Liu Xian was so angry that she vomited, and ran from the underground palace to the entrance of the cave.

"Leave the iron stick for me, you use your tail, I hit the head, you hit three inches, Jerry hits seven inches."

Jiang Lin took the big iron rod from King Panlan's hand and made a gesture of violently hitting the penguin.

The sound of the snake's breath came from below, so Jiang Lin knew that Liu Xian was next in the middle.

"Straight) (Hu Xian, the thief, doesn't have good things..."


Before Liu Xian's words were finished, Sanji sap greeted him.

If Hu Xian and Huang Xian could still move their hands, they would definitely cover their faces, it would hurt to look at them.

Not long after, there was another big zongzi on the ground.

"Fuck Nima's sassy fox and yellow-skinned child, even playing their own brothers with outsiders... ah~"

Liu Xian cursed loudly, but Jiang Lin's ray of sunshine made it scream like a woman giving birth to a child.

"Shangxian, don't, don't, I'll act, I'll act!"

Liu Xian's bones were softer than his two brothers, and he surrendered within five minutes.

So the double reed became a group cross talk.

"Second Master, you three shameless idiots don't even think about me!"

Half an hour later, the gray immortal got out of the hole. After coming up, the Celestial Master had no dharma body, and the three-note sap was appropriate.

Chapter [-]: Ten Billion Treasures

The feeling of hitting the sap is really cool.

After knocking twice in a row, Jiang Lin found that he always wanted to hit the back of the head of the floor sweeper below.

Gray Fairy felt that there were nine planets revolving above her head.

Jiang Lin didn't wait for it to react, and went up to three, five, and two and also put the iron chain in its body.

After Hui Xian came back to his senses, Hu Xian, Huang Xian and Liu Xian stared at it with big eyes.

"What about the Celestial Master? Why are you here?"

The mouse whiskers beside Grey Fairy's mouth swayed, not realizing what happened for a while.


The Flying Rat King gave it a stick of its kind, and still thinks about the Celestial Master's Dharma Body. Is its owner so easy to fall down?

"Don't say anything, our Four Immortal Groups have lived for hundreds of years, and I haven't seen any scenes. I didn't expect to fall into this stage today."

Huang Xian drooped his head, their combined ages were nearly three thousand years old, and they were planted in Jiang Lin's hands today.

One by one they were also beaten with sap.

If this matter spreads out, those descendants of them will not be able to lift their heads.

Hu Xian and Liu Xian also had ugly expressions on their faces. They could not have imagined that Jiang Lin's power was unexpected.

Not to mention himself, the two demon kings under his command are not weaker than them at all.

The four of them are now locked by the magic chain, and they don't even have the ability to manifest their body. The spiritual power of their whole body can't move at all.

"Jerry, let me watch them, you know the consequences if something goes wrong."

Jiang Lin didn't mean to listen to the nonsense of a few Jiaxian. There was still a floor sweeping lama to deal with, and it was the most difficult thing to deal with.

"Master, please rest assured."

The Flying Rat King raised his spirits, took the iron stick in his hand, and swiped the four immortals on the heads four times, knocking them all unconscious.

Although following Jiang Lin has many advantages, if things go wrong, he will suffer a lot.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, this little mouse is quite clever.

Afterwards, he asked Panlan Tiger King to bring tools and go down to the cave with him.

"Tom, I'll leave it to you, hold on to this lama's corpse, don't let it stop me. Jerry followed me to visit the tomb before, and he performed very well. If you can't beat it..."

"Master, don't worry, even if Tom sacrifices his life, he won't let that mummy interfere with the master."

The colorful tiger king roared, turned into a huge colorful tiger, and rushed towards the lama's corpse.



Corpse roar and tiger roar echoed in the underground palace, and a corpse and a tiger staged a corpse tiger battle.

With the colorful tiger king blocking the lama's corpse, Jiang Lin began to study several formations in front of the gate.

He doesn't want to destroy these magic circles. Now he doesn't have too much material for the magic circles. If he can paralyze these magic circles, and then repair them after emptying the treasures inside, then here is the The mortal place of the oriental demon.

After half a day, Jiang Lin finally solved the several circles in front of the door. These circles were probably arranged in a hurry at the time. There were several flaws in them, which saved Jiang Lin a lot of energy.

After that, Jiang Lin set up five small Tianlong Towns in front of the door. Tianlong Town was his use of the reverse effect of the Tianlong Barrier, which could be used to suppress demons and corpses.

After Jiang Lin completed the formation, the Panlan Tiger King was almost at the limit.

The body of the lama corpse is completely weathered, like a mummified corpse covered in black, and its body strength is almost comparable to that of the thousand-year-old zombie king.

"Grandma, I don't believe that you are stronger than me!"

Panlan Tiger King is now completely fierce. Because it can't let the lama corpse interfere with Jianglin, it consumes more energy than fighting.

A huge tiger claw patted it, and the lama's corpse lifted its palms to the sky and held it abruptly, and the floor under its feet exploded from the ground.

"It seems that a demon king is still not good enough to deal with a lama corpse."

Jiang Lin seized the opportunity and was in a rush. He still couldn't hold back the stick and knocked on the back of the lama's head.

A lama corpse holds a broom and pretends to sweep the floor. What he pretends is not to sweep the floor, but B.

It simply insults the image of a sweeping monk in his heart.

After hitting the sap a few times, Jiang Lin slashed the lama's corpse with the Yang Finger Sword and smashed it into the air. After that, a dozen or so Yang Finger Swords were thrown out and nailed the Lama's corpse to the wall.

"Aren't you a floor sweeper? I specially prepared it for you."

Then an iron chain soaked in blood essence pierced the heart of the lama's corpse. This iron chain is obviously much thicker than the one that imprisoned a few family immortals, and there are clear runes on it, and the flames are shining.

"Hold it down!"

Jiang Lin pulled the chain and pulled the Lama's corpse over. The King Pan Lan didn't dare to delay, and his two tiger claws pressed the Lama's corpse's limbs to the ground.

Jiang Lin took out one hundred-year-old peach nails stained with blood essence and stabbed them into various points on the lama's body. .

In the end, Jiang Lin tied the lama's corpse in the same way and placed it in Tianlong Town.

Panlan Tiger King went up and lifted the four immortals and threw them into Tianlong Town arranged by Jiang Lin.

"Then let's see what the treasure is hidden by the old witch Cixi."

Jiang Lin stepped forward and pushed open the door. Inside, gold and silver radiance really flickered. Gold ingots, silver ingots, and gems such as pearls competed for light.

"Master, this is the treasure hidden by Cixi. It's not necessarily how many."

The colorful tiger king curled his lips, the treasures inside looked very good, but it was not at all what he imagined.

"That's right, this is also called a treasure?"

The mouse boy glanced at it, and the expression on his face was the same as that of a house cat.

Too little!

The gold inside is about the size of a mahogany wardrobe, and the silver is quite a lot, but it's only two or three piles of wheat straw.

Two idiots!

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. One cubic meter of gold weighs ten tons, or [-] catties.Although the amount of gold and silver here seems to be small, according to the measurement of the Qing Dynasty, there are seven or eight million taels of gold at least, and at least seven million taels of silver.

Coupled with those pearls, jade and gems, what is this special treasure?

If this is in the early [-]st century, [-] billion RMB is appropriate.

"You guys just watch here, I'm going to do something."

Jiang Lin thought of a slightly larger town nearby and went to a photo studio to buy a camera.

Happy to share, he wants to share the joy in this treasure palace with the Japanese demon.

Jiang Lin estimated that the Japanese demon would definitely die of laughter after coming here.

There are so many treasures inside the door, and there are several suppressed evil spirits in front of the door. Jiang Lin would not believe it unless he laughed until his mouth cramped.

However, Jiang Lin still hoped that they would find that the treasure was empty, and that the evil spirits would still be able to laugh after losing their confinement.

Chapter [-] Jiang Shenyi

On the way, Jiang Lin has been thinking about how to transport the gold and silver out.

Fengtian is more than [-] miles away from Renjia Town. To transport these treasures there is like a fool's dream.

Even if he is unlucky, Jiang Lin is not going to give it to ZF here.

Fengtian belongs to the Northeast, and now the big warlords are in power. How many of them really care about the suffering of the people?

He plans to deal with these treasures by himself. Droughts and floods are relatively common in this era, and these wealth can play their role in his hands and be really used for disaster relief.

Originally, Jiang Lin was unwilling to do these things. He would rather find someone like Dashuai to distribute his wealth.

But since he became the yin chief, he has learned that doing such great deeds can accumulate yin virtue, and the more virtue he accumulates, the better it will be for the people around him.

Chen Yu, Ren Tingting, and Jiang Lin are not too worried. It is no problem to live at least three hundred years old, but Jiu Shu and Zhang Han are different.

Even if he has been using the corpse poison essence and special medicinal materials to help them prolong their lives, it is not enough for ten or twenty years, and it will not work after forty or fifty years.

After the two elders discovered the problem, they may have known that he did it. If they rejected the kindness, they would eventually return to the loess one day.

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