Someone came to Zhang Han and wanted to ask him for help. In fact, Jiang Lin's fame spread in Chenzhou, and someone wanted to ask Jiang Lin to help.

"A group of paper stickers, a pair of embroidered shoes..."

After listening to the words of the mayor of Tianyuan Town, Zhang Han touched his forehead and felt a little tricky, mainly because what the mayor said was too strange.

Every night in Tianyuan Town, there will be scary paper sticks and embroidered shoes. Anyone who encounters these two things will be frightened.

The blame is that even the Taoist priests were frightened and stupid, and he was a Taoist priest at the Taoist level.

Taoist priests are not ordinary people. If they can frighten Taoist priests, what is that?

"Daoist Hangu, I heard that the disciple is very strong, why don't you let him take a look. We will not be less rewarded."

"My apprentice, when he dealt with the water monster before, he was injured and recuperates. I'll just go."

Zhang Han looked at Jiang Lin, who was sleeping soundly on the rattan chair in the yard, but did not want Jiang Lin to take over the job.

As for why the mayor knew about Jiang Lin, Zhang Han guessed that he had gone to other comrades. They felt that they couldn't handle it, so they let him come here.

Even the Taoists were frightened, how dare they go?

The mayor thought for a while, and nodded. The apprentices are all so powerful, and the master will definitely not be weak, as long as they can help their town solve the problem.

Zhang Han asked the mayor to go back first, prepare some guys and go over.

"Master, leave it to the disciples, you and the mistresses can rest."

Jiang Lin stopped and took Zhang Han, who was about to go out. He was listening to what the mayor said just now.

"Forget it, do you really think I'm an old bone?"

Zhang Han waved his hand. No matter how strong Jiang Lin is, he is not an iron man. During this period of time, he killed a ghost and killed Shiji. He just killed a loach demon a few days ago. Zhang Han wanted his precious disciple to rest for a while. .

Moreover, his cultivation base has already reached the level of alchemist. Although he is a little worse than Ninth Uncle, he is not weak.

"Master, I just want to take a stroll around Xiangxi. Here are some medicinal materials for you, in triplicate. Let's have a good time with the mistress and the others."

Jiang Lin stuffed the three medicine packets into Zhang Han.

"Is it the medicine they take with chili? No, we are not sick and nothing."

Zhang Han knew about Chen Yu and the others taking medicines, these three packs of medicinal materials could not be taken down by tens of thousands of oceans, and Zhang Han was reluctant to use them by himself.

"Master, Shi Niang and the others have eaten, nothing else, it's okay to be ten years younger, don't you think about them? Besides, those are my two mothers, you are my father, please be polite to me again. Not happy."

With Jiang Lin's repeated insistence, Zhang Han took the medicine and put the guy back.

The paper sticks and embroidered shoes that even the Taoists are attracted to?

Jiang Lin wanted to see how weird these two things were.

Chapter [*]: Three Souls and Seven Souls Are Missing

It is nice to have a filial apprentice.

Zhang Han was very pleased that Jiang Lin not only regarded him as a master, but also regarded him as his father, so he would not worry about no one to care for in the future.

After Jiang Lin prepared some utensils, he went to call Tian Ji, and he was going to bring Tian Ji there.

Tian Ji is going to marry him, but he goes to sleep every day after eating, and has no interaction with Tian Ji, which makes the girl a little gloomy.

Take this opportunity to strengthen your relationship.

Zhang Han looked at Tian Ji with a cheerful face, and nodded with satisfaction.

Tian Ji wanted to marry Jiang Lin, and he also completely ignored it. As a father, he also wanted his daughter to marry a man who had the ability and could let him rest assured to hand over his daughter.

It can be said that apart from Jiang Lin, he really doesn't like anyone else.

Tianyuan Town was [*] miles away. Jiang Lin and Tianji rented a carriage when they arrived in the town. They arrived in Tianyuan Town in less than two hours.

Jiang Lin could never have imagined that such a strange thing would happen in such a peaceful town.

At the mouth of the town, Jiang Lin did not feel any demonic or evil spirit in this pastoral town.

Is it possible that it is evil cultivation?

If it is an illusion, the illusion caused by the evil spirits at the level of the ghost king may indeed trap the Daoist to the point of psychological collapse.

But if there is a ghost king, it is impossible for the sky above the town to be free of evil spirits.

After observing for a while, Jiang Lin entered the town directly.

"Chief Jiang, it's you."

In the town hall, the mayor saw that Jiang Lin was coming, and hurried up to meet him.

He heard other Daoists say that Daoist Master Hangu's disciples are very advanced. If he can be invited to help, things in the town can definitely be solved.

"Mayor, since Pindao is here, he is here to solve your town's problems, and tell me everything clearly."

"It must be sure, Daoist, please take a seat."

After the mayor asked someone to serve tea, he told Jiang Lin about the town.

This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. It happened more than ten years ago, but at that time, the world was still undecided, and there were still wars. In addition, this kind of thing didn't last long, and it was finally over.

I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen again after more than ten years.

Did it happen more than ten years ago?

Jiang Lin frowned, it seems that things are really not that simple.

"Mayor, Pindao still doesn't understand the specific situation, but if Pindao solves the matter in your town, the reward will be a thousand oceans."

During this period of time, Jiang Lin killed a lot of evil spirits. Although he earned a lot of his anger, he didn't get a penny.

Now that someone asks him to take action, the reward will not be low.

A thousand oceans? ?

The small mouth of Tian Ji beside Jiang Lin turned into an O. Is this robbing money?

The tea in the mayor's mouth also almost spat out. Although he knew that the more powerful people would ask for higher prices, he did not expect Jiang Lin to ask for such a high price.

But thinking about the big trouble that few Taoist priests dare to take over their town now, the mayor gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Take me to see the frightened townspeople."

"Master, please."

Jiang Lin followed the mayor to the town hall and saw a victim who seemed to be suffering from trisomy 21.

"Alas! We have also found a lot of middle-aged men, and doctors in the West have also seen them, but no matter what medicines are used, it is useless."

The mayor had a sad look on his face. If the troubles in the town could not be resolved, they didn't know how many families in the town would be destroyed.

These people have lost the ability to take care of themselves, and some are still the backbone of the family. Now not only can they not bear the pressure for the family, but they themselves have become the pressure of the family.

Jiang Lin squeezed his chin and narrowed his eyes.With his eyesight, he couldn't see anything unusual about these people.

There are three souls and seven souls, and there is no shortage of yang qi, but each of them is either crazy or stupid.

"You stand back."

Jiang Lin suspected that there was something strange lurking in these people's bodies, so he activated the Yang Mian Jue and turned into a giant human-shaped lamp.

A piece of white light hit these people, and after a while, there was still nothing abnormal.


This is the first time Jiang Lin has encountered such a situation. He is now a Celestial Master, and he is so weird that he can't see the slightest clue.

Shiji's energy radiation was felt by him. Could it be the alien ET that appeared in this pastoral town?

Something more high-end than extraterrestrial meteorites?

With three clear fingers in his hands, Jiang Lin pressed a madman's forehead and detained his soul.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to send the madman's soul back, his eyes suddenly focused.

That's what happened.

Jiang Lin patted his soul back, looking at these silly townspeople, he shook his head and sighed.

All healed.

"Master, what's the matter, even you can't do anything about our town?"

Seeing Jiang Lin shaking his head, the mayor thought he was helpless.

"No, I found the reason why these people are crazy, but even me, there is no way to cure them."

If it wasn't too difficult, Jiang Lin would still be willing to take action if he allowed these people to recover, but in the current situation of these people, he is a clever woman.

Although these people have three souls and seven souls, there is something missing in the three souls and seven souls.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with these people?"

Tian Ji was always by Jiang Lin's side, seeing Jiang Lin's expression in her eyes, she didn't believe that there was anything else that could make Jiang Lin frown.

"These people have no soul consciousness."

"Soul consciousness? What is that?"

Jiang Lin stepped out and explained to Tian Ji: "It is the core of the soul, which controls the rationality, perception and memory of people and souls. Some people are scared stupid or lose their memory, except for pathological problems. , it is basically because the soul or the body is separated from the body, resulting in incomplete soul consciousness. If the ghost has no soul consciousness, it will gradually become a wandering soul, and eventually disappear completely."

"In that case, if we encounter any resentful spirit and erase its soul consciousness, it can't do evil?"

Tian Ji's brain was wide open, making Jiang Lin laugh.

After scratching her nose, Jiang Lin said: "If someone wants to erase your rational perception and memory, is it easy? In comparison, the soul is most easily erased when the soul is under extreme fear. Or take it away. It seems that there are experts in Tianyuan Town."

If it wasn't for a considerable study of human souls, it would be impossible to erase or take away the soul consciousness of those townspeople.

Jiang Lin felt that the latter possibility was relatively high. Under extreme fright, people's souls would all leave the body. Fat treasure had such an experience back then.After all the souls have left the body, as long as one uses extraordinary means, a person's soul consciousness can be taken away without any loss.

The real murderer only took the soul consciousness of these people and did not touch their three souls and seven souls. It is estimated that he did not want to make things worse.

Chapter [*] This Tofu Xishi, I'm afraid to be [*] years old

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