"Dead...death day gift?"

Jin Tianyi couldn't help laughing out, everyone else was giving birthday gifts, but she was a better man, giving gifts on the day of death.

"Wife, it's up to you, I'll be with you."

"Don't worry, I will inform you of all the main strongholds of the Demon Dao in the entire Northeast."

Although Jin Tianyi knew some strongholds, Dongyang Yaodao didn't stay in the stronghold all the time. Even if Jiang Lin wanted to clear it, he was powerless, so he just waited for them to die.

Now Jin Tianyi's identity in the Union of Magicians has not been suspected yet. With the photos provided by Jiang Lin and her identity, the whole Fengtian suddenly set off an undercurrent.

Treasure hunt!Treasure!

Manchuria and the Chinese must not be the first to attack!

"Tom, did the black cat blood feed the lama's corpse?"

Jiang Lin squeezed a grape and put it into Jin Tianyi's small mouth, looked at the colorful tiger king who came up from the hole, and asked.

"Master, everything has been dealt with. I pulled out the peach wood nails, and the blood essence on the chain is about to disappear. I'll wait for you to start the formation."

"very good."

Jiang Lin then cleared his throat and howled at the stack of talisman paper with a few Japanese sentences taught by Jin Tianyi.

To the effect: a lot of gold!Come and help!Developed, developed!

The magic talisman in his hand is a phonogram similar to a sound transmission, which can record the voice of a person.

After going down to the underground palace, a phonographic array was placed in a hidden place. As long as there was excessive popularity, it would transmit sound to the outside.

All other places are equipped with soundproof arrays, in case the people inside are heard of tragic death and dare not go down.

"Start formation!"

Jiang Lin opened the underground palace and all the formations on the ground. After that, he carried Jin Tianyi to a nearby tree. Today, there will be Oriental demons here.

"Congratulations on your birthday and an early death. I wish you a happy death day. Your ancestors have today, and every generation has this day. Congratulations, congratulations to you."

Seeing a group of oriental demons disguised as Chinese coming over, the domestic cat beside Jiang Lin sang a "song of birthday wishes" very unkindly.

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers and said, "I wish you a happy death day."

The head of a Japanese magician held a photo taken by Jiang Lin in his hand, with a look of excitement on his face, he couldn't help but howl: "Long live the emperor!"

"Treasure, here we come!"

Chapter four hundred and ninety-two The place of preaching in the world of magicians

What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that not only a lot of oriental demons came this time, but also many Japanese officers who had changed their clothes.

What a surprise...

Jiang Lin only wanted to kill Dongyang Yaodao. Since these Japanese officers came to court death, could they still be stopped?

Jin Tianyi introduced to Jiang Lin: "That magician seems to be called Miyamoto Taro, a guy who is eager for success and good fortune."

"I'm eager for success, I like people like this, and they're quick to die."

Jiang Lin watched with great interest the following group of ghosts who seemed to be fathers, but unfortunately it was inconvenient to go into the underground palace to enjoy a movie of tearing devils by hand.

Sure enough, as Jin Tianyi said, Miyamoto Taro did not look for other entrances, and directly let the engineers dig.

There are so many treasures in the underground palace, and the small entrance is not useful at all. It is better to open a convenient hole and take out the treasure inside.

Miyamoto Taro took the lead and entered the underground palace from the entrance of the cave, followed by other magicians and several officers.

"Si... Si Guoyi, there are actually a few evil spirits here. They should be trapped by the formation and are waiting for the treasure inside."

"Lord Miyamoto, we can conquer these evil spirits and use them to study spiritual weapons. This trip is really worth it!"

After Miyamoto Taro discovered the lama's corpse and several family fairies, he felt happier than marrying a daughter-in-law.

"These are all rare breeds, there are four at once, long live the emperor!"

For the Warlock Alliance, these evil spirits are no less valuable than the treasures behind the door, and these evil spirits are also imprisoned by the formation. As long as they study the formation, they will be able to solve this problem without much effort. Several evil spirits took it.

At this time, Hu Xian and Huang Xian were very greasy in their hearts. They had been suppressed until now, and they were already full of grievances.

Forget Jiang Lin, he has that kind of strength, but what are these bastards?

It looks like I want to use them for research.

They are the four great immortal groups, and they are to be studied like white mice.

"Hayago! Hayagu!"

At this moment, a voice came from out of nowhere, and it was the voice array arranged by Jiang Lin that came into play.

The magicians, engineers, and officers outside heard the voice of the call, and they all got into the hole.

"What sound? What are you doing here? Go out! So as not to touch the formation here."

Miyamoto Taro sternly asked the engineers and officers who came in to leave quickly.

Tragically, however, they found themselves unable to get out.

Even if you go back along the original path, it will be like encountering a ghost hitting the wall.

"Old Hu, I'm so angry that I want to eat human flesh. I haven't tasted human flesh for a long time."

"Old Liu, I want to bite these idiots to pieces."

The iron chains on the four immortals have basically lost their restraining power. These big immortals were provoked by the demons, and the chains suddenly collapsed.

The power of Tianlong Town also began to loosen under their struggle.


The lama's corpse also burst into a fierce roar, and the chain on his body was instantly broken by him, and the huge force pushed the broken iron lumps to shoot at the Japanese demons and soldiers.

Miyamoto Taro's face froze suddenly, he never expected that the people on his side would not act rashly at all, and a few evil spirits would break free.

"Don't be afraid, these evil spirits have just been freed from their shackles, we will cast a spell to control them, the emperor is... long."

When Miyamoto Taro finished speaking the words of the year, he was surprised to find that his head and body were separated.

The Lama's corpse just waved his arms, leaving him in a different place.

This lama's corpse is the biggest gift in the spree prepared by Jiang Lin. Now that it has been promoted to the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king by Jiang Lin, it is definitely a big gift.

"Oh Kasang!"

"Oh Dosan!"

The underground palace suddenly wailed, and those demons couldn't walk for two rounds in the hands of the lama corpse and the demon king, let alone ordinary officers and soldiers.

In just a few minutes, none of the forty or fifty people who entered the underground palace had a complete body.

The few remaining people outside felt that something was wrong, so they went to rescue soldiers.

A few hours later, another group of magicians came here, still followed by engineers and other soldiers and officers.

Not long after they entered the underground palace, Jiang Lin's phonics array worked again: "Come here, move the treasure!"

The surprise on the faces of the soldiers and officers poured in.

After entering, their faces looked like they had eaten shit.

Damn, who the hell said to move the treasure? ? ?

It didn't take long for this team to be wiped out.

For three days, Jiang Lin saw seven or eight waves of Oriental demons entering the underground palace, and as many as five or six hundred Japanese soldiers entered.

None came out.

"Let's go, I'm tired of watching."

Jiang Lin came down from the tree with Jin Tianyi in his arms, and took the colorful tiger king to Manchuria.

In the palace of Baylor, Jiang Lin looked at Si Baylor quietly, with the bone sword in his hand on his neck.

"Jin Tianyi is my woman, and I hope that from now on, her true identity will be forever obliterated."

As long as Jin Tianyi's true identity is not revealed, the news she releases will convince Dongyang Yaodao.

This is the last thing Jiang Lin needs to do here.

"I have no intention of hurting you. As long as you know her identity is leaked, I will kill you easily."

Jiang Lin left this sentence and left Manchuria with Jin Tianyi's hand.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

As for the lama corpse and the four demon kings in the underground palace, Jiang Lin was not going to destroy them before the end of the war.

Keep them for more value.

In the following ten years, the existence of "innumerable treasures" in the underground palace has become a secret of the Japanese Magician Alliance, and the underground palace has become the "place of proving Taoism" for the oriental demons.

If anyone can bring out the treasure from it, he can become famous overnight in the magician world, and the magician alliance will also award him the highest honor.

Later, when Jiang Lin heard the news, he laughed until his stomach cramped.

It's really a good place to prove the Tao, double-click 666!

In a town, Jiang Lin wrote a letter to the commander and sent it out. He spent a lot of money to rent a sailor and captain, and sailed all the way down the river, and finally took the sea.

Half a month later, Jiang Lin landed with hundreds of thousands of catties of treasure.

Some inspections on the road are nothing to Jiang Lin, and it is not difficult for him to arrange some blindfolds.

Jiang Lin asked the commander to think of a way to transport the treasure back to Renjia Town.

Now Dashuai is a rich owner, and Jiang Lin is his big backer. He has taken care of everything, and he has also found a buyer for the cargo ship.

Although he didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to transport, the commander was very knowledgeable and didn't ask any questions.

Four hundred and ninetieth chapters crow by plane

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