may fester and die."

Tian Ji wondered if Jiang Lin was overconfident. Today, she clearly told Jiang Lin that the Gu technique was terrible, but now Jiang Lin took her words on deaf ears.

In fact, it's not Jiang Lin's arrogance. With Yang Yan, he is almost the nemesis of Gu Masters, so don't even think about getting close to him.

Like Harajuo, Jiang Lin initially predicted that he could hit ten.

Hearing Jiang Lin's wild words, Harazhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

"If that's the case, then let you have a taste of what it's like to be eaten by thousands of insects and ten thousand gu. Seven corpse ghost soldiers, five worms refining shape!"

As soon as Harajuo's cloak was swung, the entire desolate courtyard was instantly filled with various worms, in addition to poisons such as scorpions and toads.

Chapter [*] Zombies make trouble, ghosts are born

"Brother Dao, what... what should I do?"

Professor Mao shouted, and asked him to drive a corpse to deal with ordinary zombies, he was fine, and let him deal with the yard full of Gu insects, he could only have a black eye.

Damn, killing Gu insects doesn't even have a bit of suffocation.

"Do you have any other means? Take it out and see."

Anyway, since he needed to go to the Miao clan, Jiang Lin wanted to see how a professional Gu Master released Gu.


"Thousands of ghosts and evils, three corpses and nine insects, get up!"

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