Harazhuo's hands seemed to be suffering from Parkinson's syndrome.


The ground suddenly made a sound, and some Gu worms got into the bottom and arched into the body of the corpse.

It didn't take long for many walking corpses to appear in the yard.

Jiang Lin nodded when he saw Harazhuo revealing his hand. Now these walking corpses can at least contribute a little bit of hostility to him.

"And that's all?"

Jiang Lin is still waiting for Harazhuo to use other means, but there is no more.

"Tremble, you!"

Harazhuo looked at Jiang Lin and the others with his arms in his arms. As long as these Gu worms got on his body, they would be drilled into his body. By then, he could not survive and die.

"I told you, why wait for him to release all the Gus?"

Jin Tianyi frowned and blamed Jiang Lin. Now that's all right, these swarms of worms, five poisons, and walking corpses, they just don't want to retreat.

"Just let it go, I just let him play some value."

"You are a person who likes to brag."

Chong Jianglin wrinkled her nose, and Jin Tian withdrew immediately. She went to find Wang Zheng and Jin Lian who had run away. She didn't want to deal with so many bugs and walking corpses.

Just two steps out, Jin Tianyi heard the sound of beeping and peeling from behind him. He turned his head and looked, Jiang Lin pushed out his palms, and two pillars of fire with the thickness of water buckets were sprayed out by him.

The proud look on Harazhuo's face suddenly solidified. In less than three breaths, the Gu worms and snakes and scorpions in the yard were burned to ashes, and the walking corpses he controlled also became fireballs, lying down one by one.


Harazhuo swallowed, and now he realizes that he has completely underestimated this young Taoist priest.


Harazhuo jumped up and was about to jump off the wall and walk away, but when his body was in midair, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Looking down, a long and narrow lightsaber pierced his heart.

"After the value has been squeezed by me, you want to leave. Is this your home?"

With another wave of Yang's sword, Jiang Lin cut off Harajuo's head directly.




Jin Tianyi and Tian Ji were all stunned in place, such a strong wizard Harazhuo was killed like this?


As soon as Jin Tian touched her neck, she was really afraid that Jiang Lin would cut her like this.

No wonder he said that he lost a beautiful head, so he quickly found the treasure map, took the treasure and explained everything, and ran away from here to Nanyang!

Jin Tianyi turned into a gust of wind, and quickly went to find the treasure map hidden in the body.

At this time, not far from the deserted house, Wang Zheng and Jin Lian hugged after cheating the corpse, doing some kind of indescribable movement.

Even if you die, it's still the kind of standing face to face.

By the time Jin Tianyi found them, the two corpses had finished their work and stood upright.

As soon as Jin Tian touched the corpse and found that there was no response, she put down Wang Zheng's corpse and prepared to dissect the corpse. The treasure map was not on her body, but it was very likely inside her body.

But as soon as she squatted down, the claws of the corpse moved, and with a scoff, there were a few more scratches on one of her beautiful legs.

"call out."

Jiang Lin, who came later, threw out two immobilization talismans and made the corpse stay in place.

"Do you all Japanese ninja like to dress like this?"

Jiang Lin looked at the bloodstain on Jin Tianyi's thigh and joked.

Today, Jin Tianyi was wearing a dress similar to a dress, except that the skirt only reached the thigh, revealing two long legs that made nosebleeds.

"I want you to take care of me! I've been poisoned by corpse poison. If you don't hurry up and treat my wounds, let me tell you, I can give you the information you want to know, but after I get the treasure. Otherwise, there is no toll, I will There's no way to escape to a foreign country. Also, I'm not a Japanese ninja."

Jin Tianyi stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes. Since he couldn't escape from his grasp, he should negotiate the terms first.

"You mean you won't speak without the treasure? You don't seem to have any capital to negotiate terms with me."

"There must be treasures. The treasure map is on the two of them. If you don't believe it, you can kill me now. If I open my mouth, it will leak the secret, and sooner or later, I will not be able to escape the pursuit."

Jin Tianyi also saw it, and Jiang Lin wanted to know the information about the Japanese demon, and she happened to have it in her hand, so she took a gamble with Jiang Lin.

"You better tell the truth."

Jiang Lin took a retrieval talisman and stuck it on Wang Zheng's body, then he tied the Xuan Tianyin in his hand and probed inside.

He uses the Maoshan method of extracting objects, and he can use his arm to penetrate into the interior of a living body or a corpse.

"You...you can put your hand into the belly of the corpse?"

Jin Tian was stunned when she saw it. If she knew this, she wouldn't have to think about the autopsy and get scratched.

Jiang Lin touched Wang Zheng's body for a moment and found a small package.

After taking it out, Jiang Lin took a look at it by the moonlight, and there was indeed Manchu script and some layout patterns on it.

It's the treasure map.

"Hey, I told you there was a treasure map, now you believe me? I've been poisoned by corpse poison, so why don't you deal with it for me soon."

Jin Tianyi felt a little dizzy, and the corpse poison on his legs began to attack.

"Glutinous rice and other things are in the deserted house, do you want me to suck it for you?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, really thought that a Taoist priest could deal with corpse poison with his bare hands?He really can, but want him to kiss Jin Tianyi's big white leg?

"What do you think!"

Jiang Lin led the two corpses back to the deserted house, parked them in the morgue, and went to study the treasure map he had obtained.

After Jiang Lin left, Jin Lian's body began to look strange, because she was orthogonal to Wang) (After closing, her stomach began to swell.

A mass of purple paste dripped down from Jinlian's trousers, like a mass of slime.

Jinlian was immobilized by Jiang Lin's immobilization talisman, and the ghost fetus in her body failed to take shape. In medical terms, it was a miscarriage.

"Slime" squirmed on the ground, climbed onto a corpse, and got into the corpse's nose and mouth.

Then the immobilization charm on the forehead of the corpse possessed by the ghost began to catch fire. The ghost opened its bloody mouth, its jaw dropped to the chest, and directly swallowed a corpse next to it.

The four hundred and fifty-sixth chapter is [*]% empty-handed and hand-to-hand?

"Hey, you handle the corpse poison for me."

While Jiang Lin was sitting in the room looking at the treasure map, Jin Tian pushed the door open and came in, but he didn't even knock on the door.

"Wouldn't it be better if you put it on with glutinous rice and tea. Also, wouldn't you knock on the door?"

Jiang Lin didn't have a good face for this rude woman.

"Glutinous rice is glutinous rice. The glutinous rice is cooked and eaten, and the tea leaves are used to make tea. Professor Mao and the others said that this place is very poor, and they can't even dig sweet potatoes. They have eaten up all the dry food and ate all the glutinous rice."

I'm going!

For the corpse hunter, glutinous rice is a life-saving thing. This Nanmao Beima has cooked the glutinous rice, take it!

Jin Tianyi sat down on Jiang Lin's bed very familiarly, stretched out a big white leg to him, and almost put his foot on his lap.

Do you dare to stretch your legs while wearing safety pants?

"Why, don't think about taking advantage of me, although you have seen me. I have promised to give you news, and now I am looking for the corpse poison in the treasure map, you have to deal with it for me. "


Dress like this, and stretch your legs to others, and then let others take advantage, you are inducing a crime, you know?

After drawing a talisman, Jiang Lin threw it to Jin Tianyi and asked her to paste it on her own.

"Oh, it hurts so much~"

Jin Tianyi made an imaginative voice and was still on Jiang Lin's bed.

"Shout out and shout."

Jiang Lin picked up the treasure map and pointed at the door.

There is no pity for Xiangxiyu at all.

Jin Tianyi was sent off by Jiang Lin, endured the pain in her leg, got out of bed, and just walked to the door, she saw a sallow-faced zombie.


Jiang Lin's attention was always on the treasure map in his hand, and it was only at this time that he felt an evil spirit outside.

"It's swindling again, I won't be caught this time."

Jin Tianyi was tortured by the corpse poison for a while, and he felt resentment towards those corpses for a long time, and now there is a blind zombie in front of her, so use it as a punching bag!

This zombie, that is, the ghost, really didn't open its eyes.

"Idiot, that's not an ordinary zombie, it's a ghost."

Jiang Lin rushed to the door with a single stride, pulling Jin Tianyi's back collar and pulling it back. At the same time, the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed entered Jin Tianyi's ears.

Although Jiang Lin pulled Jin Tianyi away in time, there was still a bloodstain on her chest.

The ghost child's nails are not very long, but with a swing of his arms, he even cut a half-meter deep mark on the door frame and the wall.


The ghost child's jaw seemed to have dropped, and he opened his mouth and rushed towards Jin Tianyi.

Jiang Lin slashed at Gui Fei's head with the bone sword in his hand, but a purple-red corpse gas was sprayed between Gui Fei's palms, and the two palms were raised above his head.

To pick up a white blade with bare hands, it is still with the corpse energy in the palm of your hand.

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