Jiang Lin wanted this day to come as late as possible.

At that time, the yin virtues he had accumulated would come into play.

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Lin still felt that the sea route would be more convenient. Although gold weighs several tons, it is fortunate that it is not large, but silver is much heavier.

If you use a cargo ship, go from the Hun River to the sea and go directly to the sea area closest to Renjia Town. At that time, it should not be a problem to ask the commander for a favor.

The next day, Jiang Lin bought a camera in a big town a hundred miles away. As for the purchase of a ship, he wanted to wait for Jin Tianyi to come back and do it together.

Jin Tianyi has always been in the northeast, and he should know a lot about the situation in this area.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also wanted to arrange a super-large formation above the Treasure Palace, and he needed to purchase a lot of materials, so Jin Tian had to go with him.

He wants to use the big formation to completely seal the entire underground palace space, making it a secret big formation that can only be entered and cannot be exited, and its power must last for at least ten years.

He wants to trap these oriental demons for more than one generation. Lao Tzu will trap Lao Tzu, son will trap son, grandson will trap grandson.

If the war starts in the future, how could the Eastern Demon Dao give up this huge piece of fat? Jiang Lin asked them to die in batches, and it would be best to fill the entire underground palace with bones in the end.

After returning to the Treasure Palace, Jiang Lin took several photos one after another, and then he pitched a tent near the underground palace and waited for Jintian to return.

But four or five days passed, and Jin Tianyi still did not appear.

"Could it be that she went to Manchuria alone?"

When Jiang Lin was in doubt, a staggering figure appeared in his sight.

When Jiang Lin saw Jin Tianyi again, he found that the girl was covered in blood, had more than one gunshot wound, and was holding a file bag in her hand.

"Jiang...Lin, this...is my file, my real name is Jin Tianyi, you have to believe me."

After saying this, Jin Tianyi fell down.

Jiang Lin went up to support her, tapped a few key points on her body, and temporarily stopped the bleeding.

After checking Jin Tianyi's injury, Jiang Lin frowned, if there is no miracle, she is dead.

There were many broken bones in the whole body, internal organs were pierced by ribs, and there was too much blood loss, even if it was too late to go to the operating table for rescue now.

Jiang Lin bit his finger, refining his own corpse poison and feeding it to her.

Now I can only hang her life first.

"You two, be optimistic about the corpse of the lama and a few family immortals in the underground palace. If there is any change, here is the blood essence I left, just pour it on the magic circle."

Jiang Lin threw a bamboo tube to Panlan Tiger King, then hugged Jin Tianyi and hurried to the nearest town.

After finding a clean farmhouse, Jiang Lin gave the farmer women a few oceans and borrowed their side room.

"Trouble auntie to get some hot water and clean cloth, money is not a problem."

Seeing that the peasant woman was frightened by the blood-covered Jin Tianyi, Jiang Lin sent her away.

After closing the door, Jiang Lin exposed a pair of zombie teeth, bit through Jin Tianyi's snow-white neck, and sent the corpse poison refined in her body into her body.

Now only a large amount of corpse poison essence can save this silly girl.

Then Jiang Lin took off the clothes of the person on the bed, washed his hands with hot water and wine, and slid away Jin Tianyi's chest and abdomen with his fingernails over an inch long.

Her internal organs also need to be treated, otherwise, no matter how good the effect of the corpse poison essence is, it will only cure the symptoms.

After dealing with the internal injury, Jiang Lin dealt with Jin Tianyi's trauma. Finally, he cut his palm and wiped it on Jin Tianyi's wound.

This kind of injury, I am afraid that Hua Tuo and Bian Que are reincarnated, and there is nothing they can do.

But for Jiang Lin, who can refine corpse poison into essence, it is not too difficult to save people.

Jiang Lin felt that if he opened a hospital, his reputation would not be smaller than Hua Tuo and Bian Que.

To cure the disease and save the life, seek the divine doctor Jiang.

If one foot steps into the gate of hell, Jiang Lin can pull him back.

"It's like pulling you back from the gate of hell."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, then looked at the portfolio by the bed and unfolded it.

It contains all the information about Jin Tianyi's identity, as well as the tasks she has performed in the past.

Half a month later, Jin Tianyi woke up, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Jiang Lin leaning on the bed and resting with his eyes closed.

I'm not dead?

Jin Tianyi looked around and couldn't believe it. When she saw Jiang Lin, she thought she was going to be separated from him.

"woke up?"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes, looked at Jin Tianyi with a ruddy face on the bed, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"You saved me?"

"Otherwise? You're too daring, don't even tell me when you go to death."

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, Jin Tianyi lowered his head and said, "Go out first, I'm so itchy, I want to take a shower."

"The curse of death has been solved for you."

After saying this, Jiang Lin went out.

snort!Now finally believe me, it seems that it is not just that simple.

Jin Tianyi felt sweet in her heart, it seemed that Jiang Lin had been by her side these days.

Except for the bandages on her body, Jin Tianyi was surprised to find that she didn't have any scars on her body, and her skin was like a newborn baby, white and red.

Chapter [*] Happy Dead Day!

Not long after, the peasant woman brought a tub and new clothes over.

"Follow him in the future, maybe you don't have to worry about major or minor illnesses."

Jin Tianyi was sitting in the tub, recalling the content of the aunt chatting with her just now, her face was ashamed as a nectarine.

The aunt thought that Jiang Lin was her husband.

"Why are you still sullen, you keep misunderstanding me, do you know?"

After taking a shower, Jin Tianyi asked Jiang Lin to come in, wanting to ask about the situation of the Treasure Palace, but Jiang Lin sat at the table with her back to her, drinking tea with her head down.

He was not in a particularly good mood. When he came to Fengtian once, he not only had to pay for the materials and efforts to deal with the Oriental Demon Dao, but now he had consumed a lot of corpse poison and medicinal materials for Jin Tianyi.


"Oh what, it's just that you didn't believe me, so I took the risk of death to get my own file. I didn't even say a word of apology."

Jin Tianyi sat on the bed, pursed Cherry's mouth in anger, raised a big white leg and tapped Jianglin's shoulder.

"This time, people are equivalent to rebelling out, and they will be hunted down by killers in Manchuria in the future. You have to be my bodyguard."

Frowning a pair of small crescent eyebrows, Jin Tianyi looked at Jiang Lin's face, now she is relying on this man.

Now the bequeathed members of the Qing Dynasty will definitely not be able to spare her, and if her identity in Japan is discovered in the future, she will definitely be hunted and killed, and even if she flees abroad, it may not be safe.

"Being a bodyguard for you? You treat yourself as a princess, can you afford me?"

Jiang Lin was instantly rejoicing, even the prince of the dynasty in the monk era would not necessarily be able to invite someone who was at the peak of the Celestial Master to be his bodyguard.

How good is it to take a Celestial Master and Zombie King as a bodyguard?

"I don't have the money. Even if there is a treasure, I can't ask you. There is only one person, do you want it? Jiang Lin, I like you. You can also be a bodyguard. I will follow you in the future, will you protect me? ?"

"is it okay?"

This time, Jin Tianyi directly put a big white leg on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

It turned out to be kicking me just now.

Jiang Lin looked at Yu) (foot, frowning, and turned to look at Jin Tianyi.


Ward day.

When stretching your thighs, can you put on safety first) (pants.

Seduction, Seduction of Chi Guoguo.

"People aren't even afraid of death. I went to Manchuria to get my own files. I didn't want you to stop rejecting me. It's possible for you to accept me."

Jin Tianyi not only did not retract her small foot, but touched the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth with her toe.

"I think you're really daring. Are you strong?"

"Did you give me some ganoderma supplements? I feel that my body is better than before."

As long as you are in good health and don't feel empty, that's fine.

Jiang Lin was also going to tell Jin Tianyi that it was impossible to leave after eating so many good things from him.

"You... what are you doing? Do you want to marry someone?"

Seeing Jiang Lin begin to undress, he was about to come up, and Jin Tianyi subconsciously covered himself with the quilt.

If I don't marry you, I won't lose a lot. Do you know how much I've spent on you?Come on, let me play with my legs.

Jiang Lin lifted the quilt on Jin Tianyi's body and pressed it down.

Under the candlelight, Jin Tianyi's face was covered in blush, and she did not resist, so she let Jiang Lin break through her line of defense and become a woman.

"Tianyi, give me a leg hug."

"No, it's almost dawn, you have to do it again when you touch someone's leg."

Saying no, Jin Tianyi still put her big white legs on Jiang Lin's waist.

Two days later, Jiang Lin took his new daughter-in-law to the Treasure Palace, took fifty taels of gold, and prepared to buy the array materials and cargo ships.

Jiang Lin went to Jinshan School in the northeast to find Daoist Dan Yuan who he knew before, bought a lot of materials from him, and went to Laoshan again. After a lot of work, the two finally got everything done.

Back at the treasure cave, Jiang Lin melted the gold and silver ingots into pieces of gold and silver pie.Hunhe is not too far from Xianfo Mountain. He cooperated with two demon kings to transport hundreds of thousands of kilograms of gold and silver jewelry onto the cargo ship for three consecutive nights.

After that, Jiang Lin spent nearly half a month arranging a super-large magic circle as a feast to entertain Japanese demons.

"Jerry, you are watching from the cargo ship. Tom, you are in charge of guarding the corpse of the lama and the immortals at the Treasure Palace. My mistress and I will send someone to pick up the gift for the day of death."

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