Chapter [*]: The Method of Refining Spirits

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I will kill you. Just worry about yourself. What is your relationship with the ghost witch?"

Li Yuchan had previously demonstrated the ability to penetrate walls, which reminded Jiang Lin of the masked ghost witch that was destroyed in his hands before, but the masked ghost witch's ability was better than Li Yuchan's, and he could escape.


As soon as Jiang Lin's voice fell, Li Yuchan screamed. She found that the vitality in her body was leaking rapidly. Just now, Jiang Lin's three-legged golden crow passed through her body, as if a balloon had been drilled out of a big balloon. Same as vent holes.

In the blink of an eye, the skin on Li Yuchan's body began to wither like a flower, from firm and full to loose.

A girl who was like a flower and jade turned directly into a cat-faced old lady.


Huang Chong couldn't stand the visual impact and vomited wildly.

Huang Chong felt a chill in his heart when he thought that they had eaten the tofu flower made by this cat-faced old lady for so many years.

Behind Huang Chong, all the security guards followed him to form a team to vomit, they almost wanted to vomit out their intestines.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you give me back my youth! I'll let you die!"

The old witch touched her wrinkled face and could no longer be calm. The most unacceptable thing for her was that she grew old and ugly.

"Go away! Who owes you youth!"

Blue veins burst out on Jiang Lin's forehead, and the dead old witch said the same thing as he delayed her youth.

The wrinkled skin on the old witch's face, her turbid old eyes full of resentment, she screamed, and three paper sticks jumped out of her body.

A thick mist like ink spurted out of Zhi Zha's mouth, and it spread all around in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Lin ducked to Tian Ji's side and used yin fire and yang flame to block the dark smoke, but although he took care of Tian Ji, Huang Chong and the others suffered.

A group of security guards inhaled the black mist, and their eyes suddenly turned red, completely losing their rationality, and rushed towards Jiang Lin and the others, while the old witch took the opportunity to escape through the wall.

"Back then, the masked ghosts and witches couldn't escape, so you would pass through a wall and let you run away?"

Jiang Lin's palms became red and he slapped wildly on the foreheads of the security guards who were rushing towards him. A group of security guards who had lost their senses lay down straight, with the black mist that was inhaled in their noses and mouths.

"Tian Ji, this is the Yang Yin Talisman, turned into Talisman water for them to drink."

After instructing Tian Ji, Jiang Lin went after the old witch.

Following his breath, Jiang Lin rushed directly into the tofu shop, but apart from some utensils for making tofu, there was no old witch.

Hearing the abnormal sound from the floor under his feet, Jiang Lin stomped his feet together and stepped on the floor to make a big hole and landed in the basement.

The basement is very open, there are five coffins on display, and there are nearly a hundred paper sticks hanging on the ceiling above the room.

"I knew you would come after me."

A grin appeared on the old witch's face, and then she stooped and patted the ground, and a circle of ghost-headed runes appeared on the ground.

The formation of ghosts and witches.

After the witch formation was activated, an inverted bowl-shaped light curtain appeared in the area where Jiang Lin was, trapping Jiang Lin inside.

"Jie Jie, be afraid, be afraid!"

With the hoarse laughter of the old witch, strange fluctuations appeared in the witch formation, Jiang Lin felt his heart beating violently uncontrollably.


The old witch lifted the lids of several coffins, and the corpses inside sat up, with black ganoderma-like plants the size of washbasins growing on their faces.

The old witch took a dagger and cut off several plants by their roots, and threw them into the witch formation where Jiang Lin was.

A strange scent rushed towards Jiang Lin's nose and mouth, and Jiang Lin felt that he had a feeling of heart palpitations for no reason.

"Old witch, I'm afraid you used these things to deal with the Taoist priests before, right? The tofu flowers you sell by the tofu witch have the yin poppy flowers that make people addicted to the yin year, yin moon, yin sun, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, yin, and yin, I'm afraid it is to use them. Plant these things on your body. What grudges do these people have with you, you want to turn them into fertilizer, and refine your soul into a spirit?"

These paper stick people are not ghosts, but they can be controlled by the old witch, and their abilities are similar to ghosts. Jiang Lin remembered the shikigami used in Japanese demons, and these paper stick people may be quite similar to them.

While asking the old witch, Jiang Lin observed the witch formation, the formation that could scare people to death. This was the first time he had seen it.

It seems that the magic of the ghost witch lineage is not useless at all, at least the method of refining the soul into a spiritual body, Jiang Lin has not yet mastered.

"Hey, you still have some eyesight, it's a pity, you will become a mindless fool in a while. After absorbing your soul consciousness, I will be young and beautiful forever. As for these people, they are all mine. Man, you have to take your life to be good for me. Being a woman is really a happy thing."

The old witch had a smug look on her face. Among these people, there were princes and nobles, and there were rich and squires. Not all of them bowed down to her beauty.

What an old lady!Returning tofu Shih Tzu is simply a tofu bitch!

"Huh? Why are you still awake, impossible."

The old witch gradually found that Jiang Lin was still not affected too much, so she increased the power of the formation.

However, she didn't know that Jiang Lin had no heartbeat and no breathing since he found out that something was wrong.

This formation was no longer effective for him.

not good!

The old witch immediately changed her mind and wanted to kill Jiang Lin as soon as possible. This young Taoist priest was too weird.

"Na Ling! %¥#@..."

The old witch was chanting an obscure incantation, and the paper stickers on it began to let out creepy laughter, rushing towards the old witch's body one by one.

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth kept twitching, and after every paper prick dashed into the old witch's body, the old witch would let out a very refreshing cry.

God knows what it's like to hear an old mom make a ummmmmmm.

Jiang Lin still has no way to block his ears with his spiritual power.

fuck!shut up!

Jiang Lin took the corpse poison and stepped forward with his palms. A pillar of fire slammed into the light curtain. In a few breaths, the witch formation was broken open by him.

In this short time of counting the breaths, the old witch's breath has suddenly increased a lot. If she is asked to put all the paper into her body, I am afraid it will be really difficult to deal with.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

After releasing the three-legged Golden Crow, Jiang Lin formed a seal in his hand again, releasing the mysterious light of Yang Yang.

The whole street was echoed with the shrill screams of the paper piercer.

After a loud bang, the old witch was bombed to the point where only her amputated limbs were left.

With the experience of dealing with ghost witches, Jiang Lin completely let go of his spiritual sense, and the Yang Yan whip in both hands shook out, tying the soul of the old witch who was about to escape.

Jiang Lin put a trace of true sun fire into the soul of the old witch, and said, "Hand over this method of refining the spirit, or let you taste the eternal torture."

Chapter [*]: The Thief Heart of the Oriental Demon Road

Jiang Lin wanted to obtain this method of refining spirits on a whim. After he had dealt with the affairs of Xiangxi and the treasures, he needed to go down and deal with the Phantom Rakshasa. If he could collect a few Rakshasa to protect Zhang Han Jiu Shu It is also a very good practice to work with Chen Yu and Ren Tingting.

"Impossible, how could you break this formation so easily, how could you be so strong at such a young age?"

The old witch's soul screamed. She couldn't believe that she had taken in so many spiritual bodies, but she was vulnerable in front of Jiang Lin, and even her soul did not escape.

"Haha, do you think I haven't seen the methods of ghost witches? Be quick, or you won't be able to do it if you want to die."

Jiang Lin shot out another ray of true sun fire and penetrated into the soul of the old witch.

After that, he threw out a soul-suppressing talisman and ignored the old witch, and studied the formation on the ground. He became interested in this formation that could kill people without blood.

Destroying a cat-faced old lady didn't give him anything at all. The arrogance value contributed by dozens of paper stickers together did not exceed [*]. Studying and studying this formation method can be regarded as a little bit of money.

The next day, Tianyuan Town caused an uproar, and the tofu Xi Shi in their town turned out to be a vicious old witch.

With the evidence of Huang Chong and the others and the basement of the tofu shop as evidence, they can only believe the fact even if it is unexpected.

For a time, the medical hall in Tianyuan Town was full of people, and those who had eaten the tofu flower sold by the old witch all vomited and couldn't eat.

Even the mayor spat out the yellow bile water.

After detoxifying the poison of Yin Suhua for several people in the town, Jiang Lin took the reward and took Tian Ji on the way home.

Now that the matter was settled satisfactorily, Jiang Lin also wanted to take Tian Ji on a tour of the mountains and waters, and the journey was not too far, so he did not rent a carriage.

"I thought the old witch's mouth was so hard."

Jiang Lin flipped through the method of spiritual refining that he had written down by himself, and saw some flaws that the old witch had deliberately left behind, but these were all trivial matters. Jiang Lin felt that as long as he took some time, he could make up for the method of refining the spirit. Still no problem.

"Brother Lin, you said that the old witch used evil methods to keep her face at a frozen age. Isn't there a normal channel to keep her face? Compared with my sister, I am like a sister."

Tian Ji pouted her lips. Although her elder sister had the same appearance as her, she looked younger than her, which made her a little unhappy.

Women in this era are still relatively precocious, and [*]-year-old women and [*]- or [*]-year-old girls can still see it.Jiang Lin said in Tian Ji's ear: "Your sister is young and Shui Ling, because she married me, and you will become younger in the future."

Does the round house become younger?And this statement?

Tian Ji had never heard of such a thing, but since Jiang Lin said it, she didn't doubt it.

"Luoxia is quite beautiful."

Jiang Lin held Tian Ji's hand and admired the sunset on the mountain.

"Brother Lin, you have to go back for the wedding. I heard from my mother that if a woman is with a man for the first time, she will fall into red. People can't be with you in the teacher's door...even in the inn."

"My sister told me that she is a little tired to sleep with you alone."

Tian Ji Qiao blushed brightly, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

If Jiang Lin didn't know what Tian Ji wanted to do, he could hit the south wall.

"Then we won't go back for the night, you wait a while."

Jiang Lin came to a mountain wall, used a bone sword to cut a hole in the mountain, and split a stone bed inside.

It seems that the first time the pepper was lost in the cave, these two sisters...

A magic circle was set up outside the cave, and Jiang Lin entered the cave with a shy Tian Ji.

Embarrassed, Tian Ji began to remove her clothes. After a while, under the light of torches, a body like suet and jade appeared in front of Jiang Lin.

"Brother Lin, is Tianji beautiful?"

"As beautiful as your sister."

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