"Brother, what are you doing with so many stones?"

The commander was a little stunned when he saw the colorful tiger king carrying a square stone. Jiang Lin used a cargo ship to bring the stone over.

When passing through the Bohai Bay, Jiang Lin went to Hebei to buy a lot of cement. The gold and silver had been changed by him, and the rest of the boulders were the foundations of the mountains he went to Mount Tai.

Jiang Lin plans to concentrate on studying the formation in the next few years, and he feels that he is still lacking in the formation of mountains and rivers.

"This is the base of Mount Tai, which can exorcise evil spirits."

Jiang Lin explained it to the commander casually and told him not to ask any more questions.

"Okay, little ones, move quickly and get into the car!"

Since the commander followed Jiang Lin to successfully explore several tombs, he has upgraded the equipment in his hand to several grades, including several military trucks.

With the great marshal opening the way, these disguised gold, silver and boulders were unimpeded and pulled to the door of the Daotang.

"Lin Zi, who are you?"

Jiang Lin moved the gold and silver in the shape of stones into the yard, but Zhang Han didn't understand what was going on.

As for the women at home, it is even less understandable.

After being busy for most of the night, Jiang Lin and the two demon kings were out of breath.

Jiang Lin motioned for the cat to close the door, then he took a hammer and knocked down all the cement on the gold and silver nuggets.

Stunned dog.

Omg, mountains of gold and silver.

"Husband, you...Are you moving that emperor's tomb?"

Ren Tingting's beautiful eyes are wide open. In terms of personal property, she is a veritable little rich woman among Jiang Lin's daughters-in-law, but the sale of her property is nothing compared to these wealth.

"This is the treasure that Cixi hid in Fengtian. I got it and I plan to keep it to do good deeds in the future."




So much gold and silver was transported from Fengtian to Renjia Town...

Is there anything your husband can't do?

Skill, this is the skill!

"Lin Zi, what's the specific situation?"

Zhang Han was also shocked by Jiang Lin's words. These gold and silver must have [-] catties. Is it possible to carry these things across the state and the province?

So Jiang Lin talked about Fengtian in general, and Zhang Han's jaw dropped.

A zombie king and four demon kings were suppressed by Jiang Lin under the underground palace, and they were also used as a gift package for the Oriental Demon Dao.

"Retired, retired, completely retired."

Zhang Han took the hands of his two wives and went back to the room. He was a little bit shocked and needed his wife's comfort.

Now he felt that he didn't even have one-tenth of Jiang Lin's ability.

Jiang Lin smiled, threw a small Ganoderma lucidum and a small ginseng to the two subordinates, and gave them the rough work.

"Come on, wipe your sweat."

Jin Tianyi took a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Hey! Stay away from my man."

Tian Ji is not happy anymore. When she was with Jiang Lin, she had eaten Jin Tianyi's jealousy. Now she and Jiang Lin are getting married next month. Yi entangled Jiang Lin.

"What a coincidence, he's my man too."

Jin Tianyi slapped Jiang Lin's face, Chongtianji rolled her eyes, and then politely greeted Chen Yu and Ren Tingting.

"Okay, no conflicts are allowed, the family wants to be with He Meimei. I'm exhausted, go back to my room and sleep."

Jiang Lin slept for two days and two nights, and Xiangxi and Fengtian were exhausted.

Originally, he originally planned to clean up the evil spirits there when he came back from Xiangxi, but now he has no such leisure.

It is now October, and he has to go down to meet Judge Lu.

But before that, he still needed to go out. He beheaded a large sand sculpture on the way to Xiangxi, and the two treasures in the demon cave were still there.

After he came back, he was about to drink Qiusheng and Wencai's wedding wine.

The meat of the loach demon king brought by Zhang Han gave them a lot. These two living treasures have never seen the world. They ate the loach meat as food for ten days and a half months.

The meat of the loach demon king is more nourishing than the average loach, and the aphrodisiac effect is not generally good.It happened that Shanshan and Zhenzhen came here to see Uncle Jiu a few days ago. Uncle Jiu and the two of them didn't see it, but they saw two boyfriends with fire-breathing eyes.

The two living treasures also entered the dining room without ringing the bell, so they will hold an engagement banquet with Shanshan and Zhenzhen at the end of the month.

Their wedding couldn't be done without Master, so they had to get engaged first, which was actually pretty much the same as getting married.

Jiang Lin checked the situation of the unicorn corpse and came to Xiao Li's room.

"Xiao Li, my husband will hold a wedding for you, and we'll do it together when your sister Qian wakes up."

Jiang Lin patted the bamboo umbrella to soothe Xiao Li inside, and then let Ren Tingting bring some clothes and a little mouse, and went with him to get the corpse-eating horned tortoise and the phoenix stone.

Ren Tingting snuggled up in Jiang Lin's arms in the carriage. She was very satisfied. Now she has many younger sisters, but Jiang Lin still dotes on her, and this time she took her out of the two-person world.

"Tingting, I've left you out in the cold this time."

"Husband, you don't need to say anything to me, Tingting knows that no matter when, people will be your little ones."

Ren Tingting didn't really care about the fact that Jiang Lin had been taking her sister home. Jiang Lin knew that when Xiao Li was pregnant with the baby, she could see the eloquent mood in her eyes.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, no descendant is the greatest.This kind of concept has a great impact on Ren Tingting and the others. Their stomachs are not up to par, and they have no problem with Jiang Lin asking for more daughters-in-law.

If any younger sister has another baby, they will be happy for Jiang Lin from the bottom of their hearts.

The carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain. After Jiang Lin took Ren Tingting out of the car, he heard the whistling sound of the propeller in the air.

Looking up, Jiang Lin was dumbfounded.

"This Nima is a crow flying on a plane??"

Nearly [-] meters high in the sky, a big black crow sat in the cockpit of a military plane. It wore a steel helmet and goggles. It looked like it.

The demon king flew a plane, who would dare to believe it?

"Damn it, why is this crow king so fashionable?"

The Flying Rat King raised the rat's head, and then fell to the ground. It was knocked down by lightning.

Crow King Wing pointed to the front and shouted loudly: "Crack! Little ones, break open the hole of that silly eagle for this king, there must be treasures in it!"

"Damn, it turned out to be trying to rob the young master. Jerry, take care of your mistress."

Chapter [-]: I have to make you into Zhou Heiya

After Jiang Lin instructed the Flying Rat King, he started climbing in three steps and two steps.

The corpse-eating horned turtle was trapped in an iron cage. If the Crow King got it and released it, it would be difficult for him to trap the corpse-eating horned turtle again.

If one were to ask which of the Celestial Master and the corpse-eating horned turtle was the nemesis of zombies, Jiang Lin would definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

After climbing the mountain, Jiang Lin discovered that more than a hundred crows formed a huge crow formation and charged towards the demon cave. The light curtain in front of the cave had already begun to disappear under the impact of the crow formation. The magic circle will be broken.

The magic array that Jiang Lin set up at the entrance of the cave was not too strong, and he didn't have a lot of materials in his hand at that time.

"Grab my stuff, you guys are so bold!"

Jiang Lin snorted, turned over and jumped up, his palms exhaled Yang Yan, and the two flamethrowers spewed a five-meter-long column of fire to sweep the crow in front of the hole.

Many crows became roasted crows directly, and the air was filled with a strong aroma of meat.

"Boy, who are you, you dare to move my subordinates of King Sweeping Tianyi!"

The Crow King didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway when the magic circle was about to lose its support.

Ha ha.

Skywing King?

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he heard the name of the Crow King. He found that these flying demon kings were really incompetent.

The previous sand sculpture was called King Xue Ying, but this crow was actually called Sky Sweeping.

The name is quite loud.

"This king has not eaten human flesh for several years. The last time I ate a few people who would only say Bajiya Road, they smelled fishy."

The Crow King stretched out his tongue and licked his sharp beak, looking like a glutton.

"What's inside is mine, if you want to die, come here."

Jiang Lin raised his eyes to see the king of the crow gliding by plane in the sky. If this black crow was a little bit more entertaining, he wouldn't have died so early.

"Ha ha……"

The Crow King seemed to have heard a very nice joke, and said with a smile: "What an arrogant human being, let this king roll, he has the courage, I really miss that crispy taste."


The sound of the whistling of the propeller became louder and louder, and a strange crow's cry came from fifty or sixty meters away from the Jianglin.


Hearing this sound, Jiang Lin felt his head stunned, and then a rain of bullets shot down from the plane.

"Fuck! Machine guns!"

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the plane that the Crow King was on had a machine gun that was more powerful than a machine gun.

The black zombie level is not afraid of the rifles and pistols of this era, but the machine gun can still break its defense, but it can't cause any damage. For the defense of the zombie king, it is enough to be shot by a heavy machine gun.

But now came the cannon.

Jiang Lin quickly strengthened his front, and danced his hands in front of him.

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