With a snort, Jiang Lin also drilled into the well, which led to the underground river. A ghost child and a Taoist priest were swimming forward one after another.


The ghost child's mood was as if he had eaten a big mouthful of flies, and Jiang Lin was still chasing after him.

After swimming in the winding river for seven or eight hours, the ghost couldn't take it anymore and got out of the water.

It turned out to be a cliff in front of it.

After Jiang Lin went ashore, he gasped heavily, then put two divine talismans on his legs, and followed the ghost to the cliff.

"Why are you chasing me, stinky Taoist priest!"

"Because I'm rushing to get some syrup, bah! Do you need a reason to kill you?"

From night to day, Jiang Lin chased the ghost again until the evening. In the end, all the power in the ghost was exhausted, and he couldn't even use teleportation.

There is no need to be trapped, and now Jiang Lin can block this ghost with no way to the sky and no way to the ground.

It's just that he doesn't want to use this method, it's too tiring.

If Jiang Lin went to a sports meeting now, most of the champions in track and all-around competitions would bow to him.

Compared with Jiang Lin, none of them can run or swim, and they are not on the same order of magnitude.

"Run, aren't you very good at running?"

After Jiang Lin caught up with the ghost child, he threw out a few explosive flame talismans. His physical strength was almost exhausted, but he still had a lot of spiritual power.

He didn't want to use a knife or a gun, so he just threw the grenade to save trouble.

Chapter [*]: Stone Gu

Is he a priest?It's Superman!

The ghost child has completely become a Spartan state. After chasing it for such a long distance, it still has the strength to attack.

Jiang Lin sat down and gasped, even if he had the corpse as his support, he couldn't stand it after running and swimming for hundreds of miles at once.

It's not that zombies don't know they're tired, otherwise, what would zombies do with blood.

"fire in the hole!"


Jiang Lin played a grenade battle with Ghost Feather, and now he doesn't need to be trapped, and Ghost Fetish's legs also seem to be filled with lead.

The ghost fetus was blown up and screamed. It was so angry that its seven orifices were full of corpses. Jiang Lin threw the thunder while resting, but it had to dodge back and forth, and it couldn't dodge.

Even if he teleports with the strength of sucking milk, he cannot completely avoid the impact of the explosion.

Now the ghost fetus looks very miserable, both arms have been blown off, and a calf is also lame.

"Hey, how many such charms do you have? You can't kill me this time. When I recover, I will definitely smash you to pieces."

Seeing that Jiang Lin no longer throws bombs in his hand, the ghost thinks that Jiang Lin's means have been exhausted. Now Jiang Lin is obviously very tired. If he escapes again this time, he will come back to take revenge after opening his eyes.

"The grenade before was just an appetizer. In addition to being able to run, you are a weak chicken, a free chicken! Let this weak chicken experience the god of birds."

Jiang Lin formed a seal in his hand, gathered the spiritual power in his body, and shouted, "Come out, Dajin... No, you have to give this superkill a name."

Jiang Lin originally wanted to call Da Jinwu, but he felt that the name was too crude. After thinking about it, his other two big moves already had names.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

A [*]-meter-high three-legged golden crow faced the sunset in the west.

Spreading its wings, the three-legged Golden Crow pounced on the ghost, and the Yang Finger Sword under the wings pinned it to the ground.


This time, even if the ghost tire squeezes its own potential to teleport, it can't escape, it is already the end of the shot.

"Crack! Kill the ghost and get [*] points of suffocation."

It's only [*]... Damn, this time it's a big loss!

He is really such a jerk, he has consumed so much corpse energy, and he is exhausted to the point of collapse. He travels [*] miles a day, just for the [*] points of malice?

In the final analysis, Jiang Lin spent so much effort this time because the ghost can teleport.

Jiang Lin suddenly wondered if he had accumulated anger first and then obtained the teleportation ability. He is now approaching the completion of the body training art, and if the Yang Mian art is further consummated, if he wants to go further, he cannot use the practice method. Body Refinement Technique is too high level.

The prerequisite for the further advancement of the Body Refinement Art is that Jiang Lin's corpse must be elevated to the level of Mao Zong.

It's not that simple.

Now Jiang Lin can no longer advance in a time-consuming way. He needs a lot of corpse poison and Yin evil energy, etc. Qilin's energy also has an effect on the corpse.

But even if there is more nourishment, Jiang Lin's advanced Mao Zong will take quite a long time.

This means that after he reaches the peak of Tianshi, if he wants to improve his strength through system upgrades, he will be hindered.

But now the system can not only provide him with upgrades, but also allow him to exchange corpse attributes.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin decided to save the anger value first, and then he made up his mind and then distributed it.

After resting for an hour, Jiang Lin regained his strength and arrived at a nearby town. The route of the ghost fetus was not a straight line. This guy was going around in circles.Therefore, Jiang Lin was only one or two hundred miles away from the barren house.

Buy a horse and go back.

"A woman is a woman, no shame."

"You Miao women are very good, why can't I wear Jiang Lin's clothes? His clothes are so fragrant, hum!"

As soon as Jiang Lin entered the door of the deserted house, he heard Tian Ji and Jin Tianyi fighting.

What made him even more speechless was that Jin Tianyi was wearing his clothes.

"How do you wear my clothes?"

Facing Jiang Lin's questioning, Jin Tianyi pouted and said, "My clothes were chopped off, and I'm lying on your bed again. Who would I wear without your clothes?"

When she woke up, she found that the wounds on her chest and abdomen had been treated by Jiang Lin, and she had also wrapped a bandage, even the scratches on her legs.I've watched it twice and touched her body, but now I'm blaming her for a piece of clothing.

Hard-hearted, disgusting!

Thinking that he also translated the Manchu text on the treasure map for this man, Jin Tianyi felt aggrieved and turned back to his room.

"Jiang Lin, where is the ghost?"

"It's gone."

Nodding her head, Tian Ji also went back. She wanted to ask Jiang Lin if he was injured, but when she thought of Jin Tianyi's aggrieved appearance, she felt a little uncomfortable.

What did this do to others, to make them feel so wronged, and their clothes were still draped over them.

Jiang Lin went to tell Professor Mao and Aunt Ling that he would leave with Tian Ji tomorrow, so he went back and fell asleep.

The next day, Jiang Lin handed a letter to Jin Tianyi, and asked her to go to Chenzhou to give it to Zhang Han, but Tianji's mother was rescued by that time, and Zhang Han was beaten by a woman.

As for whether Jin Tianyi would escape, Jiang Lin believed that she would not. With the death curse on her body, it was useless to try to escape.

Jiang Lin then boarded the bamboo raft with Tian Ji and set off in the direction of the Miao people.

After traveling all the way, Jiang Lin and Tian Ji came to the Miao realm four days later, and they were going to Phoenix Miao Village.

Jiang Lin was not going to enter the Miao Village from the front. The Miao people's Gu skills were extraordinary, and Jiang Lin came to save people, and did not want to have an irreconcilable conflict with Tian Ji's kin.

"Can you draw a map?"

When he came to the bottom of a cliff, Jiang Lin was not going to take Tian Ji up. If he knew the exact location of Tian Ji's mother, Tang Xiaorong, he would be able to bring people down after he went in.

"There are many houses in the Miao Village, and the road is twisty. I really can't draw it. If you want to find my mother, I need to lead the way. Do you want to go up from here? But here is a cliff and it is too dangerous. Although I am impatient Mother, but I don't want your life in danger either."

"It doesn't matter, a cliff can't beat me, you just need to be careful."

Jiang Lin smiled, tied the hemp rope he brought to his waist and Tian Ji's waist, and gave her the mountaineering pick.

The two began to climb up, and the first [*] or [*] meters were fine, but when they climbed further, small stones fell one by one.

At the beginning, Jiang Lin didn't care, but then more and more stones fell, and it became strange.

"Jiang Lin, this is a stone Gu, you can't let the stone touch your body, or your body will turn into petrification. Ah!"

As soon as Tian Ji finished speaking, a stone touched her finger.

Jiang Lin clearly saw that the little finger on Tian Ji's hand, who had fallen, had turned azurite.

Chapter [*]: Breaking into Miao Village

Jiang Lin heard Tian Ji mention that there are many dangerous places in Miao Village, and outsiders should not forcefully enter, but he did not expect that even the cliffs outside were put on Gu.

Jiang Lin grabbed the rope with one hand and exerted force on his arm to pull Tian Ji up.

"Hold my neck and I'll carry you."

Tian Ji was also terrified, her arms directly wrapped around Jiang Lin's neck and landed on his back.

Jiang Lin released the yin and yang flames in his body. Although they couldn't form a shield, as long as the surrounding yang flames layered on these stones, the evil power on them would be destroyed.

"Give me the little finger."

Jiang Lin clasped the bulge on the cliff with one hand, and held Tian Ji's finger with his right hand. As soon as his spiritual power hit, Tian Ji's fingers returned to their normal skin color.

Tian Ji opened her lips slightly, looking at the flames on her body, she felt incredible that Jiang Lin was able to control the flames to such a degree.

The difference between hurting with fire and not hurting with fire is not small.

After being surprised, Tian Ji had a different feeling in her heart.

Although she was close to Jiang Lin's body in the pit last time, it was only for a brief moment. Now her chest is pressed against Jiang Lin's back, her small hand is grasped by Jiang Lin again, her heart is beating Getting faster.

smell good.

Tian Ji smelled the strange fragrance on Jiang Lin's body and felt the warmth on Jiang Lin's body, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

Since Jiang Lin raised the level of the Body Refinement Art, the scent on his body has become quite restrained, like spraying a little perfume. If he is not at a certain distance, others will not be able to smell this scent.

"Okay, protect your head and face. Although the stone on it is not enough to be afraid of, it will still hurt people if it falls. Hold on tight."

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