"Trust you, bit my lip, and drool at me now."


The gathering place of Japanese demons is very secretive. If it weren't for the Jintian Belt and Road, Jiang Lin would have been hard-pressed to find these people even if he knew that they were in Maxiangping.

Looking at an inconspicuous Taoist temple in front of him, Jiang Lin sighed. The situation similar to Jin Tianyi happened on both sides, and the undercover agents of the Jiuju faction in Xiaoleiyin Temple were the best proof.

Jiang Lin heard Jin Tianyi say that the current head of the Taoist temple here is Japanese, and now there are no local Taoist priests in the temple, all of them have been exchanged, and all the magicians inside are disguised as Taoist priests.


As soon as Jiang Lin and Jin Tian entered the mountain gate, two fake Taoists greeted them.


Jin Tianyi showed his token and greeted the two fake Taoist priests in Japanese.

"Souga. Kunichwa."

"Yamada-sama doesn't let us use our native language, it's more subtle to use Edina's language."

The two bowed to Jin Tian, ​​and as soon as they raised their heads, two golden beams penetrated between their eyebrows.

Without even making a sound, the two of them died.

Jiang Lin hid the two bodies in the bushes beside him, and continued to follow Jin Tianyi up the mountain.


Jin Tianyi's sweet voice was like a talisman for life. As long as she greeted these magicians and the magicians responded, their lives would come to an end, not even their souls.

Yang refers to the qi, Yang refers to the sword, and the fire whip for life, on the way to the main hall, no less than twenty people died in the hands of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's methods made Jin Tianyi feel a little chilled, but fortunately she didn't face Jiang Lin's hostility, otherwise she would really die miserably.

Now Jiang Lin can kill each other regardless of beauty or ugliness or male or female.

"Jin Tianyi, you are here, who is he?"

When a magician in a robe saw Jin Tianyi, his attitude was not bad, but when he saw Jiang Lin behind her, his expression suddenly changed.

"Kunicheva, I'm... here to kill."

Jiang Lin smiled at the magician, and then a yang-fingered sword pierced the magician's angry voice and threw him out.

"Why did you kill him? He is Yamada Manta's henchman. We don't know where Yamada Manta is. What if we startle the snake?"

"It's all in the main hall of the Taoist temple, go."

Jiang Lin's ear was extraordinary. He heard that there were people arguing in the main hall above, and there were quite a few people.

"Sir Yamada, this time you brought more than [-] people here. In addition, there are more than [-] people in the Taoist temple. Even the ghost king and the demon king can be taken down."

"Yes, there are many evil things in Xiangxi. As long as they can be used by us, they are the most powerful weapons."

"Haha, Chinese Taoist priests would never have imagined that they would be approached one by one."

As soon as Jiang Lin and Jin Tian approached the main hall, they heard the Dongyang Yaodao speaking loudly inside.

"Jiang Lin, there seems to be a lot of people, what should I do?"

Jin Tianyi frowned. There were magicians standing guard around the main hall, and there were many people inside. It was not an easy task to deal with.

"There are too many people, isn't it? The more the better."

If the oriental demons were scattered in the Taoist temple, Jiang Lin would still feel a little headache, but now that they are together, Jiang Lin hopes that the more people there are, the better.

Jin Tianyi: "..."

No matter how talented you are, you are also alone. If you are run away by them one or two times, you will definitely be in trouble.

So many people, how can they kill them all at once?

Jin Tian and Jiang Lin were quite speechless. There should be forty or fifty people in the main hall. Even if a few zombie kings entered, they might not all die in it.

Jiang Lin ignored Jin Tianyi's white eyes, and began to mobilize the spiritual power and Yang Yan in his body.


A [-]-meter-tall three-legged golden crow appeared behind Jiang Lin, with its golden wings spread out, more than a hundred Daoyang pointing swords shot towards the main hall of the Taoist temple.

"This... what is this?"

Jin Tianyi was so frightened that he sat on the ground. Was this huge bird made by Jiang Lin?

Just when Jin Tianyi was dumbfounded, the doors and windows of the front hall were suddenly shot with large holes by the fire swords like crossbow arrows.

There were screams inside.

"What's going on, what's going on here?"

Yamada Manta, who was sitting in the first seat, looked bewildered. Why did so many fire swords appear without any warning in advance?

"Our traces have been leaked, withdraw!"

As soon as Yamada Manta's order was given, the three-legged Golden Crow pecked open the roof of the main hall.

"God, what is this?"

"Is this Phoenix?"

"No, this is Fire Spirit!"

The Three-legged Golden Crow has no spirituality. Even if it has spirituality, it will not communicate with these oriental demons. It comes here as a boomboomboom.


A not-so-small main hall became a ruin in an instant, and the sky was full of charred corpses and stumps.

Fifty kills in one hit!

"This main hall is not too small. Why don't you crowd a few people, Jin Tianyi, don't you think, there should be fifty more people."

Jiang Lin was very melancholy, he felt that he had suffered a big loss this time.

Just a waste of resources.

Two or three times the number of people, that is, it will be over in one explosion.

Jin Tian blinked, she was stunned and had nothing to say.

The Oriental Demon Dao, who was still talking loudly in the main hall a moment ago, has now been blown up even his soul.

Any rhetoric, or looking forward to the future, those who couldn't withstand Jiang Lin's explosion were all paper tigers.

Of course, even if you hold on to it, it's still a paper tiger.

Chapter [-]: Lend me your blood to study it

"I think the Japanese Magician Alliance may be planted in your hands. They don't know that there is such a powerful Celestial Master in the Republic of China now."

Jin Tianyi mourned for Yamada and the others, and being targeted by such a powerful Taoist priest, he really didn't even know how he died.

"They don't know my information?"

Hearing Jin Tianyi's words, Jiang Lin was also stunned. He abolished King Abe Ye's foundation, destroyed Kazuo Yamada's eyes, and later killed King Abe Ye, and Dongyang Yaodao didn't even know his name. ?

In fact, after Jiang Lin defeated Abe Yewang, the latter did not announce to the public who he was planted in.

King Abe Ye has already sent his cronies to find out Jiang Lin's identity, and he wants to find a medicinal pill in the Jin tomb to restore his cultivation, and then bring someone to find Jiang Lin to settle accounts.

It's a pity that he met Jiang Lin in the tomb of Jin, and he burped.

On the other hand, Yamada was seriously injured and comatose after his eyes were destroyed by Jiang Lin and was sent back to Japan for treatment.

Therefore, neither of the two parties involved or had time to convey Jiang Lin's information.

"Are you Daoist Li Yang?"


Later, after listening to Jin Tianyi's remarks, Jiang Lin learned that the alliance formed by Dongyang Yaodao had also checked him, and they had obtained the information of Daoist Li Yang, but the "Daoist Li Yang was deceased" accounted for a relatively large proportion of the information.

Ha ha.

Jiang Lin was still quite speechless. His fame in Tengteng Town was too great, and with the impetus of bad things spreading thousands of miles, there are still a small number of people who don't know that he came back alive.

"In addition, when the Alliance went to investigate you this year, they didn't see you in person for several months, and they also decided that you were dead, so they stopped paying attention."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin recalled that he had been staying at home for almost July, not to mention the Japanese demons investigating him, even Daoist Qianhe and the others were not easy to see him in Renjia Town at that time.

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin said, "It's better if they don't know, I'll give them big gifts one by one."

"You are so black..."

Jin Tianyi pouted, glanced at the ruins, and saw a group of snake shadows, she said: "It seems that someone is not dead."

Jiang Lin nodded, and he saw it too.

Unexpectedly, someone could actually withstand his explosion. Looking at the phantoms of the four giant snakes coiled on the ruins, Jiang Lin knew that Manta Yamada was indeed here and not dead.

After kicking the slate away, Jiang Lin saw Manta Yamada lying on the ground, looking extremely miserable.

His hair was gone, his scalp was charred, an arm was broken, and half of his feet were missing.

"I didn't lie to you, he is the son of Kazuo Yamada, the head of the Jiuju faction, Yamada Manta. But after such a big explosion, he didn't die."

Jin Tianyi walked into the ruins with Jiang Lin. After seeing Yamada Manta, she was also surprised by Yamada Manta's vitality.

"He should have a magical weapon on his body, otherwise he won't be able to live."

Jiang Lin condensed [-]% of his body's spiritual energy to form the Golden Crow's Yang, and it would be no problem to blow up the Zombie King. This Yamada Manta is still alive, and he doesn't believe it if there is no amulet.

"Jin... Tian Yi, I'm... your fiancé, how could you... treat me like this."

The resentment in Yamada Manta's eyes almost turned into substance, and he was planted in the hands of a woman.

"If you want me to marry you, look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you have. Even if I had a fiancé, I wouldn't be like you."

Jin Tianyi snorted, and his eyes fell on Jiang Lin involuntarily.

"What kind of secret weapon do you Toyo Yodao want to make?"

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