After Jiang Lin reminded Tian Ji on his back, his hands suddenly exerted force, and he climbed the cliff faster than the ladder.

You can climb so fast, why didn't you carry me early in the morning?

Tian Ji's heart was broken, but after thinking about it, she was still a daughter's family, so Jiang Lin should avoid suspicion.

Slowly, Tian Ji rested her cheeks on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

If Jiang Lin knew about the psychological changes of Tian Ji, he might have given himself a nickname: Sister-in-law Killer.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Lin took Tian Ji and jumped up from under the cliff.

Jiang Lin stood on the cliff and looked down. Among the Miao people, there was a stilted building, and the smoke from the cooking was like a paradise.

Just when Jiang Lin and Tian Ji climbed the cliff, in front of the sacrificial hall in the Miao village, a Miao youth stood respectfully at the door of the hall and told the hall, "Badai, the stone array on the cliff of the village has appeared. movement."

"I don't know what kind of things that don't know how to live or die, dare to break into our clan."

An old man with a blue cloth turban on his head, wearing a navy blue cardigan shirt and big trousers came out of the hall and said with a sneer.

This old man is the sorcerer of the Miao nationality, also known as "Badai".

Jiang Lin did not expect that he had climbed the cliff very cautiously, but he was still discovered by the Miao people.

Those stone Gus are not simply a kind of Gu, but a large-scale Gu formation.

The Miao wizards are not only able to release Gu, there are generally two wizards in Fenghuang Miao Village: Badaixiong and Badaiza, the former believes in Chiyou, and the latter believes in Sanqing.

The Badai of the Phoenix Miao Village generation is not only proficient in Miao native witchcraft, but also has high attainments in Taoism.

It's just that most people don't know, not even Tian Ji.

"Send someone to put Butterfly Powder Gu on the way from the cliff to the stockade. It is estimated that these invaders will turn into blood in a moment."


Tian Ji was very happy to have entered the clan land so easily, and she was quite anxious that she could save her mother.

I don't know if my mother will like this senior brother.

Tian Ji imagined that if Jiang Lin rescued her mother, her mother would be very satisfied with Jiang Lin.

Mother, daughter, daughter seems to be pregnant.

Looking at Jiang Lin's profile, Tian Ji lowered her face.

She doesn't want to marry the god of caves as a flower girl, she seems to be emotional now.

"Tian Ji, you can look down at the bottom now, can you point out where the mistress is?"

Jiang Lin really didn't despise Tian Ji's oil bottle, but only with his own words, it was several times faster to pass the picture.

"Then... three places, mother... Mother is either in her own room, in the sacrificial hall, or in the execution prison."

Tian Ji's thoughts were interrupted, and she stuttered for a while.

"Do you want to go alone?"


Tian Ji nodded, and she also knew that Jiang Lin's methods were beyond her imagination, and it was faster for one person, so there was no resentment.

He gave Tianji a lot of flaming paper cranes and explosive talismans. After Jiang Lin told her to be careful, he went to the nearest execution prison by himself.

After walking for about ten minutes, Jiang Lin came to a forest with a lot of dead leaf butterflies the size of a washbasin.

This kind of camouflage might not be immediately apparent to others, but with Jiang Lin's eyesight, it would not be difficult at all to see through this level of camouflage.

"Hehe, do you use butterfly powder?"

Jiang Lin saw the tiny particles in the air, and directly put Yang Yan on the surface of his body, walking all the way, Jiang Lin could hear the sound of tiny Gu worms being burned.

One or two sounds may not be heard by the human ear, but if there are more, they can still be heard.

Miao Badai thought that Butterfly Powder Gu was enough to kill the intruder, but he miscalculated.

Jiang Lin went to the execution prison first, but did not find that there were middle-aged beautiful women in it, and then he went to Tang Xiaorong's residence.

There were a few Miao youths guarding the room, but with Jiang Lin's little tricks, these youths turned into wooden people.

After entering the room, Jiang Lin saw a woman with a sad face. Although she was past her age, her charm still remained.

Jiang Lin couldn't help sighing that his master was also very beautiful when he was young. When Tian Ji's mother was young, she must have been a beauty of Ren Tingting's level, and Chen Yu was not inferior to Ren Tingting, her mother was probably similar to this one. .


Tang Xiaorong's vigilance is not low, Jiang Lin entered the room before she found someone broke in two breaths.


Jiang Lin gave Tang Xiaorong a junior salute and said, "Disciple Jiang Lin, who is under the tutelage of Chen Dao and sent Zhang Han, came here to rescue the wife."

"Han... Brother Han!"

Tang Xiaorong's eyes suddenly lit up, but then dimmed again.

"He's a heartless man. I've fallen to this point. He would rather let a little baby come over than come to see me. You go, I won't go with you."

A woman who is not nourished by love, it is really terrible to decide, and even her life is lost.

Jiang Lin shook his head and explained: "Master, his cultivation is only at the level of an alchemist. Although I am his disciple, I am already a celestial master. Even if the master comes, it is useless, he...cough, he It's better for me to come."

Celestial Master? ? ?

Tang Xiaorong looked at Jiang Lin with surprise, with two words written on her face: Do not believe.

"Let's go, Tian Ji is still waiting for you."

A gleam of fire appeared in Jiang Lin's eyes, and the momentum suddenly erupted and retracted, making Tang Xiaorong stunned.

Chapter [*]: Badai's Means

"Tian Ji is here too? Didn't I tell her not to come back?"

Tang Xiaorong's face changed greatly when she heard that her daughter had returned to the Miao ethnic group.

These two days are the days of offering sacrifices to the cave god. If Tian Ji is captured again, everything will be over.

The Luohuadong girls of the Miao ethnic group in western Hunan did not need to be selected, but appeared by chance, but for many years, if a young and beautiful holy girl was selected through the sacrifice to the cave god and sent into the cave, the situation of the Luodonghuanv would be will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, since a few decades ago, Fenghuang Miao Village has designated women as the ceremony of offering Luohua Cave Girls to the Cave God, so as to ensure that other women in the clan will not be hooked away by the Cave God.

Tian Ji is the girl who was chosen this time.

"Master, if there is a disciple, can you and your sister be hurt?"

Jiang Lin looked out the window and smiled at Tang Xiaorong.

"Smooth tongue! Who asked you to call me Shi Niang? I still have to consider whether or not to want that stinky man Zhang Han."

Tang Xiaorong spat and followed Jiang Lin out the door.

He used to be called Brother Han just now, but now he has become a stinky man again.

A woman's heart, a needle under the sea.

Jiang Lin took Tang Xiaorong to the direction of the cliff. From there, he could directly lead the two of them to jump down. As for the cave gods related to Luohua Cave Girl, Jiang Lin planned to study Tang Xiaorong's mother and daughter after they settled down.

Along the way, Tang Xiaorong finally got a clear understanding of Jiang Lin's strength.

They evacuated the route with few people. As long as anyone saw them, they couldn't speak at all, and they were subdued by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's movements were so fast that she couldn't see a shadow.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's actions were very measured, and he didn't mean to hurt her clan at all.

Tang Xiaorong appreciates this very much. Although she is about to be executed, Tang Xiaorong still has feelings for the Miao Village that gave birth to her and raised her.

The most hated is the cave god who murdered the girls in their clan, who is simply an invisible devil.

"This time we have found Luohuadong Nu, Badi will be very happy."

Jiang Lin and Tang Xiaorong had not walked a third of the way when footsteps were heard in the woods ahead. The two were about to avoid this group of people, but their words stopped both of them at the same time.


Tang Xiaorong was eager to protect her daughter, and rushed out. Jiang Lin then showed his figure. Opposite them, five or six Miao youths were holding Tian Ji, who was tied up by five flowers, and were about to rush to the sacrificial hall.

Jiang Lin shot out, and before the blink of an eye, he slashed the back of the necks of the young men with his knives.

Tian Ji's face was pale, her body crooked, and she fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Teacher, Tian Ji is in Gu, look what type of Gu it is."

After untying the rope on Tian Ji's body, Jiang Lin picked her up and brought her to Tang Xiaorong.

There are many Miao Gu techniques, and Jiang Lin couldn't identify all types of Miao Gu. Fortunately, Tang Xiaorong was here.

There was a black line on the back of Tian Ji's hand, extending all the way to the inside of the elbow.

"This... This is the Heart-Eating Gu. It is a Gu technique that can only be solved by our Miao Badai. If the Gu is not solved within two hours, Tian Ji will die of heart exhaustion."

Tang Xiaorong was in a state of turmoil for a while. Her daughter was caught with this kind of gu. If she didn't send her to the sacrificial hall to find Badai, she would be killed in a short time, but once she was sent, Badai would never let her out again.

Jiang Lin pushed up Tian Ji's sleeve and carefully observed the black line inside Bai Nen's arm.

"This is a robbery, and it will erode along Tianji's Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian all the way to the heart."

"Master, that is to say, as long as this robbery is solved, Tian Ji will be fine?"

Being asked by Jiang Lin, Tang Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, and then she nodded.

If the robbery insect is solved, the Heart Eating Gu will naturally be solved, but the robbery insect can only be solved by Padai, this robbery insect is difficult to kill with medicine, and if it encounters external force, it is likely to speed up to the host's heart.

Tang Xiaorong was worried that Jiang Lin would try indiscriminately, so she told Jiang Lin about the intractability of Heart Eating Gu.

But Jiang Lin didn't seem to stop thinking about solving the Gu.

He hugged Tian Ji to find a relatively hidden place, and then set up a trapping corpse formation and a sound insulation formation around him, lest the Miao wizards urge the Heart Eating Gu in advance, and the movement would be reduced.

"Master, hold down Tian Ji's body."

After instructing Tang Xiaorong, Jiang Lin put a piece of cloth to Tian Ji's mouth and said, "If it hurts, bite."

Then he tore off Tian Ji's collar, bit the ring finger and middle finger of his left hand, and inserted it directly in front of the spreading black line.

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