Jiang Lin held his arms and looked at Manta Yamada on the ground. Killing is necessary, but it would be better if he could get some information.

"Who the hell are you?"

Yamada Mantai stared at Jiang Lin's face. If his soul can escape, he must use the power of the alliance to deal with this young Taoist priest.

He killed forty or fifty of them all at once. If such people are not eliminated, they will definitely become a major obstacle to the alliance.

"You don't deserve to know who I am."

Seeing that Yamada Manta would not speak easily, Jiang Lin turned over him directly.

The harvest is not bad. Jiang Lin got an ancient book and a secret book, but half of it has been burned.

"Kindaichi, look at what's written on it."

With a Japanese-speaker by his side, Jiang Lin didn't need to look for an interpreter.

Jin Tianyi unfolded the secret fold and said, "This is about secret weapons, but the important information has basically been burned. The secret weapons these people want to make are spirit weapons, and it seems that they are still being researched."

"Spiritual body weapon? Is this the method of refining spirits?"

Jiang Lin handed over the ancient Japanese book in his hand to Jin Tianyi. After Jin Tianyi flipped through it, he nodded to Jiang Lin, which described the methods of refining and raising spirits, as well as conquering shikigami.

Nodding slightly, Jiang Lin shot another ray of true sun fire into Yamada Manta's body, trying to pry more information out of his mouth.

Since the Toyo Yaodao collects powerful evil spirits here, the place for spiritual refining must be on this land.

However, Yamada Mantai's mouth is very hard, and he won't say anything other than "Long Live the Emperor".

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude. Your Yamada family seems to have the blood of the Orochi Orochi in your body. Encounter is fate, lend me your blood to study it."

Jiang Lin lifted Yamada Manta like a chicken, and the yin fire whip rolled up the incense burner for incense.

Jin Tianyi almost laughed, these unlucky bastards met you where it was fate, it was obviously bad luck!

After Yamada Mantai drew the Dao Fengsoul spell on his forehead, Jiang Lin held his wrist and ankle together and hung him in the air.

"Don't blame chicken, chicken, you are a dish of the King of Hell."

Jiang Lin threw out his bone sword and slashed Yamada Mantai's neck, which is how the farmhouse kills chickens.

"Hoohoo, barren! If you want to use evil spirits to deal with our compatriots, I'll be merciful if you don't treat you Lingchi."

If they really become evil spirits, people killed by evil spirits may even swallow their souls. The hearts of these oriental demons are not poisonous.

Jiang Lin took a brick and stuffed it into Yamada Manta's mouth, with such a ruthless heart, it was nothing to let him shed some blood.

Throwing the "chicken" that had dried blood in his hand behind him, Jiang Lin let out the flames and led to the belly of the incense burner.

He wants to refine the blood of the eight-headed snake.

"Your Yamada family has the blood of the eight-headed snake. I'm sorry, Jiang Lin likes to eat snake soup."

Four hundred and eighty fifth chapter four dishes and one soup

The flame gradually began to spread upward from the belly of the cauldron, and finally wrapped the entire censer cauldron.

The blood in the cauldron was baked by the yang flame containing the true fire of the sun, and the evil energy contained in it gradually began to condense.

Gradually, the blood water in the cauldron began to solidify and carbonize due to the high temperature, and the flames rushed into the cauldron, leaving only a layer of blood skin and a red blood drop.


Now this drop of blood essence, even without the supply of vitality, has begun to change under the surging Yang Yan.

A group of snake-shaped light and shadow began to appear in the air, and the four heads screamed at Jiang Lin.

Yamada Mantai did not have the blind Yamada Kazuo, who was able to use the power of the Orochi Yachi to attack, but also because the host was not strong, the phantom of the big snake just kept roaring.

"It should be Orochi, why only four heads?"

Jiang Lin always had a doubt about the phantom of the big snake manifested in Yamada Kazuo and his son, the number of snake heads was wrong.

"I don't know the specifics. It seems that the power of the Orochi Orochi is too huge. Once it is fully manifested, it will swallow the host."

The secret of Orochi Yachi is the core secret of the Yamada family, and Jin Tianyi has heard some rumors. She really can't help Jiang Lin in this regard.

"Cough, you actually... The idea of ​​hitting the eight-headed snake, you will definitely die~ It's a very miserable death!"

Yamada Manta clutched his carotid artery, cursing Jiang Lin with a hideous expression.

He has no hope of surviving now, even his soul has been sealed in the body, and the end of the soul is not far away.

At this time, he could only use all his strength to curse Jiang Lin not to die, and even wanted to live until he witnessed Jiang Lin playing with fire with his own eyes) (the moment of burning.

"Jiang Lin, is he still valuable?"

"Kill it."

Jiang Lin didn't look at Yamada Manta, his soul was sealed in the body, and as long as he died, the soul would disperse.

But if he has to be there now, then send him on the road as soon as possible to avoid calluses on his ears.

"Okay. Ugly Shenmaozi Haiyou. Flowing Fire Technique!"

Jin Tianyi's ten fingers that were like light green turned like a wheel, and the seal was transformed to form a sun wheel mark. The wrench on her finger lit up, and balls of fireballs flew from her palms to Yamada Mantai.

Yamada Manta, the unfortunate bastard, originally had the blood of the Orochi Yachi in his body, and his physique and vitality were much higher than that of ordinary cultivators, but he was bombed by Jiang Lin and his blood was drained, so he could only watch himself. Covered in flames, waiting for the end of the ashes.

"What pure evil power."

Feeling the evil spirit emanating from the snake-shaped phantom, Jiang Lin was also surprised by the powerful power contained in this drop of blood.

"If you were really the Orochi, I would definitely turn around and run away, but now you are just an evil force condensed from a mass of blood, so I'm welcome."

After measuring for a while, Jiang Lin inhaled the drop of blood into his body, and then quickly mobilized the true sun fire in his body to surround it.

Although the evil power contained in the blood drop is very essence, Jiang Lin has the true fire of the sun in his body, which is invincible to all evils. It is perfect for confining and refining the essence in the blood drop.

If he can absorb this drop of blood, it will be of great benefit to his corpse.

"Okay, then let's go to Fengtian to find treasures."

Before the Flying Mouse King left, Jiang Lin had instructed him to send Zhang Han and the others to Renjia Town, and then he went to Taiping Mountain and asked Bai Daochang to send the unicorn corpse back to Renjia Town.If there is Zhang Han in the Taoist Church, they can control the unicorn corpse as a means to protect Ren Tingting and the others.

After dealing with the unicorn corpse, the Flying Mouse King and the Colorful Tiger King will go to Fengtian to join him.

Those treasures in Jianglin will not be obtained by the Japanese nor in Manchuria. He is even less prepared to keep it by himself, but he must take it away and cannot stay in Fengtian.

"Great, treasure."

Jin Tianyi's face is full of excitement. After finding the treasure, she can have enough capital to get rid of her current identity and start a new life.

Originally, she planned to go to Nanyang with a lot of wealth to start a new life, but now this idea has gradually begun to change in her heart.

No matter how much money, how can it compare to a man who can be depended on and dependable?

"Dongyang Yaodao, your black-bellied grandpa Jiang has prepared a big surprise for you."

Jiang Lin decided to use the power of his pit gods to let pot after pot of demons know how the Chinese character " pit " is written.

After resting in a nearby town, Jiang Lin asked Jintian to translate the Japanese from a handful of ancient books.

Xiangbei is more than [-] kilometers away from Fengtian. Even if it is possible to take a train, it is estimated that it will take more than half a month to arrive. During this time, Jiang Lin is going to put the method of refining spirits and ancient books that he received in Tianyuan Town. Study the spirit refining technique.

Twenty days later, Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi came to Fengtian Dijie.

Before the two helpers arrived, Jiang Lin followed the directions recorded on the treasure map and headed to Xianfo Mountain in Long Beach Town.

With his current ability, it is not a problem to explore the treasure palace first.

"I'll go down and have a look first, you wait for me up there."

After explaining Jin Tianyi, Jiang Lin went down the hole he just made. His current position should be the entrance of the treasure palace.

After going down to the treasure palace, Jiang Lin felt a strong evil spirit.

Jiang Lin's pupils turned green, and he could see the surroundings of the treasure palace clearly.

The mummified corpse of a monk with a broom in his hand, a blood-colored lotus pond, four animal statues, several large-scale formations, and a gate.

What the hell, there are floor sweeping monks in this treasure palace? ?

Jiang Lin thought the picture was a bit interesting, but the sweeping monk was not from Shaolin, and the attire on his body looked like a Tibetan Buddhist lama.

"This statue seems to be the Four Great Immortals of the Northeast."

Jiang Lin looked at the statues of fox, weasel, long snake and mouse in front of him, and a few flames popped up to light up the oil lamps on the palace wall.

As soon as there was light in the underground palace, the eyes of the four statues radiated a strange light, and at the same time, a strange wave spread across Jiang Lin's body.

At this moment, images of various meats appeared in Jiang Lin's mind, as if his body was smelling aroma.

He has an illusion that the meat on his body is very delicious, more fragrant than Tang monk meat.

At the same time, the mummified corpse of the lama with a broom in his hand jumped into the blood-colored lotus pond with a thud, and bones floated up one after another.

No wonder it is called Xianfoshan. The four immortals and the Buddha's corpse are gathered together, and together with these magic circles, even if someone gets the treasure map, I am afraid that they will not be able to enter the gate to retrieve the treasure at all.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but admire the viciousness of the old witch Cixi. As long as someone came to move her private money, she would definitely lose her bones in the end.

"Four dishes and one soup, this is a reasonable way of hospitality. Especially this bone soup, it's really big bone nutrition in it."

Jiang Lin joked with himself very humorously, and then he spread the corpse poison all over his body, and the illusion of becoming a glutton just now disappeared.

This treasure, it seems that it is not easy to get...

Chapter [-] They are all gifts!

Jiang Lin looked at the pile of bones in the blood lotus pond, and felt sad for the death of those unlucky ones.

Eat yourself up.

"If you say that you have four dishes and one soup, do you really consider yourself a dish? Roar!"

Feeling that the power of the formation was gradually increasing, Jiang Lin let out a corpse roar, and a strong thought centered on him and blasted all around.

The four statues groaned at the same time, the stone skin on the surface burst apart, and four figures with human and animal heads jumped out from inside.

Hu Xian, Huang Xian, Liu Xian and Grey Xian, the four demon kings.Among them, Hu Xian and Huang Xian are slightly stronger, while Liu Xian and Hui Xian are weaker, but they are all at the level of demon kings.

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