
The lama corpse also jumped out of the blood lotus pond and stood in front of the four immortals, with a pair of scarlet corpse eyes looking at Jiang Lin.

This lama corpse is a zombie king.

Jiang Lin's face was a little dignified. It was really not an easy task for him to deal with these five powerful evil beings alone.

Apart from the Buddha's corpse, the four immortals are far from being comparable to ordinary demon kings, and they can crush other demon kings in terms of IQ.

The broom in Lama's corpse swayed on the ground. As long as Jiang Lin didn't go further, it wouldn't take the initiative to attack.

Jiang Lin gave it a very difficult feeling.

"Go back to where you came from. The Treasure Palace is not a place you can come."

The leader of the lama corpse did not make any statement, and Hu Xian, who was behind him, began to clamor.

With such a combination, even if a thousand-year-old zombie king or a peak-level celestial master came here, he would still have to kneel.

So it doesn't take Jiang Lin seriously at all.

"The tone is not small."

Jiang Lin looked at Hu Xian coldly, stretched out his fingers and shot out a yang finger.

Do you think that many people can be dragged?Give you a shot!

"Pfft", Hu Xian's shoulder was shot with a blood hole.

"court death!"

"Destroy him!"


Jiang Lin's provocative behavior angered the other three demon kings and lama corpses, who flickered and surrounded Jiang Lin directly.

With the bone sword in hand, Jiang Lin fought the five evils by himself.

In the past, Jiang Lin fought alone, but this time he was besieged, and his pressure was not small.

The four demon kings cooperated very well, and with the lama's corpse restrained by the side, it didn't take long for Jiang Lin's body to hang.

However, the lama corpse and the four demon kings also suffered some injuries.

Jiang Lin didn't use all his strength this time, he just wanted to feel the strength of the lama's corpse and several demon kings to prepare for the follow-up plan.

This battle made Jiang Lin realize that he still has some shortcomings. If it is one-on-one, he will not be afraid even if he encounters the Millennium Zombie King, but he does not have much experience in one-on-one.

This is also due to the environment. The current demon king is not something you can meet casually. It is rare to encounter several demon kings at once.

Before Jiang Lin met the Demon King, it was basically because he went to places with many evil things, such as Shu and Xiangxi.

The ten fingers and the yang fingers burst into flames, and Jiang Lin temporarily forced the lama corpse and the demon kings to retreat, and withdrew himself first.

The religious beliefs of the Qing Dynasty included Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism. These evil objects guarding the treasures were equivalent to gathering the strength of the two religions. He wanted to go and retrieve the treasures behind the door without injury or minor injuries. reluctantly.

Another reason is that Jiang Lin originally wanted to use this place as a gift to give to the Oriental Demon Dao, so he didn't need to fight with the lama corpse and a few demon kings for the time being.

After destroying these demon kings, he still needs to do it himself.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't stop there, he withdrew first, he was going to wait for the materials and magic tools to arrive before killing him.

"You are hurt?"

As soon as Jin Tian saw Jiang Lin's clothes stained with blood, his face was full of concern.


Jiang Lin went up and grabbed Jin Tianyi's wrist and ran forward.

He has basically investigated the level of danger below, and now he doesn't need to entangle with the lama's corpse and a few immortals.

"I really don't know whether to live or die, and I run quite fast."

Hu Xian chased after the entrance of the cave, and saw that Jiang Lin's back was about to disappear from sight.

After going down the cave, Hu Xian's double palms emitted an electric light, destroying the entrance of the cave.

Several demon kings returned to their original positions, chanted the incantation, and a piece of ashes sprayed out from the stone wall, and they turned into statues again.

"Is there any treasure down there? Treat your injury as soon as possible."

Jin Tianyi withdrew his hands, feeling a little sweet in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, there is a zombie king and four demon kings guarding it. It's not easy to get the treasure."

Jiang Lin briefly explained the following situation.

It's over, it's over, a zombie king and four demon kings, how to get this treasure?

Jin Tianyi had a lost expression on his face. He finally got a treasure map and found the treasure, but he couldn't get it, which was really annoying.

"Then can you kill them?"

"What a pity to destroy them. Your awareness is too low. They are all gifts!"


Jin Tianyi felt that the hair on his head was not hair, but question marks.

Jiang Lin, imitating the way a scholar reads, shook his head, and said, "With the way of the other side, I will give it back to my body. They are the big gift bags I gave to those demon Taoists, how could I be willing to kill them."

Didn't the Oriental Demon Dao want to use the evil spirits on Chinese soil to deal with the Chinese?

Then let them experience the power of lama corpse and northeastern home immortal.

Jiang Lin decided to take a few pictures of golden and silver glittering with the camera before emptying the treasure inside. When the treasure was emptied, Jintian sent a handful of photos to the Oriental Art Masters Alliance, so that those Yaodao comes to pick up express delivery.


Jiang Lin felt extremely comfortable just thinking about it.

However, it takes some brains to pack these five powerful evils into gifts.

After that, Jiang Lin stopped thinking about it, sat cross-legged, and refined his own corpse poison.

"He always seems to be calm."

Jin Tianyi really doesn't know why Jiang Lin is so calm. The treasure inside is not a small amount. There may be [-] taels or even a million taels of gold and silver, but this man doesn't seem to be excited at all.

And what makes Jin Tianyi even more speechless is that Jiang Lin seems to be more interested in killing the oriental demons than treasure.

In the afternoon of the same day, King Pandan Tiger and King Flying Mouse also arrived in Fengtian.

The two demon kings followed the scent of the river forest over the mountains and came to this rarely-traveled Xianfo Mountain.

Chapter [-] Knocking on the sap is cool for a while, and it’s been cool all the time

"Master, the old master, the old mistress, and the three mistresses have arrived in Renjia Town safely, but Mistress Qian has not woken up."

"Master, the formation materials and everything you need are all brought, luckily not to be humiliated!"

A cat and a mouse saluted Jiang Lin.

"Well, if you do well, you will be rewarded, and then you will perform well, and you will have to benefit from it."

Jiang Lin nodded, took out a few medicinal fruits from the cloth bag and threw them out.

A cat and a mouse were caught in his hands, and he was fascinated by the medicinal fragrance emanating from the medicinal fruit.

It's right to follow the master!

This thing is not worse than thousand-year-old ginseng.

Demon... Demon King?

Jin Tianyi felt a little dizzy, and she realized that she didn't seem to be in the same world as Jiang Lin.

Two powerful demon kings are called Master Jiang Lin, this is too incredible!

I really can't look at this man with normal eyes, no, this man might be a monster.

Jin Tianyi took a peek at Jiang Lin, really wanting to see if Jiang Lin had an extra tail.

It's no wonder that there are several demon kings below Jianglin that are not considered a thing. With these two demon king battle pets, it is really not impossible to obtain treasures.

"Hello, mistress! I'm Tom. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mother Mistress, I'm Jerry, and I'm happy to serve you."

After receiving a compliment from Jiang Lin, the two pets went to please Jin Tianyi.

This mistress is so pretty and has really long legs.

This leg, the owner should be able to play for a year.

The King Pandan Tiger and the King Flying Mouse waited for Jin Tianyi to say that they were really good, but they saw Jin Tian's face was flushed, a little annoyed and a little shy.

"Who made you scream?"

Jiang Lin kicked the two goods to the tree and hung them on the branches.

Master, can you blame us for screaming?Aren't the beautiful young women around you all our mistresses?

The two pets felt very injured, and this kick was too bad.

Jin Tianyi's eyes became a little sad, these cats and mice call you master, why can't they call me mistress?

I still don't accept me in my heart.

With a small pouting, Jin Tian walked to the side and stood. After a while, she said, "Do you need my help? If not, I'll take care of my own affairs first."

"Not needed yet."

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Lin laid out the materials and utensils brought by King Panlan Tiger on an open space, and began to study how to use the formation method to bring down the few evil creatures guarding the treasure.) (Press it down.

After measuring for a while, Jiang Lin had an idea, but a new problem appeared.

There is a lama corpse and four demon kings below. It is almost impossible to set up a formation inside. Even with the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king, he can't get away.

Unless you can separate them and deal with them one by one.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's mind suddenly flashed, and he didn't have to arrange the formation in the Treasure Palace.

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