There are more fools in a town, but they are still frightened. Many people died in a town, and the sensation caused by this is not on the same level.

If it weren't for the mayor of Tianyuan Town being a parental official, if other towns encounter this kind of thing, it is estimated that if they can't handle it, they can only admit bad luck and wait for it to pass as naturally as before.

"Master Dao, are these people really bad?"

The mayor didn't understand Jiang Lin's professional knowledge, but he also knew that the matter was serious, and it was estimated that these townspeople could only be like this for the rest of their lives.

"This poor man can do nothing. I'm going to take a walk around the town now to see what weird places are in your town. After nightfall, the mayor asks the security team to gather here. I have arrangements."

"Okay, then I will trouble the Taoist priest. If the Taoist priest stays at night, the Narcissus Inn is a better inn in our town, and our pastoral town will bear the board and lodging."

Since there is no way to save the victims who have been robbed now, the mayor can only hope that Jiang Lin can help their town solve the problem of paper sticks and embroidered shoes as soon as possible.

Because strange things happen at night, there are not many people in the town during the day.

"Daughter-in-law, what kind of jewelry do you like, I will take you to buy it for my husband."

Tian Ji prefers to dress up, and she has a lot of silver ornaments on her body. Now that she has come to town, Jiang Lin wants to give her something purer.

And since he was going to buy some for Tian Ji, he also prepared to prepare two copies to give to Zhang Han. His mistress now treats him like a son, and he should have some filial piety.

"They haven't married yet. Brother Lin, how can you call them that?"

Tian Ji's pretty face seemed to be painted with rouge. Although she was reluctant, her heart was sweet.

"Go, eat Yuchan's tofu."

"You can eat tofu, and you are not afraid of being beaten to death if you eat tofu."

"Tofu Xishi, here I come!"

Jiang Lin and Tian Ji were choosing jewelry in the jewelry store, and jokes from several young people on the road came in.

"Xiao Zhang, bring me a tofu flower too."

The shop owner shouted at a young man on the road.

"Two guests, I don't think you are locals. If you have the opportunity, you must try the tofu flower of our Tianyuan Town Tofu Xishi."

The boss likes to chat, so he told Jiang Lin about this tofu xi shi in Tianyuan Town.

"The tofu Xi Shi in our town is called Li Yuchan. She has been in our pastoral town for more than ten years, but she is now twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and she looks like sixteen or seventeen years old. She often eats her family's tofu flower, which is A village girl can become succulent."

"Is it so amazing?"

Tian Ji was originally a beautiful woman, but although she was Chen Yu's younger sister, Chen Yu looked younger and more attractive than her, so after listening to the store manager's words, she became interested.

Jiang Lin glanced at Tian Ji, and if he wanted to become succulent, why should he eat bean curd?

Being loved by his husband for a period of time is hard to think about.

"It's not that magical." After the conversation changed, the boss said again, "It's a pity that Yuchan was born beautifully and beautifully, but his parents didn't want to marry her. After so many years, many people in the town have mentioned it. My dear, everyone has closed the door, and seeing such a good girl, she was ruined by her parents."

The boss looked regretful, and Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a little. You are an old man of forty or fifty years old, I am afraid that you have also mentioned kissing.

Tian Ji tugged at Jiang Lin's sleeve and said, "Brother Lin, let's go take a look too."

As long as it's a woman, who doesn't like eternal youth, Tian Ji is no exception.

"Okay. Boss, wrap this silver bracelet, anklet, and that earring. Four different sets are not identical."

"Good good."

The boss even said a few good ones, in four copies, without even blinking. It is really rare to see a customer as rich and powerful as Jiang Lin.

Taking Tian Ji around a street corner, Jiang Lin saw a tofu shop surrounded by people. A young woman was smiling and serving bowls of tofu flowers to the guests.

Tofu Xi Shi is quite beautiful, although it is not as good as Chen Yu and the others, but it is not much worse, it belongs to the kind that gets more beautiful the more you look.

"Yuchan, you are so beautiful, it's time to get married. As long as there is a man over sixteen in the town, there is no one who doesn't like you."

Some young people are estimated to be regulars here, so they joked with Yuchan.

"I also want to get married, but my body is born and raised by my parents. They don't want to. What can I do as a daughter?"

Li Yuchan had a touch of sadness between her brows, but she still smiled and handed the tofu flower over, which made everyone feel distressed.

Jiang Lin's eyes stayed on this Tofu Xi Shi. If the owner of the jewelry store hadn't told him the age of Tofu Xi Shi, he would have thought that this Xi Shi was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

A woman is young, but it doesn't mean she is young. Jiang Lin has thousands of years of age and hundreds of years of experience. It is not difficult to see a woman's age at a glance.

But this time, if he didn't know it, he would be wrong.

There seems to be something wrong with this tofu shih tzu.

Jiang Lin was about to get closer and observe Li Yuchan when Tian Ji next to him snorted.

She thought Jiang Lin was fascinated by this tofu Xishi.

There is her in the bowl, and I haven't eaten it yet, thinking about the other women in the pot is too much.

"Yo, is my daughter-in-law jealous?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Now Tian Ji is pouting like an angry toad, and she doesn't have the heart to eat the tofu flower.

Taking a photo on Tian Ji patpat, Jiang Lin said, "The daughter-in-law looks so pretty when she's jealous."

After speaking, Jiang Lin went to the tofu shop.

"Hello, a bowl of tofu flower."

"Thank you, two copper plates."

When Jiang Lin reached out to pick up the tofu bowl, his finger touched the edge of the bowl and almost overturned the bowl.

"Excuse me."

Jiang Lin hurriedly picked it up with both hands, and the back of his hand was attached to Tofu Xishi's wrist.

Feeling the pulse of Tofu Xishi, Jiang Lin frowned indistinctly.

This bean curd Xi Shi, I am afraid that it is [*] years old.

Holding the bowl, Jiang Lin let Tian Ji enter an alley.

"Daughter-in-law, guess how old that Tofu Xi Shi is."

Jiang Lin twisted a piece of bean curd with his fingers, and burned it with Yang Yan in his hand, asking Tian Ji on the side.

"Didn't the boss say that he's twenty-eight! He's eight or nine years older than me!"

Tian Ji felt sour when her man was attracted by a woman who was eight or nine years older.

"Twenty-eight? You look down on her too much. It's more or less the other way around."

The thought of an [*]-year-old old woman disguised as a [*]- or [*]-year-old girl made Jiang Lin feel a chill in his heart.

Chapter [*] Grandma, is it fun to pretend to be tender?

Before Jiang Lin didn't know why the townspeople of Tianyuan Town lost their soul consciousness, at that time he ignored one of the functions of this kind of thing - frozen age to stay in the face.

It's just that this effect is difficult to use, so Jiang Lin didn't think about it.

Now that he met the tofu Xishi here, Jiang Lin remembered that the soul consciousness of extreme fear has such a use.

Although it is not yet [*]% sure that the paper tie and the embroidered shoes are related to Tofu Xishi, Jiang Lin is now ready to focus on this person.

And there is also a problem with this tofu flower. There is basically no problem with the ingredients.

The powder of this plant is not harmful to ordinary people, but if it is ingested by people whose four pillars and eight characters are all yin, they will become addicted.

There are no other clues for the time being, but this Tofu Xi Shi is the most suspicious, not just ordinary.


When Tian Ji saw Jiang Lin's serious face, all the jealousy in her heart disappeared. Thinking of Jiang Lin staring at Li Yuchan just now, Tian Ji knew that she was jealous by mistake.

"You're not jealous anymore, come here and make me look jealous. Your sister didn't tell you what kind of person your husband is? She brought you out to accompany you, bought you jewelry, turned her head and turned to me His mind was thrown out of the sky."

Jiang Lin glared at Tian Ji and pinched her nose.

Tian Ji covered her Qiong nose with a look of grievance, because people are jealous because they have you in their hearts.

Going up to hug Jiang Lin, Tian Ji kissed him and said, "Brother Lin, don't be angry, Tian Ji will not be jealous in the future."

After that, Tian Ji asked Jiang Lin what happened, and after learning that Li Yuchan was really an old witch, Tian Ji also got goosebumps.

"Let's go, let's go buy you a set of clothes, and then go to the inn to wait until it gets dark."

Even if Jiang Lin was a Taoist priest, he would not be able to deal with this tofu Xishi in public without conclusive evidence. If he made a mistake in judgment, he would lose a lot of face.

The two came to the Narcissus Inn in Tianyuan Town, and happened to hear someone at a tea stall not far away talking about the paper tie and embroidered shoes, as if there were witnesses inside.

"I tell you, if I hadn't released my hands in the grass at the time and was found by the paper stick, I would have been scared stupid..."

Jiang Lin stayed at the tea stall for a while, and listened to the witness blow for ten minutes. Although there were exaggerated elements, Jiang Lin still got some useful information from it.

Paper sticks can pass through walls and float in mid-air.

"It seems that the paper stickman should be a ghost."

Jiang Lin touched his chin and prepared to draw some ghost-repelling charms for the security guards here to use.

At night, he stared at the tofu shop, but if the tofu xi shi had nothing to do with paper tie and embroidered shoes, he would be useless.

Therefore, Jiang Lin still needs manpower to let them wander around the town.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin and Tian Ji went to the town hall.

"Master, I'm Huang Chong, captain of the security guard. If you need to use the brothers, please give me your order."

Huang Chong, who is five big and three thick, is very polite to Jiang Lin. The mayor has already given him an order, and everything obeys the arrangement of the Taoist priest.

"These are some ghost charms, you can take them. If you encounter paper stickers, just stick them on them before I arrive. Captain Huang, you divide your subordinates into four groups. Patrol in four directions, and once you find a paper sticker, set off signal fireworks."

Jiang Lin gave Huang Chong the ghost exorcism talisman made in the afternoon.

"Master, then you..."

"I have my own arrangements. If you see the flares I sent, come over quickly."

Jiang Lin didn't tell these people about Li Yuchan. Even if they did, these people probably wouldn't believe it. If the news leaked out at that time, they wanted to find the source of the strangeness in this huge town. I don't know how much it would cost. long time.

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