Afterwards, Jiang Lin's arms danced, and the cold and light swords rushed to greet the ghost.

But there was a jingle, and all of Jiang Lin's sword cuts were taken over by the ghost.

"[*]% empty-handed to hand-to-hand? I'll let you do it!"

Jiang Lin retracted his sword, raised his foot and kicked the ghost in the face.

This time the ghost couldn't pick it up, and there was a sole print on his face.

After the ghost fetus was kicked, his feet plowed several meters long marks on the ground.

"Empty-handed and hand-to-hand, let's try to empty-handed bullets."

Jiang Lin lashed out with ten fingers, and swept wildly at the ghost, and the tiles in the corner of the courtyard wall were smashed by Yang Zhiqi.

Until today, Jiang Lin saw another zombie who knew how to teleport, even better than the original Ren Tiantang.

No CD teleportation.

The ghost fetus flashed a few times, dodging most of the sword qi attacks, but there were still a few beams hitting it.

"Jumping in front of me?"

Jiang Lin's face sank. Flying in front of him was enough to make him unhappy. This ghost child actually played a higher-level teleport in front of him.

Let you know about the aoe skills in an instant and a wide range.

Jiang Lin used all his strength this time, stretched out his arms, and slashed with two Yang-fingered swords, like a pair of giant scissors.

The blade of the sword was cut on the opposite courtyard wall, and the traces left were no worse than those left by ghosts on the door wall.

As soon as the ghost fetus completed the teleportation, two seven- or eight-meter-long light swords slashed towards it, and it was too late by the time it reacted and took off.

A sword was struck in the knee.

Even if it could pick up a bare-handed blade [*]%, it wouldn't be able to pick up Jiang Lin's two Yang-fingered swords.

"I will remember you."

The ghost fetus made a sharp sound, swiped twice, and arrived at the door.

It just so happened that Professor Mao came in from the door, and the ghost opened his mouth again, ready to swallow him.


Professor Mao had never seen a monster with such a big mouth. He was trembling with fear, his tongue was knotted, and he even forgot to escape.

"You're so cowardly, why are you chasing the corpse?"

Jiang Lin let out a sigh, then shook out the yin fire whip, tied Professor Mao's body and dragged him aside.

"You must die."

Destroyed by Jiang Lin, the ghost fetus let out a sneer and disappeared in place.

"Brother, what was that just now?"

Professor Mao got up from the ground and ran towards Jiang Lin.

"That's a ghost, you go and put the bodies of Wang Zheng and Jin Lian together and watch."

After instructing Professor Mao, Jiang Lin closed the door.

Jin Tianyi was already lying on the ground almost unconscious. She was held on the bed by Jiang Lin, and the belt was loosened.

Confused, Jin Tian knew that Jiang Lin was treating her chest and abdomen wounds.

In the hall, after Jiang Lin told about the ghost child, everyone's expressions changed.

"What is a ghost, it's really scary."

Aunt Ling raised the ancient book in her hand and said, "I said Lao Mao, you Nan Mao can't do anything in terms of knowledge, ghost babies are born from zombies and zombies messing around, they are born with dark power, bloodthirsty and brutal. It shouldn't have opened its eyes yet, and once its eyes are opened, it will be lawless. This is written in the Hunyuan Heavenly Book."

Jiang Lin nodded. There was basically no major problem with what Aunt Ling said, but the words were not appropriate. Ghost fetuses were actually conceived between zombies and zombies. Zombies may not all give birth to ghost fetuses, but may be small zombies. .

After the pregnant woman dies, the corpse changes, and the corpse poison invades the child within the body. After birth, it is a small zombie, and the zombies born out of nothing through XXOO are ghosts.

This is the record Jiang Lin has read.

"The book says that there are only two ways to deal with the ghost fetus. One is to poison it before its eyes are opened, and the other is to make its parents return to Yang, and use the power of its parents' love to resolve the grievances of the ghost fetus."

Hearing that Aunt Ling had followed the script, Jiang Lin almost spat out the tea.

With the power of love, what you are reading is not a book from heaven, but a hundred thousand cold jokes!

Chapter [*] Asian trapeze, chasing the murderer in the white night

Ghost fetuses have rarer evils than little zombies. The rarer the evil, the harder it is to deal with them. To show love with ghost fetuses, have you asked ghost fetuses if they understand love?

What Aunt Ling said next was even more outrageous, and Professor Mao was also talking nonsense there.

The two had a heated discussion on "is there love between clients and prostitutes".

Don't talk about ghosts, at least talk about those corpses you lost, arguing around whore clients and geishas.


Jiang Lin ignored them directly, thinking about how to use the existing materials to create a trap.

"Even Jiang Lin's great ability allowed the ghost child to escape. If it opened its eyes, it would be even more troublesome. The ghost child is very vengeful. I think the solution now is to let Tian Ji and Jiang Lin form a couple and go with them. Die, use the bodies of Wang Zheng and Jin Lian to revive the soul, and use love to influence that ghost."

Aunt Ling didn't notice the blue veins on Jiang Lin's head at all, and said to herself, "Ghost fetuses are more evil and cruel than zombies, so for the sake of the world, you two should sacrifice."

Let me marry Jiang Lin?To die?

Tian Ji was shocked by Aunt Ling's words.

To form... a couple?

Tian Ji glanced at Jiang Lin, her heart pounding.

What's the matter, I asked you to come here to let you fight against ghosts, not to let you come up with bad ideas here!

After knocking on the table, Jiang Lin told Aunt Ling to stop and stop.

The ghost fetus ran away this time, so it's not enough to set up a trapped formation.

"I have formulated a plan for ghosts to limit ghosts with trapped formations. It is estimated that there are not many materials available on your body. I have tried to lower the threshold of formation materials as much as possible."

Jiang Lin put the blueprint of the formation in his hand on the table. Originally, he thought that the materials he had brought together with Professor Mao and Aunt Ling should be no big problem to set up a short-term trapping formation.

But he still overestimated the southern and northern horses in the corpse-hunting world. Except for the corpse-driving things, he had nothing, not even glutinous rice and tea.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, he shouldn't count on Professor Mao and Aunt Ling.

Since there was no way to set up a trapped formation, Jiang Lin didn't have to lead a ghost to come back.

Chase until the ghost can't run.

After drawing a few divine talismans in the deserted mansion, Jiang Lin brought the guy with him and prepared to kill the ghost.

"Jiang Lin, let me go with you."

Knowing that Jiang Lin was going to deal with the ghost child alone, Tian Ji was a little worried.

Jiang Lin shook his head, even if Tian Ji could help, her daughter's family couldn't keep up with his speed.

With a strong spiritual sense, as long as Jiang Lin concentrates, it is not a problem to perceive the residual breath of the ghost.

He followed the trail left by the ghost, and it didn't take long for him to see a few headless corpses, or they had just died.

Think you know how to teleport, so you can do evil everywhere?

Jiang Lin snorted coldly and chased in the direction the ghost had left.


Thirty miles away, when the ghost child was holding a human head and sucking the brain, he was slashed on the arm by the sudden appearance of Jiang Lin's sword, and the ghost child's left arm was only connected to the body with flesh and blood.

"When I open my eyes, I will surely let you die without a burial!"

After connecting the severed limb, the ghost fetus barked its bloody fangs at Jiang Lin and let out a harsh scream.

"You have no chance to open your eyes, Dong Dongbo!"

Jiang Lin turned his hands into machine guns again, and carried out a devastating attack on the ghost.

Although the corpse qi of the ghost baby's palms can block it twice, Jiang Lin has ten gun muzzles, and it didn't take long for the ghost baby to appear many new wounds.

After a few flashes, a ghost appeared [*] meters away. It doesn't want to entangle with Jiang Lin now. As long as it can open its eyes in two days, it will be able to destroy this nasty Taoist priest and smash his bones into pieces!

The muscles of Jiang Lin's legs swelled suddenly, and his body was like a cannonball, chasing the ghost.

He doesn't believe that the teleportation ability of the ghost can be used without restrictions, otherwise, wouldn't Fei Zong have no way to take this ghost?

The ghost fetus ran three miles away, and before it stopped, it saw Jianglin rushing like a wind not far away.

"You can run for three miles, but what about ten miles? What about hundred miles?"

The ghost child has a look of disdain. It doesn't open its eyes now, and its attack power is not outstanding, but its life-saving talent is first-class. Unless you are trapped, it is not so easy to kill it.

After teleporting and sprinting, the ghost fetus ran for another ten miles, but what made it gloomy was that Jiang Lin was already behind it, but it was only a few hundred meters away.


"Then teleport."

Jiang Lin jumped up, and with the help of his momentum and the ability to glide, he flew towards the ghost.

This night, the ghost was in front and Jiang Lin was behind, I don't know how many towns I ran through.

"Who is this, in a hurry to reincarnate?"

A watchman was hit by Jiang Lin and turned around like a spinning top for a few times. After stopping, he yelled at Jiang Lin.

"I'm an Asian trapeze."

Jiang Lin's voice reached the watchman's ears, and he drifted into an alley.

After the ghost fetus escaped for sixty miles, the sky was already bright. Although it could appear in the daytime, its own power would be suppressed under direct sunlight.

In the end, the ghost ran to a well and jumped straight down.

"Play triathlon with me?"

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