Jiang Lin untied his belt, spread his robes on the stone bed, hugged Tian Ji, and let this unmanned girl cover his face, with a guard on his arm) (The sand was bright red. .

Kiss the forehead, kiss the cherry lips, and then go down.

Tian Ji's body trembled slightly, a little scared and a little expectant.


With a short scream, the red sand on Tian Ji's arm began to fade away.

It is more comfortable to listen to the voice of my daughter-in-law.

"What's wrong, Tian Ji is injured?"

Jiang Lin carried Tian Ji back to the teacher's door, and Tang Xiaorong thought her daughter's legs and feet were injured.


Tian Ji's face turned pink, and then she rolled up her sleeves and showed her mother a look.

"What kind of mother has what kind of daughter, it's not married yet."

Tang Xiaorong rolled her eyes at the young couple.

Jiang Lin laughed dryly and returned to the room with Tian Ji behind his back.

After settling Tian Ji, Jiang Lin came to Jin Tianyi's room.

Now that Jin Tianyi is back, he is ready to deal with the treasure.

When he was in the deserted house, Jiang Lin had an idea to use the treasure thing to kill the Japanese demon.But at that time, because he needed to save his wife, Jiang Lin could only slow down this plan.

Now that other things are over, he will let the news of the treasure to be released to the Japanese demon, and then he will be able to turn the Japanese demon into a pot.

"Tell me, how did you get injured before, and what have you been doing these days?"

"Go out and talk."

Hearing that Jiang Lin first asked how he was injured, Jin Tianyi gave him a playful look and walked out of the room.

During her drowsiness, she vaguely remembered that Jiang Lin came to take care of her.

Because he was wearing Jiang Lin's clothes, Jin Tian was more sensitive to the smell on Jiang Lin's body.

This man is not so hard-hearted, and he let me lean on his arms and bring me a bowl and medicine.

However, when he thought of this mission, Jin Tianyi felt bad.

"There are a group of oriental magicians in the north of Hunan, and I don't know much. The leader is Yamada Wantai, the son of Yamada Kazuo, the head of the Jiuju faction. It seems that he is going to search for powerful evils in the western Hunan area and make a secret weapon. It is used against the Taoists of our country."

Jin Tianyi looked at Jiang Lin and bit the word "my country" very seriously. She knew that Jiang Lin had always been concerned that she had something to do with Japanese demons, but she couldn't explain these things to Jiang Lin clearly.

"Looking for powerful evils and making secret weapons?"

Jiang Lin frowned, China is vast and rich, there are still many evil things in the world at this time, if it is used by Japanese demons, it will be a disaster.

Chapter [*] The unexpected counterattack

"Yes, it is possible to obtain materials on the spot, and it is very likely that they will be placed on the battlefield."

Now as long as you are intellectuals, you can basically see that Japan is still ambitious for this land, and war will break out sooner or later.

"Understood, how did you get hurt?"

"It was made by the subordinates of the Eighth Prince. He thought that the treasure map was in my hands. Now even the Four Baylors suspect that I stole the treasure map."

Jin Tianyi looked at Jiang Lin with a small grievance on his face. It was because he took the treasure map that she was suspected from above.

"I'm married to Yamada Manta."

"I'm sorry, you're going to be unmarried and widowed."

Jiang Lin shrugged, since Yamada Manta of Jiuju's faction was in northern Hunan, then he would just go and seduce his soul.

"It's not my will, it's my job."

Jin Tianyi felt chest tightness for no reason, and Jiang Lin didn't have much reaction when he heard the news that she was getting married.

People have been wearing your clothes and are reluctant to take them off. Don't you understand what it means?

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved, Jin Tianyi turned his face to one side.

It's right that her life is in Jiang Lin's hands, but she does these things voluntarily.

"Tomorrow you will go to Xiangbei with me, and then go to Fengtian to see the treasure... uh~"

Halfway through Jiang Lin's words, Jin Tianyi rushed up and put his arms around his neck, blocking his mouth with red lips.

Biting Jiang Lin's lips fiercely, Jin Tianyi glared at Jiang Lin and said, "You have seen my body, I want to return it."

Before Jiang Lin could react, Jin Tianyi opened his mouth and said: "You want to know why I am related to the Oriental Demon Dao, I will tell you. I studied Japanese in Manchuria since I was a child, and was secretly sent to the East by the imperial court, in a world of ice and snow. After being frozen for a few days, he was finally adopted by a magician there and learned Taoism by his side. A few years ago, in response to the call of Prime Minister Yuan Jing, the magicians of the East formed the Alliance of Magicians, with Yin-Yang Dao and Nine The Ju Yi faction, headed by them, began to come to China."

Jin Tianyi took out the handkerchief and wiped the blood on Jiang Lin's lips, and continued: "The Magician Alliance has many tasks, some for you local Taoists, some for investigating ancient tombs in China, some for finding Chinese dragon veins, and some for uniting with Manchuria. Yes. Thanks to my efforts, I became Sibeile's subordinate and brought him a lot of information. So on the bright side, the Alliance of Magicians knew that I was working for Sibeile, but what they didn't know was that I was originally there. people."

Jiang Lin nodded, thinking about the information contained in Jin Tianyi's words.

If that's the case, it's not surprising that Kindaichi knows about Abe's death and Yamada's blindness.

"I am now a pawn that has been squeezed out of value. Manchuria, regardless of my wishes and life, let me marry Yamada Manta to get more core information for them. However, is core information so easy to get? If you miss it, it's not death. It is estimated that they have already regarded me as a double room.) (Spy. Jiang Lin, I don't expect you to believe me. When I get to Fengtian, I will steal my files and let you See it clearly, then destroy it."

There was a sparkling light in Jin Tianyi's beautiful eyes. After so many years, what she said must be backed up by facts to be credible.

Even the man who made her tempted would not easily believe what she said.

"The thing about the dragon veins... um~"

Why do you come again?

This was the second time, Jiang Lin's words were blocked by Jin Tianyi's two cherry lips.

"You've seen me twice, maybe more than twice, and I'll pay it back again. I'll tell you about the dragon veins on the way tomorrow."

Before Jiang Lin could respond, Jin Tianyi sobbed and ran away.

Looking at Jin Tianyi's back, Jiang Lin recalled the "return back" she said, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

This way of fighting back really caught people off guard. Has anyone fought back like this?

If you are seen, you want to kiss back?Again and again.

"No wonder she will be hunted down if she leaks secrets."

Jiang Lin felt that if what Jin Tianyi said was true, he could save Jin Tianyi's life.

As for whether it is true or not, it is estimated that we should see it in two days.

Jin Tianyi should have known from his attitude towards the Oriental Demon Dao that he would kill these magicians. In this case, she also informed him of Yamada Manta's whereabouts, which is no different from selling Yamada Manta.

This is equivalent to Jin Tianyi being an accomplice.

Moreover, Yamada Manta's identity is extraordinary. If Jin Tianyizhen sold him, the credibility of what she said would be relatively high.

"Master, it is estimated that Uncle Shi and the others will be back tomorrow. You and Jerry should go back first. I need to go to Fengtian."

After Jiang Lin found Zhang Han, he told him about Tianyuan Town, and also said that he had something to do.

"Be careful with everything. It's not too long for us to come out. Leave the apprentices of Yimei to me. Yimei has never met you before, and I won't hide from them."

Zhang Han basically supports what Jiang Lin wants to do now, and Jiang Lin is now fully capable of handling things by himself, so Zhang Han will not ask more questions.

On the first day, Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi went to Maxiangping in northern Hunan. Zhang Han and the others also said goodbye to Yang Shan and drove back to Renjia Town.

"If you let me marry Yamada Manta, I will never let you go."

In the carriage, Jin Tian wrinkled his nose at Jiang Lin after telling Jiang Lin what he knew.

"Why do I ask you to marry, you don't want to marry yourself, just don't marry."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, he just wanted to run away if he didn't marry, and since he's gone, is it possible to let Dongyang Yaodao do red things on this land?Don't talk about red things, they don't deserve to do white things.

"If I don't marry, can it be the same as if you didn't let me marry?"

Jin Tian looked at Jiang Lin with a burning gaze. Since she confessed to Jiang Lin, she found that she was much bolder and was not afraid of Jiang Lin at all.

After the conversation changed, Jin Tian said: "The Yamada family has the blood of the eight-headed snake, and it is very difficult to kill. You have to deal with Yamada Manta, you must be careful."

Jin Tianyi's reminder reminded Jiang Lin of a movie he watched in his previous life, Exorcism Police) (The police used Maoshan techniques to deal with a female boss of Jiuju's faction.

In the end, the female boss was burnt to the point of being blackened and not dead.

"Blood of Orochi? Even if the blood on him is dragon blood, I will kill him."

Since he knows the traces of this group of oriental demon quilts who like to make troubles, he will not let them live anymore.

The last time he dealt with Yamada Kazuo, he failed to kill him because his spiritual power was exhausted, and he did not expect Yamada Kazuo to have such vitality.

The same mistake, Jiang Lin will not make a second time.

Chapter [*] Is there a lot of people?

"You'd better change your clothes. At least don't dress so conservatively. The incident happened with King Abe Ye and Kazuo Yamada. The Japanese magician is already very cautious."

Jin Tianyi asked Jiang Lin to change his outfit. Jiang Lin's clothes made people look like Chinese. In this age, he still wears a cloth shirt, so he really doesn't know how to dress himself.

Jiang Lin looked at his clothes, and then remembered that if he just passed by like this, he would probably arouse the vigilance of those demons right away.

It would be bad if they slipped by then.

Three days later, Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi came to Maxiangping.

Jiang Lin bought a small suit at the town's suit shop and changed it into an intellectual.

very handsome.

Jin Tianyi kept peeking at Jiang Lin and almost cried.

"Okay, don't look at it. Go to the place where the Eastern Demon Dao gathers."

Jiang Lin could feel that Jin Tianyi's eyes were always on him without looking at him.

Jin Tianyi's handsome face turned pink in an instant, and he muttered, "Who said I looked at you, I just looked at the fabric of this suit."

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