After Huang Chong left with the security team, Jiang Lin gave Tian Ji two breath-holding talismans. Tian Ji's Miao clothes had been replaced, otherwise it would not be suitable for him to monitor Tofu Xi Shi.

"Brother Lin, I've been waiting for three hours. Why is there no movement at all? Captain Huang and the others are there too."

Tian Ji stood in the dark alley diagonally opposite the tofu shop, her legs and feet felt numb, and she couldn't help asking.


Jiang Lin just covered Tian Ji's mouth when the wooden door of the tofu shop creaked open.Immediately afterwards, five paper-tangled people floated out from the door.

Some are black and some are red. Jiang Lin has also seen Uncle Jiu make paper figurines, but the craftsmanship is far from this.

These paper stickers were the most lifelike group Jiang Lin had ever seen, with a weird smile on their faces, and their eyes seemed to be staring at people no matter what angle they looked at.

Ordinary people will be frightened when they see this kind of paper sticking people, not to mention they will move.

Jiang Lin held Tian Ji down to prevent her from making a sound.

I thought these paper stickers were ghosts.

What made Jiang Lin strange was that the paper stickers floating out of the tofu shop had almost no ghosts, and they were quite popular, but they were obviously not human.

Five paper-pulled people stood a foot off the ground, stood side by side, bowed to the door, and then two bright red embroidered shoes jumped out from behind the door.

Although Tian Ji had seen corpses and ghosts, a pair of embroidered shoes that were bright red like blood jumped out on their own, causing her to sweat coldly.

Jiang Lin is now sure that Zhi Zha and this embroidered shoe must be related to Tofu Xishi.

Otherwise, Huang Chong and the others should have set off signal fireworks for such a long time.

When Tian Ji clenched her palms tightly, Jiang Lin knew she was frightened.

Not to mention Tian Ji, even if Qianhe Daochang is here, he will probably sweat on his forehead. The embroidered shoes are ordinary embroidered shoes, and there is no spiritual body attached to them.

Even after opening his eyes, all he saw was a pair of embroidered shoes.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's strong spiritual sense and perception of evil, he would have thought that these embroidered shoes were too evil.

"call out!"

Jiang Lin lit the signal fireworks, threw out the Yang Yan whip, and tied it to the papers.

Tian Ji also spilled a piece of white powder from her sleeve and splashed it on the paper stick and embroidered shoes.


A few paper stickers noticed that things had changed, and a sharp and unpleasant whistling sounded from their mouths.

Afterwards, they pounced on the embroidered shoes and disappeared.

The space formed by the whip suddenly loosened, the fire whip lost its restraining effect, and the embroidered shoes sank directly into the wall next to it.

You can't run away!

Jiang Lin has locked the embroidered shoes now and wants to escape from his hands, stop joking.

Following his breath for most of the street, Jiang Lin turned a corner and saw Li Yuchan, who was lying on the ground, pinching her little feet.

"Eh? Aren't you a guest in the afternoon? Is my tofu delicious?"

Li Yuchan still had a gentle smile, looking at Jiang Lin, her eyes were still somewhat charming.


"Grandma, is it fun to pretend to be tender?"

Tian Ji's forehead was covered with black lines, and an old woman in her [-]s asked her man if tofu was delicious?Or the kind of tofu that wipes oil!

She made up the picture in her mind. An old goddess put on lipstick and rouge, and asked Jiang Lin with a charming face, is the old lady's tofu delicious?

Madam, is your stinky tofu edible?shameless!

Chapter four hundred and seventy-ninth eighty-year-old dream lover

Li Yuchan's eyes flickered when she heard Tian Ji's words, but she didn't act rashly. She was shocked by Jiang Lin's fire whip, and Jiang Lin could accurately track her position, so after thinking about it, she decided to decide. Delay first.

The signal fireworks released by Jiang Lin must have notified others. As long as it is from Tianyuan Town, she doesn't need to worry too much.

Who in the whole pastoral town does not know that she is a "weak woman".

"This girl, Yuchan doesn't know what you're talking about."

Li Yuchan put on a pitiful look and continued to rub her ankle.

Hehe, want to procrastinate?

Jiang Lin sneered when he saw Li Yuchan's ignorance when he asked three questions. Since he delayed the time, he would accompany him.

At that time, directly expose the true face of this old witch in front of Huang Chong and the others.


At this time, Huang Chong rushed over with a group of security guards.

Seeing Jiang Lin looking into the alley, Huang Chong and the others saw Li Yuchan sitting by the side of the alley through the moonlight.

"Yuchan, why are you here?"

Huang Chong is also a fanatical fan of Tofu Xishi. At this moment, seeing his dream lover kneading his feet, his love overflowed.

"Captain Huang, the slave's mother has a cough. The slave wanted to go to the front to get the medicine, but he fell and couldn't get up. The young master and the young lady just stopped here and said something the slave didn't understand."

Li Yuchan looked weak and pitiful, which instantly made Huang Chong and the others want to jump up and hug her.

It's so late to ask for medicine for my mother, what a wonderful woman, my darling.

Huang Chong immediately began to think) (prostitution, if he can take Li Yuchan home, his mother can also be taken care of by this kind-hearted Xi Shi.

Not only Huang Chong, but the dozen or so team members behind him looked at Li Yuchan's jade) (foot, they all felt that their mouth was dry.

"Captain Huang, this woman is the initiator of the appearance of paper sticks and embroidered shoes in your pastoral town."

Jiang Lin allowed Li Yuchan to swing the diorama there. The better he fiddled, the better the effect would be if he pierced it for a while.


Huang Chong vetoed it outright, and even Jiang Lin's identity as Taoist priest was thrown into the clouds by him.

"Master, you must be mistaken."

"Yeah, there must be a mistake."

The team members behind Huang Chong also agreed.

Although the mayor has repeatedly told them to listen to Jiang Lin's words, it seems to them that Jiang Lin is clearly talking nonsense here.

Tofu Shih Tzu is the originator of paper tie and embroidered shoes, I'm afraid it's lame.

If it wasn't for a charming and charming girl beside Jiang Lin, Huang Chong would have suspected that Jiang Lin was blocking their goddess, there must be some bad intentions.

Li Yuchan's eyes flashed a hint of pride, and the reactions of these people were all she expected.

Even if it is suspected, so what? Outsiders are always outsiders. No matter how high the morals are, no one will believe what they say.

As long as she dies for a few days, Li Yuchan believes that Jiang Lin has nothing to do with her, so can she keep monitoring her?

Although she has now come to the time when she must absorb her soul to continue her life, but now that there is obstruction, she is not good at committing crimes against the wind.

The young Taoist priest in front of her made her feel very difficult to deal with. During the day, she didn't even notice that the other person was a Taoist priest.

Li Yuchan can live safely for so many years, but she is not an old-fashioned old woman. After she appeared in Jiang Lin, she recalled the scene when she met Jiang Lin.

At that time, Jiang Lin touched her wrist, and as soon as he touched her like this, he would block her at night. This was not something ordinary Taoists could do.

"The paper stickers and the embroidered shoes came out of the tofu shop just now, or what would Brother Lin do with the signal fireworks for you?"

Tian Ji was very speechless to Huang Chong and the others. This Tofu Xi Shi was an old woman in her [-]s. The expressions and eyes of these men were as if they wanted to carry Li Yuchan to their bed.

It makes me sick to think about it!

Jiang Lin was not angry because Huang Chong and the others didn't believe his words. He looked at Li Yuchan quietly and said, "Do you think I have nothing to do with you now?"

Although I don't know how Li Yuchan managed to escape through walls and be invisible as a person, this didn't affect Jiang Lin's confidence.

Before, at the door of the tofu shop, the five paper stickers disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Lin knew where they were going.

Even if those paper stickers are not ghosts, they are still spiritual bodies. Since they are such things, he has a way to make them appear again.

Seeing the flat expression on Jiang Lin's face, Li Yuchan's heart suddenly shuddered, and she realized that she really did not plan for the worst.

Jiang Lin didn't wait for Li Yuchan's reaction at all, his hand suddenly formed a seal, and a half-human-sized three-legged golden crow flew out of his body and rushed towards Li Yuchan with lightning speed.


Li Yuchan screamed, and then found that there was no problem with herself.

Just when she was confused about what Jiang Lin had done to her, she discovered that Huang Chong and the others were looking behind her in surprise.


One red and one black paper pricked man was pinched by the claws of the three-legged Golden Crow, struggling in mid-air.

"Paper stick people!"

Huang Chong was the first to shout, and Li Yuchan looked behind and found that the paper sticker that she had in her body had left her body.

"Now do you believe it? I haven't told you yet, this tofu Xishi from your pastoral town is actually at least eighty years old and an old witch. She should scare your villagers to maintain her own appearance. More than ten You still look like a girl all year round, do you really think it's the effect of eating bean curd?"

"Your dream lover is an old lady in her [-]s."

Jiang Lin unceremoniously added another hammer to Huang Chong's shocked hearts.

"Where are you holy?"

Li Yuchan looked at Jiang Lin with resentment in her eyes, this time her voice was no longer the soft and glutinous tone of a girl, but a downright hoarse voice.

"Eight... eighty years old?"

Huang Chong and the security guards behind him were all in a mess at the moment, and things changed so suddenly that they were overwhelmed.

In particular, the voice made by Li Yuchan has already fulfilled what Jiang Lin said.

Li Yuchan was the initiator of the appearance of paper tie and embroidered shoes in Tianyuan Town. It did give them a considerable shock, but compared to her goddess being an [-]-year-old grandmother, the shock of the former is nothing.

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